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THE 3-BOX SOLUTION TO AI Innovation in Education

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Ask Canopy

Dan Fitzpatrick


The sun's rays have broken the line of the horizon on the first day of the AI revolution, and the light has revealed that education is in dire need of innovation

The landscape of learning is changing rapidly, and our schools must evolve with it. We adapted slightly for the pandemic, knowing it would end, but there is no end to the AI revolution.

This imperative brings to mind Vijay Govindarajan's concept of the 3-box solution to innovation To effectively navigate the challenges of the present and future, Govindarajan proposes that organisations divide their efforts into three distinct boxes

Box 1

Box 1 is about managing the present: optimising existing processes and ensuring the smooth running of current systems.

In the context of schools, this box encompasses the existing curriculum, traditional teaching methods, and administrative processes. I'd argue we have done a phenomenal job of optimising the system As engineers in a factory fine-tune the machinery for maximum productivity, educational leaders have continued to engineer efficiencies in their schools. As my friend and educational pioneer Sugata Mitra famously said, 'It's quite fashionable to say that the education system's broken. It's not broken. It's wonderfully constructed. It's just that we don't need it anymore.'

Box 2

Box 2 is more challenging: selectively forgetting the past.

This isn't about erasing history but rather about moving away from outdated or ineffective practices. Schools must let go of the one-size-fits-all model of education and instead embrace personalised, student -centred learning.

Box 3

Finally, we have Box 3, the crux of our discussion: creating the future.

This is about innovating, experimenting, and paving the way for new methods, practices, and systems. As we begin the AI era, it is this box that schools need to spend more time in

Artificial intelligence has the potential to redefine how we learn and teach. It promises personalised learning at scale, real-time feedback, and the ability to unlock untapped potential in every student. However, it also brings challenges such as data privacy and the digital divide. Navigating this brave new world requires innovative thinking and a willingness to take risks.

Box 3, innovation in schools, could take many forms Picture a classroom where AI tutors provide personalised instruction, helping each student master concepts at their own pace. Imagine a school where data-driven insights inform teaching methods, helping educators tailor their approach to each student's learning style These are some of the advantages of AI in the classroom.

Of course, the integration of AI will take brave leadership. In my book 'The AI Classroom: The Ultimate Guide to Artificial Intelligence in Education,' I explain that the day-to-day life of an educational leader is arduous. The focus is on the daily running of the organisation while simultaneously trying to prepare for the future. There is no choice but to spend most of their time in Box 1, keeping the performance engine running

The Three-Box Solution shows us that any organisation that wants to survive needs to spend dedicated resources on Box 3, creating a future that serves the needs of learners and the world.

Up until now, the education system hasn't done this The current culture languishes in Box 1 and shuns Box 2 for fear of treading on traditions that have become almost sacred. Fear of change and a desire to do what is only familiar and comfortable are obstacles to ever opening Box 3. Very few of our leaders on the ground have done this ff ti l If h , then you are one of r continued ow, more than ever ng to take some ip from everyone he teaching and ng process

Are we up to the task?

As education enters the AI revolution, it is crucial for leaders to embody the following virtues to guide their teachers and students through this change:

Collaborative Inclusive Adaptable

Our education system is at a crossroads. We can stick to the tried-and-tested, keep spending time in Box 1, or we can embrace the future and venture into Box 3. The AI revolution isn't just coming; it's here. The schools that embrace this revolution and innovate will not only survive but thrive

Educators, administrators, and policymakers spend more time in Box 3. Let's innovate. Let's be bold. Let's prepare our students for a future where AI is not just a tool, but an integral part of how they learn, grow, and thrive. The future is in our hands. Let's not merely adapt to it, let's shape it.

Ethical Learners

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