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ALERT: Put extra cash in your pocket! Consumers are taking advantage of auto-refinancing to dramatically lower their car payments. Innovative service, ChopYourCarPayment™, lowers car payments putting more money in people’s pockets…FREE service could CHOP your car payment too! By Steve Anderson


hese days, the economy is just starting to recover from the recession…For some people! However, there a lot of people who are still struggling trying to make ends meet.

Besides being burdened with a mortgage/rent payment, the next most expensive bill for most of us is our car payment. I recently found a company, that is in the business of providing autorefinancing to people. You can save over $100/Month and get approved in a few minutes!

Chop Your Interest Many people are saddled with car loans that have high interest rates Most spend our time negotiating the price of the car instead of the car loan.

Are you upside down on your car payment? "In a few minutes I received a refinance offer from CHOP YOUR CAR PAYMNET... They have an A on the BBB website. I am saving a little over $3,000 by refinancing with them. The staff is quick, courteous and knowledgeable…An awesome company!" Lisa G - MA

Cash in Your Pocket Chop’s proprietary network of lenders bid on your business. You can refinance cars up to six years old; and, stretch payments or even skip a payment. CHOP also finances new cars which could save you thousands of dollars on the cost of your car.

Have you traded in a small car payment for a new car with a big OLD DEALER FINANCING payment? It’s time to let the car lenders bid for OLD Loan: $25,000 for 5 Yrs. your business and chop OLD Rate: 9.50% APR OLD PAYM’T: $525/Month that car payment! $$ SAVINGS “CHOP-LOAN”

Historic Low Rates

As I was researching for this article, I found that people with pretty good _______________________ credit didn’t realize how SAVED $137 per month! much they could save. A SAVED $3,378 in Interest few worried that their credit would not qualify *Results will vary depending on your them for a better interest credit rating, original interest rate, term of loan, loan amount and new rate. interest rate at re-finance. CHOP Loan: $21,600 for 5 Yrs. CHOP Rate: 2.99% APR CHOP PAYM’T: $388/month

Whatever your credit score you probably are paying more than you should in interest! Interest rates are at their lowest rates in decades. You could qualify for rates as low as 2.77%. People with all types of credit are saving an average of $87 a month!

Call and Save Today! Call CHOP now and let our lenders bid for your business…approvals only take a few minutes. Now you can save thousands of dollars, lower your payments dramatically and even skip a payment. The CHOP service is FAST, EASY and FREE! The first 50 callers who apply get $100 in gas rebates. Finally, no more middle-men!

$100 in Gas Rebates!


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