Maple Ridge Times April 5 2011

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Tuesday, April 5, 2011 Pitt Meadows soccer star Daniel Stanese qualifies for the U17 world cup in Mexico.

Page A14

ary Annivers 1985-2010


Maple Ridge Community Foundation

Army brat’s selflessness lauded Fred Armstrong is glad he put down roots in Maple Ridge because he’s “really come to love this place.” by Roxanne Hooper


oungest in the crowd by far, nine-year-old Kallan Armstrong quickly discarded his Nintendo DS when he heard his father’s name called out by the emcee. After the better part of 25 years spent working, playing, and volunteering in Maple Ridge, Fred Armstrong was crowned citizen of the year this weekend. Saturday’s announcement brought a jubilant 160-member crowd at Meadow Gardens to their feet in roaring applause, and prompted some unwanted tears from one shocked and humbled Armstrong. “I’m just so honoured. I’m blown away,” said the former TIMES publisher. “This is an amazing, wonderful community,” he said when accepting the accolades during the Maple Ridge Community Foundation’s annual gala. “A little part of me is saying ‘they might want to check the counting’,” Armstrong said, questioning if voting was skewed. “By most standards, I’m a newcomer to these parts,” he said, pointing out to a room full of many like-minded community volunteers, including many he felt “more worthy” than himself for acknowledgement. “There was at least one person at every table in that room who could have easily been up there,” Armstrong said Monday, still flustered by the attention and accolades being heaped on him. “I’m still a little bit flummoxed because there’s so many people who do great things in this community,” he said. Over the course of the past quarter century, this army brat who moved around a lot as a child has immersed himself in this town and exemplified all the characteristics of an outstanding community volunteer, and more,

Roxanne Hooper/TIMES

Spence Levan was among the first to congratulate his close friend and fellow community volunteer Fred Armstrong for being selected as the citizen of the year in Maple Ridge. said Bob Shantz, a retiring foundation member who presented the award. Armstrong, whose career has been focused in media, started as a community TV cameraman in Edmonton and moved into community newspapers in B.C. where he held a variety of marketing and advertising positions before becoming publisher. It was late last year that he finally left the newspaper business, in favour of his current post as the District’s communications manager in what he gladly calls his home – Maple Ridge. It’s not just his work in the business community, including a 10-year tenure as publisher of the TIMES, but the hundreds of volunteer undertakings in this

community that earned him this weekend’s recognition. “Fred is particularly adept at celebrating others’ accomplishments and taking great pleasure in drawing attention to those who have dedicated themselves to our community,” added Mike Murray, one of last year’s joint citizen of the year recipients. “He holds those who have demonstrated that commitment in the highest regard. It seems fitting, therefore, that Fred should be [selected] for the citizen of the year award himself,” Murray said. Currently chair of the arts council, he is also a director for the Golden Ears Seniors Society, and the Home Show Society. He was also key in the creation

of the Hometown Heroes proOlympic Torch Relay at Memorial gram, worked hard to merge the Peace Park last year – literally a Pitt Meadows and Maple Ridge few hundred events. chambers, assistIn fact, foundaed in fundraistion organizers “Fred is particularly ing for the ACT, would have served on the Life normally asked adept at or Meth project, him to emcee celebrating others’ and – not one for this year’s gala, accomplishments…” but thought it the personal spotlight – Armstrong inappropriate Mike Murray has volunteered given the honour tirelessly behind the scenes on bestowed on him at the shindig. countless other projects, commitWhile Armstrong knew he’d tees, and initiatives. been nominated for the honour But it’s his work in the lime– he’s attended at least 15 of the light for which many might betgalas in the past 20 years and ter recognize him. His emceeing seen the calibre of past winners services have been key at every– he said: “I didn’t dare believe it thing from the Mountain Festival would be possible.” • More online at, and Santa Claus parades, to click on “News” fundraising events, and even the

Don’t miss important information about the latest Swarm Jam deal on page A5




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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times



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Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times

Tuesday, April 5, 2011



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Golden Ears Bridge

Variable toll rates piloted after hours by Matthew Claxton

What’s OnLine

Service nixed The West Coast TrainBus, which follows the same route as the Vancouver-Mission train, will no longer run on weekends as of June 20. In addition, weekday TrainBus service to Mission will be reduced, but the weekday schedule between Port Haney and Vancouver will remain the same. • More online:, click on “News”

Postmedia Network Inc.

Lower tolls are coming to the Golden Ears Bridge – for drivers heading across during off-peak hours. After hinting last year that it was looking into alternative tolling schemes, TransLink announced Monday a six-week pilot program starting April 15. All the tolls will be discounted

by 30 per cent from 7 p.m. to 5:59 a.m. every weekday, as well as on weekends starting Friday night, and on statutory holidays. The test period will include both the Easter and May long weekends. That will cut tolls for a car with a transponder from $2.80 to $1.95 during off-peak hours, or from $3.95 to $2.75 for pay-as-you-go. A large truck would see off-peak tolls with a transponder cut from

interesting to see if drivers change their route from the Port Mann Bridge to the Golden Ears Bridge during weekends and evenings. “We will be watching to see if these toll discounts achieve a ‘tipping point’ at which the convenience and time savings are seen to be worth the cost,” Jarvis said. The data from the trial will be studied, and a new tolling structure may be based on any changes that result.

$8.40 to $5.90, or from $9.55 to $6.70 for pay-as-you-go. “We will be interested to see if offering a lower rate at off-peak periods will lead to some timeshifting of trips by current Golden Ears Bridge customers,” said TransLink CEO Ian Jarvis. “Shifting the time of discretionary trips from peak to non-peak periods is one way to make better use of existing network capacity.” He also added that it will be

Finding a parking space can sometimes be an issue along 119th Avenue.

Maria Rantanen/TIMES

The Cythera Unique Boutique will open on Thursday.

Cythera expands

Water needed Abbotsford council planned to vote last night on whether the Abbotsford Mission Water and Sewer Commission should apply for federal P3 funding for the project to build a new water-treatment centre at Stave Lake. If approved, the treatment plant, which would cost about $300 million, would supplement the two communities’ primary water supply from Norrish Creek. • More online:, click on “News”

Flyers • The Bay • Toys-R-Us * Full delivery to area homes; others partial delivery only

Amy Judd/TIMES


Gaming centre hurts area merchants Gamblers’ vehicles are crowding the streets in downtown Maple Ridge. by Amy Judd

Businesses on 119th Avenue are reporting frustrated customers and lower revenue since the bingoplex expanded. Ken Carlson has been working at The Bookcase for 13 years, and the store has been on 119th Avenue for 34 years, but he said compared to this time last year, his business is down about 20 to 25 per cent. “Especially from my older customers,” he said. “They don’t want to walk a block-and-a-half to pick up books.” Walk across the street to Maple Ridge Town Tailors and the story is the same. Nasrin Nazmdeh has been operating the store for almost seven years, and she said her business is down about 60 per cent compared from this year to last. “Right now it is the start of grad

time and it should be busier,” she clients have gotten tickets.” said. She said the business has not “I’m not making my expenses,” been in that location long enough she added. “I’m working eight to say if they are losing business hours a day and maybe making now, but they did think that with $20.” the new entrance they might Both business owners say the receive more walk-ins, and that problems increased when the has not been the case. Maple Ridge Community Gaming “It was a shame they put in Centre, with slot machines, 100 slot machines,” said Carlson. Racebook, and bingo, opened its “There isn’t room for parking for doors with a new entrance on half that many.” Carlson does 119th Avenue. have parking available for customParking is ers in the back of restricted along the his store, but he “There are people street, with onefears many of his hour, two-hour, customers do not that aren’t abiding and 15-minute even know about by the rules.” spots for the CIBC that. Howard Blank, vice-president of bank, but Nazmdeh The gaming Great Canadian Gaming said that doesn’t centre is sympaseem to matter thetic to the busibecause people ness owners, and park for much longer, and she has its vice-president stressed that this not seen regular parking checks location is a temporary facility, along the street. although the new location is not Ronda White, who works at A slated to open until 2013. Little Spa, said since she started “There are people that aren’t in November she has seen a lot of abiding by the rules,” admitted parking issues. Howard Blank, vice-president of “Some clients have been late Great Canadian Gaming. because they had to circle around “We’re working to tell them that to find a space,” she said. “Some they will be ticketed or towed if

they don’t abide by the parking rules.” A notice on the door of the gaming centre warns customers not to park in the bank parking lot or they will be ticketed and/or towed. “The positive is that this has been a bit of a boom to Maple Ridge,” said Blank. “The negative is that some people are coming and just parking wherever they want.” He said the company is willing to work with business owners in the area for cross promotion, but they cannot control what members of the public do. “We’re certainly not encouraging people to park there [long-term],” said Blank, “and we will work with the business owners to do everything we can.” Liz Holitzki, the District’s director of licencing, permits, and bylaws, said they do conduct regular patrols in the downtown core, but they were trying to be a bit sensitive at that time to merchants located between Dewdney Trunk Road and McIntosh Avenue, due to the construction. “The merchants are suffering enough,” she said.



20629 - 119th Ave., Maple Ridge 604-465-8955


Cythera House is opening a new location on Thursday – the Cythera Unique Boutique at 22362 Lougheed Hwy. will feature new and used home decor, giftware, upscale women’s and children’s fashions, and bric-a-brac. The Cythera Thrift Store on Dewdney Trunk Road will continue to offer affordable used merchandise. Donations for both locations will continue to be received at the thrift store on Dewdney. For information about Cythera House, call 604-467-9939 or email • More online:, click on “Community”


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times

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Beautification begins

Leonard Vanwoudenberg used an excavator recently, while fellow GLE Landscape employee John Nelson worked a shovel, preparing the welcoming sign on Airport Way for plantings. The welcome sign is one of three that will eventually be erected at each of the main entrances to Pitt Meadows as part of the massive Gateway project.

Resident battles kitchen blaze by Amy Judd

One Pitt Meadows resident suffered minor smoke inhalation battling a fire that began in his kitchen on Friday night. However, Pitt Meadows assistant fire chief Rob Chatton said the man’s quick actions prevented the fire from spreading to the rest of the house. “The occupant did a good job knocking the fire down,” said Chatton. The fire started at about 6:45 p.m. in a house on Kennedy Road, but by the time the fire department arrived on scene, the man had most of the blaze under control. He had grabbed the garden hose, which was close at hand, and doused the fire with water. “Our crew spent a very short time dealing with some hot spots,” said Chatton.

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Pitt Meadows

Due to a quick-thinking homeowner, a fire only caused minor damage.

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Roxanne Hooper/TIMES

There was damage to the kitchen, but the fire did not spread. The resident was treated for smoke inhalation on the scene by members of the B.C. Ambulance Service. No other occupants of the house were harmed in the fire.

Lougheed closed

Motorists were affected on Saturday morning, when the Lougheed Highway at Harris Road had to be closed about 45 minutes due to an crash. According to Ridge Meadows RCMP, a man drove his SUV into a taxi cab that was stopped at the light on Lougheed at Meadowtown Centre. Chatton said at first it appeared to be a standard two-vehicle accident. However, when the department arrived on scene, they realized one of the vehicles was a propane-powered taxi. “Some damage had caused the propane to leak out,” said Chatton. The traffic was diverted and the highway shut down for west-bound traf-

fic while the fire department dispersed the vapours into a safe area so they could vent naturally, near the open area of Harris Road Park. “We made sure any flammable sources were taken off, and [we] shut the highway,” added Chatton. While some motorists may have been frustrated, he said, for public’s safety they shut the highway. “Propane is a flammable product,” he said, “and if it did reach an ignition source it could have done a lot worse.” The drivers of the two vehicles sustained minor injuries and were treated by members of B.C. Ambulance. The cab driver had to be taken to hospital for further treatment, but he only sustained non-life threatening injuries. But the driver of the SUV also showed signs of alcohol impairment according to the police, so they asked him to provide a sample of his breath. When the driver refused, Ridge Meadows RCMP arrested him, and he has since been released but

Federal election

One all-candidates forum set A date has yet to be picked for an allcandidates meeting in Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows, but there’s one on the books in the eastern portion of the local riding. Mission Regional Chamber of Commerce is hosting an all-candidates forum on Thursday, April 14 at the

Mission Best Western, from 7 to 9 p.m. The federal riding runs from the Pitt River to Lake Errock, and currently has four declared candidates, Randy Kamp (Conservative), Mandeep Bhuller (Liberal), Craig Speirs (NDP), and Peter Tam (Green Party).

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will have to appear in court on a later date.

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Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Maple Ridge

Residents asked to move RVs by Amy Judd

After storing an RV on his property for nine years, Bob Collins has been told to move it or cover it. Now he is retired and says he and his wife like to use their RV to travel across the country. Although he said no one has complained to him about parking his vehicle where it is now, on March 31 he received a letter from the District of Maple Ridge stating he has two weeks to deal with his vehicle. The bylaw states that residents cannot store recreational vehicles, boat trailers, trailers, or boats that exceed 7.5 metres in length on their property. Collins’ trailer measures about 8.2 metres. He can either completely enclose it in a structure on his property, or store it somewhere else. “I’ve checked around to see what it would be for

Amy Judd/TIMES

Bob Collins has to find a new way to store his R.V. or he will have to sell. storage,” he said, “and it’s anything from $250 to $300 a month.” Collins said he can’t afford that, and if he is going to build a structure around it, he will need

more than two weeks. “Off-site is not an option for me,” he said. “It’s not practical. In order to care for your unit, you have to continually maintain it. You have to have power on.” When he purchased the RV, Collins said he had no idea about this bylaw. No one has complained of his RV to him, but he heard of another disgruntled resident in Hammond complaining about multiple RV infractions to the District of Maple Ridge. The bylaw office cannot confirm that however, but did say that although this bylaw has been in effect for a long time, individual cases will only be looked at when they have received a complaint against an individual or property owner. “The offices are responding to a complaint,” said Liz Holitzki, the director of licencing, permits, and bylaws with the District of Maple Ridge. “Residents either have to store [RVs] inside or find a location to store it,” she said. “In certain circumstances, people can ask for more time,” she confirmed. “Each [bylaw] officer works individually

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with their clients.” Holitzki stated that all the information is contained within the bylaws – this one is under zoning bylaw 3510-1985. “Seven-point-five metres is the standard across the Lower Mainland,” she said. “If you go into any municipality it is basically the same.” “It’s a difficult situation, but that’s the standard,” she added.

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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times

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Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Police blotter

Citizens aid in arrest Concerned and alert residents helped catch a thief on April Fool’s Day. by Amy Judd

Just before midnight on Friday, April 1, some residents in the 22700 block of Holyrood Avenue in Maple Ridge saw a man breaking into parked cars. They decided to confront the man, so they called the police and then a group of them approached him. By the time police arrived, the citizens had effected an arrest of the man, said the police, and the 29-year-old thief was found in possession of items from some of the vehicles he had broken in to. He was also found to be responsible for causing damage to some of the cars. He was remanded in police custody by a justice, and made his first court appearance on Monday, April 4.

Locals stop drunk driver

Two other citizens are also credited with helping keep our roads safer after they managed to take what police call “an extremely impaired driver” off the road on Saturday afternoon. At about 4:20 p.m., April 2, a 51-yearold Burnaby woman was driving east on the Lougheed Highway after crossing the Pitt River Bridge. The two people saw how she was driving erratically, so they called the police, and stopped with her, when the woman pulled over near Allen Way. The concerned citizens managed to keep her there, giving police a chance to investigate. The driver displayed several signs of being impaired, said police, and later provided breath samples that were analyzed at 3.5 times the legal limit.

She will have to appear in court on a later date to answer to the impaired driving charges.

Three iPhones stolen

Police have released a photo of one of the men involved in the theft of three iPhones from Countrywide Communications in Haney Place Mall on March 15. While the clerk was busy with another customer at the store that Tuesday at about 4:30 p.m., a man snuck into the back room and stole three iPhones. The suspect is described as Caucasian, 25 to 35 years old, with a heavy build. He was wearing a blue sports team jacket, possibly Vancouver Canucks, a Canucks hat, blue jeans, a white hooded sweatshirt, and white running shoes. A woman who appeared to be with the man was spotted, and she was described as being Caucasian, and estimated to be 25 to 30 years old. At about 12:20 p.m. on Thursday, March 31, a similar-looking man entered the Countrywide Communications in the 22600 block of Lougheed Highway. The man was with two people, and police believe these two were also with the man on March 15. The trio left when they realized the store’s clerk was suspicious, and nothing was stolen. Anyone with any information in regards to any of these or other crimes, contact Ridge Meadows RCMP at 604-463-6251.

• More online:, click on “News”

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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Opinion Who we are The Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows TIMES newspaper is a division of Postmedia Network Inc. We’re located at 22345 North Avenue, Maple Ridge, B.C. The TIMES has a CCAB audited circulation of 29,001.

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Bob Groeneveld Editor

Roxanne Hooper Assistant Editor

Shannon Balla Sales Manager

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Ralph De Adder Sheryl Jones Tammy Kolisnyk Production Manager

Ian Murdoch

Our View

Voluntary appreciation Congratulations to Fred Armstrong, this year’s recipient of the Maple Ridge citizen of the year honours. Fred was quite characteristically surprised when the award was announced at Saturday night’s Maple Ridge Community Foundation dinner. Indeed, most people who volunteer their time and efforts so selflessly to the community seem to take it all as a matter of course – just something any community-minded citizen would do, they generally suppose. Consequently, like most exemplary volunteers who find themselves receiving special recognition among their peers, when he went up to accept the award, he found himself occasionally (and uncharacteristically, for Mr. Emcee) at a loss for words as he seemed intent on explaining – mostly to himself, one has to suppose – why he might have been chosen. For as so often is the case among the humble volunteers who seem to populate our fortunate community in such great numbers, there was little surprise and no difficulty in understanding the choice among the many dignitaries and fellow volunteers – many of whom the selection committee must surely have also considered for the honours – who filled the banquet hall, both to honour this year’s top citizen, and to add to the great works done every year by the Community Foundation. Fred, former publisher of the Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows TIMES, has worked both sides of the community newspaper street locally – and virtually every side of the volunteer community street. While he seemed almost apologetic at having been chosen citizen of the year from among so many volunteers in the community – all who know him – and especially all those who have volunteered and worked alongside him, recognize that the honour is entirely deserved. Like the many great volunteers and exemplary citizens who have been similarly honoured through the past couple of decades, this time it was Fred’s turn to take his bows. And now he’ll probably get right back to work. – B.G.


Gianni Dente Guy Hatchard Ad Control

Dennis Thomas Distribution Supervisor

Wendy Bradley Administration

Rebecca Nickerson

This Week’s Question ■ Your View Last week’s question Will you be voting in the federal election?

NO The Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows TIMES, a division of Postmedia Network Inc. respects your privacy. We collect, use and disclose your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Statement which is available at www. or by calling 604-589-9182.


YES 7%

This week’s question Should people take up arms against intruders and suspected thieves?



May reasons be debatable The whole debate issue keeps her out of the stable, it’s easy coming up every election. to see why each of the Big Boys Which political party leaders would love to see the old mare get to talk; which ones don’t. trot alongside the thoroughbreds. Whose empty promises deserve Mssr. Duceppe has nothing to to be promulgated among the lose. May will have no impact in ordinary folk; whose lies aren’t Quebec, where the most politicsupported by enough zealots to ally savvy electorate in the nation be worthy of spreading to the will appreciate his magnanimous unwashed masses. gesture to democracy. Which leaders get to prod more Jack N’Dip Layton has perhaps by Bob Groeneveld Canadian television viewers to the most to lose from a surge in switch to an American channel Green support, as voter support for a couple of hours, and which leaders get to for Green and the NDP has traditionally been lead those viewers by example. indirectly proportional to one another – as one Once again, Elizabeth May is on her soapbox, goes up, the other goes down, and vice versa … demanding equal time with the Big Boys for her but that would only be a factor if May does well opportunity to toot the Liberal horn… in the debate – and actually debates on behalf of Oops! Did I say Liberal? her own party. So based on past performance, Ms. May is actually the leader of the Green he, too, can afford to look like a magnanimous Party, isn’t she? upholder of democracy. Well, now I have to admit to some confusion. Big Mike Ignatieff’s support for May is obvious. Last time she muscled her way into a national There’s an advantage to having two people election debate, she sounded an awful lot like debating for Liberal platforms, while all the she was debating on behalf of the federal Liberal other parties get only one each. Plus there’s the Party. outside chance she might actually debate some Indeed, poor Stephane Dion, (Remember him? Green points and suck a few votes away from He’s the first Canadian Liberal leader ever to get Iggy’s chief rival, the NDP. dumped by his party without having served at But Stevie Harper’s likely motivation for wantleast a few minutes as prime minister), might ing May in the debate is probably the most not have done as well as he did in that debate, if Machiavellian of all. May hadn’t played the part of his trusty sidekick. Remember what sank the Liberal battleship All the formal rules aside – which actually – er, okay, tugboat – in the last election? It was change from election to election, depending on Dion’s stridently green environment-first stratthe whims of the media moguls who dole out egy. bits of expensive air time here and there to sugIf May gets up on her hind legs in front of a gest that they care about such concepts as “civic national television audience and spouts a few duty,” or “corporate citizenship,” or “CRTC Green platitudes in between supporting Iggy requirements” – the real reason May shouldn’t the way she did Stephane, Harpo and Crue will have a seat at the Big Boys’ table is that she make the connection in a happy new set of apparently doesn’t understand the most basic, attack ads, and the IggyLibs are toast. unwritten rule: as a political party leader, she’s Unless the Big Boys come up with honest reasupposed to debate her own party’s platform, sons (ha! fat chance!) for having May come to not somebody else’s. the dance with them, she should stay home and Considering her performance last time they let watch American Idol or whatever.

Odd Thoughts


Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Federal election

Majority government predicted Dear editor,

Re: None of the above. Thank you, Bob Groeneveld for repeating your column of a few years ago [Odd thoughts, March 22 Opinion, TIMES). After reading it the first time, I was tempted to answer then, but did not do so. Repeating your column now, it gave me another opportunity to reply to your opinion and very timely too, since the federal election has now actually been called. You see, I don’t think much of your suggestion. It is no better than not voting at all, which has loudly and often been proclaimed as voter apathy. All politicians are already well aware of that. There is far better alternative. First, become a member of the party of your choice. You can do that on a year-toyear basis.

Animal lover

Horses don’t suck Dear editor,

As I was about to enter London Drugs’ computer department, I saw and heard a clerk shout “horses suck” right into the faces of an older couple. I went elsewhere for my purchase. Young woman, whatever your problem is, get a grip. I was raised with horses and they are some of the most magical, inspiring creatures on earth.

Jim Thorman, Maple Ridge

But that is only the first step. Next, introduce yourself to your local representative by phone, email, or other means, but best of all in person. These days all politicians are easily accessible, so that is not a problem. You don’t have to agree with everything the party or representative says or does, but now you have the right and the opportunity to say so and make your opinions known. Remember, you will catch a lot more flies with honey than with vinegar. In our case, we support Conservative MP Randy Kamp and stay in touch with him consistently. The result is that he knows us personally and knows that we are sincere with our opinions, including our disagreements and questions, as well as our suggestions. Randy Kamp never fails to answer us, in person, via email, or by phone. Moreover, we know that anytime he deems that we have something worthwhile to offer he will suggest that to his colleagues and Stephen Harper for consideration. The time is ripe for a majority federal government, the Conservatives are the only ones that can deliver on this and in our riding, Randy Kamp is a worthy representative. Anyone who takes the time to get to know him will find him to be a good listener, a kind and thoughtful person, and one who is willing to go to bat for you if you have a legitimate complaint or suggestion. But we should always remember that it is just impossible to satisfy every wish, or fulfill every suggestion.

Stave Lake

P3 deals aren’t in our best interest Dear editor,

Once again we see a P3 (public-private partnership) arrangement being mentioned as a possibility to using Stave Lake as a water source facility for citizens. And, we are asked once again to come out to another meeting to give our opinion. Don’t they know without asking that P3 deals are robbing citizens of publicly owned assets, which should be held inviolate in perpetuity? No further P3 deals should be entertained – a public-private partnership is an oxymoron. Of course the public part involves the use of public lands, water, or other publicly owned assets and are not owned by any government in office. As part of their duties, we expect politicians to look after public assets, not allow

private corporations to make money off them with contracts that run for decades. Such deals show a high level of incompetence of those in office. The private corporations will, of course, make money during the contract time. If they can make money by collecting tolls and various other means, it stands to reason that a competent government could also make money for citizens, would ultimately reduce usage cost, and would not be putting public ownership partly into the hands of private corporations. Certainly, there is sometimes a high monetary outlay at the beginning of a facility, hospital, bridge, or whatever.

Lila Rauh, Mission

[Full version of this letter online at, click on “Opinion”]


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LETTERS POLICY: Copyright in letters and other materials submitted voluntarily to the Publisher and accepted for publication remains with the author, but the Publisher and its licensees may freely reproduce them in print, electronic or other forms. Letters are also subject to editing for content and length. The Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows TIMES is a division of Postmedia Network Inc.


Walter Verwoerd, Maple Ridge


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times

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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times

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Vet was POW during war.

Caring and generous, someone who would give he shirt off his back or a $100 to a stranger who


needed it – that’s how the family of Hong Kong veteran Claude Corbett will be remembered by his family. “He never asked for anything or wanted anything,” said his son Russ Corbett.

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June Sargent. A service will be held today (Tuesday) at 11 a.m. at the Garden Hill Funeral Chapel, 11765 224th St. • More onine:, click on “Community”

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Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times Tuesday, April 5, 2011 A13

In memoriam

Hong Kong vet remembered as caring, generous Claude Corbett was a Hong Kong veteran.


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times


Soccer training

Young star learns from Whitecaps Pitt Meadows resident Daniel Stanese qualified for the U17 world cup this year after playing for Canada in Jamaica.

On Deck

Locals in tryouts Two local residents have been invited to attend a football camp held over the Victoria Day long weekend. Thomas Kravjanski from the Ridge Meadows Knights, and Sergio Cabrera from the Pitt Meadows Marauders are part of 132 players who have received an invitation from Footabll BC. This is to determine the team for this year. The mini-camp will take place May 21-23 at SFU. • More online:, click on “Sports”

by Amy Judd

Daniel Stanese’s love of soccer stretches back to a very young age. He has been playing the game since he was five, and at a high level since he was 11. And he wants to go all the way to the top. He seems to be on that upward climb already, as he recently played with the U17 national team in Jamaica, and after winning a silver medal in the Confederation of North, Central American and Caribbean Association Football (CONCACAF) qualification tournament, he will be heading with the team to the U17 world cup in Mexico in June. The second-place finish was Canada’s highest ever in the competition. Stanese, who plays centre-back, is also playing in the Whitecaps FC residency program, which is designed for players who want to play in the major-league team, or on soccer teams abroad. He was picked up last September, after scouts spotted his talent at the 2010 Canadian U16 All-Star Championship in Sherbrooke, Que. “I guess I played well enough so they offered me a two-year contract,” he said. “All the guys on the team are great,” he added, “and people can see you play, see you on the Internet, and see what you can do.” For the 17-year-old Pitt Meadows resident, he said he would like to play for Stuttgart, but his first choice would be a contract with the Whitecaps. “Canada is a great place to live,” he said. Due to his commitment with the Vancouver soccer team, Stanese now attends Burnaby Central and will graduate in 2012. He used to go to Pitt Meadows Secondary. “I’m barely at school because of all the travelling I do,” he admitted, but that’s okay with him as that is one of the best parts of his life right now. “I get to miss school,” he laughed. “That’s nice.” Despite his lack of presence in the school building, Stanese is no slacker. “I practise every weekday,” he said. “Basically eight days a week because sometimes we practise in the morning and then later in the day.” He also takes a coaching clinic in the mornings, for which he can earn extra credit. He knows that playing in the Whitecaps residency program will give him the leg-up that he needs to go far in the sport. “I like it because of how intense it is,” he said, “and it’s better than being at a club.” Being only 17 years old, Stanese said that now is the time he needs to hone his skills, so that he can be picked up by a professional team while he is young.

Reach The TIMES: Phone: 604-463-2281 Fax: 604-463-9943 Email:

Five medals won Two members of the Ridge Meadows Racers speedskating club competed at the CanadaWest competition. Justin Cross and Annie Russell brought home five medals from the first-ever CanadaWest speedskating competition in Kelowna, held the last weekend of March. The two local skaters competed against skaters from five provinces and territories. • More online:, click on “Sports”

Sitting in 16th

Amy Judd/TIMES

Daniel Stanese hopes to play soccer professionally one day, whether in Canada or overseas to gain more experience. “I need to get more intense training at this age,” he admitted. Little seems to phase the young soccer star in the making however, and he just takes each day and situation as it comes. Even the intense Jamaican heat wasn’t too hard for him to get used to, and he also has the benefit of already

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playing in other climates. “I adapted pretty nicely,” he said. He does wish that more money could be put into soccer programs in Canada, especially at an older level. “With Canada it’s all hockey,” Stanese laughed.

The men’s Simon Fraser University lacrosse team, featuring locals Branden Bloom, and Max Weselowski, is at its season’s mid-point. This is the seventh season under co-head coaches Jeff Cathrea and Brent Hoskins, and the Simon Fraser University men’s lacrosse team has passed the mid-point of their 15-game regular season schedule posting an overall record of 4-5. Weselowski has set a new school record for face-offs. • More online:, click on “Sports”

Send in your scores to

Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times


WHAT’S ON Post events to and email them to

April 5

❚ Free SongStage event with Ivan Boudreau in the lobby of the ACT as part of their after-hours program at 7 p.m.

April 5

❚ A volunteer lunch for people involved in or interested in getting involved in the farmers’ market takes place at 11:30 a.m. Info and RSVP: 604-467-8424.

April 5

❚ Coquitlam Prostate Cancer Support and Awareness Group will hold its monthly meeting at 7 p.m. in the Coquitlam Pinetree Community Centre. Urologist Dr. Edmund Paulus will talk about the new program called High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) for treating prostate cancer. Donations are accepted. Info: Norm at 604-936-8703 or Ken at 604-936-2998.

April 5

❚ The Garibaldi Art Club meets at 7 p.m. in the craft room, third floor of the Maple Ridge Arts Centre. Members will be discussing final preparations for the spring show and sale In Pursuit of Excellence.

April 6

❚ Family Games Nights at

the Pitt Meadows Library runs from 6:45 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. There will be a variety of board games set up for everyone to use along with light refreshments.

April 6

❚ Kanaka open mic/stage, features local singer/songwriter Rory McRury from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Kanaka Creek Coffee, #101-24155 102nd Ave. in Maple Ridge. Info: 604-463-6727.

April 6, 7 & 8

❚ Students at Samuel Robertson Technical Secondary are holding a bake sale and T-shirt sale to raise money for disaster relief in Japan. It will be held at 11:21 a.m. on Wednesday and 11:11 a.m. on Thursday and Friday.

April 7 to 21

❚ The Downtown Maple Ridge BIA presents a free Easter egg hunt in downtown Maple Ridge. Pick up a passport at any participating business or at the DMRBIA office at # 34-22374 Lougheed Hwy. Find one Easter egg hidden in each business and get a stamp on your passport. Children accompanied by a parent receive a free prize and Easter candy at each location. Hand in your completed passport to any participating business or at the DMRBIA office to be entered into a draw. Info: www. or phone 604-467-2420.

April 7

❚ Seniors Connect meets at 9 a.m. in the library at Ridge Meadows Seniors Centre, 12150 224th St.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011 April 7

❚ A support group for caregivers, family, and friends of people with Parkinson’s disease meets from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Info: Elinor Verkerk at 604-467-2768 or jdverkerk@

April 7

❚ The Maple Ridge Library welcomes bestselling author Patrick Taylor at 7 p.m. Taylor is author of the Irish Country series set in rural Ireland featuring the charming and dedicated physician Dr. Barry Laverty. Info: 604-467-7417.

April 7

❚ The Maple Ridge Better Breathers Club will hold its monthly meeting in the Fraser Room of the Maple Ridge Library from 12 to 2 p.m. This club is a support group for people with chronic lung conditions such as asthma, chronic bronchitis, and COPD. Family and caretakers are welcome. The guest speaker will be from The Nurse Next Door. Info: Heidi at 604-466-1633 or Jean at 604-467-1320.

April 7

❚ The Rolling Stones Experience takes place at 7:30 p.m. at the ACT. Tickets are $38.75. Info:

April 9

❚ An opening reception for Clay 2011 will take place at the Maple Ridge Art Gallery from 2 to 4 p.m. at 11944 Haney Place. The exhibition runs until May 7.


TRYOUTS FOR 2011/12 SELECT TEAMS Age Group: BOYS Under-18 Bronze

GIRLS Under-18 MSL/Gold

BOYS Under-17 Bronze

GIRLS Under-17 Silver

BOYS Under-16 Silver/Bronze

GIRLS Under-16 MSL/Gold



Thursday, MAY 19 Wednesday, MAY 25 Saturday, MAY 7 Tuesday, MAY 10 Wednesday, MAY 18 Thursday, MAY 19 Wednesday, APRIL 27 Saturday, APRIL 30 Sunday, MAY 15 Tuesday, MAY 17 Saturday, APRIL 30 Sunday, MAY 1

6:00pm to 8:00pm 6:00pm to 8:00pm 10:00am to Noon 6:00pm to 8:00pm 6:00pm to 8:00pm 6:00pm to 8:00pm 6:00pm to 8:00pm 10:00am to Noon 1:00pm to 3:00pm 6:00pm to 8:00pm 1:00pm to 3:00pm 1:00pm to 3:00pm

Girls Under-16

Monday, MAY 8 6:00pm to 8:00pm Wednesday, MAY 11 6:00pm to 8:00pm Boys Under-15 Sunday, MAY 1 10:00am to Noon Silver/Bronze Wednesday, MAY 4 6:00pm to 8:00pm Boys Under-14 Monday, MAY 2 6:00pm to 8:00pm Silver/Bronze Sunday, MAY 8 1:00pm to 3:00pm BOYS Under-13 Tuesday, APRIL 26 6:00pm to 8:00pm Silver/Bronze Tuesday, APRIL 28 6:00pm to 8:00pm Girls Under-13 Tuesday, MARCH 29 6:00pm to 8:00pm MSL/Gold - WESTVIEW Tuesday, APRIL 5 6:00pm to 8:00pm Girls Under-13 Monday, APRIL 25 6:00pm to 8:00pm Silver - WESTVIEW Sunday, MAY 1 4:00pm to 6:00pm Boys Under-11 Saturday, APRIL 16 1:00pm to 3:00pm Sunday, APRIL17 10:00am to Noon Girls Under-11 Saturday, APRIL 16 10:00am to Noon Sunday, APRIL 17 1:00pm to 3:00pm DATES & TIMES OF OTHER TRYOUTS WILL BE ANNOUNCED SOON! Silver - WESTVIEW

ALL TRYOUTS AT PMSS SECONDARY (unless noted otherwise)

Parents must register their child before try-outs to take part in the try-out. Information and registration at

Registration for 2011/2012 Season Open =

= =

A complete listing is available online at, click “Community”

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A16 Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times


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Lost & Found

CAT FOUND on 280th & 98th, orange & white short hair tom cat. call 604-463-9511 ask for under found registry

1105 1170

Personal Messages




June 30, 1932 - March 30, 2011

It is with great sadness we announce the passing of our mother. Isabel passed away March 30, 2011 at Eagle Ridge Hospital with her children at her side. Predeceased by her husband Eldon and parents Donald and Jean (Baxter) Munro, she is survived by her daughters Debbie and Eileen; son Steven; grandson Josh; sister Pearl; also Brenda and Athelstone and many nieces and nephews. Service will be held on Friday April 8, 2011 at 2 pm., at Garden Hill Funeral Chapel 11765 - 224th Street Maple Ridge. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Heart and Stroke Foundation.

If you or someone you care about has a problem with alcohol or drugs please call 604-467-5179

HOMEWORKERS GET paid daily! Now Accepting: Simple Full/ Part Time Data Entry & Online Computer Related Work is available. No fees or charges to participate. Start Today,


General Employment

24 HR respite work in group homes available. Great training & exerience. Fax 604-953-1236.

Some great kids aged 12 to 18 who need a stable, caring home for a few months. Are you looking for the opportunity to do meaningful, fulfilling work? PLEA Community Services is looking for qualified applicants who can provide care for youth in their home on a full-time basis or on weekends for respite. Training, support and remuneration are provided. Funding is available for modifications to better equip your home. A child at risk is waiting for an open door. Make it yours. Call 604-708-2628

VANCOUVER’S LARGEST Lawn and Property Maintenance Company pays $120-$360 DAILY for outdoor Spring/Summer work. Hiring honest, competitive, and energetic individuals to fill our various 2011 positions. Apply online @



MEDICAL OFFICE trainees needed! Hospitals & doctors need medical office & medical admin staff! No experience? Need training? Career training & job placement available. 1-888-748-4126

Expressions of sympathy can be viewed at


Career Services/ Job Search


Retail Sales



3RD AUTISM VANCOUVER BIENNIAL Congress, April 7-9 2011, Early Bird Rates! Learn from 18 renowned autism experts presenting new information that can help immediately!

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F/T or P/T. Flexible hours. No experience required. Apply at: Chevron Town Pantry, 12214 Harris Road, Pitt Meadows Or at: 20592 Lougheed Hwy, Maple Ridge. Or email to:


BC Gem Show presents

Shades of Jade April 8, 9 & 10, 2011

Ag-Rec Building ~ Central Fraser Valley Fairgrounds 32470 Haida Drive Abbotsford, British Columbia Friday: 10:00am-8:00pm Saturday: 10:00am-6:00pm Sunday: 10:00am-5:00pm


Adults: $6.00 Students (6 - 17): $2.00 Under 6 (accompanied by an adult): Free an event for the whole family

Teachers/ Instructors


Coquitlam / Port Moody Hiring F/T & P/T • 15.35/Hour ❏ECE & Infant Toddler Educ. ❏French, Mandarin & Music Email resume: Or phone: 604-779-5437



SOUTH ROCK LTD. is hiring Milling Personnel, Paving Personnel (Pavers, Rollers, Packers), General Labourers (Screed, Raker, Flag), Heavy Duty Mechanic. Experience with asphalt preferred. Valid drivers licence required; Fax 403-568-1327; CERTIFIED MACHINISTS & WELDERS required for established Fabricating shop in Vanderhoof, BC. Permanent, Full time, Competitive wages. Vanderhoof Machine Works Ltd., Box 1216, Vanderhoof, BC. V0J 3A0 Fax: 250-567-2382 email:


Social Services


Flexible work schedule with evening work required 18 hours per week. The Community Support Worker will be expected to work with groups of aboriginal families. The goal of the groups is to provide aboriginal culture to families and children. One-to-one work with clients providing support (housing, budgeting) is also required. A Community Support Worker Diploma/Certificate or Child and Youth/Social Services Degree/ Diploma, current First Aid/CPR certificate, positive work references and a clean Criminal Record Check are required. Use of personal vehicle for work purposes, knowledge of community resources and the ability to work independently and/or within a team are additional requirements for this position. Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Community Services is an equal opportunity employer For further information please refer to our website at:

Please forward resume to:

by: April 6, 2011 This position requires union membership. This position is open to male and female applicants. (Aboriginal peoples are encouraged to apply as identified as a bona-fide hiring requirement.


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for small shop at least 10 yrs exp. Must have supervisory/ foreman exp., self motivated, take charge individual with an eye for detail & high quality work. Please Fax Resume: to: 1-866-263-4390 or email:


Fab-All is currently looking for a full time GTAW (TIG) welder. ● Must have 3 to 5 years experience ● Work well with others ● Able to read blueprints ● Perform housekeeping duties ● Clean and grind own welds We offer competitive wages, extended health & dental benefits. Great working atmosphere! Fax resume to 604-945-3597 or email




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For Sale Miscellaneous

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Lumber/Building Supplies

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Marketplace Ads continued

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Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times


Wanted to Buy

COLLECTOR PURCHASING Pre 1950 toys, postcards, antiques collectible smalls, military items, sterling anything of interest, Ron. 604-313-5479


To advertise call


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The Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Times has partnered with the BC SPCA to encourage responsible pet guardianship and the humane treatment of animals. Before purchasing a new puppy, ensure the seller has provided excellent care and treatment of the animal and the breeding parents. For a complete guide to finding a reputable breeder and other considerations when acquiring a new pet, visit


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Pets - Other

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Tuesday, April 5, 2011 A17

Escort Services

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Houses - Sale


Real Estate

Renee Dubois

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KELOWNA - Upscale Adult Resort, 4 Jacuzzi Stes., 6 ½ baths. Salt pool, media room & sauna. Lake, mtn & city views. Private 2 bdrm. res. Fabulous semi-retired lifestyle. Turn key. $1,549,000. 1-877-762-7831

Sell your home, only $99. 604-574-5243 Chilliwack 2.5yr old 2967sf 3 storey 4 br 2.5ba w/suite potnl $417,900 798-2511 id5344 Delta Price Reduced studio condo, 19+ complex, pool, park, $98,500 597-8361 id4714 Sry Bear Creek Park beauty 1440sf rancher, gated 45+ $275,900 306-931-3939 id5234 Sry Priced to Sell!!! Guildford 909sf 2br updated quiet condo $165K 588-5592 id5305 Sry Boundary Park immaculate 3139sf 5br 3.5ba w/bsmt suite $689K 590-0981 id5335 Sry Sullivan Mews upper lvl 1150sf 2br 2ba tnhse, 55+ complex $175K 543-8549 id5346 Sry Tynehead on Greenbelt 3600sf 5br 4.5ba 1/2ac GD lot $930K 575-7311 id5350

* AT WE BUY HOMES * Sell Your House Fast! Call us First!


Houses - Sale


Damaged House! Older House!

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Real Estate

★ ALERT: WE BUY HOUSES ★ Foreclosure Help! Debt Relief! No Equity! Don’t Delay! Call us First! 604-657-9422

Real Estate Ads continued

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1. Obstructed water 7. Brewed beverage 11. Cellulose nitrate 12. Wheel shaft 13. A large and scholarly book 14. Rated horsepower (abbr.) 15. Soviet ballistic missile 16. Book of tickets ACROSS 18. Off the usual track 1. water finish 20.Obstructed Puckered fabric 7. 21.Brewed Jewish beverage state 11. A Cellulose nitrate 23. neutral fat

24. Lesotho currency 25. Indigenous people of India 26. Single Lens Reflex 27. Near (abbr.) 29. Partridge Family’s Susan 30. Point midway between NE and E 31. Pekoe or green 33. Atomic #37 24. currency 34. Lesotho CNN’s Turner 25. Indigenous people of 35. Thou ____ sinned India 37. Midget suckermouths

10. Actor Foxx 11. Take into account

41. Cachets 42. Samuel _____, diarist 43. Stain for studying cell structure 19. Lacking courage 44. Malady Crocodile (abbr.) 21.

26. Single Lens Reflex 12. Wheel shaft 13. A large and scholarly 27. Near (abbr.) DOWN 29. Family’s book 1. 1086 English survey 19. Partridge Lacking courage 2. ridge in rugged Susan 21. Malady 14.Narrow Rated horsepower mountains 22. Point Mademidway painful to the 30. between (abbr.) 3. touch and E 15.Doctor Sovietdesignation ballistic missile NE 4. Russian commune 26. Her heart was ___ __ it 31. or green 16.Ethiopia Book of(abbr.) tickets 5. 28. Pekoe Real properties 33. #37 18. Off the usual track 6. Leave 32. Atomic Not awake Turner 20.Count Puckered fabric 7. _____, jazzfinish legend 34. 36. CNN’s Small lake 35. ____ sinned 21.Spreadsheet Jewish statesoftware 8. 38. Thou Thrashes 9. Jewishfat month 40. Midget Obsoletesuckermouths jet airplane 37. 23.12th A neutral

DOWN 13. Camera support

16. Corporal (abbr.) 1. 1086 English survey 17. Settledridge onto in rugged 2. Narrow

22. Made painful to the mountains touch 3. Doctor designation 26. Her heart was ___ __ it 4. Russian commune 28. Real properties 5. Ethiopia (abbr.) 32. Not awake 6. Leave 7. Count _____, jazz legend 36. Small lake 38. Thrashes 8. Spreadsheet software 40. Obsolete jet airplane 9. 12th Jewish month 41. Cachets 10. Actor Foxx 42. Samuel _____, diarist 11. Take into account 43. Stain for studying cell 13. Camera support structure 16. Corporal (abbr.) 44. Crocodile (abbr.) 17. Settled onto

39. Fitzgerald & Cinder 41. Stirring implements 43. Food consumers 44. Facial planes 46. The far east 47. Harvest 48. A matt of grass and roots 51. One stride 52. Paris airport 53. Foes 39. & rock Cinder 55. Fitzgerald Mama ____, 41. Stirring implements singer 43. consumers 56. Food Following the first thing

44. Facial planes 46. The far east 47. 45. Harvest Queen of the gods 49. A Being 48. mattaofsingle grassunit and 50. Last month roots 54. One 24th stride state 51. 52. Paris airport 53. Foes 55. Mama ____, rock singer 56. Following the first thing 45. Queen of the gods 49. Being a single unit 50. Last month 54. 24th state

A18 Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Houses - Sale


Real Estate

●DIFFICULTY SELLING?● Missed Payments? Alternative to Foreclosure or Bankruptcy! No Equity? Penalty? We Take Over Your Payment! No Fees!! / (604) 812-3718


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Mobile Homes

NEW SRI single wides in Langley and Maple Ridge parks. Call 604-830-1960



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Out Of Town Property

OWN 20 ACRES-$0 Down $99/mo. ONLY $12,900 Near Growing El Paso, Texas Money Back Guarantee, No Credit Checks, Owner Financing, Free Color Brochure 1-800-343-9444


Apt/Condos Apt/Condos

1 1 BR, BR, approx approx 830 830 sq sq ft, ft, quiet, quiet, clean clean Bldg, Bldg, cls cls to to Metrotown Metrotown & & Skytrain, starting at $825. Rick Skytrain, starting at $825. Rick 604-437-3013 or 778-899-8554 778-899-8554 604-437-3013 or

2232 McAllister 2232 McAllister Port Coquitlam Port Coquitlam 2 2 BR BR Apartment Apartment Available MAY 1 1 Available MAY

quiet secure secure ** Newly Newly reno’d, reno’d, quiet bldg, walk walk to to all amenities. bldg, all amenities. WC Express. Express. ** Near Near WC incls heat, heat, hot hot water, water, ** Rent Rent incls fridge, stove, fridge, stove, priv priv balcony balcony & & window coverings window coverings & Storage floor ** Laundry Laundry & Storage ea ea floor ** No pets No pets ✔ Wheel Wheel Chair ✔ Chair Access Access

604 -- 941 604 941 -- 7721 7721

AMBER ROCHESTOR AMBER ROCHESTOR 545 Rochester Rochester Ave, Ave, Coq Coq 545

Close to Lougheed Mall, S.F.U. & Transportation. office: 604- 936-3907


401 Westview St, Coq Large Units. Units. Large Near Lougheed Mall. Transportation & S.F.U.

office: 604- 939-2136 cell: 604- 805-9490

ARBOUR GREENE 552 Dansey Ave, Coq

Extra Large 2 Bedrooms. Close to Lougheed Mall & S.F.U.

office: 604- 939-4903 cell: 778- 229-1358


Apt/Condos Apt/Condos

COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD PLAZA PLAZA 555 Cottonwood Ave, Ave, Coq Coq 555 Cottonwood

Large Large units units some some with with 2nd bathroom or den. 2nd bathroom or den. On bus routes, close to On bus routes, close to S.F.U. S.F.U. & & Lougheed Lougheed Mall. Mall.

office: 604- 936-1225 936-1225 office: 604-

JUNIPER COURT 415 St, Coq Coq 415 Westview Westview St,

Close Lougheed Mall, Close to to Lougheed Mall, all all Transportation Transportation Connections, Connections, Schools Schools & & S.F.U. S.F.U.

office: 604- 939-8905 939-8905 office: 604cell: cell: 604604- 916-0261 916-0261

KING KING ALBERT ALBERT COURT COURT 1300 Coq 1300 King King Albert, Albert, Coq Close Transportation, Close to to Transportation, Schools Schools & & S.F.U. S.F.U.

office: 604-937-7343 cell: 778-848-5993 M/R CENT, 11735-225th St, Adult Adult M/R CENT, 11735-225th St, bldg, $550, 2 2 Br heat/ bldg, Bach Bach $550, Br $900 $900 heat/ h/w incl’d, no dogs 604-467-9420 h/w incl’d, no dogs 604-467-9420 NEW WEST 1 bed 1 bath, $715 plus utilities. Call Quay Pacific Property Mgmt at 604-570-2786. NEW WEST 2 BR, 1 bath grd flr unit $900 plus utlities. Call Quay Pacific Property at 604-570-2786 PO CO 2 BR, 2 bath condo. Call Quay Pacific Property Mgmt Ltd 604-570-2786 quoting code H06


22588 Royal Crescent Ave, Maple Ridge BBY, EDMONDS. 1 BR + den. Gas f/p, d/w, in-suite w/d, patio. $900/mo. May 1st. 778-397-6569


561 Cottonwood Ave, Coq

Bachelor, 1 BR & 2 BR Includes heat, hot water, u/g prkg, cls to bus stop, school, SFU, Lougheed Mall, Sorry No Pets.

Office 604-773-6467

CALYPSO COURT 1030 - 5th Ave, New West Near Transportation & Douglas College. Well Managed Building.

office: 604- 524-8174 cell: 604- 813-8789

COQ. 2 BR $900, Avail Now or May 1, heat, parking. 778-990-7079 or 604-521-8249

COQ, Blue Mtn/Como Mtn/Como Lake. Lake. 3 3 COQ, Blue BR, upper upper floor. floor. 1½ 1½ baths. baths. 6 6 appl. appl. BR, Large sundeck, storage. N/s, n/p. Large sundeck, storage. N/s, n/p. $1,450/mo + + 22⁄⁄33 util. util. 604-939-6077 604-939-6077 $1,450/mo

COQ, DAWES HILL,. reno 3 BR COQ, DAWES reno deck, 3 BR main floor. F/p,HILL,. sh’d w/d, main floor. F/p, sh’d carport. $1,200/mo + %w/d, utils.deck, N/S. carport. $1,200/mo % utils. N/S. Apr 1, no dogs. 604+ 937-3534 Apr 1, no dogs. 604 937-3534 SRY, #1-7850 King George Blvd. Great double wide 2 BR + den. 1 pet ok! 55+ adult park. $79,500. Lorraine Cauley, Royal Lepage North Star, 604-889-4874

Large units. Close to Golden Ears Bridge. Great view of River

office: 604- 463-0857 cell: 604- 375-1768



115 PLACE CO-OP Located in Burnaby near Lougheed Town Centre

Accepting applications or waiting list for Bachelors, 1 BR’s, 1 BR & Dens & 2 BR’s. Adult oriented high rise. Pool, exercise room and workshop. No Pets. Participation mandatory and $2000 share purchase required. Enquiries to Membership Committee

NEW WEST. Huge, beautiful 2 & NEW beautifulmust 2& 3 BR WEST. duplex!Huge, An absolute 3 BR $200,000 duplex! Aninabsolute must see! redesigning! see! $200,000 in redesigning! Brand new kitchen/bath & floors. Brand kitchen/bath & floors.5 new new applis! Ns/np. $1095/mo $1395/mo inclNs/np. hydro. Immed.5 new applis! $1095/mo Hurry! Won’tincl last!hydro. 604-306-8952 $1395/mo Immed. Hurry! Won’t last! 604-306-8952 POCO, Lincoln Prk 3 BR, 2 bath, split levLincoln hse, lrg rm, 2appls, POCO, Prkrec 3 BR, bath, $1850, newly & hrdwd split levallhse, lrg reno’d rec rm, appls, flrs, carport, yard. 778-688-6622 $1850, all newly reno’d & hrdwd flrs, carport, yard. 778-688-6622

Houses - Rent

3 Bdrm Townhome! Fenced yard. RENT TO OWN! STOP RENTING! Poor Credit Ok, Low Down. Call Karyn 604-857-3597

Houses - Rent

AbbotsfordAbbotsford- 3262 3262 Clearbrook Clearbrook Rd. Rd. HOUSE 5 bedrooms, bedrooms, 3 3 baths. HOUSE with with 5 baths. Mortgage Mortgage helper. helper. Walk Walk to to all all Schools Schools and and other other amenities. amenities. Only Only $1,598/m. $1,598/m. Low Low Down. Down. Flexible Flexible Terms. Terms. (604) 657-9422 (604) 626-9647 626-9647 or or (604) (604) 657-9422

STOP RENTING-RENT TO OWN STOP RENTING-RENT OWN ● No Qualification - LowTO Down ● ● No Qualification - Low Down ● ABBOTSFORD - 2087 Lonsdale ABBOTSFORD 2087 Lonsdale Cr, HOUSE, 3bd w/ 2bd suite, quiet Cr, HOUSE, 3bd& w/ 2bd suite, quiet neigh., hot tub pool.....$2,188/M neigh., hot tub1722-6th & pool.....$2,188/M NEW WESTAv 2 bdrm NEW WEST1722-6th Av 2central bdrm HOUSE w/1 bdrm suite, very HOUSE w/1 bdrm suite, very central location, close to skytrain..$1,188/M location, close to- skytrain..$1,188/M CHILLIWACK 9557 Williams, 3 CHILLIWACK 9557 HOUSE Williams,on 3 bdrm, 1 bath, - cozy bdrm, 1 lot, bath, cozy HOUSE on 49x171’ excellent investment 49x171’ lot, excellent investment property in heart of town..... $888/M property in heart of town..... $888/M Call Kristen today (604)786-4663 Call Kristen today (604)786-4663

6590 6590

Rooms Rooms

FURN RM, tv cable internet own ent. quiet no drugs or FURN RM,fmy tv home, cable internet own booze, smoking ok suit ent. quiet fmy home, noolder drugsper. or long term, ref, dam. dep.older $475.00 booze, smoking ok suit per. 604 long 936 term,6604 ref, dam. dep. $475.00 604 936 6604


Shared Accommodation


Maple Ridge/ Pitt Mead. Mead. Pitt

LARGE, BRIGHT BRIGHT room room in in charcharLARGE, acter house, female female only, only, $500 $500 acter house, incl utils, 604-374-8850 incl utils, 604-374-8850 M/R room, beautiful beautiful quiet quiet home, home, M/R room, good area. N/P, $525 incl laundry, good area. $525 incl laundry, cable & net,N/P, nr bus 778-628-4665 cable & net, nr bus 778-628-4665

6602 6602

Suites/Partial Suites/Partial Houses Houses

1 BR Walkout Suite, NEW, Pvt 1 BR Walkout Suite, Pvt NEW, Pvt Entrance, 116&240th, Gated Entrance, 116&240th, Gated Comm, $800, Util Pvt Included Comm, $800, Util Included 778-995-2501 778-995-2501 3 BR upper, log house, Maple 3 BR upper, house, Maple Ridge, 2 baths,log 2 car garage, 1 yr Ridge, 2avail baths,immed, 2 car garage, 1 yr lease, N/s, N/p, lease, availCallimmed, N/s, N/p, $1400/mo. 778-808-8196 $1400/mo. Call 778-808-8196 COQ 2 BR bsmt, lrg kit, w/d, small COQ patio, 2 BR bsmt, kit, w/d, small cov newlylrg painted, n/s, $825 + 1/3 utils, cov patio, newly604-525-9266 painted, n/s, $825 + 1/3 utils, 604-525-9266

8055 8055

Cleaning Cleaning

Marie’s Customized Cleaning Services. Marie’s Customized ★ Move outs Services. Cleaning & homes ★ offices Move outs new construction ★ offices & homes ★ carpets & blinds. new construction ★ carpets & blinds. WCB Insured & Veterans VIP Blue Cross Certified Provider. WCB Insured & Veterans VIP Blue Cross Certified Provider. Call Marie 604-467-1118 Call Marie 604-467-1118

Electrical 8080 8080 Electrical YOUR ELECTRICIAN $29 service YOUR ELECTRICIAN $29 service call. Insured. Lic # 89402. Fast call. Lic guaranteed. # 89402. Fast sameInsured. day service We same day service guaranteed. We love small jobs! 604-568-1899 love small jobs! 604-568-1899

8087 8087

Excavating Excavating


• Services All Bobcat & Mini-X • Services Small Hauls Available •• Fast SmallReliable Hauls Available Service • Fast Reliable Service

Call Ryan: 604-329-7792 Call Ryan: 604-329-7792

8105 8105

Flooring/ Flooring/ Refinishing Refinishing

Artistry of Hardwood Floors

Artistry sanding, of Hardwood Floors Refinish, install, dustless Refinish, sanding, dustless Prof & Quality workinstall, 604-219-6944 Prof & Quality work 604-219-6944 Century Hardwood Floors Century Hardwood Floors ★Hardwood flr refinishing ★Hardwood flr refinishing ★Repairs ★ Staining ★ Free ★Repairs ★ Staining ★ Free Estimate. Contact 604-376-7224 Estimate. Contact 604-376-7224

8155 8155

Landscaping Landscaping

ADAM’S ADAM’S YARD YARD CARE CARE Hedge Hedge trimming, trimming, pruning pruning trees, trees, yard yard clean up, up, etc clean etc Adam Adam 778-899-4162 778-899-4162


Lawn & Lawn & Garden Garden

Spring Services

8175 Masonry 8175 Masonry ALL TYPES OF STONE, Brick,

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8185 8185

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MISSION, Cariboo St. 2 BR. MISSION, St. Priv 2 w/d. BR. F/bath, 2 gasCariboo f/ps, f/yard. F/bath, 2 gas f/ps, f/yard. w/d. Nice area - across from Priv a hobby Nice area across from a hobby farm! $900/mo incl hydro/cbl/’net. farm! $900/mo hydro/cbl/’net. May 1st. Ns/np.incl 778-839-0905 May 1st. Ns/np. 778-839-0905 N. WEST, Queensborough, Large N. WEST, Queensborough, Large 2 BR + ½ den, g/lvl. $800/mo incl 2 BRMay + ½1.den, g/lvl.604-525-7039 $800/mo incl util. Ns/np. util. May 1. Ns/np. 604-525-7039 POCO DWNTWN lge 2 BR g/lvl, POCO DWNTWN lge1/15th. 2 BR g/lvl, inste w/d, Avail Apr N/s, inste w/d, +Avail 1/15th. N/s, n/p. $850 utils.Apr 604-942-7912 n/p. $850 + utils. 604-942-7912

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Find one in the Home Services section.

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Suites/Partial Houses

POCO. Spacious, renovated 3 BR, upper floor. Priv renovated w/d, f/p, d/w, POCO. Spacious, 3 carport. + ½f/p, util. 1 BR, upper$1,400/mo floor. Priv w/d, d/w, year lease. Immed. 778-995-5260 carport. $1,400/mo + ½ util. 1 year lease. Immed. 778-995-5260



COQ 3121 Pattulo. 2 BR bsmt, f/bath,3121 own w/d, all appl. $980 incl COQ Pattulo. 2 BR bsmt, util. 2 min Coq Centre. Great f/bath, own to w/d, all appl. $980 incl location! Immed. 778-688-2594 util. 2 min to Coq Centre. Great location! Immed. 778-688-2594


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Repossessed mobile homes to be moved, 1974-2008, Chuck at 604-830-1960.

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Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times


9155 9155

Sport Utilities/ Sport Utilities/ 4x4’s/Trucks 4x4’s/Trucks

1986 1986 CHEV CHEV Gruman. Gruman. Propane. Propane. Step van ex-tool Step van style. style. This This is is an an ex-tool truck. $6,500 obo. truck. $6,500 obo. 604-809-3847 604-809-3847

9160 9160

Sports & & Sports Imports Imports

1998 JETTA 1998 JETTA TDI TDI 4 4 dr, dr, 5 5 spd, spd, new new air care care & & tire tire belt, belt, $3900, $3900, D9921 D9921 air Abbtosford area Abbtosford area 604-855-6522 604-855-6522


Boats Boats

WANTED. 3 small outboard WANTED. 3 small outboard motors. 15 motors. 15 HP, HP, 9.9 9.9 HP HP & & smaller. smaller. Motor doesn’t doesn’t have Motor have to to be be running. running. Will pay Will pay cash. cash. 604-319-5720 604-319-5720



2007 CEDAR Creek 31 ft, 5th wheel, 2 slides, spotless cond. $26,000 obo. 604-590-2824

Accelerate your car buying

Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times

Tuesday, April 5, 2011



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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times

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10th Anniversary Edition







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