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CAN WA would like to extend their congratulations to the following successful applicants in the first round of CATALYST funding for 2009. The next round of CATALYST funding will be closing on September 30 for projects beginning after 1 Jan 2010. Contact the Funds Manager at CAN WA to discuss your ideas. Application forms and guidelines can be downloaded from CAT EG OR Y A - I NNO VA T E Hydr a P oe si s (au sp ic ed by D AD A A WA) - T he Wil dstyl e St ore fun ded $13,350 Description of Project: For young people in the City of Swan in partnership with City of Swans Hyper Festival team, DADAA Youth projects, the project is about fostering peer networks between young people and their peers with disabilities through innovative arts activities. The 'store' a one-stop dance shop will be where young people can develop their own dance style, make music and create associated visual artworks. Cat ch Mu si c I nc - B and s a t Ful l Sp ec tru m fund ed $ 11 ,650 Description of Project: Bring together ten different bands from across the disability and mental community of Perth, to learn the skills required to produce an inspirational CD of ten creative cover tracks, that will promote positive messages on the themes of music, disability and community. CAT EG OR Y B - CR EAT E Forr e std al e Pri m ary S ch ool - A Gr ea t Pl ac e To B e 2 009 fund ed $8 ,46 0 Description of Project: Extend upon '2008 Forrestdale: A Great Place to be' community arts project. To further develop student and staff skills across a range of media, focusing on sculpture and incorporating drawing, painting and digital media. Running a series of seven workshops, facilitated by a community artist, along with various other artists experienced in Indigenous cultural forms. Ardr oss P ri m ary S cho ol - A rdro ss Pr i mary Sc hoo l Pro je ct fund ed $7 ,650 Description of Project: Drawing sessions for students of Ardross Primary School for them to design a tile exploring their family’s ethnic history, enabling them to foster awareness and knowledge of their own background. The process of designing tiles will give students time to discuss each other’s work and cultures. Once tiles are produced they will be permanently displayed on the school's library wall. No rth Pin jar ra P rogr e ss A sso cia tio n - P ed e str ia n Unde rpa ss M ur al fund ed

$8,1 00 Description of Project: Free design workshops will be conducted to engage community members in the design and development and subsequent painting of the mural, on a pedestrian underpass, which connects all residents and visitors to the heart of the community, as well as providing safe student and parent access to local primary school, deli and is constantly used by pedestrians on a daily basis. Gr ee n S kill s In c - S usta in abl e Livi ng Pr oj ect fund ed $10 ,29 0 Description of Project: Run a sustainability linked community arts project with the elements of youth, community arts and environmental education together. It will compose three interlocking component projects 1) Funk N Junk - workshops using recycled materials to sculpture. 2) Recycled Junk Instrument Making and Musical Development Project - workshops making and playing instruments made from junk. 3) Gondwana Youth Arts Project - aims to link youth and art to the environmental program called Gondwana Link, young people and volunteer teachers from 5 schools attending a forum and exchange with a focus on arts and conservation. Mo ora F in e Art s S oc ie ty - Wi nte r Ar ts Sc ho ol fu nded $ 2,1 60 Description of Project: 14 artistic and cultural workshops held over a 9-day period. It creates professional and skills development for individual artists who are both professional and amateur and helps all art workers and interested persons. Shi re o f Wic k epi n - Fa c e M ap fu nde d $ 5,6 7 0 Description of Project: Snap shot of the community by gathering a photo of every member of the community and creating a slideshow. Also a series of workshops to give people skills in photographing people. With these new skills people would be encouraged to take photos of each other, their friends, family, neighbours or children and bring them together to create an artwork as a permanent reminder of the project as a celebration of community connections. Co m m uni ty Vision In c - Tr oll ey Po nd to Bil l abon g fu nde d $ 3,1 50 Description of Project: Involve a series of 10 art sessions by Mirrabooka Pond/Park, each session will be a three-hour duration in the morning and occur on a fortnightly basis. Engage transient and local aboriginal people to encourage creativity and emotional wellbeing, facilitate the development of creative skills and create sellable artwork. The atr e Ki mb er ley - Me ta m orph o si s fu nde d $10 ,39 0 Description of Project: Bring together all the elements that have been developed over 5 years, bring dance, aerial performance, stilt performance, puppetry and commedia Del Arte into one major contemporary dance and aerial performance that has been developing over the years with our local and mostly young performers and visual artists. The K al eido scop e En se mb le In c - Coll ie Pro jec t 2009 fu nded $1 0,550 Description of Project: Run a music and theatre workshop/project at Wilson Park

Primary School, learning how to make and play instruments. A performance at Ferguson Farm stay to put on a day of festivities, attracting patrons. Ch un g W ah A ssoc ia tion - Ne w Go ld Mo un t ain fund ed $1 2,0 00 Description of Project: A project that will express through movement and dance the history of Chinese migration and settlement to WA over the past 100 years. Tot al Th ea tre - Mo sm an P ark S pri ng Fe stiv al 200 9 fu nded $7 ,2 00 Description of Project: A festival to celebrate cultural heritage of Mosman Park. Activities such as circus workshops for children, singing and dancing workshops, afternoon tea for the elderly family film night, community concert and a gala swing dance. Str ee tb eat (a u spi ced by S t Pa tri c ks Co m m u nity S uppor t Cen tr e) Str ee tli fe 2 009 fund ed $9 ,51 0 Description of Project: Purchase ten digital cameras that will be given to the homeless and disadvantaged clients that access the services of the St Patrick’s Community Centre in Fremantle. The aim of the project is to give these people a sense of identity through visual documentation of their day-to-day lives. Ci ty of Fr e m ant le - B al Mod ern e Co m mu nit y Da nc e Pr oj ect fu nded $9 ,7 20 Description of Project: A stand-alone community based project which will be included as part of the Fremantle Festival. Project consists of two components; community workshops and a performance event. Sa ndl ew ood A rt s and Cr aft I nc - - A uspic ed by M uc ki nbud in Pl an ni ng and Deve lop m ent Co m m issi on - Sa ndl ew ood A r ts a nd Cra ft In c Pr oje ct fun ded $2 ,7 40 Description of Project: Hold a series of workshops over 4 weeks totaling 8 days by local artist Roderick Sprigg. To enhance and expand painting skills of artists living in the North Eastern Wheatbelt region, using paint materials gathered from the surrounding countryside. The use of these substances and materials in the artists' art practices as well as utilising the more conventional materials in their artwork will help to broaden the artists scope and vision. CAT EG OR Y C - D EVELO P G we n Kno x - Pro fe ssi on al Dev elo p me nt fun ded $13 ,50 0 Description of Project: To research successful community circus/theatre programs from around Australia and make comparisons with the successful counterparts in the UK and Europe. I will document and assess the effectiveness of my approach to message promotion as in Healthway projects and the development of community performances.

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