Canucks Autism Network Leisure Guide

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Winter Leisure Guide January to March, 2016


Winter Leisure Guide 2015

About Canucks Autism Network Canucks Autism Network (CAN) provides high-quality, adaptive sports, recreational, social and arts programming for individuals and families living with autism in BC. The CAN team consists of a diverse group of trained staff, experienced support workers and dedicated volunteers who administer programs in safe and supportive environments.

Interested in signing up for CAN programs? Individuals and families living with autism must first sign up for an online CAN Participant Membership. Please visit:, to begin this process.

Already a member? If you are already a member and you know that registration is open for programs that interest you, please log into your account and continue to complete your program registration at:

Find information about our programs, including registration information, eligibility, and program locations and times by clicking on any of the winter 2016 program listed below. WINTER PROGRAM Basketball One Day Bike Clinic CommunityWorks

AGE 7-15yrs 5-16yrs 15-21yrs

Connect (Weekly Social Program) Family Adventures Gymnastics Hockey Outdoor Recreation Physical Literacy S Club (Monthly Social Program)

13-17yrs, 18+yrs All Ages 3-9yrs 9-19yrs 16+yrs 3-7yrs, 8-11yrs 9-12yrs

SIBS (Monthly Social Program for Siblings) Skate I & II Soccer I & II Sociables (Monthly Social Program) Swim Yoga Ski or Snowboard Fitness

8-13yrs 4-6yrs, 7-15yrs 5-11yrs, 10-16yrs 13-17yrs, 18+yrs Parent-Tot, 4-6yrs, 7-15yrs, 16+yrs, Private Lessons 16+yrs 7-18yrs 14+yrs

PLEASE NOTE: Registration for all winter multi-week programs will open online to PENDING ENROLLMENT ONLY from Monday, November 23rd, at noon, to Friday, November 27th, at noon.


I CAN Play Basketball: 1& 11 I CAN Play Basketball: I & II (Ages 7-15) The purpose of the I CAN Play Basketball program is to teach basic basketball skills to children and youth with autism in a safe and supportive environment.

Basketball I (7-15yrs) Skills focused on in the Basketball I program include learning how to dribble, pass, and shoot the ball.

Basketball II (10-15yrs) The Level II program introduces more advanced skills such as scrimmaging/team play, and more challenging drills. Basketball II is intended for participants who have participated in Basketball I and wish to progress their basketball skills.

Program Structure & Supports Each session consists of 60 minute lessons, once per week, for multiple weeks. Lessons include basic drills, individual skill practice and group games. Participants are supported by trained coaches, experienced support workers, and dedicated volunteers, allowing participants to receive 1:1 support. The Canucks Autism Network strives to meet the needs of each participant and encourages parents to speak with the program staff about useful support strategies for their child. This includes visual schedules, first-then boards, token systems, etc. To help participants enrolled in the basketball program better prepare for their experience, the Canucks Autism Network has prepared a Basketball Social Storybook.

Winter 2016 Basketball Locations & Times* Basketball Level I, 7-15 City


Day of Week


Start Date

End Date


Parkinson Recreation Centre Walnut Grove Community Centre Pitt Meadows Family Recreation Centre



Jan 24, 2016

Mar 6, 2016



Jan 24, 2016

Mar 6, 2016



Jan 24, 2016

Mar 6, 2016

Newton Recreation Centre Trout Lake Community Centre



Jan 24, 2016

Mar 6, 2016



Jan 25, 2016

Mar 7, 2016

Langley Pitt Meadows

Surrey Vancouver

*All program information is subject to change. For the most up-to-date information, please refer to the Canucks Autism Network website: 3

I CAN Play Basketball

Winter 2016 Basketball Locations & Times Basketball Level II, 7-15 years City


Day of Week


Start Date

End Date


Edmonds Community Centre



Jan 26, 2016

Mar 1, 2016

Pitt Meadows

Pitt Meadows Family Recreation



Jan 24, 2016

Mar 6, 2016


All program information is subject to change. For the most up-to-date information, please visit:

Winter 2016 Basketball Registration Interested in signing up for the winter session of the I CAN Play Basketball program? Online registration takes place during the week of Monday, November 23rd at noon- Friday, November 27th at noon. All registrations will open to PENDING ENROLLMENT ONLY – this means that no spots will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. After online registration closes, CAN staff will review the lists of all those who are interested and will email all participants regarding their registration status by the end of the day on Friday, December 4th, 2015. Please keep in mind that our goal is to accommodate as many unique individuals into our programs as possible, and that enrollment is not guaranteed for any participant.

Spring 2016 Basketball Registration Online registration for spring basketball programs will open to PENDING ENROLLMENT ONLY during the week of Monday, February 15th at noon until Friday, February 19th, 2016, at noon. For more information, including program locations and times, please check back to our online spring 2016 program catalogue in mid-January.


I CAN Bike– One Day Bike Clinic

I CAN Bike– One Day Clinic (Ages 5-16) in partnership with Experience Cycling & Giant Bicycles The purpose of the I CAN Bike program is to teach children and youth with autism how to ride a bike in a safe and supportive environment. The hope is that the skills developed in this program will allow participants to enjoy bike activities with their peers and families.

Program Structure & Supports Participants will attend a 2.5 hour bike clinic where they will learn basic skills such as stopping and steering, while experienced riders will have opportunities to try more challenging terrain. Parents will be provided with a 30 minute bike safety session. Participants are supported by trained program coaches, experienced support workers, and dedicated volunteers, allowing for participants to receive 1:1 support. Canucks Autism Network strives to meet the needs of each participant and encourages parents to speak with the program staff about useful support strategies for their child. This includes visual schedules, first-then boards, token systems, social stories, etc.

Winter 2016 Bike Clinic Registration Winter program details and registration information will be updated to the program page of our website in early 2016. Please check back then for this information.

Interested in learning more about other bike-clinics that take place throughout the year? The one-day bike clinic takes place three times throughout the year: once during the fall, winter and spring. Details about program dates and times will be updated at the start of each session.

Interested in learning more about bike programs in the Lower Mainland? During the summer, CAN offers the I CAN Bike program for participants with autism in the Lower Mainland. Please check back to the program page in April 2016 for program details for the I CAN Bike program. “Thanks so much for the opportunity for my kids to participate in the I CAN Bike program. In spite of us working on these skills for months beforehand, it only took the dedicated and patient staff and volunteers at CAN 5 lessons to teach my two youngest to ride without training wheels! We have enjoyed lots of bike rides in the last couple of weeks, and I love watching the smiles on their faces as they ride their bikes!" Tracy, Canucks Autism Network parent 5


CommunityWorks (Ages 15-21) The purpose of the CommunityWorks program is to provide teens and young adults living with autism the opportunity to volunteer alongside typical peers in a variety of community settings to develop work skills and build communication and social skills. Canucks Autism Network is very excited to be a delivery partner of the federally funded, nation-wide CommunityWorks Canada project, a program model developed at the Southwest Autism Research & Resource Centre (SARRC) in Phoenix.

Program Structure & Supports CommunityWorks is a job sampling program that has participants volunteer at various locations in the community. This program focuses on developing both work readiness and social skills, as opposed to developing specific work skills. Early volunteer work teaches responsibility, dependability and appropriate work behaviour, and these skills positively impact long-term job success. The following are some examples of some organizations the participants will be volunteering with, as well as potential volunteer tasks: Organization:

Examples of Volunteer Tasks:

Arts Umbrella

Relabelling envelops

Stanley Park Ecology Society

Assisting with an invasive species pull

Local Community Gardens

Assisting with weeding, path building, etc.

The program will be overseen by CAN program leaders. Due to the nature of this program, participants will not be provided with 1:1 support, and eloping, aggression, or self-injurious behaviours should not be of concern. As a condition of the federal funding being received to implement this program, CAN staff will be required to collect data on the group of participants in this program. Due to the data collection, participant attendance is crucial.

Winter 2016 CommunityWorks Program Registration Interested in signing up for the winter session of the CommunityWorks program? This program will run on Saturday mornings 9:30am-12:00pm, from January 9th – April 2nd. Registration for the winter session of the program will open online on Monday, November 23rd at noon, and will close Friday, November 27th at noon. All registrations will be to PENDING ENROLLMENT ONLY, and participants will be notified of their registration status by the end of day on Friday, December 4th.


CONNECT- Monthly Social group CONNECT (Teens ages 13-17 & Young Adults ages 18+) The purpose of Connect is to offer the opportunity for teens and young adults with autism to get together and have a good time in a safe and supportive environment. The Connect program is intended to provide fun activities within a social context, where participants are encouraged to get to know each other and build peer relationships.

Program Structure & Supports Each session of the Connect program consists of 90 minute lessons, once per week, for a multiple weeks. Activities vary each week and may include indoor and outdoor activities, depending on the weather. Participants are supported by trained program leaders, experienced support workers and dedicated volunteers. Canucks Autism Network strives to meet the needs of each participant and encourages parents to speak with the program staff about useful support strategies for their child. This includes visual schedules, first-then boards, token systems, social stories, etc.

Winter 2016 Connect Program Location & Times* City


Day of Week


Start Date

End Date


CAN Office (13-17yrs)



Jan 26, 2016

Mar 1, 2016


CAN Office (18-30yrs)



Jan 26, 2016

Mar 1, 2016

North Vancouver

Harry Jerome Recreation Centre Youth Lounge (16-30yrs)



Jan 27, 2016

Mar 2, 2016

Winter 2016 Connect Program Registration Interested in signing up for the winter session of the Connect program? Online registration takes place during the week of Monday, November 23rd at noon – Friday, November 27th at noon. All registrations will be to PENDING ENROLLMENT ONLY – this means that no spots are allocated on a first-come, firstserved basis. After online registration closes, the CAN staff will review the lists of those interested and will email all participants regarding their registration status by the end of the day on Friday, December 4th. Please keep in mind that the Canucks Autism Network aims to accommodate as many unique individuals into our programs as possible, and that enrollment is not guaranteed for any participant.

Spring 2016 Connect Registration Online registration for spring connect programs will be open to PENDING ENROLLMENT ONLY during the week of Monday, February 15th, 2016, at noon - Friday, February 19th, 2016, at noon. For more information, including program locations and times, please check back to our online spring 2016 program catalogue in mid-January 2016. 7

Family Adventures

Family Adventures (All ages) The purpose of Family Adventures is to provide families with opportunities to enjoy a variety of fun activities in a safe, supportive, non-judgmental environment. The Canucks Autism Network offers a range of activities throughout the year that are open to the entire family, with all ages welcome. Due to the family nature of Family Adventures, 1:1 support is not available; however, each family event is supported by many helpful volunteers. Family Adventure programs are updated to the program webpage as they are confirmed. As well, members are encouraged to read CAN's monthly email newsletter, which provides information about the upcoming month's programs and registration dates. Some winter Family Adventure programs include:

Family Movie in Duncan The event will run in January or February 2016 (check back in December 2015 for updated details including date, time and registration information)

Movie Matinee in Surrey Program will run in late January or February 2016 (check back in early January for updated details including date, time and registration information).

Breakfast at the Teahouse in Stanley Park in Vancouver Program Date: Saturday, March 12th, 2016 Registration: Check back in early 2016 for registration information

Winter 2016 Family Adventures Registration Interested in signing up for Family Adventures? Individuals and families living with autism must first sign up for an online CAN Participant Membership. Please visit, to begin this process. Interested in learning more about Family Adventures that take place throughout the year? Program details and registration dates vary for each event throughout the year. Please visit the program page for the latest information.

“Quite often we get to feeling like we are all alone in this world, and sometimes our first inclination is to conclude that it's easiest just to shut ourselves in and deal with everything on our own, out of the public eye. But when we have experiences like you have provided, it makes it that much easier to feel normal. “ Scott, Canucks Autism Network parent 8

I CAN Do Gymnastics I CAN Do Gymnastics (Ages 3-9) The purpose of this program is to teach gymnastics skills to children and youth with autism in a safe and supportive environment. This program will focus on basic gymnastics skills, including a variety of activities and general gym safety. Participants will be able to gain exposure to all of the typical equipment found in a gymnastics facility, such as floor, beam, bars, rings and trampoline.

Program Structure & Supports Each session of the I CAN Do Gymnastics program consists of 45-60 minute lessons, once per week, for multiple weeks. Lessons include circuit style activities, individual or small group skill practice, and group games. Participants are supported by trained program coaches, experienced support workers, and dedicated volunteers, allowing for participants to receive 1:1 support. Canucks Autism Network strives to meet the needs of each participant and encourages parents to speak with the program coaches and staff about useful support strategies for their child such as visual schedules, first-then boards, token systems, social stories, etc. Canucks Autism Network (CAN) is excited to be providing this program in partnership with Cameron Recreation Centre, Delta Gymnastics Society and Kerrigan Gymnastics Academy. Each facility will provide qualified gymnastics coaches to oversee the lessons and work in collaboration with CAN to make adaptions to curriculum to ensure the success of participants. To assist participants enrolled in the gymnastics program better prepare for their experience, the Canucks Autism Network has prepared this Gymnastics Social Storybook. For winter program information, see next page.


I CAN Do Gymnastics

Winter 2016 Gymnastics Program Locations & Times* City


Day of Week


Start Date

Finish Date


Cameron Recreation Centre



Jan 23, 2016

Mar 5, 2016

Jan 23, 2016

Mar 5, 2016

Jan 22, 2016

Mar 4, 2016

Jan 22, 2016

Mar 4, 2016

Jan 24, 2016

Mar 6, 2016

Jan 24, 2016

Mar 6, 2016

(3-6yrs) Burnaby

Cameron Recreation Centre


7:00pm-7:45pm (7-9yrs)


Kerrigan Gymnastics


5:00pm-5:45pm (3-6yrs)


Kerrigan Gymnastics


6:00pm-6:45pm (7-9yrs)


Delta Gymnastics


6:00pm-6:45pm (3-6yrs)


Delta Gymnastics


7:00pm-8:00pm (7-9yrs)

*All program information is subject to change. For the most up-to-date information, please visit:

Winter 2016 Gymnastics Program Registration Interested in signing up for the winter session of the Gymnastics program? Online registration takes place during the week of Monday, November 23rd at noon – Friday, November 27th at noon. All registrations will be to PENDING ENROLLMENT ONLY – this means that no spots are allocated on a first-come, firstserved basis. After online registration closes, the CAN staff will review the lists of those interested and will email all participants regarding their registration status by the end of the day on Friday, December 4th. Please keep in mind that the Canucks Autism Network aims to accommodate as many unique individuals into our programs as possible, and that enrollment is not guaranteed for any participant.

Spring 2016 Gymnastics Registration Online registration for spring gymnastics programs will be open to PENDING ENROLLMENT ONLY during the week of Monday, February 15th, 2016, at noon - Friday, February 19th, 2016, at noon. For more information, including program locations and times, please check back to our online spring 2016 program catalogue in mid-January 2016. 10

I CAN Have Physical Literacy I CAN Have Physical Literacy (Ages 3-11) The purpose of the physical literacy program is to teach children with autism fundamental movement skills in a safe and supportive environment. Learning fundamental movement skills such as running, jumping and balancing will help children build the confidence necessary for a lifetime of sport and physical activity. Canucks Autism Network is proud to partner with the Pacific Institute for Sport Excellence (PISE) in Victoria and the City of Surrey’s I Am Game physical literacy program in Surrey. Each partner provides curriculum and two coaches to lead each class.

Program Structure & Supports Each session of the physical literacy program consists of 60 minute lessons, once per week, for multiple weeks. Participants are supported by trained program coaches, experienced support workers, and dedicated volunteers, allowing for participants to receive 1:1 support. Canucks Autism Network strives to meet the needs of each participant and encourages parents to speak with the program coaches and staff about useful support strategies for their child. This includes visual schedules, first-then boards, token systems, social stories, etc. To help participants enrolled in the physical literacy program better prepare for their experience, the Canucks Autism Network has prepared a Physical Literacy Social Storybook.

Winter 2016 Physical Literacy Program Locations & Times* City


Day of Week


Start Date

Finish Date

North Vancouver

Memorial Community


4:30pm-5:30pm (3-6yrs)

Jan 28, 2016

Mar 3, 2016


1:15pm-2:15pm (3-6yrs)

Jan 23, 2016

Mar 5, 2016


2:15pm-3:15pm (7-11yrs)

Jan 23, 2016

Mar 5, 2016

Rec Centre Victoria

Royal Oak Middle School


Royal Oak Middle School




6:30pm-7:30pm (3-6yrs)

Jan 28, 2016

Mar 3, 2016




7:30pm-8:30pm (7-11yrs)

Jan 28, 2016

Mar 3, 2016







Winter 2016 Physical Literacy Program Registration Interested in signing up for the winter session of the Physical Literacy program? Online registration takes place during the week of Monday, November 23rd at noon – Friday, November 27th at noon. All registrations will be to PENDING ENROLLMENT ONLY – meaning that no spots are allocated on a first-come, firstserved basis. After online registration closes, CAN staff will review the lists and email all participants regarding their registration status by the end of the day on Friday, December 4th. Please keep in mind that the Canucks Autism Network aims accommodate as many unique individuals into our programs as possible, and that enrollment is not guaranteed for any participant.

Spring 2016 Physical Literacy Registration Online registration for spring basketball programs will be open to PENDING ENROLLMENT ONLY during the week of Monday, February 15th, 2016, at noon - Friday, February 19th, 2016, at noon. For more information, including program locations and times, please check back to our online spring 2016 program catalogue in mid-January 2016. 11

S Club Social Group

S Club Monthly Social Program (Ages 9-12) The purpose of S Club is provide an opportunity for children with autism (aged 9-12) to get together and have a good time in a safe and supportive environment. Activities change each month to offer a range of fun, age appropriate activities for participants to experience with their peers.

Program Structure & Supports Each month has participants enjoying a different activity. Past events have included: art/music classes, snow tubing, Lego party, circus school, Science World, rock climbing and much more! Participants are supported by trained program leaders, experienced support workers, and dedicated volunteers. Canucks Autism Network strives to meet the needs of each participant and encourages parents to speak with the program coaches and staff about useful support strategies for their child. This includes visual schedules, first-then boards, token systems, social stories, etc.

Winter 2016 S Club Location & Times* S Club programs are updated to the program page as they are confirmed. Members are encouraged to read CAN’s monthly email newsletter which provides information about the upcoming month’s activities and registration dates. Some upcoming winter S Club programs include: -Snowshoeing in West Vancouver -Cooking Class in Vancouver Please check back for updated program details including program date and time, as well as registration information.

Winter 2016 S Club Registration Interested in signing up for the winter sessions of S Club? Individuals and families living with autism must first sign up for an online CAN Participant Membership. Please visit, to begin this process. Interested in learning more about other S Club that take place throughout the year? Program and registration dates will vary for each event throughout the year, please visit the program page for the latest information.


SIBS for Siblings SIBS Monthly Social Program for Siblings of Individuals with Autism (Ages 8-13) The purpose of SIBS is to provide siblings of individuals with autism with an opportunity to gain peer support and education within a recreational context. Events change each month to offer a range of fun, age appropriate activities for participants to experience with their peers.

Program Structure & Supports This program has participants enjoying a different event each month, as well as taking part in Sibshop activities. Past events have included: snow sports, art classes, water sports, laser tag, frozen yogurt, bowling, and more! SIBS is led by trained Sibshop facilitators, as well as support staff who are siblings of individuals with autism. To learn more about Sibshops, please click here.

Winter 2016 S Club Location & Times* SIBS programs are updated to the program page as they are confirmed. Members are encouraged to read CAN's monthly email newsletter, which provides information about the upcoming month's programs and registration dates. Some winter SIBS programs include: -Coding & Game Design at Microsoft in Vancouver -Wii Party at the CAN Office in Vancouver Please check back for updated program details including program date and time, as well as registration information.

Winter 2016 SIBS Registration Interested in signing up for the winter sessions of SIBS? Individuals and families living with autism must first sign up for an online CAN Participant Membership. In order to do so, please visit Interested in learning more about other SIBS that take place throughout the year? Program and registration dates will vary for each event throughout the year, please visit the program page for the latest information.


I CAN Skate: I & II

I CAN Skate: I & II (Ages 4-15) The purpose of the I CAN Skate program is to teach skating skills to children and youth with autism in a safe and supportive environment.

I CAN Skate I (4-15yrs) The Skate I program focuses on basic skills such as moving forward, gliding and stopping.

I CAN Skate II (7-15yrs) The Skate II program introduces more advanced skills such as crossovers, backwards skating, and pivoting. Skate II is intended for participants who are confident moving forward, gliding and stopping, and would like to build on their skating skills.

Prerequisites for Skate II program: Participants eligible for the skate II program are able to complete the following on the ice: get up unassisted, glide forward for 2ft, glide forward while touching knees or toes 2ft, stop by snow plow and with hockey stop, striding forwards, jumping from standing, and pivoting frontwards and backwards.

Program Structure & Supports Each session of the skate program consists of 30 minute lessons, once per week, for multiple weeks. Lessons include choice time, individual or small group skill practice, and group games.

Participants are supported by trained program coaches, experienced support workers, and dedicated volunteers, allowing for participants to receive 1:1 support. The Canucks Autism Network strives to meet the needs of each participant and encourages parents to speak with the program coaches and staff about useful support strategies for their child. This includes visual schedules, first-then boards, token systems, social stories, etc. To assist participants enrolled in the skate program better prepare for their experience, the Canucks Autism Network has prepared a Skate Social Storybook.

Winter 2016 I CAN Skate Location & Times* Please see next page.


I CAN Skate: I & II

Winter 2016 I CAN Skate Location & Times* Skate Level I, Ages 4-6 City


Day of Week


Start Date

Finish Date


Poirer Sports & Leisure



Jan 23, 2016

Mar 5, 2016

Complex Kelowna

Capital News Centre



Jan 26, 2016

Mar 1, 2016


Richmond Ice Centre



Jan 24, 2016

Mar 6, 2016


South Surrey Arena



Jan 25, 2016

Mar 7, 2016


Sunset Arena



Jan 28, 2016

Mar 3, 2016

Jan 27, 2016

Mar 2, 2016

5:30pm-6:00pm, 6:00pm-6:30pm, 6:30pm-7:00pm Victoria

Juan de Fuca Centre



All program information is subject to change. For the most up-to-date information, please check:

Skate Level I, Ages 7-15 City


Day of Week


Start Date

Finish Date


Poirer Sports & Leisure



Jan 23, 2016

Mar 5, 2016

Complex Kelowna

Capital News Centre



Jan 26, 2016

Mar 1, 2016

Port Coquitlam

Port Coquitlam Recreation



Jan 22, 2016

Mar 4, 2016

Complex Richmond

Richmond Ice Centre



Jan 24, 2016

Mar 6, 2016


Cloverdale Arena



Jan 27, 2016

Mar 2, 2016


South Surrey Arena



Jan 25, 2016

Mar 7, 2016

6:00pm-6:30pm Vancouver

Britannia Arena



Jan 23, 2016

Mar 5, 2016


Juan de Fuca Centre



Jan 27, 2016

Mar 2, 2016

5:30pm-6:00pm All program information is subject to change. For the most up-to-date information, please check:

“This organization is so great for the kids as the staff are well equipped with the necessary materials and the know how to assist our kiddos but it also gives parents peace of mind where we feel comfortable and don't have to worry.” Shannon, CAN parent 15

I CAN Skate: I & II

Winter 2016 I CAN Skate Location & Times* Skate Level II, Ages 7-15* City


Day of Week


Start Date

Finish Date

Port Coquitlam

Port Coquitlam Recreation



Jan 22, 2016

Mar 5, 2016

Complex Surrey

Cloverdale Arena



Jan 27, 2016

Mar 2, 2016


Britannia Arena



Jan 23, 2016

Mar 4, 2016

All program information is subject to change. For the most up-to-date information, please check:

Winter 2015 Skate Program Registration Interested in signing up for the winter session of the Skate program? Individuals and families living with autism must first sign up for an online CAN Participant Membership. Please visit, to begin this process. Already a member? Online registration takes place during the week of Monday, November 23rd at noon until Friday, November 27th at noon. All registrations will be to PENDING ENROLLMENT ONLY – this means that no spots are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. After online registration closes, CAN staff will review the lists of those interested and will email all participants regarding their registration status by the end of the day on Friday, December 4th. Please keep in mind that at the Canucks Autism Network, our goal with registration is to accommodate as many unique individuals into our programs as possible, and that enrollment is not guaranteed for any participant. PLEASE NOTE: The I CAN Skate program will not run during the spring session of programming.


I CAN Play Soccer I CAN Play Soccer (Ages 5-16) The purpose of the I CAN Play Soccer program is to teach basic soccer skills to children with autism, and their siblings, in a safe and supportive environment.

Soccer I (5-16yrs) The Soccer I program focuses on skills such as learning to dribble, pass and shoot the ball.

Soccer II (10-16yrs) The Soccer II program introduces more advanced skills such as scrimmaging/team play, and more challenging drills. This program is intended for participants who have previously taken part in the Soccer I program, and who wish to further develop their soccer skills.

Prerequisites for Soccer II: Soccer II participants must be able to dribble with control, shoot the ball into the net, pass the ball with a partner, and follow instructions.

Program Structure & Supports Soccer I & II Each session of the soccer program consists of a 60 minute lesson, once per week, for multiple weeks. Lessons include basic drills, individual skill practice, and group games. Participants are supported by trained program coaches, experienced support workers, and dedicated volunteers, allowing for participants to receive 1:1 support. The Canucks Autism Network strives to meet the needs of each participant and encourages parents to speak with the program coaches and staff about useful support strategies for their child. This includes visual schedules, first-then boards, token systems, social stories, etc. To help prepare participants, the Canucks Autism Network has prepared the following Soccer Social Storybook.

Winter 2016 Soccer Program Locations & Times* Please see following page for soccer schedule. 17

I CAN Play Soccer Winter 2016 Soccer Program Locations & Times* Soccer Level I, ages 5-11 City


Day of Week


Start Date

End Date


Sandy Hill Elementary



Jan 25, 2016

Mar 7, 2016


Edmonds Community Centre



Jan 26, 2016

Mar 1, 2016


Parkinson Recreation Centre


Walnut Grove Community Centre

Sunday Sunday

6:00pm-7:00pm 3:30pm-4:30pm

Jan 24, 2016 Jan 24, 2016

Mar 6, 2016 Mar 6, 2016

North Vancouver


Mar 3, 2016

Jan 27, 2016

Mar 2, 2016


Recreation Centre Newton

5:30pm-6:30pm (7-16yrs) 5:30pm-6:30pm (5-9 yrs)

Jan 28, 2016

Port Coquitlam

Memorial Community Recreation Centre Hyde Creek


4:00pm-5:00pm (5-9yrs)

Jan 24, 2016

Mar 6, 2016


Recreation Centre Vancouver

Langara YMCA



Jan 23, 2016

Mar 5, 2016


Britannia Community Centre Lochside Elementary School



Jan 22, 2016

Mar 4, 2016



Jan 25, 2016

Mar 7, 2016

Day of Week


Start Date

End Date Mar 6, 2016


Soccer Level I, ages 7-16 City



Chilliwack YMCA



Jan 24, 2016

North Vancouver

Memorial Community Recreation Centre


(7-16yrs) 5:30pm-6:30pm (7-16yrs)

Jan 28, 2016

Mar 3, 2016

Port Coquitlam

Hyde Creek


6:30pm-7:30pm (7-16yrs)

Jan 27, 2016

Mar 2, 2016


2:30pm-3:30pm (7-16yrs)

Jan 24, 2016

Mar 6, 2016

Recreation Centre Surrey

Surrey YMCA

All program information is subject to change. For the most up-to-date information, please check:

Winter 2016 Soccer Program Locations & Times* See following page for level II I CAN Play Soccer program schedule and winter registration dates.


I CAN Play Soccer Winter 2016 Soccer Program Locations & Times* Soccer Level II, ages 10-16 City


Day of Week


Start Date

End Date


Pinetree Community Centre






Walnut Grove Community Centre



Jan 24, 2016

Mar 6, 2016


Surrey YMCA



Jan 24, 2016

Mar 6, 2016

Winter 2016 Soccer Program Registration Interested in signing up for the winter session of the I CAN Play Soccer program? Online registration takes place during the week of Monday, November 23rd at noon – Friday, November 27th at noon. All registrations will be to PENDING ENROLLMENT ONLY – this means that no spots are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. After online registration closes, CAN staff will review the lists of those interested and will email all participants regarding their registration status by the end of the day on Friday, December 4th. Please keep in mind that the Canucks Autism Network strives to accommodate as many unique individuals into our programs as possible, and that enrollment is not guaranteed for any participant.

Spring 2016 Soccer Registration Online registration for spring soccer programs will be open to PENDING ENROLLMENT ONLY during the week of Monday, February 15th at noon - Friday, February 19th, 2016, at noon. For more information, including program locations and times, please check back to our online spring 2016 program catalogue in mid-January.

“I want to tell you how amazing soccer was for my boys. As a parent, I was extremely grateful for the sibling element. As brothers, they want to do just everything together which isn't realistic for them. The CAN PLAY Soccer program provided them with that rare opportunity. Thank you CAN for giving my boys such a wonderful gift!” Anita, CAN parent


Sociables Social Program

Sociables –Monthly Social Program (Teens ages 13-17 & Young Adults ages 18+) The purpose of the Sociables program is to offer the opportunity for teens and young adults with autism to get together and have a good time in a safe and supportive environment. Events change each month to offer a range of fun, new, age appropriate activities for participants to enjoy with their peers.

Program Structure & Supports Sociables programs take place each month, with the activities varying from month-to-month. Past events have included : bowling, sports events, charity events, art classes, cooking classes, dinners, laser tag, beach BBQ, water sports, snows ports, dance class, games nights and more! Participants are supported by trained program leaders, experienced support workers, and dedicated volunteers. This program is intended for participants to attend independently. As our social programs are designed to encourage social interaction between peers, parents are asked to drop-off their children and return at the scheduled pick-up time.

Winter 2016 Sociables Location & Times* Sociables programs are updated to the program page as they are confirmed. Members are encouraged to read CAN’s monthly email newsletter which provides information about upcoming programs and registration dates. Some winter Sociables programs include: -Snowshoeing ( for Teens) in North Vancouver -Music Night (for Teens) in North Westminster -Cooking Class ( for Young Adults) in Vancouver -Crossfit Exercise (for Young Adults) in Vancouver

Winter 2016 Sociables Program Registration Interested in signing up for the winter session of Sociables? Individuals and families living with autism must first sign up for an online CAN Participant Membership. Please visit, to begin this process. Interested in learning more about other Sociables events that take place throughout the year? Activities and registration dates vary throughout the year. Please visit the program page for the latest information. 20

I CAN Swim I CAN Swim (Preschool—Young Adult) The purpose of the I CAN Swim program is to teach swimming and basic water safety skills to children and youth with autism in a safe and supportive environment. It is hoped that the skills developed in this program will assist participants to enjoy a lifetime of fun and safe water activities.

Program Structure & Supports Each session of the swim program consists of 30 minute lessons, once per week, for multiple weeks. Participants are supported by trained program coaches, experienced support workers, and dedicated volunteers, allowing participants to receive 1:1 support. With the 1:1 support being provided for participants, parents and other family members are asked to remain in the waiting area while the program is taking place (with the exception of the Parent-Tot program). The Canucks Autism Network strives to meet the needs of each participant and encourages parents to speak with the program coaches and staff about useful support strategies for their child. This includes visual schedules, first-then boards, token systems, social stories, etc. To assist participants enrolled in the swim program better prepare for their experience, the Canucks Autism Network has prepared a Swim Social Storybook.

Parent & Tot Swim (up to 3 yrs)* Participants will work on entries into the water, buoyancy & movement, bubbles, floats, front and back swim. Games and songs will be incorporated throughout the lessons to create a fun environment for participants to become more comfortable in the water! City


Day of the Week


Start Date

Finish Date


Jewish Community Centre



Jan 23, 2016

Mar 5, 2016

*All program information is subject to change. For the most up-to-date information, please visit: 21

I CAN Swim I CAN Swim (Preschool—Young Adult)

4-6 yrs Swim* This program will focus on entering the water, following a schedule, bubbles, kicking, floating. Participants will progress onto more advanced skills based on their level of comfort in the water. City


Day of Week


Start Date

Finish Date


Edmonds Pool


8:30am-9:00am; 9:00am-9:30am


Cheam Leisure Centre





8:30am-9:00am; 9:00am-9:30am;




City Centre Aquatic Complex Walnut Grove Community Centre Beban Park Pool



Jan 23, 2016 Jan 24, 2016 Jan 24, 2016 Jan 28, 2016 TBA

Mar 5, 2016 Mar 6, 2016 Mar 6, 2016 Mar 3, 2016 TBA

Port Coquitlam

Hyde Creek Recreation Centre


11:30am-12:00pm; 12:00pm12:30pm; 12:30pm-1:00pm

Jan 24, 2016

Mar 6, 2016


Minoru Aquatic Centre


12:00pm-12:30pm; 12:30pm1:00pm

Jan 23, 2016

Mar 5, 2016


Tong Louie YMCA


3:00pm-3:30pm; 3:30pm-4:00pm; 4:00pm-4:30pm; 4:30pm-5:00pm

Jan 23, 2016

Mar 5, 2016


Jewish Community Centre




Crystal Pool


4:00pm-4:30pm; 4:30pm-5:00pm

Jan 23, 2016 Jan 28, 2016

Mar 5, 2016 Mar 3, 2016


*All program information is subject to change. For the most up-to-date information, please visit: 22

I CAN Swim I CAN Swim (Preschool—Young Adult) 7-15 yrs Swim* Participants will work on skill development based on the level enrolled in (level 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5); games and water safety skills will also be incorporated. See information on program level progression.

Level 1: This level will focus on “Comfort” in the water. This program is designed for first time swimmers, the main goal is to become comfortable in the water, and skills will include entering the water, shallow water movement, bubbles, kicking. All skills are assisted. This level will also include walking on the pool deck safely.

Level 2: This level will focus on “Curiosity” in the water. This program will include entries into the water unassisted, introduction to submersion’s (assisted), front floats, back floats moving from assisted to unassisted, and rollover floats assisted. This level will also include kicking with a buoyant object unassisted and work on water safety skills including learning about lifeguards. *Prerequisite: Past participation in Level 1, or some past participation in a swim setting. Level 3: This level will focus on “Confidence” in the water. This program will include various entries into the water unassisted, submersion’s unassisted, and rollover floats unassisted, front glide and back glide with kick moving from assisted to unassisted for a distance of 5 metres. As well side glide will be introduced, along with front and back swim for 5 metres assisted. *Prerequisite: Be able to float independently and past participation in a swim setting. Level 4: This level will focus on “Coordination” in the water. This program will include jump entries into the water, kicking with a kick board increasing distance from 5metres to 25 metres, front glide with kick, back glide with kick, and front glide/side glide combo increasing distance from 5 metres to 25 metres unassisted. Level 4 will also include introduction to treading water, front and back swim with overarm recovery 10-25metres and a distance swim of 50 metres without stopping. Prerequisite: Submersions unassisted, able to complete front and back glide for 5 metres unassisted. Level 5: This level will focus on “Culmination”. All skills in this level are unassisted, and will include jump entries into deep water, introduction to diving, flutter kick with kick board distance increasing from 25 metres to 50 metres, front swim with overarm recovery and breathing pattern with a distance increasing from 25 metres to 100 metres, back swim with overarm recovery with a distance increasing from 25 metres-75 metres. Level 5 will also include whip kick and treading water up to 1min, and a distance swim of 75 metres without stopping. *Prerequisite: Ability to swim 50 metres continuously, without assistance. Ability to confidently complete all skills listed in Level 4 description 23

I CAN Swim I CAN Swim (Preschool—Young Adult)

7-15 yrs Swim City


Week Day



Start Date

End Date


Edmonds Pool





Edmonds Pool


2, 3



Edmonds Pool


3, 4



Cheam Leisure Centre


1, 2



Cheam Leisure Centre





Cheam Leisure Centre


3, 4



City Centre Aquatic Complex





City Centre Aquatic Complex





Parkinson Recreation Centre










3, 4



Walnut Grove Community Centre Walnut Grove Community Centre Walnut Grove Community Centre Beban Park Pool





Beban Park Pool


3, 4


Jan 23, 2016 Jan 23, 2016 Jan 23, 2016 Jan 24, 2016 Jan 24, 2016 Jan 24, 2016 Jan 24, 2016 Jan 24, 2016 Jan 24, 2016 Jan 28, 2016 Jan 28, 2016 Jan 28, 2016 Jan 22, 2016 Jan 22, 2016

Mar 5, 2016 Mar 5, 2016 Mar 5, 2016 Mar 6, 2016 Mar 6, 2016 Mar 6, 2016 Mar 6, 2016 Mar 6, 2016 Mar 6, 2016 Mar 3, 2016 Mar 3, 2016 Mar 3, 2016 Mar 4, 2016 Mar 6, 2016

Langley Langley

Table continues on next page



I CAN Swim I CAN Swim (Preschool—Young Adult) 7-15yrs Swim continued City


Day of Week



Start Date

Finish Date

Port Coquitlam

Hyde Creek Recreation Centre



Port Coquitlam

Hyde Creek Recreation Centre



1:00pm-1:30pm; 1:30pm-2:00pm 2:00pm-2:30pm

Port Coquitlam

Hyde Creek Recreation Centre





Minoru Aquatic Centre





Minoru Aquatic Centre





Tong Louie YMCA





Tong Louie YMCA





Tong Louie YMCA


3, 4


Guildford Recreation Centre



8:00pm-8:30pm; 8:30pm-9:00pm 4:00pm-4:30pm


Guildford Recreation Centre





Guildford Recreation Centre





Guildford Recreation Centre





Jewish Community Centre





Jewish Community Centre





Langara YMCA





Langara YMCA





Langara YMCA





Langara YMCA





Crystal Pool





Crystal Pool




Jan 24, 2016 Jan 24, 2016 Jan 24, 2016 Jan 23, 2016 Jan 23, 2016 Jan 22, 2016 Jan 22, 2016 Jan 22, 2016 Jan 24, 2016 Jan 24, 2016 Jan 24, 2016 Jan 24, 2016 Jan 23, 2016 Jan 23, 2016 Jan 23, 2016 Jan 23, 2016 Jan 23, 2016 Jan 23, 2016 Jan 28, 2016 Jan 28, 2016

Mar 6, 2016 Mar 6, 2016 Mar 6, 2016 Mar 5, 2016 Mar 5, 2016 Mar 4, 2016 Mar 4, 2016 Mar 4, 2016 Mar 6, 2016 Mar 6, 2016 Mar 6, 2016 Mar 6, 2016 Mar 5, 2016 Mar 5, 2016 Mar 5, 2016 Mar 5, 2016 Mar 5, 2016 Mar 5, 2016 Mar 3, 2016 Mar 3, 2016


I CAN Swim I CAN Swim (Preschool—Young Adult) Young Adults Swim (16+yrs)* Participants will spend time working on skills that build upon their existing level of comfort in the water. Games and water safety skills will also be incorporated into the lessons. See information on program level progression. City


Day of the Week


Jewish Community Centre




Start Date

Finish Date


Jan 23, 2016

Mar 5, 2016

*All program information is subject to change. For the most up-to-date information, please visit:

Private Swim Lessons* Private lessons offer 2:1 support to assist those participants with autism who have significant communication and/or City


Day of Week


Start Date

Finish Date


Jewish Community Centre



Jan 23, 2016

Mar 5, 2016

*All program information is subject to change. For the most up-to-date information, please visit:

Winter 2016 Swim Program Registration Interested in signing up for the winter session of the I CAN Swim program? Online registration takes place during the week of Monday, November 23rd at noon – Friday, November 27th at noon. All registrations will be to PENDING ENROLLMENT ONLY – this means that no spots are allocated on a first-come, firstserved basis. After online registration closes, CAN staff will review the lists and email all participants regarding their registration status by the end of the day on Friday, December 4th, 2015. Please keep in mind that at the Canucks Autism Network, our goal with registration is to accommodate as many unique individuals into our programs as possible, and that enrollment is not guaranteed for any participant.

Spring 2016 Swim Registration Online registration for spring swim programs will open to PENDING ENROLLMENT ONLY during the week of Monday, February 15th, 2016, at noon - Friday, February 19th, 2016, at noon. For more information, including program locations and times, please check back to our online spring 2016 program catalogue in mid-January 2016.


I CAN Do Yoga I CAN Do Yoga (Ages 16 and up) The purpose of the I CAN Do Yoga program is to offer teens and adults with autism the opportunity to participate in a yoga class designed to promote physical and social development in a safe and supportive environment. Program Structure & Supports Each session of the yoga program consists of 60 minute lessons, once per week, for multiple weeks. Lessons focus on balance, flexibility, breathing, and relaxation. Participants are supported by trained program coaches, experienced support workers, and dedicated volunteers.

Winter 2016 Yoga Program Location & Times* City


Day of Week


Start Date

Finish Date

West Vancouver

West Vancouver Community Center



Jan 24th, 2016

March 6th, 2016

*All program information is subject to change. For the most up-to-date information, please visit:

Winter 2016 Yoga Registration Online registration takes place during the week of Monday, November 23rd at noon to Friday, November 27th at noon. All registrations will open to PENDING ENROLLMENT ONLY – this means that no spots are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. After registration closes, the CAN staff will review the lists of those interested and email all participants regarding their registration status by the end of the day on Friday, December 4th. Please keep in mind, the Canucks Autism Network aims to accommodate as many unique individuals as possible, and that enrollment is not guaranteed for any participant.

Spring 2016 Yoga Registration Online registration for spring yoga programs will be open to PENDING ENROLLMENT ONLY during the week of Monday, February 15th, 2016, at noon - Friday, February 19th, 2016, at noon. For additional information, including program locations and times, please refer back to our online spring 2016 program catalogue in mid-January.


I CAN Ski or Snowboard

I CAN Ski or Snowboard (Ages 7-18) The purpose of the I CAN Ski or Snowboard program is to teach basic skiing or snowboarding skills to children and youth with autism in a safe and supportive environment. This program will take place at Grouse Mountain. Program Structure & Supports Each lesson is approximately 3-3.5 hours (the instructional time on the hill is about 1.5hrs), once per week, for three weeks. CAN is excited to provide this program in partnership with Vancouver Adaptive Snow Sports, who provide one Ski Instructor for each participant. In each program, participants are supported by coaches, support workers and volunteers. Canucks Autism Network strives to meet the needs of each participant and encourages parents to speak with the program coaches and staff about useful support strategies for their child such as visual schedules, first-then boards, token systems, social stories, etc. To help participants better prepare for the ski or snowboard program, CAN has prepared a Ski Social Storybook.

Winter 2016 Ski or Snowboard Program Location & Times* City


Day of Week


Start Date

Finish Date

North Vancouver

Grouse Mountain



January 26th, 2016

February 9th, 2016

Winter 2016 Ski Program Registration Interested in signing up for the winter session of the Ski program? Individuals and families living with autism must first sign up for an online CAN Participant Membership. Please visit, to begin this process. This is a very popular program with limited spots available, therefore, enrollment is not guaranteed for any participant. In addition, each participant will be required to pay the Vancouver Adaptive Snow Sports program fee of $75 to participate in the program. Participants who are enrolled into the program will receive additional information about the cost to participate in their confirmation email. Already a member? Online registration takes place during the week of Monday, November 23rd at noon – Friday, November 27th at noon. All registrations will be to PENDING ENROLLMENT ONLY – this means that no spots are allocated on a first-come, firstserved basis. After online registration closes, the CAN staff will review the lists of those interested and will email all 28 participants regarding their registration status by the end of the day on Friday, November 27.

I CAN Get Fit

I CAN Get Fit (Ages 14 and up) The purpose of I CAN Get Fit is to teach youth and young adults with autism how to use a fitness facility in a safe and supportive environment. The program focuses on basic skills such as learning to use cardio and weight machines, and provides an introduction to gym etiquette. In addition, participants will be encouraged to build independence and fitness skills that can be maintained outside the program. Program Structure & Supports Each lesson is 90 minutes, once a week, for multiple weeks. Lessons include warm-up, core strengthening, cardio, strength training (machines), and stretching. In each fitness program, participants are supported by trained coaches, experienced support workers and dedicated volunteers. Participants are encouraged to attend the program with a ‘workout buddy’ who may assist in generalizing skills in the community after the program is finished.

Winter 2016 Fitness Location & Times* This program will only be offered in Kelowna for the winter session. City


Day Week


Start Date

Finish Date


Parkinson Recreation Centre



January 24th, 2016

March 6th, 2016

Winter 2016 Fitness Program Registration Interested in signing up for the winter session of the Fit program? Individuals and families living with autism must first sign up for an online CAN Participant Membership. Please visit, to begin this process. Already a member? Online registration takes place during the week of Monday, November 23rd at noon – Friday, November 27th at noon. All registrations will be to PENDING ENROLLMENT ONLY – this means that no spots are allocated on a first-come, firstserved basis. After online registration closes, the CAN staff will review the lists of those interested and will email all participants regarding their registration status by the end of the day on Friday, November 27.


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