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Make It Better: A Blueprint for Manufacturing in Northeast Ohio

A Blueprint for Manufacturing in Northeast Ohio

Aroadmap for making Northeast Ohio a global leader in smart manufacturing with the workforce to power it was recently launched. The vision plan, called Make It Better: A Blueprint for Manufacturing in Northeast Ohio, shares success stories and strategies for future growth.
“It is a vision for how Northeast Ohio can leave behind the Rust Belt moniker and become the Manufacturing Technology Belt,” says Brandon Cornuke, MAGNET Vice President of Strategy and Startup Services. “The Blueprint focuses on four key areas: Talent, Transformation, Innovation and Leadership. Manufacturing runs on people, and we need to make sure we have the talent necessary for the technology-focused future of the industry. We need to help our manufacturers transform their factories by using Industry 4.0 technology to compete on a global stage and to advance innovation of new products and services. And leadership within and among regional companies and organizations will get us to our goal.”
“While MAGNET created and launched the Blueprint, the future success means that it now must be owned by all of us; it’s a community initiative,” according to Michael O’Donnell, MAGNET Vice President of Operations. “We’re excited that there are companies and organizations

Pictured here are photos from the recent relaunch of the MAGNET Technology and Growth Center located at the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce. This technology center displays industry 4.0 displays and projects, supports the Make It Better, A Blueprint for Manufacturing in Northeast Ohio Campaign and will be a resource and meeting place for local manufacturers.
in Stark County who support the Manufacturing Blueprint, including the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce. That’s the kind of collaboration and leadership we need.”
Cornuke points out “One out of every two jobs, from factories to restaurants to banks, depends on manufacturing. The people of Northeast Ohio benefit from the health and well-being of our manufacturing ecosystem, and we’re in a moment of opportunity for us to focus on ensuring the jobs remain here and we grow through manufacturing.”
For a free copy of Make It Better, A Blueprint for Manufacturing in Northeast Ohio, or to get involved, contact Janelle Lee, MAGNET Director of Client Engagement at jlee@Manufacturing Success.org. You may also visit the MAGNET website at ManufacturingSuccess.org or MakeIt BetterOhio.org.