Canterbury DHB CEO Update – Monday 2 November 2020

Page 15

2 November 2020

Te Papa Hauora welcomes new Canterbury DHB representative to Advisory Council Te Papa Hauora warmly welcomes Acting Executive Director of Nursing Becky Hickmott as Canterbury DHB’s representative on the Te Papa Hauora Advisory Council. Becky works closely with directors of nursing and other nursing leaders across the Canterbury Health System, holds a number of portfolios as Executive Director of Nursing and is also the Canterbury DHB Executive Lead for the Manawa Governance Group. Becky replaces Stella Ward, who was a founding member and Canterbury DHB representative on the council. Stella made a very significant contribution to Te Papa Hauora over the years with her vision, her leadership, her drive and her deep knowledge of the Canterbury Health System. Stella can be proud of the legacy she has helped create in Te Papa Hauora, and the Health Precinct wishes her all the best for the future.

Becky Hickmott


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