April 2008
OOnn TTuueessddaayy 11sstt A Apprriill Larry, Elise, Isobel, Morgan & Cydney headed for Drayton Manor Park for some holiday thrills and spills. Elise and Isobel on the bigger rides, Cyd & Morgan on the smaller ones. Grandad just got soaked on Storm Force 10 with Isobel. More pictures over the page.
W a r w i c k C a s t l e F u n
OOnn W Weeddnneessddaayy 22nndd AApprriill Isobel, Morgan & Grandad visited Warwick Castle for the day. As well as climbing hundreds of steps, we watched the firing of the trebuchet, saw the peacocks, met Rapunzel, and the girls both got into a sword fight!!
Rock the
Around Clock
Onn S O Saattuurrddaayy 2266tthh AApprriill Eden & Karen & Cath & Steve organised a ‘Fifties Night’ at the Chapel. As you can see on this and the following page everybody got into the ‘Swing’ of things and had a great time.
Ly n n e ’s 2 1 s t Birthday Again!! Apprriill A
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Biirrtthhddaayy.. Larry had the day off B work, and joined Lynne for a lunch time meal. Then Esther brought the girls over for a Birthday Tea.