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Manufacturing Industry Sector - Update
Manufacturing Industry Sector | PARTNERSHIP UPDATE
The Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce currently administers the newly formed Stark County Manufacturing Workforce Development Partnership (SCMWDP). This 501(c)3 is one of eighteen manufacturing industry sector partnerships endorsed by the Ohio Manufacturing Association. The SCMWDP is currently comprised of 40+ manufacturing employers and other partner organizations consisting of nonprofit, government, and educational institutions. MAGNET and the Stark Economic Development Board serve as intermediaries along with the Canton Regional Chamber to promote collaboration among the vested stakeholders. As reported earlier this year the SCMWDP was awarded significant grants from the state, the Stark County Port Authority and from the Ohio Manufacturers Association.
These grants fund 37 initiatives that relate to promoting manufacturing as a viable career pathway and filling manufacturing job vacancies with our Stark County
employers. That being said, here is a status update on some of the initiatives since the beginning of the year:
• The National Center for Urban Solutions was hired by the SCMWDP to conduct grass roots outreach to underrepresented populations to recruit, vet, train, refer and provide follow up services for new candidates entering manufacturing career pathways. 30 have been placed since March.
• A promotions flier and QR code for Stark County manufacturing job listings was transmitted to all graduating seniors in Stark County
• A TechCred and Handshake informational zoom meeting was conducted with Stark State College and Walsh University
• A tour of 4 manufacturing plants for 11 non-profit career navigators was conducted
• A tour of 4 manufacturing plants for 31 high school and middle school educators representing 12 school districts was conducted
• A Stark Maker’s camp for 20 middle school students was launched with TomTod Ideas at Stark State. Senator Sherod Brown’s office provided graduation certificates and inclusion with press releases (PS - the kids had a BALL discovering career pathways in manufacturing!)
• Planning has been initiated for a “Manufacturing Day” for middle and high school students in October
The SCMWDP is gaining momentum! If interested in joining or supporting the SCMWDP initiatives, contact Barb Bennett at the Chamber barbb@cantonchamber.org
By Barbara Hammontree Bennett, PE, PS, LEED-AP - Vice President of Education and Workforce