24 May 2021
What does a healthy future for the people of Waitaha/Canterbury look like? Cantabrians are being asked to complete a survey to share their thoughts on what they and their whānau need for their health and hauora/wellbeing. The survey is part of a project called, Pae Ora ki Waitaha which aims to develop a health system that support people and their whānau/family to stay well. Pae ora is a holistic concept and includes three connected elements, including Mauri ora – healthy individuals, Whānau ora – healthy families and Wai ora – healthy environments. Pae Ora ki Waitaha Clinical Lead Lynley Cook says: “We are particularly interested in hearing from priority community groups, such as Māori, Pasifika, Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD), youth, older people, Rainbow, rural and people with disabilities.
“Please share this survey with your networks, so the information gathered is rich, diverse and reflective of our community,” she says. Click here to access the survey – its quick, simple, anonymous and will help develop future services for our communities. The survey is open until 30 May 2021. Pae Ora ki Waitaha sits under the Population Health and Access Service Level Alliance (PHASLA), which is part of the Canterbury Clinical Network.