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Education and Workforce - Dec. 2022

Education and Workforce

Many of you may not be aware of a group known as Great Start for Great Futures. This organization is a collaborative of parents, child care providers, social service agencies, business leaders and educators focused on birth-kindergarten. The goal of this collaborative is to ensure every child in Stark County is kindergarten ready in meeting social, emotional and educational baselines. Does kindergarten readiness affect workforce? You bet it does!


Kindergarten readiness is a solid predictor of future success in meeting third grade reading assessments, eighth grade math, and even high school graduation rates. Data also suggests kindergarten readiness is a strong predictor of better outcomes in career success, personal health, citizenship and stable families.

Ensuring the youngest citizens of our community are kindergarten ready is an 18+ year return on investment in creating a more sustainable community. How can you help?

First and foremost READ TO YOUR CHILDREN (or grandchildren) and support programs that promote early childhood reading. Parents who read to their children introduce 3 million more words in a child’s vocabulary compared to children who do not have this experience. Some programs that support early childhood reading are found through your local library, Goodwill Industries, the Early Childhood Resource Center and other organizations. These programs accept monetary and/or children’s book donations and assist families in providing age appropriate books and activities for our youngest citizens.

In addition, 90% of a child’s brain development occurs by age 5. During the period from birth to age 3, a child experiences the fastest rate of brain development across their entire life span. 40% of Stark County youngsters are not on track at the start of kindergarten year. Just think of how 3 million more words can set positive momentum for our young learners.

For more information regarding how our community is addressing this important issue or to get more involved, visit Great Start for Great Futures: www.ecresourcecenter.org

By Barbara Hammontree Bennett, PE, PS, LEED-AP - Vice President of Education and Workforce

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