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36th Class Program Days

Opening Retreat Sponsored by Fresh Mark

A 48-hour experience that focuses on Stark County history, strengths and challenges, and gaining insight into personal leadership styles, team building, and ethics.


Stark County Sponsored by Kenan Advantage Group

A whirlwind motor coach bus tour traverses nearly 100 miles of the county. Similarities/ differences and assets/challenges are addressed as community leaders hop on and off the bus throughout the day.

Economic Growth and Development Sponsored by Midwest

Explore the components of economic growth and discuss current issues affecting the economic health of our community through tours and panel discussions. Lunch & in-depth conversation with CEO’s.

Human Services Sponsored by Stark County Mental Health & Addiction Recovery

An introduction to the organizations that meet many of our community’s needs, the key people and issues involved in providing services to local residents. Lunch at a ‘nutrition center.’

Asset Building

Can a community identify, nurture and develop potential leaders from all walks of life? The selection, development and implementation of small-group community service projects is the focus.

Education Sponsored by Stark State College

A look at present realities, future needs, and the leadership alternatives available to positively impact local educational opportunities.

Building Better Boards Sponsored by Black McCuskey Souers & Arbaugh LPA Morning only-Excellent preparation for serving on a non-profit board. Includes standard practices of a well-run board, legal responsibilities, and effective communication.

Cultural Diversity Sponsored by Aultman Health Foundation

A celebration of the diversity in the class and community. Themes include recognizing the economic value that diversity adds to our community and dealing with perceived challenges.

The Arts

Participants explore the features of a positive quality of life and their availability in Stark County. The role of the arts in our community’s emotional, educational and financial well-being is addressed.

Justice and Safety Sponsored by Plakas Mannos

An overview of the civil and criminal justice systems, processes, and services to the community, with a particular emphasis on juvenile issues. Lunch with judges in their chambers.

Citizenship Day Sponsored by Buckingham Doolittle & Burroughs LLP

Increase awareness of the political process – how it works, how it affects local communities, and explore ways for citizens to get involved. Lunch with local elected officials.

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