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Publications order form Free publications Annual Reports

Cultural Planning

CAN WA Annual Report 2007

Spring 2007 bulletin

CAN WA Annual Report 2006

Summer 2006/2007 bulletin

Catalyst 

Summer 2006/2007 bulletin

Publications for sa le

Co st

P + H

Paving Pathways for Youth Inclusion: The Contribution of Community Cultural Development by Simone Ruane



The Art of Peace: A Toolkit of Theatre Art for Conflict Resolution by the Makhampom Foundation


No cost

The Five Dimensions of Community by Sandra Krempl







Name: _____________________________________________________________________ Organisation: _______________________________________________________________ Postal address:______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________Postcode: __________ Contact number: ____________________________________________________________ Email address: ______________________________________________________________ Pay m en t

tot al a mo unt : $ __ ___ _ _ __ ___

Payment can be made by cash (at the CAN WA office), cheque (made out to the Community Arts Network of WA Ltd), credit or direct deposit. Cre dit Card Details Name on Credit Card ______________________________ Card Number _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ Expiry Date ______________ Total Amount $__________

Please return this form with payment to: CAN WA, Kings Street Art Centre 357-365 Murray Street, Perth or post to PO Box 7514, Cloisters Square, WA 6850 Ph. (08) 9226 2422, Fax (08) 9226 2230 Email: Website:

Signature ________________________________________ Dire ct De posit to: BSB 633-000 Ac count N am e: Community Arts Network Main Account Ac coun t No. 13006820 (please put your name in the description)

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