Larrys Newsletter No.41

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Number 41

Bonfire Nigh t

James Baptism

November 2003

Tu r n i n g o n the Lights

Onn SSaattuurrddaayy N O Noovveem mbbeerr 11sstt it was over to Rachael & Tony's for bonfire celebrations. Along with a huge bonfire and lots of fireworks there was plenty of food and drink to keep everybody happy.

So while the bonfire burned and the fireworks exploded, some preferred the warmth and “quiet� indoors. The computer games seemed to be favourite, and obviously required great concentration.

JJaam miieess 88tthh BBiirrtthhddaayy && BBaappttiissm m

Suunnddaayy 22nndd N S Noovveem mbbeerr was James birthday, and with it being his eighth, he was baptised and confirmed in the afternoon by his Dad. The baptism was very well attended, and then it was back to Eden and Karen's for a birthday tea.

IItt’’ss ooffff ttoo B Baannbbuurryy ffoorr tthhee ddaayy

Onn SSaattuurrddaayy 1111tthh N O Noovveem mbbeerr it was down to Banbury for the day, delivering and collecting Christmas presents, and taking the chance to look around the shops.

Christmas Lights Turned On Onn SSuunnddaayy 1166tthh N O Noovveem mbbeerr Larry and Elise headed for Centenary Square for the turning on of the Christmas lights. Jasper Carrott did the honours - but the real reason for our attendance was the live ‘performance’ of Blazing Squad. The excitement was too much!!!!

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