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community arts fund 2009/10/11 guidelines

who can apply? Individuals over 18 years of age.

Funding is available in three categories:

overview Community Arts Network WA (CAN WA) manages this fund on behalf of the State of Western Australia through the Department of Culture and the Arts.

The fund supports projects that: Facilitate and support Western Australian community-determined arts and culture activities that express local culture and identity.



Promote the values of community empowerment, social inclusion, respect for diversity and self-determination.

Category A – INNOVATE Innovate is a new category for artists and communities interested in developing new and innovative community arts practices. Two projects will be funded per round. Category B – CREATE Create is for projects that express local culture and identity. Category C – DEVELOP Develop is a professional development category for community artists and community cultural development workers. This category is for research and/or development in areas that will benefit the community and the arts industry in the long term. Applicants can apply for up to $15,000.

Groups/Organisations can apply. Organisations can include local governments, not for profits and schools; as long as the project is not part of the existing curriculum and the project demonstrates the participation of the general community and community artists/artsworkers. Applicants must provide an ABN or have a legal entity auspice (administer) the application. Organisations in receipt of multiyear or triennial funding from the Department of Culture and the Arts cannot apply. Projects must directly benefit Western Australian communities and take place in Western Australia.

assistance available Category A – INNOVATE $30,000 in the March round and $30,000 in the September round (2 projects per round). Category B – CREATE A minimum of $75,000 in the March round and $75,000 in the September round. Category C – DEVELOP $30,000 in the March round and $15,000 in the September round.

Catalyst can fund the part of the project where people have the opportunity to participate, learn together and experience the arts. Catalyst can also fund items such as artist's or artworker's fees, consumable materials, promotion and administration costs.

closing dates 30 March for projects commencing after 1 July. 30 September for projects commencing after 1 January. Applications must be postmarked by 5pm on the closing date. No late, email or faxed applications are accepted. The process of investigation enlightened the young people and provided an opportunity for them to reconcile their place and that of their partner within the urban landscape. City of Armadale


Step 2: Read all the Catalyst funding information provided

This provided the audience with a first-hand account of what it is like being a Noongar in today’s society and the culture that is still alive.

After you have read the material, consider the following: Whether your project fits the guidelines.

Vancouver Arts Centre, Sprung Writers Festival

What category your project fits within.


How much you need to apply for.


The closing date of the funding round.


how many times can you apply to catalyst? 1.

You can apply for categories A or B as often as you like, but once you have successfully gained funding you cannot apply again for 12 months. Once category C funding is obtained, you may not apply again for 3 years. No new funding applications will be accepted until you have successfully acquitted a previously funded project with Community Arts Network WA, Department of Culture and Arts or Country Arts WA.

When your project is planned to begin and end. 2.

how do I apply? Step 1: Get the Application Form and Guidelines Download from the CAN WA website: or contact CAN WA: CAN WA Ground Floor, King Street Arts Centre 357-365 Murray Street Perth WA 6000 e. t. 9226 2422 country callers 1800 681 021


Whether you have enough time to apply and then coordinate the project. Book a place at the workshop (generally held 4-6 weeks before the end of the round). Step 3: Contact the Funds Manager at CAN WA to discuss your idea The Funds Manager can advise whether your project idea fits the guidelines. You can then start to draft your application. You must answer all the questions asked. Your response to these questions will enable the Assessment Panel to make a decision.

Step 4: Work on your application and start gathering support You need to think about: What your project is The outcomes you hope to achieve Who will coordinate the project Who will provide the artistic and cultural skills Which community(ies) will you be targeting Have you already spoken to others about the project? What do they think? Do they support it? Who else you could approach for funding/sponsorship/donations Draw up a budget to see how much your project will cost Collect support material from those who will be involved e.g. artists, community groups, participants. CAN WA runs a free 3 hour workshop on How to complete a Catalyst funding application approx 4-6 weeks before the closing date. Speak to the Funds Manager and book yourself or your organisation a spot.

Start to talk to, or talk further with, your community/ies about your ideas. Write your project outline by answering all the questions in the application form. Think about what you need ... venue, equipment, hire etc. Provide a budget outlining how the funds will be spent. Include the total project cost, not just the Catalyst funding. What other sources of funding do you have or are you applying for? The budget must provide evidence of support from other sources (grants, in kind, sponsors). Remember to factor any permits such as working with children checks or security fees in your budget. If you do not have an ABN you will need a legally-incorporated body to auspice you. Start to gather your support material – support is by way of letters from individuals/ organisations who will either take part in the project, provide financial support or offer general support.


Step 6: Preparing to submit your application Other support material for the application will include: Samples of the key artists work including CD’s, videos or DVD’s CV’s of the key artist/s and coordinator/s Letters of agreement from key artist/s, coordinator/s and communities to indicate their participation in the project Relevant promotional material that relates to your group; annual reports or publications Ensure rates of pay for artists/ artsworker’s are in line with relevant awards. You may need licences or permits from government departments or your local council for certain activities.


Complete the Checklist.

– Relevant promotional material attached.

The application has been discussed with the Funds Manager.

– Annual reports and financial statements attached.

The project fits within Catalyst guidelines.

Step 7: Submit your application

The Application Form is completed and Declaration signed by Applicant and Auspicing Body (if relevant). The questions answered relating to either Categories A or B or Category C. The artists, coordinators and participants are confirmed. The Budget page is completed: – Figures have been checked and add up accurately. – Income = Expenditure. The supporting material is attached:

Step 5: Send a draft application to the Funds Manager

– Evidence of community support for the project provided.

Send a draft through to the Funds Manager to review. This may be by way of email or through an appointment.

– Letters of agreement from the artists & coordinators listed in the project provided. – Relevant CVs attached.

Applications must be postmarked by 5pm of the closing date. Closing dates for applications are 30 March for projects starting after 1 July and 30 September for projects starting after 1 January. Applications must be concise (no more than 5 pages), to the point and legible. Please do not staple or bind your application as it needs to be photocopied for the Panel. Remain contactable as the funding body may have questions/queries and require further information. Step 8: Notification Applications are checked by the Funds Manager to ensure all areas are completed and in accordance with requirements/guidelines. Applicant eligibility is also checked.

Applications are photocopied and sent to Panel members approximately three weeks before the assessment meeting. A letter of acknowledgement is sent to the applicant with a project number. Applications are assessed by an Independent Peer Assessment Panel. CAN WA staff do not influence or make funding decisions.

Each sculpture reflected the elemental influences of Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit and bought awareness to the power in nature and our involvement with it. Enviro-Sound Sculpture Park

All decisions made by the panel are final and cannot be changed.

After the Panel meeting, all applicants are advised of the outcomes. If successful, applicants will receive a contract to complete which outlines the terms and conditions. Payment is normally made two weeks prior to commencment of the project. Unsuccessful applicants will be informed why they were unsuccessful and have the opportunity to reapply for the next round addressing the Panel's concerns. If you receive funding assistance, you will be required to acknowledge the funding body in all publicity/ promotional material. PHOTO CREDIT: SOUTHERN FOREST ARTS – NORTHCLIFFE COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION SCULPTURE.

For further information on selection criteria and application forms, contact Community Arts Network WA PERTH OFFICE

King Street Arts Centre 357-365 Murray Street Perth WA 6000


PO Box 7514 t. +61 (0) 8 9226 2422 Cloisters Square f. +61 (0) 8 9226 2230 WA 6850 e.

8 Ripper Street Kellerberrin WA 6410

t. +61 (0) 8 9045 4766 f. +61 (0) 8 9045 4070 free call 1800 681 021

Quotes in the guidleines have been taken from Catalyst projects acquitted during 2008/2009

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