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› Meet my pet

Bonnie and Clyde, Sasha and Sophie

From left, Clyde and Bonnie, Mini Fox Terrier cross, 19 months and Sasha and Sophie, German Shepherd, six years and 22 months. Sophie is a small dog in a big dog’s body and tries to do the same things as the terriers, such as climb on your knee, play the same unique way; you can almost see Sasha sigh. Bonnie had the top of her hip bone removed when she was just a young pup as she had a rare condition where the bone died off.


She plays as well as the rest of them and the muscle has built itself up with physio and hydrotherapy. Clyde loves rides in the wheelbarrow and looks like a Captain at sea. Sasha the matriarch, attempts to keep them in line but fails. She is from a working line, but due to early arthritis she can't have too much exercise - but she keeps well and as long as we are careful she can play and be 'a dog' which is awesome. Justine Willett, PA to General Manager - Commercial Services

Dougal J Piper

Red Tabby cat, four and a half years old. The ‘J’ stands for Jeffrey. His main motivation is food – and he recently got a puzzle feeder to slow down his eating. He’s incredibly smart, so he’s now on the advanced level model.

His other favourite thing is playing in his tunnel and with his toys – especially his wicker balls and a catnip mouse. Kitchen supervisor, work from home buddy, lap warmer, comedian, ratbag – he’s been great for my mental health. I think everyone should rescue an animal!

Kini Piper, Health Promoter

We want to meet your pet(s) – cat, dog, horse, alpaca, rat, ferret, rabbit, fish, bird, donkey – it doesn’t matter! You love them and now is your chance to show them off in a new regular series. To submit your pet(s), click on this link (you must do this from your work email address). If you have any difficulty with the form, you can email communications@cdhb.health.nz We are so excited to meet your pets over the coming weeks.

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