Number 73
August 2006
Emma & Sam in Tenerife
Banbury Visit
Isobel & Morgans Banbury Visit
OOnn S Saattuurrddaayy 1122tthh A Auugguusstt Nanny and Grandad took Isobel and Morgan to Banbury to visit Great Nanny and Grandad!!!
Bank Ho liday Day Out Auugguusstt BBaannkk H A Hoolliiddaayy saw Nanny & Grandad take Isobel & Morgan out for a few hours. They visited Meriden Country Park, and then went to the Airport on the shuttle ‘train’.
Em E mm maa && SSaam m ttrraavveelllleedd to Tenerife for 10 days at the end of August to stay in Sam's parents apartment. A relaxing time, and when they returned they were replaced by - Larry & Lynne - look out next month.