Maple Ridge Times March 18 2011

Page 1

Friday, March 18, 2011 Employers are encouraged to hire people with disabilities

Page A20

ary Annivers 1985-2010


Provincial politics

Minimum wage hike welcomed

Chamber president says a higher minimum wage will have a “minimal effect” on the economy. by Maria Rantanen

Troy Landreville/TIMES

Maple Ridge Secondary Grade 12 students Lucas Bartel (background) and Justin Chevrier stood near a prop showing just how ruthless Vlad the Impaler was during his reign of terror in the 15th century. More photos online at, click on “News.”

Social Responsibility Week

Kids spotlight intolerance The horrors of past atrocities were on display in a room at Maple Ridge Secondary on Tuesday.

by Troy Landreville

Walk into a converted classroom inside Maple Ridge Secondary and one might think they’d walked into a nightmare. In actuality, it’s a faux house of horrors – a museum of the macabre created by 120 Comparative Civilizations 12 students to bring into focus the atrocities ignited by intolerance through human history. The “genocide museum” was built to reinforce Social Responsibility Week, from March 14 to 18 at Maple Ridge Secondary. Teacher Mark Beale headed up the project and said it has been a learning experience for all involved.

“The students have learned a lot about the topic of genocide and being aware of social issues and working in groups to create something as intricate as this,” Beale said. “It’s about tolerance and that’s what we’re trying to do through the school with our Social Responsibility Week.” Every student in the school did a tour Tuesday, and the room was open for two hours in the evenings for parents and public to view. The display closed Thursday at noon. “The students are here and conduct the entire tour,” Beale told the TIMES. It took about a month for the students to transform the classroom into a grisly display, with the goal of bringing awareness to torture and genocide. Prior to entering, students and visitors were shown a video showing a recent genocide in Rwanda. Once inside, visitors were immediately greeted with props displaying the atrocities committed by 15th century Romanian prince Vlad the Impaler, and

the burning alive of suspected witches during the late 17th century. However, three-quarters of the room brings into focus the Holocaust of Jews that transpired in Nazi Germany during the Second World War. Propaganda posters fill the walls, the voice of Hitler, shown on side-byside TV screens, frantically bellowing his message of hate to the people of Germany, booms through the corridors. And finally, visitors were witness to the horrors of a Jewish concentration camp, including a gas chamber. Beale said genocide is still prevalent today, noting there are several countries still under watch. “Amnesty International is watching the situations in certain countries because the steps toward genocide are already taking place,” he said. The students did an excellent job putting the museum together, Beale said. This is about the 10th project that we’ve done here in the school and they’ve all been very good.”

The minimum wage in B.C. will be $10.25 in May 2012, giving a boost to the lowest paid workers. The new minimum wage will be phased in over the next 14 months, and the $6 per hour training wage will be gone by May, premier Christy Clark announced on Wednesday. “I think there’s a recognition from business owners that (minimum wage has) stayed there for a long time,” said Marc Dalton, Liberal MLA for Maple Ridge-Mission. He added that with the economy growing, raising the minimum wage will help young people and others tied to the $8 wage, especially entry workers and immigrants. The minimum wage will increase to $8.75 on May 1, to $9.50 on Nov. 1, and to $10.25 on May 1, 2012. The increase will Marc Dalton be slightly lower for alcoMaple Ridge-Pitt Meadows MLA hol servers who also get tips for their service. The economy grew by three per cent last year and is projected to grow by 2.5 per cent this year, Dalton said, therefore, it’s time to bring up wages for low income earners. Dalton pointed out that only 40,000 workers in the province are paid minimum wage and for full-time minnimum-wage earners, it will mean $4,000 more per year. Jeremy Bekar, president of the Chamber of Commerce serving Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows, said the increase in minimum wage will have a “minimal effect” on the economy, probably causing an increase in costs which will raise the cost of goods. “We’re aware this will increase inflationary pressures raising the cost for goods in our area,” Bekar said. Bekar said he didn’t know many businesses that paid minimum wage, but those who do will just pass on the increased costs. “In the long-term, it’s just a fact of life,” Bekar said. “It’ll get passed on to consumers.”

Don’t miss important information from the City of Pitt Meadows on pages A4 and A14

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Friday, March 18, 2011

Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times


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Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times

Friday, March 18, 2011




HST welcome in the film industry

The local film industry is booming thanks What’s OnLine to the HST tax credit incentive.

Kamp phones in MP Randy Kamp will be phoning 30,000 constituents on Tuesday evening for a telephone “town hall” meeting. Residents in the Pitt MeadowsMaple Ridge-Mission riding will be contacted at around 7 p.m. and they will be invited to stay on the line and ask questions about the budget that is expected that day. • More online:, click on “News”

Mother not found The excavation of an East Vancouver townhouse thought to be the burial site of the mother of Maple Ridge man has found no trace of the woman. Postmedia files Robert Sturcz’s Robert Sturcz lives mother in Maple Ridge. Katherine Mary Brown disappeared in 1977. • More online:, click on “News”

Sentence delayed

A sentence for a 30-year-old man who has 50 criminal convictions was delayed until April 8. Chad Allen Stewart was found guilty last May of robbery, disguising his face, and possession of stolen property after robbing a Subway on Lougheed Highway. • More online:, click on “News”

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by Amy Judd

One local actress, crew member, and producer is tired of reading about the negative side to the HST. Bina Binti has been working in the film industry since 2003, and said when the HST came into effect last July, it was a benefit to the filming community in Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows. “Without the HST tax credit incentive one of the first things to go would be the outer edges filming locations,” said Binti. The HST, like the GST before it, is recoverable for the film industry in B.C., and according to the B.C. Film Commission, the harmonization of the PST and GST results in lower costs of production as the industry is no longer required to pay the unrecoverable PST. “The HST is a welcome relief to the film industry as it is a recoverable tax, unlike the PST, resulting in lower production costs,” confirmed Marg Johnson, film production liaison for Maple Ridge. “In addition to actual cost savings, it will also reduce sales tax compliance time and costs,” she added. Binti said she understands that for many businesses and families, the HST is not welcome at all. “It’s expensive for those productions to come and film further out,” she said, “but taking away the HST would drastically reduce the number of productions and money being spent here in my opinion.” Johnson said there are currently six productions filming in Maple Ridge in March, compared to three in March of last year. “The increase isn’t necessarily attributable to just the HST, but it certainly does help,” she said. Last year there were fewer also due to the Winter Olympics as productions chose to film elsewhere. “Another benefit to productions filming out here,” added Johnson, “is that they receive an additional six per cent regional tax credit for

Ed Araquel photo

Phantom Racer was one of the productions filmed in Maple Ridge recently. And the Burger King location at 20290 Lougheed Hwy. turned into a movie set on Tuesday, for the filming of the original TV series, The Killing, which is set to kick off on AMC with a twohour premier on Sunday, April 3 at 9 p.m.

Troy Landreville/TIMES

filming outside of the designated Vancouver area.” “It has a lot of beneficial effect in our community,” said Binti, and it is not unusual to see trucks and tents set up around Maple Ridge and inside local buildings. “It’s also great for students’ summer jobs, working as background performers,” she added. Binti said the film industry could be hurt-

ing a little due to the Canadian dollar being so high, but industry forecasts for 2011 are still positive despite the dollar increase, said Johnson. “From an accounting perspective, [film productions] are benefiting from the HST tax incentive,” added Binti. In B.C. in general, film and television production spending in 2010 totalled $1.01 billion, according to the commission. A total of 246 productions were shot in B.C. in 2010 including Human Target, Eureka, Fringe, Hellcats, 1001 Nights, and Thomas and Friends.

Provincial politics

Team unites to counter Dalton recall efforts by Maria Rantanen

Defenders of MLA Marc Dalton say a recall effort is being influ-



enced by labour and the NDP. Mike Murray, spokesperson for the “I’m with Marc” group that has formed to counter the recall initiative, said they understand

the union movement and NDP have the right to back the recall initiative, but they shouldn’t call it a “grassroots movement.” Recall organizer Corisa Bell

• More online at, click on “News”

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Friday, March 18, 2011

Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times

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Brian Russell/TIMES

Tyler Ian Doucette, a resident of The Caring Place Minstries homeless shelter in Maple Ridge, disagrees with the perception that homeless shelters are meccas of crime.

Caring Place

Message for those without a home The 2011 Homeless Count stirs the passionate beliefs of at least one Maple Ridge man.

count] every three months if they want to get things better and keep track of people,” said Doucette. His three years at the shelter have been, as he describes it, “on and off,” but he has come to know the people who stay by Brian Russell there and feels that there is a common misconception about being homeless. “Some people say that because [this Tyler Doucette has a metaphor for shelter] is here, in the community, that homeless and struggling people who can’t it’s reeling criminals in from out of find a job. town.” “[Imagine] you’re cut down by a cute With a frustrated tone in his voice, he girl, three or four times, do you think finishes his thought. you’re going to go to another hot girl and “Well, it’s not. I live here. I know ask if she wants to go on a date? You’re who’s who and what’s what. It’s not just going to say ‘she wouldn’t want me,’ bringing criminals here, it’s saving lives he said. right now.” “But how do you know that? Chances Drugs, however, are making a mess of are she might, for the person that’s the lives of many homeless people at the inside you. We’re all different, not all the shelter, Doucette said. same,” he added. He estimated that 80 per cent of the Doucette is simply trying to tell homehomeless he lives with are addicts. less people, like him, to not give up. Of all the points Doucette brought up, He notes how he has 18 years of experi- the issue of drug use is one he repeated. ence as a professional plumber, but since “If you want to clean things up, get having his driver’s license taken away educated and crunch down on the from him by family services, he can’t find drugs,” he said work in the field he knows so well. It’s a message he wants to plant in the A resident of The Caring Place heads of people with power in society. Ministries homeless shelter in Maple For the last eight months, Doucette has Ridge, Doucette has strong opinions been dreaming of a “homeless survival about the Maple Ridge homeless comguide,” a book that would gather a list of munity. resources for those living on the street. And his opinions start with the 2011 But he concluded he is too focused on Homeless Count, a Metro Vancouver-wide fixing his life right now to get a start on tally of those without a fixed address that such a project. happens every three years. One of the last things Doucette said “I think they should do [the homeless before he left the room put a longing look on his face. “Where the real gold is, is in your heart, it’s not in your wallet or anywhere else.” He is certainly hopeful that the homeless community will one day have more opportunities in the workforce. But for now, he said, the key to his living is to be happy and help others be the same. “If you can help somebody else and make Brian Russell/TIMES [them] feel good, then you Volunteers from around the community help out in the Caring Place kitchen feel good about yourself,” said Doucette. by preparing meals and cleaning dishes.

The City of Pitt Meadows Public Works Department will be flushing water mains throughout the municipality for approximately twelve weeks beginning March 21, 2011. During this time there may be a temporary drop in water pressure or a noticeable discolouration in tap water. To correct problems with milky water, open the cold tap slightly to bleed air from the water lines. If you experience problems with dirty water, turn on an outside tap and let it run until the water clears. The City thanks residents for their patience during this routine maintenance of the water mains. If there are any questions or concerns please call 604-465-2434. Public Works Department 11333 Harris Road Pitt Meadows, BC, V3Y 2M5

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Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times

Friday, March 18, 2011



Mark Strahl is seeking to replace his father as Member of Parliament.

Coco Before Chanel France, 2009


Federal affairs

Politics runs in family Randy Kamp’s assistant makes leap from bureaucracy to public life.

he said. “I’ve got some ideas about who might run but on the other hand, it is up to them to announce and when.” Less than an hour after that interview, by Paul Henderson Mark sent out a press release announcing Postmedia Network, Inc. his candidacy. He said he decided to throw his hat in Chuck Strahl’s son Mark, who works for the ring after consulting with family and MP Randy Kamp, announced Monday he friends. will seek the Conservative party nomina“My dad has such a way with people,” tion for Chilliwack-Fraser Canyon in the said Mark. “He cares about his constitunext election. ents and brings common sense to every The 32-year-old Strahl is currently decision he makes. I hope to bring that executive assistant to Kamp, MP for Pitt same perspective and passion as a candiMeadows-Maple Ridge-Mission, and date for our party.” has served in a variety of Parliamentary Born and raised in Chilliwack, Mark intern roles in Ottawa, starting in Preston and his wife Lisa have Manning’s office. been married for 12 He is also currently “My dad has such a way years. the president of the with people… I hope to bring son. They have one Conservative board of that same perspective and Mark has also held directors. various positions with Mark’s announcepassion as a candidate.” the federal party, ment comes just two Mark Strahl including campaign days after Chuck manager in both announced he would leadership and local contests, and most not seek re-election when the writ drops. recently president of the Conservative In a telephone interview with the board of directors. Postmedia Network Inc. on Monday, “The members of Chilliwack-Fraser Chuck said Prime Minister Stephen Harper Canyon will choose their candidate very knew “a long time ago” that he wouldn’t soon, and I’ll be working hard to earn run again, but those in the party weren’t their support in the days ahead,” said told until Friday. Mark. “I know our riding and I know our Because the threat of an election is members. I believe I have the experience imminent, the national party wants to make sure it has candidates lined up in all and the knowledge necessary to be a successful Conservative candidate.” ridings. Mark will step down from his position When asked about a successor, Strahl as president of the board of directors in wouldn’t give up a name. order to pursue the nomination – effective “We have a good party membership immediately – and is on leave from his – 700 or 800 members – so it’s up now to position with Kamp’s office. the national party to run the campaign,”

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Friday, March 18, 2011

Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times

Pitt Meadows


Arena given green light

Council approved the accelerated upgrades to the Pitt Meadows Arena.

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much done,” she added. The construction cost for completion of ‘phase one’ and ‘phase two’ work plus the additional work to repair the structural foundation will now cost $8.6 million. by Amy Judd “This investment protects and improves one of the City’s most valuable and well used assets,” said Pitt Meadows Despite delays and financial strain, the Mayor Don MacLean. “And [the] replacepeople of Pitt Meadows can look forward ment value for the three rinks is assessed to an upgraded arena this year. at over $21 million.” The City has revised the timing for Although land sale and possible user work to be completed, so that the remedifees have been suggested by council to ation of the second floor, rebuilding of pay for some of these upgrades, Swift the change rooms and washrooms in red said the financial discussion will be held rink, remediation of blue and gold rink separately as part of the City’s change rooms, new referee capital plan. rooms, installation of a sound Pitt Meadows purchased the system, plus new bleachers and arena in late 2009, and planned heaters, will all be finished by an upgrade to occur in three the end of 2011. phases over five years. The decision was finalized At that time, the total project at council Tuesday night. cost was estimated at $7.5 milUpgrades, which were originlion, with more than 50 per ally part of the ‘phase two’ cent of the proposed budget plan, have been accelerated focused on mechanical and into ‘phase one’, explained electrical improvements, as parks and recreation manager Don MacLean well as, exterior and interior Kelly Swift. Pitt Meadows Mayor improvements. “This essentially completes “Work on the project revealed the project ahead of the original some deterioration in piles under the subthree-phase schedule,” she said. “And structure that required replacement,” said it brings the facility in line with seismic Swift, as the City monitored the progress. upgrades and operational efficiencies.” “To ensure that public safety was mainOnly two items will be left to complete as part of the overall upgrade, including a tained, these upgrades were made a top priority,” she added. bar and a catering kitchen in the upstairs “The City appreciates the patience and mezzanine. support shown by the current user groups “Conducting this work later will allow and the interim operator, recreation excelNustadia Recreation Inc, the new arena lence.” operator beginning May 1, the opportunCouncil had a heated debate last week ity to contribute to planning these serviover this issue, and was torn on spending ces,” Swift said. more money on the project at this time. “From a user’s perspective, it’s pretty

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Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times

Friday, March 18, 2011


Smarten up to a sweet deal. Thieves take bank machine Get wise with Android smartphones and Police blotter

Two men were able to walk out of a hotel with a 300-pound bank machine on Thursday morning.

store’s loss prevention officers. They attempted to arrest the man, but he fought back and ran off to a stolen car parked in the parking lot. Unfortunately for him, he dropped one package of meat and the cosmetic item in his escape attempt. by Amy Judd When the Ridge Meadows RCMP arrived, they were able to locate the man and the vehicle quite easily, due to the Thieves brazenly pulled up to the good descriptions provided of both. Ramada Inn at about 2:20 a.m. on March They found the man and arrested him 17, walked into the lobby, grabbed the without incident just south of Lougheed automated banking machine, and then Highway on 225 Street. walked out. “Police are recommending theft charPolice said the machine was not ges, along with possession of stolen secured to the floor, but property, and possession as it is estimated to weigh of a dangerous weapon,” “Police are about 300 pounds, they said RCMP Cpl. Alanna recommending believe the two men must Dunlop, as an item was have used a dolly, or a theft charges, along seized that could be used similar moving device to as a weapon. with possession get it out of there. They The suspect was held said they would not have of stolen property, in custody for a first been able to pick it up and possession of a court appearance on without the help of a piece Wednesday, March 16. dangerous weapon of equipment. The men put the Cpl. Alanna Dunlop machine into a white pickup truck, and then left the parking lot of 19267 Lougheed Highway A house that is under renovations will in an unknown direction. need more renovations after thieves broke in and stole a number of items. Sometime between 9:30 a.m. on Police arrested a shoplifter after he Tuesday, March 15, and 5 p.m. on thought he had made his escape. Wednesday, thieves broke into a home A 41-year-old man attempted to steal on 214th Street in Maple Ridge by removan interesting combination of items from ing the plywood from a broken window the Valley Fair Mall Save-On-Foods on at the back of the house. Tuesday night at about 8:45 p.m. They stole construction tools, a fridge The man, of no fixed address, tried to and stove, and light fixtures. conceal some meat and one cosmetic item • More police happenings online at, on his person, but he was detected by the click on “News”

Tools, appliances stolen

Save-On thief arrested

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Friday, March 18, 2011

Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times


Squamish resident Sue Ellis was doing traffic control along Kennedy Road Tuesday, while crews finished work on approaches to the new bridge in rural Pitt Meadows.

Pitt Meadows

Bridge nears completion Construction took six months. by Brian Russell

Both lanes are now open on Kennedy Road bridge in Pitt Meadows, finally allowing regular traffic to cross again after six months of construction. The bridge, part of the route that spans the Katzie Slough, was closed in September to allow the city to tear down the original wooden structure and replace it with a more durable concrete one.

One lane for alternating traffic had been open since Dec. 31 of last year. Width is one of the biggest features of the updated bridge, now allowing for easier truck access and bike lanes. According to Ike de Boer, engineering services coordinator for Pitt Meadows, the project was pretty much on budget. It might even come in under budget. “Due to utility issues, [the construction] got started a little later than scheduled,” said de Boer. However, he said the construction as a whole wasn’t very difficult.

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Friday, March 18, 2011



Friday, March 18, 2011

Opinion Who we are The Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows TIMES newspaper is a division of Postmedia Network Inc. We’re located at 22345 North Avenue, Maple Ridge, B.C. The TIMES has a CCAB audited circulation of 29,001.

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Our View

Expectations past minimum Even hard-right business organizations whose policy doctrines suggest they would be OK with sub-Saharan wages in B.C. are offering only halfhearted resistance to Premier Christy Clark’s plan to raise the minimum wage. That’s how long overdue this province is for a move towards the standard set everywhere else in Canada. Naturally, organizations at the other end of the scale are complaining that the $10.25 minimum is not enough, or that it is being implemented too slowly. Clark’s game plan is to raise the working poor’s bottom line in increments, reaching the full $10.25 per hour on May 1, 2012. Announcements that the minimum wage is being raised from the current $8 per hour miss an important aspect of Clark’s wage hike: the ridiculous $6 minimum “training wage,” supposedly intended to ease young people into the workforce but often abused by unscrupulous employers as a means to obtain super-cheap labour, will be scrapped as of May 1 this year. That decision even earned Clark plaudits from her foes in the Opposition benches, although the New Democrats and others have been quick to point out that the new premier is contemplating allowing a different minimum-belowminimum standard for some who work in the service industry. Clark is considering a plan to mitigate the extra money that alcohol servers earn in gratuities – apparently on the premise that lowlevel labourers shouldn’t be capitalizing on windfalls that could be raked in by their employers instead. The NDP wanted the minimum raised to $10 four years ago, when Clark’s predecessor and his cohorts maintained it wasn’t necessary, because market forces in those better economic times would drive up the minimum naturally. But the market forces haven’t done their job, and now that past-necessary wage hike will be fielded by small businesses crunched by the HST, the continuing global recession, and in some cases, customer reticence born of changes to drinking-and-driving laws. Future crunches could be avoided by extending the incremental minimum wage hikes past May next year, with further – small and reasonably anticipated – increases tied to inflation. – B.G.

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Silly season is already here

Diane Speirs must roll her eyes of Mike Bocking three times in and groan as she enters the drivea row, you’d think Speirhead might have a fair chance of winway after work and sees that the garage is full of election lawn ning, what with the NDP network and his status in the community signs and a group of starry-eyed, among alcoholics and aging hipNDP youth workers have pitched pies (I count myself among both tents in the backyard and are singing 1960s labour anthems. groups) – not to mention the help They are here to work for and of Liz Rosenau, political neophyte and Speirs’ opponent at the nomworship her husband, Maple ination meeting. Liz is a pharmaRidge’s pre-eminent pinko, treecist who became an activist after hugger, retired liquor store clerk, by Tim Tyler her daughter was shot with rubber and municipal councillor Craig – who has recently won the nombullets at a G-20 Summit protest, ination for the party to try and arrested, and jailed. topple Randy Kamp, a three-term Harperite. (The I would have been content just throwing a rock government of Canada is now to be known as the through Kamp’s window or putting a flaming bag Harper Government. Boy, Gadhafi has nothing on of dog poo on his doorstep, but Liz took the high road, lost to Speirs, and has promised to help get this guy!). him elected. I know Liz through her work with Speirs is part of the near-legendary triumvirate of himself, Bill Hartley, and Mike Sather who, Special Olympics (swimming), and she’s one of along with a coterie of socialist brothers and sisthose tiger moms you’d rather have with ya than ters (Linda King and Candy Gordon among them) aginst ya (and she looks good in a bathing suit, which is more than I can say for Speirs). have been trying to destroy the free market and If Craig wins and vacates his council seat, we capitalist strongholds in Ottawa, Victoria, and may even see Liz take a shot at municipal politics here in Haney where Ernie Daykin, our popular or at the provincial level – if Marc Dalton gets good ole boy mayor, rules with an iron fist hidden in a velvet work glove. recalled and we have a by-election. It was Daykin strolling the downtown with Dalton’s dilemma brought a response from Kamp that set off election bells. Kamp was admir- former Mission mayor and current MLA, Randy ing revitalization work paid for with an Action ‘HaHa’ Hawes, who opines that the whole process is politically motivated, when its original Canada grant (or taxpayers’ money, whichever purpose was to expose MLAs for being malfeasyou prefer) and later remarked that he had a ant, for doing wrong, breaking the law, being “feeling” an election might be in the air. (It was morally reprehensible, etc. either that or feedback from the Chinese food he Apparently in Randy’s world, flip-flopping shared with Ernie). Kamp is not one to avoid a photo op, and has (lying) on the HST issue is OK, spending big lately been marshalling the troops, especially money on flyers and TV time while people languish in emergency rooms (or Tim Horton’s) is since Harper caught the crap from the Speaker of standard procedure, and blowing $6 million on the House for financial irregularities and allowing defending Messrs. Basi and Virk for their role in Bev Oda to use a pencil. the BC Rail scandal pales in comparison to public As tempting as it is to say that Randy has done money (none) spent on recall. little to distinguish himself – aside from the big billboard east of 240th – it would be hard not to Can we recall someone for stupidity? do anything over three terms: witness the crossTomorrow: meet Craig Speirs and maybe Randy walks, the passport clinics, the Maple Leaf pins. Kamp during the Rally for Democracy. Starts at 1 p.m. at the Peace Park and walks He seems to have persevered by keeping a low to Kamp’s office. Bring your own torch; tar and profile, which is often how we like our politicos. feathers will be supplied. Nevertheless, in spite of Kamp’s walloping

Yours Truly

Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times


Friday, March 18, 2011


Extended break ridiculous

Dear editor,

I write you in regards to your article [District floats two-week spring break, March 8, TIMES]. My daughter is just in the second grade, but what’s happening in School District #42 is just ridiculous. The proposed shortening of a school year by another six days, this is madness. Between all those noninstructional days (can’t they educate themselves during summer holidays), spring break, and half-day Fridays (8:30-12 every Friday) my holidays are already gone. My wife’s holidays are mostly burned on kid’s sick days. And that’s even before the two months of summer holidays begin. Now they want to add another six days to save the district $200,000? Those six extra days that the parents will have to stay at home or pay someone at the daycare add up to a minimum of $500,000 (average of $35/day per 15,357 kids for daycare), probably much more in lost wages if you have to take time off work. Dear BCTF: keep alienating the hands that feed

you. One day those who pay taxes will turn their backs on you too.

Artur Siewierski, Maple Ridge

[The full version of this letter and more available online at www.mrtimes. com, click “Opinion”]

Federal politics

Fighter jets too costly Dear editor,

Lately, there has been much talk about government accountability. Yet, each week we have another account of the “Harper” governments refusal to be accountable. It must be pretty serious for the Speaker of the House to rule the ‘Harper government’ in contempt of Parliament because they refused to divulge the cost of their crime legislation and for misleading statements by International Minister Bev Oda who intentionally misled the House. Now the Parliamentary Budget Officer reports that the cost of the new fighter jets will be more than twice what the government predicted. Where are their priorities? $30 billion is what the federal government currently spends each year on health care. So remember, as you wait for that needed medical procedure, that money went for jet fighters. That should reduce the pain.

Bob Goos, Maple Ridge

[More letters online at, click “Opinion”]

Animal welfare

Compassion applauded Dear editor,

I just wanted to thank Geeske De Boer for her caring and her courage [Cat’s neglect inexcusable, March 15 Letters, TIMES]. Bless her for taking pity on an abandoned pet and for saying exactly what pet dumpers deserve to hear.

Brigitta MacMillan, Maple Ridge


Waste not wanted in backyards Dear editor,

The idea of solar cones caught my attention [Food digester cuts garbage in half, March 8, TIMES]. I understand the “going green,” the “protecting of the environment, “and “reducing waste going to the landfills.” But once again, it looks like the concept wasn’t thought out properly. Where are condo or apartment residents (and there are substantial numbers) going to be able to dig a one-by-one-metre hole in the ground, if at their residence there is no

available space for say 50 tenants to dig 50 holes for the solar cones. Does this also include restaurants and other sellers of food to be required to dig holes next to their establishments and use solar cones? Perhaps it would be more prudent for the municipality to collect the food waste (the same way they do recycling) and sell it to a company that would compost it in bulk. Also, placement of the solar cones requires sunlight to help in the process of composting. If one has a small yard and that area

Federal politics

Canada’s identity lost Dear editor,

It was revealed recently that civil servants in Stephen Harper’s cabinet had been ordered, in a directive in December 2010, that all federal communications – for example, press releases – had to change the wording of their missives by replacing the Government of Canada with the words “The Harper Government.” If you go to the Government of Canada website you’ll find the same. Has Canada lost its identity and sense of national sovereignty and pride? Prime Minister Harper appears to think so. Incandescent outrage, you’d better believe it. Next misnomer on the plate for all Canadians? You guessed it! President Harper.

Jeanette Campbell, Mission

gets the most sunlight, would the owner or tenant be willing to put a solar cone in a prime area of their property? More thought has to be given to the declaration that, as of next year, food waste will not be allowed to go to the landfill. I think that having a composter in your yard – in which you’ll be throwing meat products – will become a magnet for rats. If Maple Ridge implements this on the homeowners, condo, and apartment dwellers, the same thing will happen again that happened when the waste dump raised its rates. You will see more and more garbage being tossed out alongside our roads and streets. Perhaps our municipal councillors and some of their staff should go to the Greater Vancouver landfill and see how successful their recycling efforts are. It would be better to educate our populace about the benefits of recycling than going ahead with a do-it-our-way-or-you-willbe-fined attitude. I do have a composter, and I’m very aware of having to recycle.

Al Uglanica, Maple Ridge

LETTERS POLICY: Copyright in letters and other materials submitted voluntarily to the Publisher and accepted for publication remains with the author, but the Publisher and its licensees may freely reproduce them in print, electronic or other forms. Letters are also subject to editing for content and length. The Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows TIMES is a division of Postmedia Network Inc.

3.55 4 Year




Friday, March 18, 2011

Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times

Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times

Friday, March 18, 2011

Bruce McLeod, manager of parks and open space, said the addition to Harris Road Park could start in April.

Brian Russell/TIMES


Plans brewing for action park Designs for Pitt Meadows’ proposed Youth Action Park ready for approval.


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Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows Parks and Leisure Services hosted an open house to display the plans for a proposed addition to Harris Road Park. Of the handful of people who showed up, they seemed positive about creating a meeting place for youth to freely enjoy a variety of action sports, including skateboarding, in-line skating, and biking. Parks staff and members of the steering committee were present to give more detail on the concepts. Bruce McLeod, manager of parks and open space, said if the concepts are approved by city council, construction could start in early April. The project is expected to take three months to complete and cost $600,000.

Brian Russell/TIMES

The concept plan for the proposed Youth Action Park at Harris Road Park in Pitt Meadows. With a festival stage and wheelchair access, the park will also serve as a gathering place for special events held in the community, with plans already in place to use it for Pitt Meadows Day next year. People looking for more details or to comment on the plans, go to, click on forum, and log into the Pitt Meadows Youth Action Park forum by entering “pittsk8” in the password box.


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Friday, March 18, 2011

Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times


YouTube video mocks Pickton killings

A comedic song about Robert Pickton is stirring up anger among victims’ family members. by Amy Judd


Maple Ridge resident Sandra Gagnon was shocked and disturbed by what she found on the Internet last weekend. Gagnon, whose sister Janet Gail Henry went missing from the Downtown Eastside 14 years ago, and whom she believes was killed on Robert Pickton’s farm, saw a video of comedian Richard Lett singing a song titled ‘The Ballad of Bobby Pickton.’ It was uploaded to YouTube on Feb. 14, 2007, and despite requests to remove the video, it is still available for viewing. “I’m pretty angry that Richard Lett is making a joke out of the women who were murdered on

TIMES’ files

Sandra Gagnon was appalled to find a YouTube video of a comedian’s song about Robert Pickton called ‘The Ballad of Bobby Pickton’ last weekend. the Pickton farm,” said Gagnon. “What also got me too was the audience laughing,” she added. “Comedy is comedy, but this isn’t comedy.” In the song, Lett uses an upbeat tune to describe Pickton picking up prostitutes downtown and taking them back to his farm. Some of his lyrics include lines such as “the rope was tight, the knife was sharp, she barely felt a thing. Bobby kicked up the generator and started

Policing in

processing.” “Who does he think he is?” asked Gagnon. “He even talks about the pigs.” Two years ago, Lett commented on the YouTube video saying, “This performance is crass, racist, graphic and violent, and, oh yes, misogynist. That’s the point!” On Tuesday, he wrote, “It was four years ago, and never intended for those people who knew the victims. It is intended to shock people out of their complacency about these


Pitt Meadows

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sorts of things ... The anger you feel towards me is misdirected. You think I did this piece because I don’t care — in fact the opposite is true.” Gagnon, who has found solace and comfort talking to people on Facebook, some of whom are family members of Pickton’s victims, said it is uncalled for when people make a mockery of people who were brutally murdered. “When I see stuff like this, it opens it all up again,” she said. “It’s like opening old wounds.” One of Gagnon’s friends has started a Facebook group called Is This How We Want Our Stolen Sisters Remembered? Anyone can join and help in the group’s efforts to remove the video from YouTube and other Internet sites.

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18:: 30:!4 -4 45: )'/ +:<!:7<-"& (-8>5 ,$ -4 *%$$ ;# School District No. 42, in partnership with The ACT Theatre and Maple Ridge Arts Council, and with the participation of Fraser Valley Regional Library and Maple Ridge Parks and Leisure Services, are proud to present a special free event for families with pre-school age (3 and 4-year-old) children.

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Pitt Meadows Community Policing Office

Connect with us online!

Hours of Operation 8:30am to 4:30pm Monday to Friday 10am to 2pm Saturday


We need Volunteers! We are looking for people willing to help in our office.Training is provided.Volunteers must be 19 years or older and pass a security clearance. Call the Community Policing Office for more information at 604-465-2402.

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104-12027 Harris Road Pitt Meadows, BC V3Y 2B5 Phone 604-465-2402

The Ridge Meadows RCMP has recently started a Facebook page and a Twitter account! Visit our website at and find links to our social media pages at the bottom of the right column under “Stay Connected”. “Like” us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter and get the latest updates on what is happening in the community, crime alerts, and announcements. Spring Break is next week! Drivers, please be aware of kids in your neighbourhoods during the daytime and take extra care around crosswalks and parks. Kids, have a safe and happy spring break!

What can the Community Policing Office do for you? The Community Policing Office is a close and convenient place for residents to: • Report a crime • Obtain a criminal record check • Find safety information • Get advice or talk to a police officer Come in and see what resources we have. We’re here to help!


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Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times

Friday, March 18, 2011


OFFERS END MARCH 31st, 2011!

What comes between winter and spring? A great time of year to buy a new Honda.

FREE GAS for 1year on select CIVICS *Limited time fi nance offer based on a new 2011 Civic DX 5MT/CR-V LX 2WD,model FA1E2BEX/RE3H3BEY and a 60 month fi nance term available only through Honda Canada Finance Inc.O.A.C.Finance example:$16,385/$27,880 at 0.9%/0.9% per annum equals $279.38/$475.37 per month for 60/60 months.Freight and PDI of $1,395/$1,590 included.Cost of borrowing is $377.80/$642.20,for a total obligation of $16,762.80/$28,522.20.**MSRP is $16,385/$27,880 including freight and PDI of $1,395/$1,590.For all offers license,insurance,applicable taxes and registration are extra.Dealer may sell for less.Dealer trade may be required.#Limited time lease offers based on a new 2011 Civic DX 5MT/ CR-V LX 2WD,model FA1E2BEX/RE3H3BEY.Lease example based on new 2011 Civic DX 5MT/CR-V LX 2WD,model FA1E2BEX/ RE3H3BEY available through Honda Canada Finance Inc. £0.9% lease APR for 48 months O.A.C. Monthly payment, including freight and PDI, is $198/$338. Down payment of $0, fi rst monthly payment, environmental fees and $0 security deposit due at lease inception.Total lease obligation is $9,504/$16,224.Taxes, license, insurance and registration are extra. 96,000 kilometre allowance; charge of $0.12/km for excess kilometres.Retailer may lease for less.Dealer trade may be required.*/**/#/£ Offers valid from March 1st through March 31st, 2011 at participating Honda retailers.Offers valid only for British Columbia residents at BC Honda Dealers locations.Offers subject to change or cancellation without notice.Terms and conditions apply.Visit or see your Honda retailer for full details.

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Friday, March 18, 2011

Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times !MGOIC!! GE\#\K^ \D %'#Z***

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Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times

Friday, March 18, 2011


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Friday, March 18, 2011

Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times

Residents in east Maple Ridge can now put their recycling on the curb for pickup.


Blue boxes proliferate Pickup of recycling has expanded to east Maple Ridge. March 4 marked the first day Maple Ridge residents living on the north side of Dewdney Trunk Road, between 256th and 272nd Streets, had their blue-box recyclables collected from the curb. “On the first day, over 45 per cent of houses had their blue boxes and bags out for pickup,” said Lorne Skoropada, the recycling centre’s logistics manager. “It was unbelievable how clean and well-sorted their recycling was...” “These residents are used to storing up their recycling and taking it to the recycling depot once a month, so the volume of recyclables collected was also impressive — almost 2,000 kilograms,”

he explained. As part of Ridge Meadows Recycling Society’s ongoing efforts to improve pickup methods and energy efficiency, new specially designed trucks help keep the commodities separate while lowering the carbon tire tread. “Instead of 10 small bins, the new trucks have five large bins, taking into account high-volume commodities like newspaper and plastic,” Skoropada said. “The space on the truck bed is better utilized and... the truck body is made of 100 per cent aluminum, making it much lighter than our older trucks, which means better fuel efficiency,” he elaborted. The new design fits all the recycling from the new route into one load, saving time, gas and energy. Fridays are the pickup day for this new area. Pickup begins at 7 a.m.


Trucks collected recyclables from new customers in northeast Maple Ridge.

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Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times

Friday, March 18, 2011

BAKING FOR Mike Mulcahy, owner of Big Feast Bistro in Maple Ridge, showcased the banana bread his restaurant is making to help build an orphanage in Uganda. Brian Russell/TIMES

KATHY 604.460.9964


Requests are Always Welcome or Choose from THIS MONTHS OFFERINGS COOKIES

Everyday I bake for busy families, using only the freshest ingredients to create a healthier alternative to store bought baking. Perfect for childrens’ lunches or snacks. Simply call to place an order, and I’m happy to deliver locally. Some lower fat options are offered








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Going bananas for charity A local bistro is helping an Abbotsford woman help an African nation.

The Mulcahys initially got involved with the fundraiser through A Little More Good, a Vancouver-based organization that profiles good causes in the region. So they called the fundraising event A by Brian Russell Little More Good Goes Bananas. Giraud is collecting the money from the sold banana bread to support a man Selling 150 loaves of banana bread in named Edwin, who lives in Uganda and a little more than a week – why would wants to build an orphananyone take on such a age in Jinja for Ugandan challenge? To sell 150 loaves children without families. Mike and Stacy Mulcahy, The story of Giraud’s owners of Big Feast Bistro in a week is a lot fundraising has been proin Maple Ridge, decided it more than we would filed in the media several was a goal they definitely normally sell. times, most notably on wanted to attempt. Global National, and conAfter hearing about Mike Mulcahy sequently the money to Abbotsford resident help with the baking has Barbara Giraud’s initiative been pouring in. to sell homemade banana “Even in a tough ecobread to raise money to build an orphannomic time, this story touches [people’s] age in Jinja, Uganda, the Mulcahys felt helping with the baking and selling of the hearts,” Mike said. Big Feast Bistro will be selling loaves of product was the perfect fit for their busibanana bread for $8, slices for $1.75 until ness. Saturday (March 19). It was also the perfect way to celebrate All proceeds will be added to the the bistro’s one-year anniversary. “We make banana bread [at the bistro], money raised by A Little More Good and will be donated to Giraud and the people love it, so we felt… it wasn’t out orphanage. of our norm,” Mike said. “The customers win out of it because “Now, to sell 150 loaves in a week is a they get a good product for $8, and we lot more than we would normally sell,” win because we’re able to meet our goal he added. [of selling 150 loaves] to help Barbara,” He estimates the bistro sells anywhere Mike said. from 16 to 20 loaves a day. F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N Y O U C A N C A L L DA N AT 604.466.3306 or by email at

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School district seeks break input Some trustees had reservations about extending spring holiday. by Maria Rantanen

The Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows school board is seeking public input about a proposal to have a two-week spring break next year. School District 42 staff calculated the extra days off would save the school district $200,000. “It’s a small step toward a balanced calendar,” board chair Ken Clarkson told the TIMES. However, some trustees had reservations about going to a two-week break.

At last week’s board of education meeting, some trustees questioned the educational benefits of extending spring break. School board director David Vandergugten said when he worked in the north, teachers came back refreshed after a two-week spring break, which was overall good for learning. The board of education passed a motion to seek input from the public about changing the calendar. Input into proposed changes to SD42’s calendar can be made at or at a public meeting on March 29 at 7 p.m. at Thomas Haney Secondary. The board will make its final consideration on April 13.

• More online at, click on “News”

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Friday, March 18, 2011

Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times


Pitt Meadows

Diversity needed in workplace Rescue foiled Transition fair: Life after school

A fair on March 29 will help people with disabilities find work.

Where: Thomas Haney Secondary cafeteria When: March 29 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Who: Teens and young adults with disabilities who want to get into the labour force.

by Maria Rantanen

Local social agencies are encouraging employers to hire people with disabilities. As a lead-up to a transiCurrently he’s employed tion fair being held at the two days a week at the end of the month to help Maple Ridge recycling people with disabilities depot on River Road. find work, local social “I do a lot of sorting – I agencies organized an get my hands dirty and event on Wednesday for some of my clothes dirty,” employers to tell them Allan said. about the benefits of hiring He said he likes to keep a diverse workforce. busy and enjoys working Cliff Yeo, human resourwith other people. ces adviser with Safeway, He also likes to work talked to employers about because he earns money, the success Safeway has he added. had employing people Maria Rantanen/TIMES At the meeting, Maple with disabilities, saying Thomas Haney grad Dylan Allan and Safeway human resources adviser Ridge Mayor Ernie Daykin their productivity is often Cliff Yeo both spoke to employers about hiring people with disabilities. said he learned a leshigher than the average son about accessibility employee’s. when his wife broke her with disabilities can do, and many They also have lower leg many years ago and ended up come in at entry level jobs and get absenteeism and workplace injury in a wheelchair for several months training to move up. incidents. when they owned and ran Windsor “Not everyone with a disability At Safeway, one per cent of their Plywood. can work at Safeway, but not everyworkforce – a hundred employees “The challenge she had getting one, period, can work at Safeway,” – have disabilities. around in our business was embarYeo said. Safeway strives to have a diverse rassing,” Daykin said. THSS grad Dylan Allan, who has workforce, Yeo said, and that Attending the fair will be post-seca developmental disability, spoke to includes employing people with disondary institutions, ministry reprethe employers about how much he abilities. sentatives and local agencies. There’s a wide array of jobs people enjoys working.

A Pitt resident fell into a ditch and hurt his back Wednesday afternoon. by Amy Judd

Plans to airlift a man to hospital by air ambulance were thwarted on March 16 when the helicopter blades caught telephone wires while taking off. Pitt Meadows fire and rescue service were called to a residence Brad Perrie on McNeil Road at about 3:30 assistant fire chief p.m. Wednesday, after a man fell about 15 feet and landed in a ditch. “The man sustained a back injury, and we assisted the B.C. Ambulance Service at the scene,” said assistant fire chief Brad Perrie. The air ambulance arrived, as the man had to be rushed to hospital due to the nature of his spinal injury, explained Perrie. But after it landed in a field and the man was loaded aboard, it could not complete the journey. “When it took off it hit the phone lines,” said Perrie. “So it landed again, and we had to go get the guy and take him to the ambulance on the road.” He explained that the helicopter had to stay in the field for a while because it has to be serviced before it can fly again. As the fire department returned back to the station, they were rushing out again to a call on Bonson Road. “A 65 to 70-year-old man was in full cardiac arrest,” said Perrie. “We had to hook up the defibrillator.” They were able to revive the man. The B.C. Ambulance Service was not far behind, and the man was rushed to hospital for further medical care. “When he left for the hospital he was talking to us,” Perrie said. The man’s current condition is unknown.

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Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times

Friday, March 18, 2011





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What is the CASH FOR CLUNKERS Program?


Friday, March 18, 2011

Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times

Friday, March 18, 2011

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Friday, March 18, 2011

Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times

Credit union

Donation funds family swim

The grand opening celebration for the new Westminster Savings was a big draw.

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by Brian Russell

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More Photos Online

Maple Ridge Leisure Centre received a $15,000 donation during the grand opening celebration of Westminster Savings’ new Maple Ridge location on Saturday. The credit union held a celebration, complete with live entertainment and an interactive arts and crafts station for kids at its new location on the corner of 224th Street and Lougheed Highway. More than 1,000 Maple Ridge residents were estimated to have attended. Doug King, a member of the Westminster Savings Board of Directors, handed the $15,000 cheque to Maple Ridge Mayor Ernie Daykin. The money will be used to host free family swims

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More than an estimated 1,000 people were in attendance for Westminster Savings’ grand opening celebration of their downtown branch.

at the Maple Ridge Leisure Centre. Paul Pederzini, the branch manager of the credit union, felt the event was well received by the community, even though the weather wasn’t co-

operating. “No pun intended, but the rain didn’t dampen the spirit,” said Pederzini. The free family swims will run on the last Saturday of every month, starting March 26.

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Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times

Friday, March 18, 2011

Sharing women’s thoughts on life


ote to all “I started you faithful readers of this column Here and in the winter There, who have of 1997, back looked out for it every other Friday. in the last I started this colcentury when umn in the winter we were all of 1997, back in the last century when younger…” we were all younger by Alan Woodland and wondering what the new millennium themselves as fiercely as if they had would bring. never happened before. – Willa Cather When I added up the number of Everybody gets so much informaarticles written since then, I found to tion all day long that they lose their my surprise that today’s is No. 358. common sense. – Gertrude Stein A lot of writing. Time to slow The cure for anything is salt water down. So, from now on, Here and There will appear just once a month. – sweat, tears, or the sea. – Isak Dinesen I’m a week late for Women’s Day, I’ve dreamt in my life dreams that but I want to pass on some of the have stayed with me ever after, and quotations I collected for it. I’ll let changed my ideas; they’ve gone the writers – all women – speak for themselves without any further inter- through and through me, like wine through water, and altered the colour ruption from me. of my mind. – Emily Bronte The two most beautiful words in Women tell time by the body. They the English language are: “Check are like clocks. They are always fasenclosed.” – Dorothy Parker tened to the earth, listening for its I’d rather have roses on my table than diamonds on my neck. – Emma small animal noises. – Anne Sexton It is never too late to be what you Goldman might have been. – George Eliot Those who never complain are I once wrote that the best way to never pitied. – Jane Austen write was to do so as if one were I have often wished I had time to cultivate modesty. But I am too busy already dead: afraid of no one’s reacthinking about myself. – Edith Sitwell tions, answerable to no one for one’s views. I still think that is the way to There are only two or three human write. – Nadine Gordimer stories, and they go on repeating

Here and There

Oppression involves a failure of the imagination: the failure to imagine the full humanity of other human beings. – Margaret Atwood When I was a child in Ireland, a spring would suddenly appear and yield forth buckets of beautiful clear water, then just as suddenly it would dry up. The water-diviners would come with their rods and sometimes another spring would be found. One has to be one’s own water diviner. – Edna O’Brien All the old houses I knew when I was a child were full of books, bought generation after generation by members of the family. Nobody told you to read this or not to read that. – Katherine Anne Porter Some say life is the thing, but I prefer reading. – Ruth Rendell Everyone has talent. What is rare is the courage to follow the talent to the dark place it leads. – Erica Jong If only one could tell true love from false love as one can tell mushrooms from toadstools. – Katherine Mansfield Whenever one of us falls in love our friends watch it as they would the progress of a disease. – Ellen Gilchrist People change and forget to tell each other. – Lillian Hellman As you grow older, you’ll find that you enjoy talking to strangers far more than to your friends. – Joy Williams What a wonderful life I have had! I only wish I’d realized it sooner. – Colette


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Friday, March 18, 2011

Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times


Local bid for 2014 B.C. Seniors Games quashed Due to a lack of accommodation in Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows, the community will not submit a Games bid, but may partner with Langley – thanks to the bridge – on their efforts to bring the event to the region.

by Amy Judd

Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows may be working with Langley to help organize and find volunteers for the 2014 B.C. Seniors Games, if its bid is successful said Kelly Swift, parks and recreation manager for Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows. “[We] have submitted bids in the past,”

she said. “We weren’t successful, primarily because of the number of hotel rooms available.” Swift said the Maple RidgePitt Meadows Parks and Leisure Services Commission decided it won’t submit a bid because of that same situation. “The commission directed me to look for ways to connect with Langley if they are successful in their bid,” said Swift. “They may even want to look for

venues in our community.” She stressed Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows want to host the Seniors Games eventually as the commission believes the energy and the interest is present. “[We] will put forward a bid when we’re better prepared for it,” she said. Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows have hosted the B.C. Disability Games twice, and the B.C. Summer Games once.


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Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times

Friday, March 18, 2011


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Friday, March 18, 2011

Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times

Dewdney Trunk Road

228 Street

Kensington Park 11935 Burnett St

Burnett Street

Lo ug he ed Hw y

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Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times

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Friday, March 18, 2011

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Friday, March 18, 2011

Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times





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Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times

Friday, March 18, 2011

times Travellers

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❚ Email a photo of you holding The TIMES to:

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Yvonne and Bill Jamieson were joined by their sons Fraser and Neil, and their eight-year-old grandson Josh, on a holiday in Cancun, Mexico recently. They packed sunscreen and a copy of The TIMES for the trip. The elder Jamiesons were longtime Maple Ridge residents, before recently migrating to Pitt Meadows.

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Keeping flavour alive in ribs


complexity in flavour to the finished dish. There are many ways to infuse flavour into your ribs, like dry rubs or indirect heat over a fire for many hours, The other day, I was as “traditional” barbecuing reminded about the way I suggests, but there is a faster used to incorrectly cook and easier approach. pork ribs when I was a First, season your very young adult, and ribs with salt and pepthought it would be per on both sides. interesting to examOver high flame on ine a more successful by Chef Dez your outdoor grill, cooking technique. is a food columnist and culinary instructor in completely sear both There are many ways CheftheDez Fraser Valley. Visit him at sides of the ribs until to achieve mouth-waterSend questions to they are caramelized ing, tender ribs, but I or to P.O. Box 2674, Abbotsford, B.C. V2T 6R4 brown. will share with you my Remove from the heat, and coat both favourite easy technique for today’s aversides with your choice of barbecue sauce. age home chef. Preheat your oven to 300ºC and lay the Unlike a great steak (such as striploin, sauce-coated racks of ribs on a baking prime, porterhouse, T-bone, tenderloin, sheet. etc.) ribs, whether beef or pork, have a Pour one-half cup of liquid (water, beer, large amount of connective tissue. They broth, red wine) on the baking sheet, and cannot be cooked by the same procedure. seal completely with aluminum foil. Bake The aforementioned steaks are very for one-and-a-half hours, then lower the tender, and can easily be cooked to perheat to 250ºC, and bake for another onefection with a little seasoning and a few and-a-half hours. This is braising. minutes on a hot grill. Pierce the aluminum foil in the corner The goal in cooking ribs to perfection. and gently pour out the liquid. Carefully However, it includes breaking down the remove and discard the aluminum foil. connective tissue, to tenderize the meat Gently brush the top of the ribs liberally and release its grip from the rib bones with more barbecue sauce, and finally, – best accomplished by cooking for long periods of time with low, moist heat, such broil the ribs on the tray in the oven for a few minutes until the sauce on the top has as with braising or stewing techniques. caramelized. When I was younger (and inexperiGently remove the ribs from the tray enced) I accomplished “fall off the bone” ribs by boiling them for an hour first, then and transfer onto a serving platter by sliding a couple of long utensils (tongs, for slathering them in barbecue sauce, and example) underneath each rack, in order then baking or grilling. to not disturb the shape of the racks. Although I did get the connective tissue The utmost care must be used to keep released from the bones, my ribs were left the racks in their original shape, as they bland, with only the flavour from the barwill be so tender that they will “fall off the becue sauce on the outside. bones.” Water has no flavour, so it offers no erfectly cooked ribs (pork or beef) are often said to be so tender that they “fall off the bone.”

On Cooking

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Beyond the barbecue

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Friday, March 18, 2011

Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times


Picture-perfect houses earn provincial, national accolades

REGISTER NOW!!! Curious Minds Learning Centre • Preschool 3 & 4 •Daycare 3-5 • OOS/Kinders

A Maple Ridge housing development recognized as one of best in B.C. by Brian Russell


For the third time in four years, Portrait Homes, has won the Customer Choice Award from the Georgie Awards, recognized as the industry’s stamp of quality. Portrait Homes also won the Grand Georgie Award for large volume singlefamily hHome builder of the year, an award that has been bestowed upon it five times. Its award-winning housing is part of the Silver Ridge master-planned community in Maple Ridge, which includes single-family homes, attached row homes, and newly released townhomes. “The customer choice award is the one I’m after the most,” said Portrait Homes co-principal Rob Grimm, who’s home building company is based in Richmond, “We poll our buyers [and guests] on our service... and they gave us good marks,” he said. Samantha Perrin, sales representative for the Stoneleigh at Silver Ridge homes, said 240 homes have sold for Stoneleigh, with another 240 still waiting to find an owner. With this year’s wins, Portrait Homes now holds 86 major industry provincial awards, 16 of them gold Georgies. But not all of their recognition is strictly provincial. In 2007, the company won the Gold SAM Award, for best residential community in Canada, also for Silver Ridge.

SATURDAY th APRIL 30 m 11am - 2p

Located in: Glenwood Elementary School 21410 Glenwood Ave; Maple Ridge

Call Stefanie

604.463.2002 for more information

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Brian Russell/TIMES

The Alder design display home, pictured above and on the bottom right, is part of Portrait Homes’ Stoneleigh at Silver Ridge community. The design has won several Georgie Awards, including the customer choice award.

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Brian Russell/TIMES

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Silver Ridge sales representatives Samantha Perrin, right, and Mercedes Stephenson.

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More Photos Online

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The SAM Awards recognizes excellence in home building and renovation. When asked why Portrait Homes builds in Maple Ridge, Grimm said: “You know, you go where there’s an opportunity to be creative.” Clearly, Grimm said, he jumped at the right opportunity.




Advertising Account Manager Full-Time Position(job share)

The Pitt Meadows/Maple Ridge Times has an immediate opening for an experienced Advertising Account Manager. Utilizing your strong outside sales experience you will be responsible for: the management management of of an an established established territory territory •• the developing advertising advertising programs programs •• developing prospecting for •• prospecting for new new business business exceeding client client expectations expectations •• exceeding


This position position requires requires great great attention attention to to detail, detail, the the ability ability to to This multi-task, prioritize prioritize work, work, and and to to work work under under tight tight time-lines. time-lines. multi-task, Strong communication skills a must. Strong communication skills a must.

The Ridge-Meadows RCMP is looking for the following people. If you see any of them, do not attempt to apprehend them. Please contact the RCMP immediately by calling 604-4636251 or CrimeStoppers at 1-800-222-8477. The warrants attached to these individuals were still outstanding as of 10 a.m. Thursday. Remember: all of the listed people are presumed innocent until proven guilty in court.

The ideal candidate will possess: The ideal candidate will possess:

Born: April 29, 1986 Wanted in connection with File #2011-3770 Wanted for assault.

Born: Sept. 30, 1983 Wanted in connection with File #2010-10979 Wanted for failing to obey conditions of a probation order.

HAMMOND, Robert Allen

KURTZ, Ronald Melvin

Born: Dec. 13, 1979 Wanted in connection with File #2010-7677 Wanted for failing to obey conditions of a probation order.

• previous advertising/media sales experience, or recent • previous advertising/media sales experience, or recent sales and marketing diploma sales and marketing diploma • a track record of success • a track record of success • strong written and verbal communication skills •• strong written and verbal communication skills a willingness to work as part of a winning sales team •• asome willingness tocoverage work as part of a winning sales team vacation required •• some vacation coverage required a valid B.C. drivers licence and reliable vehicle valid B.C. drivers licence and reliable vehicle •• aself-motivation

MATTHEWS, Ramsey Jerry-Lee

Born: Nov. 25, 1958 Wanted in connection with File #2009-9694 Wanted for failing to obey conditions of a probation order.

Thank-you to all applicants for their interest. Only candidates considered for interviews will be contacted. MAPLE RIDGE & PITT MEADOWS

HOURS: Mon-Wed Thurs-Fri Sat Sun


10 - 7 9-9 9-6 10 - 5






22345 North Ave. Unit #2 Maple Ridge B.C. V2X 8T2 03180526

ALMEIDA, Carlos Michael

If you are interested in this position, please e-mail your resume and cover letter to Shannon Balla, Sales Manager: MarchMarch 25, 2011. by 11th, 2011 by Friday, Friday, December 18, 2009



Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times

Friday, March 18, 2011


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Friday, March 18, 2011

Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times

Community happenings


WHAT’S ON Post events to and email them to

March 18

❚ The Federal Green Party riding of Mission, Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows will hold its annual general meeting from 7 to 9 p.m. at Planet Ice 23588 105th Ave. The guest speaker is Peter Tam, the riding’s Green candidate for the next federal election. Non-members welcome.

March 18

❚ The Maple Ridge Lions Club will unveil the Sea to Sky eagle sculpture that will be Maple Ridge’s latest public art installation. The ceremony takes place at 12:20 p.m. in the courtyard between the entrance of Maple Ridge Municipal Hall and the Ridge Meadows RCMP detachment.

March 18

❚ Meadowridge Knights Football registration takes place at Haney Place Mall from 5 to 9 p.m. Registration is also on March 19, 20, 26, and 27 during mall hours. Players and cheerleaders welcome.

March 18

❚ St. Patrick’s celebration at

the ACT with the Navvies and the Mission Pipe Band at 8 p.m. Tickets are $15. Info:

March 19

❚ The Spring Fling at Ruskin Hall has been cancelled.

March 19

❚ Photojournalist John Gordon, winner of provincial and national photography awards, will give a presentation documenting his trip to India from 2 to 3 p.m. at the Pitt Meadows Library. This is a free drop-in program.

March 19

❚ The public is invited to drag race, partake in trailering and acceleration situations and test drive a variety of vehicles including the new 2011 F-150 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Driving Unlimited, 18200 Ford Rd. in Pitt Meadows.

March 20

❚ Spring into Spring at the Pitt Meadows Museum between 2 and 4 p.m. as they start seeds for their gardens and create some cement garden stone steps. Participants can bring small objects, stones, or glass, to personalize their own stone steps. Museum Sundays is open to children and adults of all ages and admission is by donation. Info: 604-465-4322.

March 20

❚ The Alouette Field

Naturalists travel to Port Coquitlam for walk in the Riverview Arboretum. Meet at 12:15 a.m. at Harris and Dewdney to carpool. Info: Duanne at 604-463-8743.

March 20

❚ Dr. Nima Rahmany will give a talk about PMS, cramps, infertility and other challenges for women with a non-drug approach. The talk will be at Goodlife Fitness, 201-19800 Lougheed Hwy. in Pitt Meadows from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. Entry by $5 donation to Family Education and Support Centre. Sign up at front desk of Goodlife.

March 21

❚ Pitt Meadows Garden Club is inviting members and anyone interested to its monthly meeting at 7 p.m. Guest speakers are Ron & Lidy Kok of Amsterdam Greenhouses. The club meets at the Pitt Meadows Community Hall adjacent to the community church.

March 22

❚ MP Randy Kamp will host a telephone town hall in Pitt Meadows, Maple Ridge and Mission. He will call 30,000 homes whose residents will be invited to stay on the line for an hour-long discussion about the budget and other topics. Info: 604-466-2761.

March 23

❚ Dying with Dignity, a talk and discussion about

options at the end of life, will be held at the Ridge Meadows Seniors Activity Centre at 12150 224th St. Wanda Morris will speak at this free event. Info: Renée Spakowsky at 604-463-8086.

March 25

❚ The Hominum Fraser Valley Chapter is a support and discussion group to help gay, bisexual and questioning men with the challenges of being married, separated or single. Meeting is at 7:30 p.m. For information and location call Art at 604-4629813 or Don at 604-329-9760.

March 26

❚ The Maple Ridge Library will celebrate 10 years in its current location from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m with music, a puppet show, drama, and cake cutting at 12 p.m. The library is at 130-22470 Dewdney Trunk Rd.

March 26

❚ The Maple Ridge Public Library will host the Multicultural Food and Craft Fair at 1:30 pm. Discover other cultures, taste new foods and learn how to make crafts from other parts of the world. This event is organized by the Student Library Council in collaboration

with the Maple Ridge Family Education and Support Centre. Info: 604-467-7417.

March 26

❚ The B.C. SPCA is holding a massive yard sale and bake sale fundraiser for the Maple Ridge Branch from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the SPCA, 10235 Jackson Rd., Maple Ridge. Info: 604-463-9511.

Groups ❚ Maple Ridge Mothers of Preschoolers is a group of moms who have children from birth to kindergarten age that meet on a regular basis for learning, laughter, support and encouragement in a casual setting. We meet on the first and third Wednesday of each month from 9:30 to 11:15 a.m. at Maple Ridge Christian Reformed Church (20245 Dewdney Trunk Rd.). Childcare is provided. Info: Jill at 604-466-5948.

Groups ❚ Overeaters Anonymous meets every Tuesday at 1:15 p.m. and every Thursday at 7 p.m. in the Alouette Room, Maple Ridge Library. Drop in or call 604-878-4575 for more information. No dues or fees and no diets or weigh-

ins. We are a fellowship. Newcomers welcome.

Groups ❚ Take Off Pounds Sensibly meets every Monday except holidays from 5:30 to 7:45 p.m. in the library at the Ridge Meadows Seniors Centre at 12150 224th St., Maple Ridge. Info: Elma at 604-463-4831 or violetpt@


❚ Co-depenence Anonymous can help if you desire healthy and loving relationships. Meetings are Mondays at 7:30 p.m. at the One Way Club Society at 22270 North Ave. in Maple Ridge. Info: 604-836-1217.


❚ Ridge Meadows Hospice Society is hosting meat draws at the Jolly Coachman Pub, 19167 Ford Rd. in Pitt Meadows every Saturday from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. draw times. All proceeds go to support the hospice society programs.

Volunteers ❚ Ridge Meadows Hospice Thrift Store requires volunteers to sort, price, and stock shelves. The store is now open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Saturday. Info: 604-463-7711. Complete listing online:, click “Community”

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Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times

Friday, March 18, 2011


Environmental stewardship

Volunteers fight invasive plants at Aldridge Acres

Scotch broom and blackberries were eradicated by a new environmental meetup group.

by Maria Rantanen

Eleven people braved the rain on Sunday to pull Scotch broom and Himalayan blackberry at Aldridge Acres in Maple Ridge. A new meetup group, the Lower Mainland Green Team, hosted on Sunday by the CEED Centre, spent about four hours clearing an area that will be used as an outdoor classroom for a Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows school district alternative program. The group was started just five weeks ago by Lyda Salatian who biked from

Cayla Lynn of the 1st Alouette Pathfinders joined in to attack some weeds at Aldridge Acres on Sunday. South Surrey on Sunday to the event at Aldridge Acres. “I find myself talking about environ-

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mental issues a lot... I’m tired of talking,” Feb. 7. Salatian said. Next week, the group will be planting “I feel it’s very empowering to get your at Tynehead Park in North Vancouver. hands dirty.” Salatian wants to introduce people to The volunteers who came to the other parks around the Lower weed-pulling event were largely Mainland because she is confrom Maple Ridge, including three cerned that park usage is going Pathfinders, but the group also down. included people from other muniAlready 136 members have cipalities. joined the group, which Salatian Salatian wasn’t expecting much said shows the desire people More of a turnout because of the rain have to get out with like-minded and was pleasantly surprised when people to do something conPhotos the 10 volunteers showed up. structive for the environment. Online The group managed to clear the Salatian hopes volunteers at invasive plants from an area of future Green Team events car1,500 square feet — some of the Scotch pool so that the environmentally-focused broom was 12 feet high. The area that events don’t cause extra damage to the was cleared will be used to grow raspber- environment. ries. For information on the Lower Mainland This is the second event the Green Green Team, go to http://www.meetup. Team has organized since it formed on com/the-lower-mainland-green-team.

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Friday, March 18, 2011

Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times



Marauders in the quarter-finals

The Pitt Meadows Marauders are in the thick of the B.C. boys’ AAA basketball championships.

Rich Goulet’s senior boys basketball team faced Terry Fox in the quarter-finals on Thursday after the TIMES’ deadline. In their opening game of the AAA championships on Tuesday, they took on Caledonia and beat them 63-34. Then they upended the 2007 champions, the Dover Bay Dolphins, 65-52 on Wednesday. Point guard Malcolm Williams scored 23 points for the Marauders against the Dolphins. The Dolphins have now been regulated to the consolation round, and the Marauders have moved on to the quarter-finals. The Pitt boys have faced Terry Fox a number of times during the season in the Fraser Valley North league. With two wins now under their belt, the Marauders are soaring high, but they had to fight hard to secure their spot in the championships. They had to beat Enver Creek after losing to W.J. Mouat Hawks on March 1, or else they would have lost their spot. The team placed fifth in the Fraser Valleys, but for Williams, who will be playing for UBC this fall, that wasn’t good enough. “I expected us to be in the final

and win it this year,” he told the TIMES (Boys going for provincial win, March 11 Sports). “Grade 9 we won Frasers, Grade 10 we won Frasers and the last two seasons we’ve come a little bit short, and it definitely does not feel good.” The team is ranked seventh in the province, and are hoping for a fourth place finish at this year’s provincials. The Marauders own a 28-8 overall record and went 8-2 in league play with a relatively young starting lineup, starting four Grade 11s and one Grade 12 until Christmas. Since late January, that group including Williams and Grade 11s Severinski, Blackaby, Ryan Hopson and Mitsu Iwai has started every game. “This would be the youngest starting lineup that Pitt has ever fielded at a Triple A provincial tournament,” said Goulet, who noted teams “laden with seniors” usually did the best at provincials. “You don’t have to look any further than Pitt Meadows,” he said. “We’ve been in the final four times, and finished first twice and finished second twice. And our starting lineup was entirely seniors on all those teams.” Pitt played Thursday at 3 p.m. and the tournament ends on Saturday.

On Deck

Bus funds found The Ridge Meadows Rustlers Bantam A3 hockey team, and the Juvenile A1 team are going to the provincials in Smithers. Before a call went out for help from the community, (Rustlers seeking help to get to provincial tourney, March 15, TIMES), the Ridge Meadows Rustlers Bantam A3 hockey team received $2,000 from the Ridge Meadows Minor Hockey Association for their ride. • More online:, click on “Sports”

Ringette winners

Heather Colpitts/Postmedia Network Inc.

Every move made by the likes of Erwin Van Ramshorst when he went for the shot was shown on the Langley Events Centre Jumbotron.

Season wrap-up

Ramblers end the year in sixth place MRSS senior girls basketball team fought to a top-10 finish at the 2011 AAA provincial basketball championships. Don Herman said his senior girls team had a great finish to their season. The MRSS coaching veteran saw his team take a sixth place finish in North Vancouver last weekend, with a final score of 3-1 at the provincial basketball championships. The team lost their opening game to Carson Graham from North Vancouver, 53-40, but that was their only loss. “Our scoring troubles were once again the problem,” said

Herman, “as only team for most of three players hit the game, missthe scoresheet.” ing easy shots However, he and not really said their defence getting organized was good, and to run our sets on that made it offence,” Herman hard for Carson added. Graham to score, It was a differeven with some ent story when very tall players of the girls took on their own. Spectrum Thunder “Natasha last Friday howHenderson and ever, when the Kolbie Orum were Ramblers won dominate inside,” 68-52. Kolbie Orum will be back playing he said. “Coral Lee with the Ramblers in Grade 11. “It is so frustratAntaya was player ing to watch the of the game,” said girls play so hard on defence then Herman, “hitting three clutch throw the ball away on offence three-point shots in the fourth and not reward themselves.” quarter to stop a Spectrum come “We played like a very nervous back.”

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Reach The TIMES: Phone: 604-463-2281 Fax: 604-463-9943 Email:

“Kolbie Orum had another super game offensively with 38 points,” he added. Now with a sixth place finish on the books, the team, minus three Grade 12s, will be looking to come back stronger than ever. “Our overall record was 40 wins and 14 losses,” said Herman. “Kolbie Orum was unstoppable scoring 39 points in our final game,” he added, “[and] she led the tournament in scoring, averaging 34 points a game.” Kolbie was also selected to the first all-star team. “Quite an accomplishment for a Grade 10 player,” he said. Orum won the tournament scoring title, and finished with 135 points over Maple Ridge’s four games.

U19 ringette provincials were held in Burnaby last weekend. PoCo-Ridge Meadows ringette U19 team captured gold at the provincial championships after a four-game round-robin. The team was 3-1 at the end of Saturday, and took on Shuwshap on Sunday for the medal. With a final score of 7-4, the girls, and the lone boy, Shane, celebrated with a gold medal photo on the ice. • More online:, click on “Sports”

Season wrap-up The Golden Ears women’s soccer fall season comes to an end this weekend. With teams playing semifinal matches on Sunday, the Golden Ears women’s soccer division is hoping for a strong finish. Sporting U21 silver team finished the regular season in second place in the U21 silver group, and will play the fourth place Royal City Kodiaks in the league semifinals this Sunday, March 20, at 5 p.m. at SRT. Golden Ears Fury, in its first year in the U21 program, finished fifth in the silver group and will take on the Poco Fire in their semifinal match on Sunday at SRT at 7 p.m. • More online:, click on “Sports”

Send in your scores to

Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times


Friday, March 18, 2011



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The Pitt Meadows United U15 silver boys team played in the Conference Cup final in Coquitlam Saturday March 12. They previously won the District Cup final, and their regular season division, and battled in the pouring rain for a conference final. Austin MacAllister, (above), took a shot on net in the second half, but the game went to a shoot-out, and the boys lost to the U15 Aldergrove Vipers.

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Hustlers take championship The Bantam C6 Hustlers won its banner game against Coquitlam on Sunday, March 13.

A young team became league champions and playoff champions with their recent win at Pitt Meadows arenas. During the regular season the Hustlers went 18-4-2, and had a playoff series of 7-0-1. The Bantam C6 team then beat Coquitlam 5-2 last Sunday afternoon for the championship titles. “It was a hard fought game with Coquitlam scoring the first goal,” said spokesperson Drew Allan.

“The Hustlers rallied by scoring two short-handed goals,” he added. However, when Coquitlam tied the game in the second period, the Hustlers had to battle back once again, and they were able to take a three-goal lead. “Coquitlam made them work their hearts out to the very end,” said Allan. The Hustlers also won the Cloverdale Bantam C Tournament over the Christmas and New Year break, by going to the final and beating the Mission Vipers 3-2 with 28.5 seconds on the clock in the five minute overtime period. This weekend the Hustlers travel to Gibsons for the Sunshine Coast Spring Break tournament.

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Soggy game day

Amy Judd/TIMES



Friday, March 18, 2011

Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times


Ridge climbers soar in Banff by Amy Judd

It was a long, tough few days of competition, but the results were worth it. Sara Hopkins, Carly Turner, Jarred Plamondon, Christy Spurrell and Julie Huff competed against Alberta’s best youth climbers, on their way to regionals, and hopefully nationals. Day one started in Banff, where the five climbers competed in a Red Point competition where they had to climb as many routes as they could and were scored by their top seven completed climbs, explained owner of the Rock Wall and head coach Terry Spurrell. “The team started off a little nervous,” he said, “but quickly settled in to put on an impressive show of strength and ability.” Hopkins clinched first place in her category after pushing through a powerful last climb with what Terry called “amazing effort” as the final buzzer sounded. Christy Spurrell and Plamondon both finished second, and Huff “had the crowd cheering with a dramatic and hair-raising climb on one of the longest routes across the roof, finishing in fifth place,” said Terry. Turner finished sixth place. Terry explained that this year was the first time the Banff Climbing Centre and North Face awarded the climbing team with the top aggregate points with the North Face team challenge cup. The Rock Wall climbing team won top honours, and received a trophy and a $100 gift card, which they used for a celebratory dinner in the Banff Centre. “The competition for the award was very tough,” he said, “making the win extra special.” “It was a very long 11hour competition for the team so they didn’t have much time to enjoy the moment with the next comp[etition] only hours away,” Terry added. His daughter Christy, who has been climbing for 10 years, found the long days the most challenging part of the competition. “We take lots of breaks, and it’s good to have friends on the team to keep you motivated,” she said. The 17-year-old said everyone had such good climbs at the event, and

managed to stay positive, and that contributed to their success. The on-sight competition was held on the Sunday at the Vision Climbing gym in Canmore, and Terry

explained that this kind of competition means that the athletes are kept in an isolation area and only have one try at each climb. They are scored by how far they make it up the route.

“The Rock Wall five put in one of their strongest performances in both of these back-to-back competitions,” he said.

• More online:, click on “Sports”


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A team from the Rock Wall in Maple Ridge competed in Banff and Canmore in early March.

The Rock Wall team won the North Face Team Challenge Cup.

Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times

Friday, March 18, 2011

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In Memoriam


John Frederick Lens

June 2, 1902- March 19th, 1971 Loving and kind in all his ways, Upright and just to the end of his days, Sincere and kind in heart and mind What a beautiful memory he left behind. After 40 years I still love and miss you dad, Joan

Robert(Rob) Allan Bedard

August 1, 1965-March 20th, 2004 Wonderful memories woven in gold. These are the memories we tenderly hold. Deep in our hearts his memory is kept. To love, to cherish and never forget.


MANION, Phyllis

Passed away peacefully on Jan 14/11 at the age of 91 in the Ridge Meadows Hospital. She was predeceased by her husband Martin, daughter Rose Marie Hunt, her husband Bill and daughter Monique. Also predeceasing her was her grandson Jeffery James. Surviving her is her son, Tom (Claire) daughters Patti Bronson, Denise Casey (Emmett), Monique Campbell, 11 grandchildren and 13 greatgrandchildren. There was no service by request however there will be a Celebration of Life for her and the others that left us way too soon, in July. Donations may be made to Ridge Meadows Hospital Foundation.


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General Employment


Hot House Pepper operation located in Maple Ridge requires 2 full time Pepper Crop Workers. ● Must have experience in a Pepper Hot House environment. ● Must have experience in pruning and picking peppers Rate of pay $9.00/hr Please send resumes to Canadian Valley Growers Fax: 604-857- 0666 or mail to Box 1330, Aldergrove, BC V4W 2V1

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Hotel Restaurant

HAMADA JAPANESE RESTAURANT LTD. is looking for a Japanese Food Cook Salary: $19.86/hrs, Full-time 40 hrs/week. Minimum 3 years of commercial cooking experience in Japanese food, Completion of high school. Read English and fluent Korean required Duties: Prepare/cook complete Japanese foods as per menu. Plan/create new menu, determine size of food portions, estimate food requirements and costs, and monitor and order supplies. Maintain inventory and records of food, supplies and equipment. Manage kitchen operations, and make sure of clean kitchen and work area. Schedule/supervise kitchen helpers. Train kitchen staff. Send resume to: 22529 Lougheed Hwy, 200, Maple Ridge, BC, V2X 0L4

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Friday, March 18, 2011


Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times


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Tim Stephens' Astral Reflections Aries March 21 - April 19: Your energy, charisma and effectiveness soar now through the weeks ahead! Your luck hits a 13 year peak. It’s a splendid time to begin major projects, one of the best times in your life. But some advice: 1) projects that aren’t meant to work will “fail” (or give signals of demise – some subtle) by March 28; 2) it’s better to start after March 28; 3) for success, this project should be connected to a past person, project or situation; and 4) it’s best (for easy progress) to steer clear of ambition, career and investment. Chase far travel, gentle love and intellectual things. Taurus April 20-May 20: Retreat, rest, find sweet solitude for the few weeks ahead. Your energy is low, but your spiritual,planning and administrative abilities are strong. Deal with institutions, civil servants, government – they could have a “treasure” for you. Contemplate and plan. Be charitable. Tackle chores Sunday. Relationships flow smoothly Monday noon to Thursday, but you might meet a bit of deception midday Wednesday. A good investment opportunity can arise Thursday morning – seek it! Finish chores this week, as slowdowns and indecision start soon. Saturday’s mellow, but not profitable. Gemini May 21-June 20: A major wish might come true over the weeks ahead. It will probably be a wish about a relationship, romance, marriage (or divorce), about litigation, negotiation, friendship/ popularity – but it won’t be limited to these. It will very likely involve an ongoing or past situation, person or project. Now is the time to reprise the past, in a big way! Romantic or creative urges sweeten Sunday and early Monday. But settle down to chores Monday afternoon to Wednesday noon – all goes smoothly enough. Big opportunities face you Wednesday eve, Thursday. Be alert! Don’t trust “independence.”

Cancer June 21-July 22: Your clout, reputation are high among the powers that be. Step forward now through the weeks ahead, exhibit your skills, show your record, seek bigger responsibilities. Your career sector is under splendid, expansive rays of luck! However, several cautions: 1) you might meet opposition (or pursue the least lucky position under a misguided notion of responsibility) before March 29; 2) your best action will be taken after March 28; and 3) the best project, boss, etc., will probably be linked to the past – something brand new might have a built-in “go in circles” direction-finder. Leo July 23-Aug. 22: The weeks ahead are very significant in intellect, education, media, publishing, far travel, international dealings, law, cultural rituals, religion, life philosophy, fame and especially, love. Your creative talents find a wide audience. The most valuable gift: understanding. A few cautions: 1) headwinds, probably involving health or employment factors, assail you in these areas until March 28; 2) Mercury goes retro soon, so it isn’t the best time to start new projects. Your luck will be better with ongoing or old, revived projects, loves, situations. Romance Wednesday-Friday! Virgo Aug. 23-Sept. 22: Great, significant change arrives in the weeks ahead. It might be huge, obvious; or it might merely be a shift in direction that steers your next eight years (and beyond, because nothing returns). Finances, intimacy, health, and, less directly, employment/work can be deeply affected. Generally, this is a very lucky time. However, a couple of cautions: You’ll make much better headway after March 28; to this date, obstacles appear in money and love. To succeed, stick with an ongoing or return to a past sexual, domestic/property, financial or employment situation. Be optimistic!

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Libra Sept. 23-Oct. 22: Important, life-directionchanging opportunities face you over the next four weeks, mainly in love, partnership, relocation, negotiation, agreements, litigation, dealings with the public, marriage and divorce. You can see events as opportunities or as challenges, even as threats of defeat. But even the worst case will be a “win” in that it grants you freedom. To succeed, see another’s point of view, fulfil another’s desire(s). Conciliate, encourage, merge, find common ground – easier after March 28. Stick to ongoing/past people/projects – brand new ones have an Achilles heel. Scorpio Oct. 23-Nov. 21: Great luck comes to your employment sphere over the weeks ahead. Your hours or tasks are almost certain to increase, and your income with it. This might be short-term (e.g. overtime hours) or more permanent (e.g. a pay raise). Aim, if you can, for the permanent. But whatever occurs, it will cause a change in direction that lasts for eight years. Apply this luck (via your efforts) to a situation, job, project that is ongoing, or returns from the past. Initiating a brand-new project might lead to eight years of “on/off” work disruptions. Money luck Thursday. By mid-year, new luck! Sagittarius Nov. 22-Dec. 21: The month ahead is one of the most important – and luckiest – in a decade, maybe many decades. You might experience a big, obvious event, or a less marked but significant “turn” that heads you in a new, exciting direction, in creative, speculative, risk-taking, romantic, pleasure or beauty zones. Two secondary elements play an important role: 1) communications or travel, and 2) your personality. Relationships will be sober, or deal with a realistic environment. Through March 28, obstacles exist; be patient, then leap! Avoid brand new projects/people: reprise the past.

Mar. 20 - Mar. 26 Capricorn Dec. 22-Jan. 19: The weeks ahead feature much luck on domestic, property, therapy, healing, nature, gardening, agriculture, security, retirement,child-oriented,foundational and nurturing fronts. This is a great time to buy a house, have a child, or expand business territory (“foundational”). What you pursue should be something ongoing or from the past (e.g., a house you wanted to buy before but couldn’t). “Dilemma” choices face you through March 28, so proceeding after this is easier. What you do now will affect your income and spending for the next eight years. Think “cornerstone.” Aquarius Jan. 20-Feb. 18: The weeks ahead can bring much indecision. You might see people around you making big moves, having luck pour onto them, and you can think: what about me? Don’t worry, your big luck runs from this June to June 2012 – whereas everybody “lucking out” now will get little June onward. Meanwhile, your communications, mail, friends, siblings, travel, paperwork and curiosity will expand in interesting ways. Problems and obstacles arise through March 28, so go slow in the areas listed. Stick to former or ongoing projects and people: the brand new will bring future delays. Pisces Feb. 19-March 20: The weeks ahead feature earnings, spending, possessions, sensuality and rote learning – in powerfully lucky ways. Your career and earnings can climb a ladder to new heights. For career, read “status” – for example, “marrying up” is a status move. (Great career hints Thursday morning.) Expect obstacles through March 28 – be patient, then leap! Since your relationships are headed for a period of delay and “circling,” you’ll fare best if you stick to ongoing or (probably luckier) past contacts and projects than if you try to launch new boats into new waters. Read Scorpio message. • Reading: 416-686-5014

Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times

Friday, March 18, 2011

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FREE CATALOGUE 1-800-353-7864 HALFORD’S butcher equipment and supplies, leather, beads, craft kits, animal control equipment + trapping supplies. Order from our new web store and get free shipping until August 31, 2011.


Deli/Ice Cream Shop Eqip.: Like ‘NEW’ Saeco (Idea) Auto Espresso Machine, 3-Ice Cream Freezers, Prep Coolers/Tables + more!

See web for more! • 6780 Glover Rd., Langley, BC • Phone: 604-534-0901


Avoid Bankruptcy, Stops Creditor Calls. Much lower Payments at 0% Interest. We work for You, not Your Creditors.

Call 1-866-690-3328



Business Opps/ Franchises


Feed & Hay

GOOD BIG BALES 2nd CUT LOCAL HAY - $7/Bale. 604-465-5255

Triple Five Trucking

Money to Loan


CLEAN HOG FUEL $250+ / truckload, delivered. 13 units. Call 604-307-4607

The Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Times has partnered with the BC SPCA to encourage responsible pet guardianship and the humane treatment of animals. Before purchasing a new puppy, ensure the seller has provided excellent care and treatment of the animal and the breeding parents. For a complete guide to finding a reputable breeder and other considerations when acquiring a new pet, visit



CRIMINAL RECORD? Canadian pardon seals record. American waiver allows legal entry. Why risk employment, business, travel, licensing, deportation? All CANADIAN / AMERICAN Work & Travel Visa’s. 604-282-6668 or 1-800-347-2540


Escort Services

Carman & Fox friends



*CONNECT WITH YOUR FUTURE* Learn from the past, Master the present! Call A True Psychic NOW! $3.19min 1-877-478-4410 (18+) 1-900-783-3800 Answers to all your questions!

The Fox Den at Metrotown out-call Escorts Vancouver

Real Estate Services


Could you use $30k or even $300k? If you own a home, we can help. Your credit/age/income is not an issue. Independent lenders since 1969.


Damaged Home! Older Home! Difficulty Selling! Call us first! No Fees! No Risks! 604-626-9647


Facing Bankruptcy or Pre Foreclosure? Expired Listing, No Equity, High Pymts?


1 BR, approx 830 sq ft, quiet, clean Bldg, cls to Metrotown & Skytrain, starting at $825. Rick 604-437-3013 or 778-899-8554

2232 McAllister Port Coquitlam 2 BR Apartment Available APR 1

* Newly reno’d, quiet secure bldg, walk to all amenities. * Near WC Express. * Rent incls heat, hot water, fridge, stove, priv balcony & window coverings * Laundry & Storage ea floor * No pets ✔ Wheel Chair Access

604 - 941 - 7721

Renee Dubois

Mobile Mortgage Specialist TD Canada Trust. 778-686-5107


Condos/ Townhouses


Close to Lougheed Mall, S.F.U. & Transportation. office: 604- 936-3907


We Will Take Over Your Payment! No Fees!

401 Westview St, Coq


Large Units. Near Lougheed Mall. Transportation & S.F.U.

Call Kristen today (604) 786-4663

office: 604- 939-2136 cell: 604- 805-9490 / (604) 812-3718

Any Price, Any Location Any Condition. No Fees! No Risk!


North Delta

3 BR RANCHER, lge 66x115 lot, quiet area, rec room, cls to schls/ amens/transit. 11460-95A Ave. $424,900. For appt 604-581-6110



CONDO 2 yrs, 2 BR, 2 baths, facing quiet street. Asking $259K. TOWNHOME 3 yrs, 3BR, 2 ba, nr amens. No HST. Asking $332k. Mala, Sutton 778-859-4458

Vancouver East Side

SUN MAR 20, 2-4pm, Unit #205 3638 Rae Ave, Van. 2 BR, 2 full bath, close to amens. $334,000. Mala, Sutton 778-859-4458

Dreaming of a New Home?

To advertise call 604-630-3300

Vancouver East Side

1/2 DUPLEX centrl loc 4 BR, 3 baths, approx 1,700sf, kept well, nr transit/shops/schools. $665k Mala, Sutton 778-859-4458


Mobile Homes

Mobile Home Restorations and Service Work No Job too small Chris 604-393-3087



DISCOUNT $27,000


22588 Royal Crescent Ave, Maple Ridge Large units. Close to Golden Ears Bridge. Great view of River

office: 604- 463-0857 cell: 604- 375-1768


Houses - Rent

ANMORE, Rancher, 2 BR & Den, 1900sf, lev acreage, 5 appls, 2 bath, f/p, garg, patio. Mins PoMo/ Coq Ctr, Buntzen, 778-688-6622 Bdrm Townhome! Fenced yard. RENT TO OWN! STOP RENTING! Poor Credit Ok, Low Down. Call Karyn 604-857-3597

COQ Nr L’heed Mall, 3 BR up, fully fin bsmnt dwn, pets ok, w/d, $1700 + util, now. 604 727-2001

Bby N. Nice lrg 1 BR, quiet. $850 incl heat & h/w, prkg. By bus. Av Apr 1. NS/NP. 604-205-9409

CALYPSO COURT 1030 - 5th Ave, New West Near Transportation & Douglas College. Well Managed Building.

office: 604- 524-8174 cell: 604- 813-8789

COQ. 2 BR $900, Avail Now or Apr 1, heat, parking. 778-990-7079 or 604-521-8249

COTTONWOOD PLAZA 555 Cottonwood Ave, Coq

Large units some with 2nd bathroom or den. On bus routes, close to S.F.U. & Lougheed Mall.

415 Westview St, Coq

Close to Lougheed Mall, all Transportation Connections, Schools & S.F.U.


KING ALBERT COURT 1300 King Albert, Coq Close to Transportation, Schools & S.F.U.

Quality Homes

office: 604-937-7343 cell: 778-848-5993

Repossessed mobile homes to be moved, 1974-2008, Chuck at 604-830-1960.

M/R CENT, 11735-225th St, Adult bldg, 1 Br $600, 2 Br $900 heat/ h/w incl’d, n/dogs 604-467-9420

MISSION - LAKE FRONT starting from $78,800. 60 mins from Vancouver. Park Georgia Rlty Lisa Hughes • 604-931-7227

Call 604-521-2884

BBY, METROTOWN. 1 - 2 BR. Clean, quiet bldg. Incl heat/hot water. Immed. 778-323-0237

office: 604- 939-8905 cell: 604- 916-0261

Recreation Property

NEW WESTMINSTER, One Bedroom, $710/mo Includes heat, h/w, cable & parking. New carpets. Near Skytrain. Great view! Avail now or April 1. Cats okay! Deposit required.

COQ New Horizon, 3BR, 1900sf, 2 lvls, new appls, nr schls, ns/np, Av now. $1800/mo. 604 760-6372

NEW SRI single wides in Langley and Maple Ridge parks. Call 604-830-1960


NEW WEST 2 BR, 1 bath grd flr unit $900 plus utlities. Call Quay Pacific Property at 604-570-2786

BBY METROTOWN 1 & 2 BR avail Immed, Clean, quiet bldng. Inc heat/hot water. 778-788-1867


New & Used Homes From 14,900 and 56,900 FOB

NEW WEST. 1 BR. U/grd prkg. Concrete hi-rise. Ns/np. $825/mo. Nr college. Apr 1. 778-321-0309

COQ, Lough Mall. 3 BR, upper flr. Veggie garden, big yard. Ns/np. 1.5 baths, big sundeck, 6 appl. $1,450/mo + 2⁄3 util. 604-939-6077

1-800-339-5133 NEW SRI homes single, dbl & modular on display, Abby. 604-830-1960

NEW WEST 1 bed 1 bath, $715 plus utilities. Call Quay Pacific Property Mgmt at 604-570-2786.

office: 604- 939-4903 cell: 778- 229-1358

office: 604- 936-1225

Quality Homes


552 Dansey Ave, Coq

Up to mgF. Discounts vary by product line and options. Don’t Miss Out!

6065 Check the Real estate section.


RICHMOND - $1,488,888, 8 yr custom built, S. facing, 6 bdrm + den, 6 ba, 4200 sf, lot 9600 sf, tiled roof, hardwood, mortgage helper suites, sauna, 3 prkg. Free recorded msg 1-800-596-2197 ID# 7325 Mac Realty


Gadry Consultation

Spiritual Healer, Medium & Life Coach, Psychic Advice you can trust! Family issues, Happy Marriage, Reuniting loved ones, Immigration and Court matters, Business Success, Stress, Relationship, Depression. Quick Results. Natural gift! 100% GUARANTEED ★ Mr. Gadry 604-872-7952 ★ 30% off,


Extra Large 2 Bedrooms. Close to Lougheed Mall & S.F.U.



Money to Loan

Sell your home, only $99. 604-574-5243 Delta Price Reduced studio condo, 19+ complex, pool, park, $98,500 597-8361 id4714 New Westminster Price Reduced, 555sf 1br condo, view, $164,900 525-8577 id5081 Sry Sullivan Mews ground lvl 1200sf 2br 2ba tnhse, 55+complex $220K 834-6935 id5136 Sry Bear Creek Park beauty 1440sf rancher, gated 45+ $275,900 306-931-3939 id5234 Sry Royal Hts river & Mtn view 3900sf 8br 6ba on 5500sf lot $759,900 537-5952 id5290 Sry Clayton 2yr old beauty 3000sf 6br 3.5ba w/2br bsmt suite $610K 612-9594 id5312 Sry Open House Sat/Sun 2-4 12173-59 ave, immaculate owner built 3139sf 5br 3.5ba w/bsmt suite $689K 590-0981 id5335 Sry Guildford resort like living 610sf 1br+den condo, 2 pools $189,900 790-0590 id5336

We Offer Quick Cash For Your House


✔Do you Own a Car? ✔Borrow up to $10000.00 ✔No Credit Checks! ✔Cash same day, local office 604.777.5046

Real Estate

545 Rochester Ave, Coq

534-5544 290-8405

Need Cash Today?

#1 JANITORIAL FRANCHISE Customers, (Office Cleaning), Training and support. Financing. 604-434-7744


Legal Services

#1 IN PARDONS Remove your criminal record. Express Pardons offers the FASTEST pardons, LOWEST prices, and it’s GUARANTEED. BBB Accredited. FREE Consultation Toll-free: 1-866-416-6772

Cut Your Debt by up to 70% DEBT Forgiveness Program

SHELTIE PUPS, Reg’d, shots, tatoo, fam raised. Ready for spring break $800. 604-526-9943


Industrial, Construction, Forklifts, Farm & Turf Equip., Fleet Trucks & Trailers, Lumber, Boats, Cars & Trucks, FEATURING: • 2670 BAYLINER EXPLORER HARD TOP CRUISER BOAT 120 VOLVO Starting @ Lot 1000 (After Cars @ 11am) • 2003 FLEETWOOD 39’ EXCURSION MOTORHOME W/2-SLIDES • 2006 TERRY TRAILER W/4-SLIDES


ROTTWEILER PUPPIES Claws/ tails done. 1st shots incl. $650. Ready Mar22nd. 604-649-3787

KILN DRIED Hemlock, Fir, Spruce Sawdust & Shavings

NEXT AUCTION: March 26, 9am Start!!! CAN-AM AUCTIONS




Indoor & Outdoor Sundays 6am - 4pm


NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS NOTICE is given that creditors and others having claims against the Estate of Charles Patrick Arnold, formerly of 11655 - 203rd Street, Maple Ridge, V2X 4T8, deceased, also known as Chuck Arnold, who died on May 5, 2010 are hereby required to send them to the undersigned executor at the address indicated before April 26, 2011 after which date the executor will distribute the said estate among the parties entitled thereto having regard to the claims of which she has notice. SUSAN GAY WILSON, executor C/O Valorie Pawson Law Corporation 200 -100 Park Royal West Vancouver, BC V7T 2A1

PUG PUPS fawn m/f, & parents $400 ea. Ph 604-792-6277

SPECIAL • Cedar Shavings

Exhibition Park

Legal/Public Notices


Houses - Sale

PUG PUPS, 2 females, 1 male, 1st shots, family raised, ready to go. $700. call 604-614-6044



Financial Services

PB ENGLISH Springer Spaniel puppies. 13 weeks and white, liver and white. to 'good' family homes only!!! $750.00 604-505-1620

For Sale Miscellaneous

HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best Price, Best Quality. All Shapes & Colors Available. Call 1-866-652-6837






POCO, Lincoln Prk 3 BR, 2 bath, split lev hse, w/in-law-ste, appls, $1850, all newly reno’d & hrdwd flrs, carport, yard. 778-288-8168 *RENT TO OWN*

Abbotsford- 3262 Clearbrook Rd. HOUSE with 5 bedrooms, 2 baths. Mortgage helper. Only $1,598/m. Low Down. Flexible Terms. (604) 626-9647 or (604) 657-9422

STOP RENTING-RENT TO OWN ● No Qualification - Low Down ● NEW WEST- 1722-6th Av 2 bdrm HOUSE w/1 bdrm suite, very central location, close to skytrain..$1,188/M CHILLIWACK - 9557 Williams, 3 bdrm, 1 bath, cozy HOUSE on 49x171’ lot, excellent investment property in heart of town..... $888/M Call Kristen today (604)786-4663


Office/Retail Rent

RESTAURANT for lease/sale! M. Ridge restaurant. Fully equip’d, ready to open, was lic. for 43 seats, offices: 269sf - 624sf 604-462-8164 or 604-339-5899



COZY FURN room, all utils incld. wireless, femail only, avail Apr 1, $500, 604-374-8850


Shared Accommodation


Coq./Poco/ Port Moody

POCO, Own BR, $425 incls utils, W/D, share home. NS/NP. Avail Now. Nr Coq Ctr. 604-475-0262

N WEST newly renod 2 BR apt, 900sf, nr all amens, sec u/g prkg. N/s, n/p. Av Apr1. 604-721-1607

PT MDY. Glenayre/Clark. Share 3 BR condo, balc, indoor pool, gym, w/d avail. $450/mo incl hydro, cable, internet. Ns/np. Available now. Near bus, schools & parks. Call Don, 604-613-3702

NEW WEST. 1 BR Apt, $725/mo incls heat, light, cable, laundry, avail Apr 1st. Call 604-780-0048

Ads continued on next page



Friday, March 18, 2011 Shared Accommodation


Maple Ridge/ Pitt Mead.

LOFT STYLE room in character house, female only, Apr. 1st, part furn $575, 604-374-8850 M/R room, beautiful quiet home, good area. N/P, $525 incl laundry, cable & net, nr bus 778-628-4665


Suites/Partial Houses

3 BR upper, log house, Maple Ridge, 2 baths, 2 car garage, 1 yr lease, avail immed, N/s, N/p, $1400/mo. Call 778-808-8196

BBY, Deer Lake. 3 BR, upper. $1250 + 2⁄3 util. 1 BR + den, g/l, $680 incl hydro. Sh’d w/d. Ns/np. Quiet, greenbelt area. Big yard. March 15 or Apr 1. 604-836-2710

BBY, EAST. New, spacious 1 BR, f/bath. 800 sf. Near Douglas College, Skytrain, bus & park. Ns/ np. $750/mo incl hydro, cable & internet. Avail now. 778-316-2205

BBY, Lough Mall area. Spac 2 BR bsmt. 1,700 sq ft. $1000/mo + util. New appl., priv w/d. Nr schools. Avail now. N/s, no dogs. Cat ok. 604-521-1008 or 604-789-6318


Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times Suites/Partial Houses

SPACIOUS 3 bedroom upper floor house,renovated, long term , available rightaway, $1400 and 60%utilities, cats ok, d/w, w/d on suite, f/p, carport. 778-995-5260


Townhouses Rent


BBY N. 2 BR ste, g/lev, incls utils & cable, N/S, N/P, cls to SFU, bus, $925. Apr 1. 778-847-0351

BBY NORTH near SFU, Upper 3 BR Duplex, 2 bath, 5 appls, f/p. NS/NP. $1375+ utls. Avail Apr 1. 604-420-3269 or 604-760-7043 BLUE MTN/AUSTIN, 2 bedrm basemt suite,1029 Dansey,4 appl,no smoke&pet, incl. hydro, $750.00 ref. call (604)649-8909 COQ 1 BR g/lvl, nr Miller Park, $750 inc util, suits sngle, w/d, Mar 15. no dogs. Ref. 604-936-2206


Collectibles & Classics


COQ 3121 Pattulo. 2 BR bsmt, f/bath, own w/d, all appl. $995 incl util. 2 min to Coq Centre. Great location! Immed. 778-688-2594

604-761-7175 #1 FREE Scrap Vehicle Removal Ask about $500 Credit!!! $$ PAID for Some 604.683.2200

FREE SCRAP car & truck removal. Top $$ paid for all. No wheels - no problem. 604-761-7175

STEVE TOWING SERVICES Scrap Car Removal. We Pay $$ for all cars. Call 778-316-7960

Parts & Accessories





Engines ........................ 134 Transmissions ................ $4995 Starters.......................... $1795 Alternators..................... $1795 Elec Distributors............. $2495 Computers (ECM) ........... $1495 Throttle Body Assys........ $1895 $


Hours: 8:30am-5pm 7 Days A Week

604-790-3900 OUR SERVIC 2H



Sport Utilities/ 4x4’s/Trucks

2004 DODGE Dakota Sport Extended Cab Pickup. Box liner, new all weather tires, and only 87,000 kms. Clean and no accidents. Asking $8,500 OBO. Call (604) 491-4435.


WANTED. Aluminum Boat, 10, 12 or 14ft, with or without motor or trailer. 604-319-5720



1989 23 ft 5th Wheel + 1994 Chev 2500 ext’d cab. Gd cond. $7,900 for both or sell sep. 604-856-3819

Accelerate your car buying

Toll-Free: 1-866-843-8955

Blinds & Draperies


BLACKOUT DRAPES. Cut light 100%. Save energy. Dampen sound. Innovative fabric in 42 colors. Free est. 604-506-6230


L & J Finishing Carpentry For all your woodworking needs Custom millwork, kitchens & baths, custom furniture, flooring, crown mouldings, baseboards. Over 25 years experience. Call Luigi 604-790-2540



Marie’s Customized Cleaning Services. ★ Move outs ★ offices & homes ★ new construction ★ carpets & blinds. WCB Insured & Veterans VIP Blue Cross Certified Provider. Call Marie 604-467-1118

• Framing • Flooring

To place your ad in call 604-630-3300 8125





• All Bobcat & Mini-X Services • Small Hauls Available • SNOW REMOVAL • Fast Reliable Service


Flooring/ Refinishing

Hardwood Floor Refinishing Repairs & Staining Installation Free Estimates

Century Hardwood Floors 604-376-7224

Artistry of Hardwood Floors

Refinish, sanding, install, dustless Prof & Quality work 604-219-6944

Need help with your Home Renovation? Find it in the Classifieds!

25% Off with this ad

Call 604-518-0974 #1 PAY-LESS PRO PAINTING 31 yrs exp. Spring Special Ext/Int. Call 24 hrs, 7 days 604-891-9967


MILANO Painting 604-551-6510 Int/Ext. Good Prices. Free Est. Written Guar. Prof & Insured.



Stevie’s Handyman Services Big or Small, we do it ALL! Call Stevie • 778-997-0337



YARD CLEAN-UP★ Pruning ★ removing trees★ shrubs★ lawn care etc Gregg 778-241-7508


Lawn & Garden

LANDSCAPE INSTALLATION, tree services, hedge trimming, spring lawn care. 778-885-6488 ACE HANDYMAN SERVICE Pressure washing, landscaping, rubbish. Joe, 604-657-0346 ADAM’S YARD CARE Hedge trimming, pruning trees, yard clean up, etc Adam 778-899-4162


COQ CTR. 2 BR, upper floor, 2 full baths, central loc, own laundry, central air cond. $1300 incls hydro/cbl. Av now. 604-941-0712

COQ, DAWES HILL,. reno 3 BR main floor. F/p, sh’d w/d, deck, carport. $1,200/mo + % utils. N/S. Apr 1, no dogs. 604 937-3534 COQ, Lough Mall. 2 BR, g/lvl. Priv w/d & ent. F/ba. Ns/Np. $985/mo incls utils. Immed. 604-931-3677 COQ. QUIET studio ste, large & bright. Sep ent, W/D, f/bath, huge deck, private yard. Suits 1 person. Absolutely no smoking! Cat ok. $625 incl util. 604-475-0184 COQ SPAC 2 br ste g/lvl, cls to schl/bus. Inc w/d, hyd, net. N/S, N/P. Now. $1100. 604-729-4709

• Painting & Wallpaper

• Residential - Commercial • Interior & Exterior • Spray & High-End Finishes • Wallpaper Hanging • FREE ESTIMATE

Steven Kovacs • 778-990-7174


Decks/Patios/ Railings


• Waterproofing • Aluminum Awnings • Custom Aluminum Railings • Deck Renovations

Free Est.



Paving/Seal Coating

ALLEN Asphalt, concrete, brick, drains, foundations, walls, membranes 604-618-2304/ 820-2187

Moving & Storage




1 to 3 Men

1, 3, 5, 7 or 10 Ton $ From

45 We accept Visa, Mastercard & Interac Licenced & Insured Local & Long Distance Seniors Discount


604-537-4140 A MOVING EXPERIENCE WITH L & D ENTERPRISES !!! Fast & Dependable Special Rates Seniors Disc. Call 604-464-5872

1 Click.

1. Go to 2. Search by STOCK# 3. Get details & photos of cars you choose

2 Drive.

Contact the dealer, check out your new ride and drive home. Easy, right?

38/HR! Clogged drains, drips, garbs, sinks, reno’s, toilets, installs, Lic/Ins. 778-888-9184


Water Lines (without digging) Sewer Lines (without digging) Install. Drain tiles. 604-739-2000


Renovations & Home Improvement

FERREIRA HOME IMPROVEMENTS Additions ★ Renovations Concrete Forming ★ Decks Garages ★ Bathrooms Ceramic Tile ★ Drywall Hardwood Flooring ''Satisfaction Guaranteed''

NORM, 604-466-9733 Cell: 604-841-1855

Haney Home Improvement

Bathrooms Kitchens Laminate

Drywall Decks Tile




A Eastwest Roofing & Siding Re-roofing, Gutter, Free Est, BBB Member, 10% disc, Seniors Disc, 604-812-9721, 604-783-6437 GL Roofing cedar shake, asphalt shingle, flat roofs BBB WCB clean gutters $80. 24/7 604-240-5362


Rubbish Removal

604-RUBBISH 782-2474

* We Remove & Recycle Anything*

Free Est’s • Large or Small Jobs



Tree Services


Dangerous tree removal, pruning, topping, hedge trimming & stump grinding. Fully insured & WCB

Two Easy Steps to Finding a Pre-Owned Vehicle



• Drain Cleaning Services • Household Plumbing Repairs • 24/7 Emergency Service


COQ BLUE Mnt area, 2 BR upper, shared w/d, d/w, big deck, monitored securtiy sys. $1125 + 2/3 utils. Apr 1. Sm Pet considered, n/s. 604- 897-0411


• Free Estimates • Seniors Disc. • High Quality, Low Cost • WCB



Painting/ Wallpaper

A Name You Can Trust


YOUR ELECTRICIAN $29 service call. Insured. Lic # 89402. Fast same day service guaranteed. We love small jobs! 604-568-1899

Quality Workmanship Reasonable Prices – Free Estimates

Please Call: D • 778.829.7785

HOME CLEAN Reasonable Rates. Insured. Call Igor • 604-476-1197


• Pruning & Topping • Retaining Wall • New Fences and More

• Lawn and Garden Fertilization • Landscaping - Lawn Maintenance • Garden Clean-Up • Power Raking • Aeration • Trimming • New Lawn


Call Ryan: 604-329-7792


2004 25FT Trail Blazer 5th Wheel, slide, exc cond, $17,800. 604-533-5624 or 604-868-1723




1983 FORD Mustang Covertible, 6 cyl, 83k mi, Aircared, runs great, new tires, $1500. 604-941-6030

COQ 2 BR bsmt, lrg kit, w/d, small cov patio, newly painted, n/s, $825 + 1/3 utils, 604-525-9266

COQ, 3 BR, f/bath, fenced yard. $950/mo incl hydro. Near amen. Apr 1. N/s, no dogs.604-525-0897

604 628 9044

AAA SCRAP CAR REMOVAL Minimum $150 cash paid for full sized vehicles. 604-518-3673

WEEKLY SPECIALS Mar 19 - Mar 25, 2011

BBY N 3 BR g/lvl ste, newly renod, 1500sf, w/d. Nr SFU/10 mins to Sperling Stn. N/s, n/p. Av Apr 1. $1400. 604-710-8872

Visit our website @ Free tow, no wheels, no papers no problem! Hassle free friendly service. 2 hr service in most areas.

Warehouse/ Commercial

MISSION: Silver Creek Industrial Park. 1800 sq.ft. FOR LEASE $1088/mo + triple net. RE/MAX LifeStyles Realty, Gary Fraipont 604-466-2838 or 604-240-3948

Call ThE Experts

Scrap Car Removal

Cash for junk cars! $100 to $1000 Ask about our $500 Credit!

POCO 2 BR T/H $765, $785 & $830/mo. Quiet-family complex, No Pets! Avail Now. Call 604-464-0034

BBY, METROTOWN. 1 BR, g/lvl, Alarm. Near skytrn. NS/NP. Refs. $780 incl util. Now. 604-430-1358 BBY METROTWN clean 2 br main flr hse, nr bus, s/train, schls, TNT. Ns/np. $980+util. 604-438-1588


10% Off with this Ad! For all your plumbing, heating & reno needs. Lic Gas Fitter, Aman. 778-895-2005

Jerry 604-618-8585 Andrew 604-618-8585


HOME SERVICES Find the professionals you need to create the perfect renovation. To advertise call 604-630-3300

Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times

Friday, March 18, 2011



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Friday, March 18, 2011

Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times


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