How To Fix USB Device Not Recognized Error in Brother Printers
Fix USB Device Not Recognized Error in Brother Printers The USB Device Not Recognized error message is a clear indication that there is a connectivity issue between the Brother Printer device and the user’s computer device. Further users will come across with error message by displaying a text as “USB Device Not Recognized. One of the USB devices attached to this computer has malfunctioned, and Windows does not recognize it”. This text usually appears on the screen while users are working with the Brother Printer error. Our team of expert professionals has found solutions to Fix USB Device Not Recognized Error in Brother Printers and here are what they discussed.
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Steps to Fix USB Device Not Recognized Error in Brother Printers • Step 1: Connect the cable • The very first step which needs to be taken into consideration is simply to connect the cable to a different USB port of the computer to check for issue if with the computer’s hardware or not. • Make sure that you are not working with any hubs, extension cables, laptop docking stations, or any other such pass-through devices. • Step 2: Replace the USB cables • Now, one needs to replace the USB cable to check for any bad connection caused by the current USB cable • Make sure that the replacement cable is in category A to B USB cable with a required length of 2 meters which will be 6 feet long or may be less than that.
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• Step 3: Working with the USB cable • Disconnect the USB cable carefully from the Brother printer now. • Make sure you have powered off the Brother printer for atleast 1 minute and then power it on. • It is suggested by professionals to reconnect the USB cable to the Brother machine to check whether the issue has resolved? • Step 4: Perform a factory reset process • Professionals recommend users to test the printer’s settings before performing the factory reset process. • Now, carefully reconnect the USB cable to the Brother machine to check whether the issue is resolved or not? • If not then, try to connect the Brother printer to other computer device to perform a check whether the issue is with the Brother printer or with the computer itself.
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