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International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2023

Q&A with Debbie Beesley Regional Product Manager, Information Services Group (ISG)

Who or what inspired you to study science / technology?


I fell into technology but if I was able to go back in time I probably would have chosen a different degree in the science / technology field.

Why did you choose your particular field?

I’m not sure whether I chose it, or whether it was a lucky opportunity which came along at the right time!

What advice would you give to a young girl contemplating a career in health / science / technology?

It is a great environment to work in. And don’t be afraid to change your plans.

What hurdles have you faced throughout your studies and career?

No real hurdles, but decide where you are heading, set yourself some goals and go for it.

What’s the best thing about working in science / technology?

It’s a great team and there are opportunities to make a real difference.

How does gender affect the work you do? Has it affected your career progression?

I’m not sure gender has impacted my career progression. In our team it is about experience and bringing different perspectives to the work. Maybe gender influences perspective but then so do many other factors.

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