How to Refill and Reuse a Dell Printer Cartridge
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Printer ink is one of the most expensive things that you'll run into when you set up your home office. You start out taking dozens of pictures with your new digital camera, download them onto your computer, print a few and then suddenly: the print cartridge runs out of ink. If you follow this how-to guide and refill your print cartridge instead of buying a new one, you can save literally hundreds of dollars in printer ink.
Purchase an ink refill kit at an office supply store Many office supply and discount stores carry this inexpensive kit. (It usually costs about half the price of an average printer cartridge.) You can also find these kits at online retailers.
Toll-free Number: 1-800-510-7358
Gather your kit, a roll of paper towels, and some clear scotch tape together on a large flat working surface, a table or desk.
Toll-free Number: 1-800-510-7358
Gather your kit, a roll of paper towels, and some clear scotch tape together on a large flat working surface, a table or desk.
Toll-free Number: 1-800-510-7358
Remove the empty cartridge from your printer. (Remember to close your printer lid or door while you are working.)
Cover your hands with a pair of disposable plastic gloves while you work with the messy ink.
Toll-free Number: 1-800-510-7358
Printer ink is expensive in case you are setting your home office. With the digital camera, you can take many pictures, download and take print but if the print cartridge does not have the ink, then the trouble will start. You need to know the refilling of the print cartridge instead of purchasing the new one. By doing this, you can save lot of money. Go to the supply store and buy the ink refill kit: There are many discount stores that possess the inexpensive kit and these kits are also available with the online retailers. Gather kit, paper towel roll and clear scotch tape and put all this on the desk or table. Remove empty cartridge from printer. Remember selecting the printer lid or door while at work. Cover hands with disposable plastic gloves while at work with messy ink. Take paper towel and fold it half twice. You need to work over paper towel in order to catch the leaking ink. After this, place empty cartridge on it. Read the instruction manual that is included with refill kit and by this, one can learn refilling of the particular cartridge.
Locate fill holes on cartridge top: One can feel the depression by rubbing finger across label. There are cartridges having more than one hole but it is only one that leads to the ink reservoir. To pierce the refill holes, use the sharp pencil. These are on the ink cartridge top. If you are feeling any problem in doing, there is another way and the way is to take the Dell printer technical support and one can do this by dialing the toll free number. It is advised to go for the genuine technical support company because there are many fake companies in the market presently. The support is available 24/7 and one can call on the toll free number 1-800-510-7358 available on home page of company’s official website.
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