7 minute read
Whether you’re interested in planning and managing events or want to learn more about the expanding world of tourism, you’ll definitely find a degree suitable for you.
Events Management
UCAS code: N820
3 years full-time
Entry requirements: BBC at A-Level or BTEC DMM n Current digital, sustainable, and experiential innovations in festivals, weddings and conferences make events management an exciting and varied subject n As well as developing your marketing, entrepreneurial, creative and analytical skills, you will gain practical experience of pitching and staging Green Event on campus n Take part in an international field trip in year one (included in your university fees)
International Hospitality Management
UCAS code: N823
3 years full-time
Entry requirements: BBC at A-Level or BTEC DMM n In an industry worth over $570 billion worldwide and with one in every four jobs being in the hospitality sector, there is not a better time to study this exciting and fastmoving industry n You will explore the contemporary issues in the sector and have opportunities to work with industry practitioners to develop the necessary skills to thrive in the business world n Take part in an international field trip in year one (included in your university fees). You’ll also have the opportunity to study a modern language
UCAS code: N800
3 years full-time
Entry requirements: BBC at A-Level or BTEC DMM n Academic lectures and seminars are supported by a wealth of industry speakers and site visits, plus you will further enhance your employability skills whilst working with local employers on a consultancy project n Our Tourism and Event Research Hub has strong industry links and offers opportunities to collaborate in research, gain valuable work experience and undertake internships n Take part in two international residential field trips (both included in your university fees). You’ll also have the opportunity to study a modern language
See our website for combined honours
UCAS codes
3 years full-time Canterbury
Entry requirements: BBC at A-Level or BTEC DMM n The global tourism and hospitality industry is part of the dynamic visitor economy which contributes one in every four jobs and 10% to the world’s GDP n You will have opportunities of working with industry owners and practitioners on key projects set on real life scenarios. Knowledge applicable to hotels, resorts, attractions, travel operations and restaurants n Take part in two international residential field trips (both included in your university fees)
How To Apply
FULL-TIME: For undergraduate full-time courses please apply through UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service).
PART-TIME: Some courses in this guide offer a part-time route. Please apply directly through the course pages on our website.
The Personal Statement
Try to include a wide-ranging description of yourself that includes: n your study interests – what you enjoy about your current course(s) n why you have chosen the subject(s) you are applying for n work or other relevant experience you have. With teaching or health-related subjects, relevant experience in either a voluntary or paid capacity is highly recommended as part of your application n any career ideas you have for the future, and how your chosen course will fit into this n interests outside school/college, tell us about them and how they’ve helped you.
The Reference
You will need to provide an academic reference and your school or college will write a reference for you. If you are not currently studying we may accept professional references.
Entry Requirements
All students must meet our general minimum entrance requirements before they register. These are published on our website at canterbury.ac.uk/study-here/applying/ entry-requirements
Please check individual course entries on our website for specific requirements, including whether specific subjects are required, GCSE requirements and offer grades.
Degrees With A Foundation Year
Most of our courses offer a foundation year for students who need extra support before they start their degree. This is for people who may not have studied the right subjects at Level 3, or for those who may not have the grades needed for entry onto the degree.
We will consider applicants for direct entry for most of our courses. Please apply through UCAS. We will need a copy of your relevant transcripts.
You may be able to demonstrate learning which has occurred in the past by way of certification or experience.
You will need to provide appropriate documentation, including transcripts. This process may enable you to build directly onto your existing learning if you are choosing a course of study within the same discipline.
Some courses require interviews. These include Professional Health Courses and Primary Education.
The University reserves the right to interview applicants for any subject where we feel this would benefit both the University and the applicant. Interviews may be remote or in person. For more information, visit: canterbury.ac.uk/interview
Courses with placements may require DBS and OH clearance if you are working with children and/or vulnerable adults. Details about these will be provided by Admissions when an offer is made.
For more information visit: canterbury.ac.uk/our-students/ug-new/ getting-ready/meeting-the-conditions-ofyour-offer
Selection And Admissions Policy
There is a University Selection and Admissions policy, copies of which can be obtained by writing to the Assistant Director (Admissions), Canterbury Christ Church University, North Holmes Road, Canterbury, Kent CT1 1QU or go to: canterbury.ac.uk/admissions-policy
The University has policies and procedures in place for responding to applicants’ complaints about the way in which we handled their application. A copy of the policy and procedures relating to complaints can be obtained from the Assistant Director (Admissions) or go to: canterbury.ac.uk/student-tsandcs

Funding Your Degree
The Government offers loans to cover your tuition fees and assist with your living expenses while you are studying.
Tuition Fee Loans are available to most students who meet the relevant eligibility criteria for full-time and part-time higher education courses, except those who already have a higher education qualification. Your funding eligibility may also be affected if you have previously studied at a UK or overseas university. Students studying nursing, midwifery and most allied health professional (AHP) subjects as a second degree are also able to obtain student loans. Students in England on nursing, midwifery and most AHP undergraduate pre-registration courses will have access to the standard student support package of tuition fee loans and support for living costs. Further information regarding funding for Health students can be found on nhsbsa.nhs.uk the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) website.
Maintenance Loan
This is to help you with the day-to-day costs of going to university (a place to live, food, travel and course materials, for example). The amount you can borrow depends on where you live and study and your household income. You can apply for your Maintenance Loan when you apply for your Tuition Fee Loan.
For more information, please visit: canterbury.ac.uk/study-here/ funding-your-degree or gov.uk/get-undergraduate-student-loan
Work While You Study
You may wish to find employment to supplement your income and gain valuable work experience. Unitemps, our in house recruitment service offers part-time and vacation work, internships, placements and full-time work opportunities both within the University and with local businesses. For more details, visit: canterbury.ac.uk/unitempsstudying
Advice For International Students
We have been welcoming international students to Canterbury Christ Church University for many years and there’s lots of information and advice on our website about what you may need to know before applying and the application process itself.
English language requirements vary by course and we may require you to take a Secure English Language Test (SELT).
For more information please check your country details on our website: canterbury.ac.uk/ study-here/international/find-your-country
Our Agreement With You
Once you have an unconditional firm place you are in an agreement with Canterbury Christ Church University in relation to an academic contract.
In accepting the offer of the place you are agreeing that you will either pay the published course fees and other additional costs or arrange for them to be paid by a sponsor or a lender such as the Student Loan Company.
You will have the opportunity to read the regulations that apply to you when you are offered a place and before you register. For further information, please visit: canterbury.ac.uk/student-tsandcs
Equality And Diversity
Canterbury Christ Church University is committed to providing a fair environment in which everyone is treated with dignity and respect.
The University takes a proactive approach to promoting equality and is committed to a range of actions intended to create a welcoming and positive environment for all staff, students and stakeholders.
For full information, please visit: canterbury.ac.uk/about/equal-opportunities
Information For Disabled Students
Whether you have a disability or want to learn more about the support that is available for disabled students, our advisers are able to help. The University endeavours to provide the maximum possible support to students, implementing reasonable adjustments following an assessment of the individual.
For more information, please visit: canterbury.ac.uk/disability-support
Mental Health Support
Whether you’re feeling stressed, suffering from anxiety or you need help with a diagnosed mental health condition, we have a range of support available.
For further information, please visit: canterbury.ac.uk/student-mental-health
As a student of the University you are able to become a member of the Students’ Union, although you can decide to opt out of membership if you want. You can change your mind at any time.
For more information, please visit: ccsu.co.uk
Subject To Validation Or Approval
Some of the courses in this prospectus may be in the process of development or review at the time of going to print. For the latest information on the status of your chosen course, please visit the relevant page on our online prospectus.
The information in this guide was accurate at the time of printing in January 2023.
On occasion it may be necessary to change details relating to a particular course that commences from September 2024 onwards. Where there has been a material change to a course, we will draw this to the attention of applicants at the earliest opportunity.
Applicants should visit the University website for up-to-date information when considering applying to the University: canterbury.ac.uk