North Shore News January 2 2011

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Community grants child’s wish Page 11

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Registration guide Page 17

32 pages

sports Year in review Page 24

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Out-of-bounds snowboarders require rescue Jane Seyd

TWO snowboarders who went out of bounds on Cypress Mountain and ended up lost in treacherous terrain and bone-chilling temperatures were pulled to safety Wednesday night by rescuers on snowshoes.

NEWS photo Mike Wakefield

Holy roller! CROWDS gathered to watch as the West Vancouver Seawalk was battered with the combination of a high tide and big waves Wednesday morning. Municipal work crews were left cleaning up the damage, which temporarily closed a section of the Seawalk Thursday morning. See more photos at

The two Burnaby men, age 22 and 25, emerged from their ordeal shortly before 9 p.m. “cold and scared out of their wits,” said Tim Jones of North Shore Rescue, but otherwise unharmed. “They were very cold but in good condition,” said Jones, adding the pair was “very contrite” about going out of bounds. They were also extremely lucky, said Jones, noting the GPS co-ordinates from their cellphone allowed rescuers to home in on their position before darkness set in. That allowed rescuers to reach the pair relatively quickly. “Normally our rescues in this area take hours and hours and hours,” he said. The two men, who are both experienced snowboarders, followed temptation into trouble after coming off the Sky Chair on Mount Strachan earlier in the afternoon and spotting several other people in an out-ofbounds area. The pair ended up boarding past several warning signs, crossing the Howe Sound Crest Trail and riding into a gulley near Montizambert Creek, where they were See GPS page 5

Homes evacuated in NV bomb scare Suspicious package had wires, number pad, computer parts

James Weldon

POLICE cordoned off roads and evacuated homes along a four-block stretch of North Vancouver’s Grand Boulevard Thursday morning after a passerby found what turned out to be part of a Halloween costume.

have your say at

North Vancouver RCMP rushed to the 500-block of East 17th Street at about 8:30 a.m. when someone walking a dog spotted a suspicious package on a resident’s front lawn and called 9-1-1. The first responders deemed the object worrisome enough to call for backup. Minutes later, police descended on the neighbourhood in force, blocking off access to an area two blocks wide from East 19th Street to East 15th Street, and going door to door, asking residents to leave their homes. Fire and ambulance crews were put on standby.

“We’re exercising an abundance of caution,” said spokesman Cpl. Peter DeVries, speaking to media at the scene. “It’s not uncommon to see hoax-type devices, but right now, we’re treating it as serious.” Just after 10 a.m., an RCMP bomb disposal unit arrived and sent in a remote-controlled robot to examine the package. As the machine pulled it apart, operators watching a video monitor soon determined it was fake. The object was comprised of several tubes roughly the size and shape of dynamite sticks, bound together with a nylon belt and connected to some wires, a number pad, a computer component and a light. See Bomb page 5

Best bodyshop 9 years in a row (blush). We’vve done it everyy year from m 2002 to 2010 – won the prestigious Consumer Chooice Awarrd for best bodyysh s op in Vancouver. We’re also the only shop that o errs Aiir Milles® rew off ward Milees. That’s 10 great reasons to bring your next repair to us. AIR R MIL LES® @> @>9 5F"" "7# D?FA7! ! 4 <#@$G!?@><;AAF!F;>-<;? 4 1*+ =- *!G DG-2 '6+:& . 1+/++..,, *)*8 3;GG;> > E9--2 ';%% %%- 0@#C C ( BFA$; ;#9 9 & '6 6 +: : & . 1 +/:8 81*

A2 - North Shore News - Sunday, January 2, 2011

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January 2011

Join us for our 4th Annual “Festa Invernale”, a winter feast. We will feature a special 3-course dinner menu for $40. For each of these meals sold we will donate $5 to BC Children’s Hospital Oncology Research AND $5 to the Lions Gate Hospital Oncology Clinic.

The Total Raised in Our First 3 Years is $79,500 Help Us Top The $100,000 Mark This Year

2222 Marine Drive West Vancouver, BC 604-922-8333 “In memory of Daphne Grisdale and in honor of Julia Parrott” The event is benefiting: Oncology Research at BC Children’s Hospital and Lions Gate Hospital Oncology Clinic.


Sunday, January 2, 2011 - North Shore News - A3

Horoscope A look at the year ahead

Rose Marcus

Contributing Writer

CONSIDER the new moon solar eclipse on Jan. 4 as the true start of the New Year.

This event-generating solar eclipse (in Capricorn) will accelerate present circumstances. It is strongly influencing Canada’s chart in terms of politics (as are the eclipses later in the year, most notably June 1, 15, July 1 and Nov. 24.) In addition to the shuffling within B.C. politics, a federal election is probable. Eclipses are flint for the unexpected, both out there in the world and within our private lives too. Watch for a significant restructuring of reality to occur in the immediacy of the here and now, and/or to extend at an intensified pitch over the next three to six months. The hinging moment may be critical and confronting, but know also that it could not be more opportune. Do not be afraid of tomorrow and your reinvented future. Welcome it with all that you can to contribute to it. It is your best bet — and as a collective, it is the only place to pin our hope, faith, money and ambitions. World economics will continue as an uncertain landscape, but the outlook for the year ahead is brighter than in recent years past. Courage is the best bridge to the future. To deny or resist what is coming down the track will prove to be wasted energy — and an impossible (and irrational) stance. This advice is for politicians and individuals alike. You can choose one of two options: take action and create the necessary change, or wait for destiny to swoop in and set your new dial. Ideally, synchronizing with the building momentum is your best bet. Jupiter and Uranus provide exceptional potential for the taking. They favour brave new initiatives, especially late January through mid-March, and again late April through mid-May. Keep watch for the trio of summer eclipses, June 1, 15, and July 1, for another saturated and eventful few weeks. Note Canada’s birthday falls on a solar eclipse, suggesting a critically shaping moment for our country. Jupiter’s advance into Taurus, June 4 to June of 2012, bodes well for financial growth or added profitability; a rise of interest rates is possible too. For those that like to plan ahead, there are three Mercury retrograde (Murphy’s law) cycles to note: March 30 to April 23 (Aries); Aug. 2 to 26 (Virgo/Leo) and Nov. 23 to Dec. 13 (Sagittarius). ■ ARIES (March 21 – April 19) The adventure called life is about to set you on a new course and it could be a radical departure. The revolutionizing impact of Uranus in Aries (a once-ina-lifetime occurrence) will be especially evident for those born March 21 to 25.

Jupiter, the abundance and expansion planet will zip through Aries Jan. 22 to June 4. Both these “be-here-now” planets call for you to be open to anything and everything goes. Light a bonfire, or watch for synchronicity to do it for you. It is a time for risk-taking and for living-it-large. Use Jupiter in Aries (January to May) to initiate, re-invent or expand, and watch for fruitful Jupiter in Taurus (June 4 through mid-June 2012) to deliver the desired goods. Material, career and relationship prospects are on an improvement curve. The year ahead can increase opportunity to travel, relocate, perform, educate or get educated, publish or broadcast, broaden markets and gain public attention. ■ TAURUS (April 20 – May 20) The choices you make in the first few months of 2011 are critically shaping to your long-range future. Your confidence can be well placed, but know that as you step forward you will have to sharpen your awareness. Stay creative and think outside of the box so that you can take full advantage of the moment. Rely on your intuition more. If you can take directive when your inner voice speaks, you will find that you will automatically choose the best, most generating of options. Mid-February and midMarch deliver threshold crossing peaks. Break new ground for yourself January through May, and substantial benefit will follow. Jupiter in Taurus (June 4 through June 2012) can find you well situated career-wise and materially, and thriving emotionally and physically. Note, it can also find you on a weight gain, so make sure to stay physically active. ■ GEMINI (May 21 – June 21) 2011 is an animating year; in fact, March through August of 2012 features your sign. Huge growth is on the agenda, and you are likely to find life takes a significant departure from what has come before. The next 18 months will help you to open up to new dimensions of yourself and to your world and the people in it in some significantly new way. It is a peak time to explore a new way of living with yourself, which includes establishing new relationship formulas (social, professional, personal), new ambitions and goal-setting. Overall, you should find that progress feels natural, welcomed well timed (and well deserved too!). Jupiter’s quick race through Aries (Jan. 22 to June 4) is the time for fresh starts

and introductory phases. Reach out, network, explore, socialize, engage, experiment. By June forward, you should see that you have laid a worthy foundation from which to build.

■ CANCER (June 22 – July 22) The “corner turned” Solar Eclipse on Jan. 4 is particularly dynamic for those born between July 3 and July 5. With encouraging support from Venus, Jupiter and Uranus, this eclipse can be suggestive of opportunity and luck, perhaps beyond projections and expectations. You could find yourself unexpectedly liberated or set free. A financial or romantic windfall is possible for some. It can also suggest that things can’t be down-played or covered up. The advances of both Jupiter (Jan. 22 to June 4) and Uranus into Aries (starting March 11) signal major new initiatives regarding your professional, personal, parental and material status, especially for those born between June 22 and June 25. New responsibilities, pressures and challenges are to be expected in this major reformatting period, but even if you felt stripped bare or stripped down earlier in the year, Jupiter in Taurus (beginning in June) should provide you with ample to work with, to live for and to aspire toward. ■ LEO (July 23 – Aug. 22) You can look forward to the revitalizing advances of Jupiter and Uranus into Aries to light good fires where you will both appreciate and gain the most (i.e. job, material or educational ambitions, relationship and health-wise). Late January through most of February, mid-March, and end of April to mid-May are optimum for new or renewed initiatives: migrate, risk, expand, create, seek, publish, perform, broadcast or romance it to the hilt. June forward, it’s time to settle into the groove and expand it from there. The three summer eclipses (June 1, July 15, July 1) should prove to be positive catalysts regarding contracts, publishing, solidifying relationships, marriage, new goalsetting or reaching, travel and educational ambitions. Mercury retrograde in Leo Aug. 8 to 26 can put you on a temporary backtrack, but Mars in Leo (mid-September to midNovember) should find you making great strides again. See Ambition page 8

A4 - North Shore News - Sunday, January 2, 2011

2011 Budget Update

January 2nd, 2011

Child Care Plan Supports Our Future Several years ago, parents in our community raised their concerns about a shortage of child care spaces in West Vancouver. Council responded by forming the Child Care Services Working Group. Comprised of residents, staff, and representatives from the School District, Vancouver Coastal Health, and North Shore Community Resources, this group worked for three years to develop strategies to support the provision of quality accessible child care in our community. Significant accomplishments have resulted. • Updates to municipal bylaws provide options for childcare and address neighbourhood interests • Grants from senior levels of government provided funding towards Gordon House Child Care Centre, Ambleside Park Child Care Centre, Ambleside Park Children’s Playground; and creation of the Civic Site Child and Family Hub Initiative. This not only created new child care services, it also

Ambleside ‘A’ Field Public Info Wednesday, January 12th

enabled the District to upgrade older municipal buildings, and generate new revenue through leases with the child care operator.

Join us for an update on Rutledge Field (formerly 'A' Field), currently under construction near the corner of 13th Street and Marine Drive. Information about the field construction, fieldhouse renovation and warm-up areas will be available. Questions and comments are welcome.

• Collaborative, successful partnerships with North Shore child care service providers, the School District, and Vancouver Coastal Health, have led to many worthwhile initiatives. Moving forward, the Working Group presented a Child Care Plan which documents these successes, and provides a framework for continuing to sustain and achieve notable results to support children and families in the future. The Plan sets out key goals, but its implementation is not the sole responsibility of Council. The Child Care Services Working Group determined that the best way to deal with emerging child care issues is a collaborative approach. The partners include all levels of government, as well as the non-profit and private sectors.

District staff will identify actions within the Child Care Plan annually. The Civic Site Child and Family Hub will work with partners to implement key initiatives. Funding sources from outside the municipality will continue to be sought. Three years ago, West Vancouver lagged in the area of childcare. As a result of the efforts of this working group, West Vancouver now leads the way in a field that is increasingly generating provincewide interest and concern, a true testimonial to the power of working groups to address an issue and work together to find a solution.

Secondary Suites Program The West Vancouver Secondary Suite Program seeks to expand the range of housing options in the community by authorizing secondary suites. The municipality is now considering a change to the program that would make it more responsive to the needs of the community and provide more flexibility. In February, Council will consider bylaws to allow secondary suites in non owner-occupied homes.

Register Existing Secondary Suites by May 31st Council recently established May 31st, 2011 as a deadline for registering and legalizing existing suites under the alternative life safety standards. The cost to the homeowner of achieving these standards may be significantly less that the full BC Building Code standards. After May 31st, owners will be required to comply with the full BC Building Code standards, which may require them to:

• Sprinkler the building • Provide a 45 minute fire separation between the suite and dwelling • Provide a separate heating system for the suite • Upgrade the electrical and plumbing systems • Make any other alterations required to bring the suite into BC Building code compliance. All property owners are encouraged to register their existing suites as soon as possible to avoid incurring extra costs. Owners are required under municipal bylaw to register secondary suites and adhere to the relevant rules and regulations. Failure to do so is in contravention of the Zoning Bylaw and those owners will be subject to fines and/or other enforcement. Questions? Please call Bylaw and Licencing Services at 604-925-7152 or email

Seniors’ Activity Centre Welcomes Youngsters! The Seniors’ Activity Centre has lowered the age requirements for membership to 55, providing more opportunities to join. The lower age requirements for membership was supported by the Seniors’ Activity Centre Advisory Board. The board, made up of West Vancouver residents, oversees the operation of the centre and they are looking forward to welcoming new members to enjoy the many activities available.

The District has been working towards developing a 2011 Budget with input from the public. The draft budget bylaw will receive first and second reading at the January 10, 2011 Council meeting. For more information visit

A newly-revamped Seniors’ Scene and enhanced programming for a younger crowd provides lots of opportunities to get involved and stay active. Membership with the Seniors’ Activity Centre has many benefits, including: • Reduced program fees for Seniors’ Activity Centre courses • Thirty percent discount off food at the Garden Side Café • Opportunities to connect with new people by volunteering and socializing Membership is only $35 a year. If you – or someone you know – is interested in joining or finding out more, visit, or drop into the centre and speak with a staff member. • 750-17th street, west vancouver • tel: 604-925-7000 • fax: 604-925-5999

When: Wednesday. January 12th, 4 - 8 pm Where: West Vancouver Community Centre Atrium For more information, visit, or call 604-925-PARK (7275).

Old Growth Conservancy Society AGM January 19th Everyone is invited to the fourth Annual General Meeting of the Old Growth Conservancy Society. When: Wednesday, January 19th, Doors open 6:30 pm. Meeting 7 – 9 pm. Where: West Vancouver Community Centre, 3rd floor, Cedar Room For more information,contact, or call 604-925-7138.

Robbie Burns Dinner At Gleneagles January 22nd cei•lidh [key-lee] –noun. Irish, Scot., and Canadian. a party, gathering, or the like, at which singing and storytelling are the usual forms of entertainment. This year’s ceilidh features the Vancouver Fiddle Orchestra, and a buffet dinner with Roast Beef, Haggis, and all the trimmings. Bar hosted by Ambleside Tiddlycove Lions Club. Call 604-925-7270 for tickets. When: Saturday, January 22nd, 6 pm on Where: Gleneagles Community Centre Cost: $45.00 includes HST

Community Grants Apply By January 31 The Community Grants Program is an essential strategy to support North Shore non-profit organizations serving West Vancouver residents' needs. The District provides these grants to assist groups to deliver services that reduce social, economic or physical disadvantages; improve the quality of life for residents; or support and promote arts and culture initiatives. Guidelines and application forms are available at For more information call 604-925-7200 or email The deadline for applications is 4:30 pm on Monday, January 31st, 2011.

Sunday, January 2, 2011 - North Shore News - A5

‘Bomb’ was Halloween prop

From page 1

“From a distance, it certainly looked real,” said DeVries, after the incident. Police eventually made contact with the homeowner, who was out of town at the time. The man said he had left the object, a Halloween prop, in his yard as he left that morning and had later forgotten about it. “It was an honest mistake, unintentionally done,” said DeVries. “It think the story behind the story is the ability we have to deal with these situations,” he added, pointing to the speed with which the police had the area evacuated and the robot in place. The bomb disposal unit is rarely called to North Vancouver, said DeVries. To his recollection, the last time was in February, when they sent the robot in to the North Vancouver SeaBus terminal to blow apart a fishing rod.

NEWS photo Mike Wakefield

NORTH Vancouver RCMP officers close off and evacuate a four-block area just west of Grand Boulevard on Thursday after finding a suspicious object.

GPS co-ordinates from phone guide rescuers From page 1 unable to get out. Realizing they were in trouble, they called 9-1-1 around 3:30 p.m. Wednesday and were able to relay GPS coordinates from their iPhone. A police helicopter in the area then managed to spot the pair. A helicopter long-line rescue was initially attempted, but had to be called off because of

darkness, said Jones. North Shore Rescue then dispatched a team on snowmobile to the Howe Sound Crest trailhead. From there, they snowshoed in to the two men. Jones said while the team made their way to the pair, crews launched flares to let the snowboarders know help was on the way. One search manager was also assigned to call the pair

every five minutes and keep them calm, said Jones, adding that if panic sets in, sometimes lost skiers and boarders will try to find their own way out in the dark, making rescue much more difficult. The pair made it out with the help of rescuers by around 8:30 p.m., after several hours in frigid temperatures. Altogether 17 people took part in the rescue. Jones said the two were

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lucky they were in an area with cellphone coverage, otherwise they may not have been reported missing until the next day. “Their number wasn’t up,” he said. The Montizambert Creek area is notorious, with numerous skiers and snowboarders requiring rescue from the gulley in recent years after going out of bounds. Two people have also died in the area after becoming lost.

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A6 - North Shore News - Sunday, January 2, 2011

VIEWPOINT Published by North Shore News a division of Postmedia Network Inc., 100-126 East 15th Street, North Vancouver, B.C. V7L 2P9. Doug Foot, publisher. Canadian publications mail sales product agreement No. 40010186.



HE reaction to Dana Larsen’s bid for leadership of the NDP encapsulates the problem facing advocates for the legalization of marijuana. Larsen, a long-time pot activist, announced Dec. 29 he would be vying for Carole James’ old job, despite the wide dissemination of an online video showing him smoking a mouthful of joints, dropping acid, doing another drug and then driving. The move has been rejected by the party powerful and labelled, rightly, a joke by other commentators. This underscores the sad truth that handicaps those who would see the cannabis industry brought under control: Their cause is trumpeted by clowns. Legalization is an important issue. The war we are waging against a drug

that is less harmful than both cigarettes and alcohol costs our police and judicial system millions every year. It puts marijuana distribution in the hands of violent organizations and lends both incentive and financial support to their activities. It removes, entirely, our ability to monitor the drug’s potency, restrict its availability, attach warnings to it and collect tax on its sale. These are points that should inform a serious debate on this issue, but which are drowned out consistently by the unprofessional demeanor and ludicrous conduct of those who would voice them. If we are ever to see reform of our destructive drug laws, this cause has to be taken up by someone legitimate. Marijuanaactivismneedsafigurehead who can convince the public they are more interested in getting elected than in getting high.

What if you threw a party and no one came?

IN the aftermath of the 2001 provincial election, when the NDP was all but wiped out, new political parties sprang up around B.C. like toadstools after an early autumn rain.

There was Democratic Reform B.C., the Work Less Party, the Western Refederation Benjamin Alldritt Party, the Citizens Action Party, Keeping It Simple the Platinum Party, the Sex Party, Your Political Party and a host of others. Each hoped they’d be able to attract the seemingly large number of voters who’d had it with the New Democrats, but didn’t really call themselves Liberals either. Not a bad plan, but by the end of 2005 most of these mushrooms had elected no one, and Carole James had restored the NDP caucus to respectable opposition numbers. The NDP is once again a shambles, but the Liberals are also in disarray: leaderless and badly wounded by the HST, the B.C. Rail scandal, the Kash Heed debacle and a badly explained crackdown on drunk drivers. Surely if there is ever to be an opening for a new party to emerge and flourish, it’s now. That’s what I was thinking just before Christmas as I strolled over to the inaugural meeting of the B.C. Conservative Party constituency association in West Vancouver-Capilano. Readers may recall Eddie Petrossian won 3.16 per cent of the riding’s vote (529 ballots) under their banner in 2009. Province-wide, the party won a shade more than two per cent. But the provincial Tories — they have no formal ties to the federal party — have gotten some media buzz lately and a recent Angus Reid poll said their support touched


10 per cent last month. In tax-sensitive West Vancouver, I figured the B.C. Conservatives might find some traction. I arrived at the library early to get a good seat. But after the announced start time had come and gone, the crowd had peaked at six people. One was a woman who looked around, asked me what was going on, and then left. Then there was the library employee who brought down some coffee and also left. And then there were four — Petrossian, his interim riding president, the party’s regional director and me. We sat around and chatted for a while until it became obvious this “meeting” wasn’t going to inaugurate anything. They even explained to me, gamely enough, that the party’s bylaws require 10 paid-up members before they can even call it a constituency association. In fairness, their pamphlet listed endorsements from recognizable, if slightly dated, public figures. A couple of former mayors, former MP Randy White, current MP John Cummins, former Socred premier Rita Johnson and former Newfoundland premier Brian Peckford all exhorted readers to sign on with the B.C. Conservatives. I expect a few of these folks will come out of retirement to try for the leadership in the spring. Why should Bill Vander Zalm have all the fun? But whoever ends up at the Tory helm, I don’t think Ralph Sultan will be losing sleep any time soon. I don’t want to sound too mean-spirited. Just keeping an existing party ticking over is a really tough job — ask Carole James. Trying to build a new one from the ground up is a labour of Hercules. It takes a lot of money, a lot of time and dedication bordering on fanaticism from some very talented people, all with a miniscule chance of any success whatsoever. A bit of discontent and a gang of buddies just doesn’t cut it. Part of the problem is that the pool of donors and political operatives is fairly static, and it takes a lot to pry them away from the established parties. So fledging parties are often embarrassed by the antics of hastily vetted candidates and staff. What’s more, senior members frequently decide that the project isn’t headed in the

direction they wanted and they jump ship. Which brings me to a funny postscript on my night in West Vancouver. Only five days after the non-meeting, I got an enthusiastic press release announcing that Petrossian had ditched the Conservatives and is now a “constituency development and election readiness director” for the B.C. First Party, an even wetterbehind-the-ears outfit founded by disgruntled B.C. Conservatives in 2010. Wow. I guess the grass is greener (or is that bluer?) in B.C.’s 23rd registered political party. I’m not so sure about 23rd parties, but third parties can succeed. Reform did, and those guys are basically running the country now. The Wildrose Alliance has high hopes for the next election in Alberta. The B.C. Liberal party itself spent decades as a penniless joke before eventually winning the biggest majority in the province’s history. Can one of B.C.’s new crop of fringe parties repeat this feat in the next few years? I say no. Despite their current difficulties, both the Liberals and the NDP are structurally sound. Sure, it looked like the NDP was about to tear itself apart, but it didn’t actually happen. Ties to the federal party are strong, and a provincial schism would make federal organizing and campaigning pretty awkward. More importantly, there have been some long years in the wilderness for the NDP, and no one wants to start over as the New New Democratic Party, splitting the left-wing vote in the process. On the government side, now that Campbell has released his death grip on power, the Liberals appear to be having a fairly orderly succession process and haven’t lost their hold on the “free enterprise coalition” one bit. So as hard as the winds of change seem to be blowing, I don’t see either of B.C.’s big political trees toppling or any plucky sapling making a serious challenge. Maybe one day we’ll have a Conservative premier and I’ll be dredging up this column as evidence of how something really can come from nothing, but it’s a long climb from an empty library basement to the legislature in Victoria.





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Sunday, January 2, 2011 - North Shore News - A7

Let’s turn the page on lists

DEC. 26 to Jan. 1 is known in the journalistic community to be Slow News Week, a time when newspapers, magazines and TV shows are packed with lists documenting the highlights of the year that was.

One has to wonder at the furious need we humans reveal for categorizing and ranking other people’s achievements. Despite the fact that these lists are mostly filler, we gobble them up like leftover turkey. Even the newly dead have roles in this hullaballoo. Any comprehensive roundup of what happened over the course of the past annum must include a lugubrious reprise of those whom “we’ve lost,” whether or not we readers and viewers shed a tear at the time. In that defunct crowd, for instance, the editors of Entertainment Weekly’s Best & Worst 2010 issue felt the need to mention “the fourth-place finisher on 2005’s Survivor: Palau” alongside Arthur Penn, the director of Bonnie and Clyde. For attention must be paid. If, as consumers of popular culture, we fail to get profoundly caught up in these media-generated report cards about individual artists, reality TV stars, Hollywood bad boys and girls, and other attention addicts, their industries might just die out. While I sure wouldn’t be sad to see the last of mysteriously successful sleazebag Charlie Sheen (2010 Celebrity of the Year Finalist #6 at The Hollywood Gossip online), apparently somebody out there would miss being uplifted by the keen wit and prankish whore-mongering of Two and a Half Men. So, be it resolved that we must all be endlessly kept upto-date regarding who did what in the entertainment industry, for fear it will otherwise perish. Must we also have our favourite songs lassoed and branded as good, bad or indifferent? Are we that desperate to have

Going Coastal

Kate Zimmerman our own choices validated by strangers? Does any of us really care whether the tune we’ve been humming for months while walking our dog is the same one that some coolerthan-thou music reviewer pronounced top of the pops? FYI: Entertainment Weekly’s Best and Worst of the Year issue called The Social Network the best film, Breaking Bad the best TV show, Kanye West’s My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy the best album, and Rebecca Skloot’s The Immortal Life of Henrietta Sacks the best nonfiction book. (You won’t have seen, heard or listened to the contenders for worst, unless, drawn by Zac Efron, you bought tickets to Charlie St. Cloud.) In EW’s Year That Was section, Betty White’s career resurrection is deemed the best “’80s revival.” What a surprise to see White trumping all other 88-year-old female working comedians. Arts reporters are the worst purveyors of this dreck, but more sober journalists dive in, too. Thus, we are directed to The Canadian Press’s top Canadian news story, which in 2010 was the Vancouver Olympic Winter Games. 2010’s “Nation Builder,” says the Globe and Mail, was VANOC CEO John Furlong. Meanwhile, in the field of miscellany, we’re to glean what we can from lists like the Globe’s “2010 Lessons Learned.” The latter informs us that “The other shoe has yet to drop on barefooting,” a reprieve of sorts for hardcore runners with snowdrift anxiety.


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Sports writers also weigh in with lists of best plays, and a roster of athletes they anoint as the ne plus ultra. Gossipmongers tot up and evaluate the year’s pre-eminent scandals; foodies shine their spotlight on no-longer-obscure cuisines and the latest resuscitated nursery dish; and the terminally stylish point out fashion’s triumphs and tragedies. I don’t know about you, but when I glimpse a long list, that’s my cue to hastily turn the page. Only the most novel assessments strike me as truly grabby. For example, a European friend alerted me to a couple of news stories about English policemen’s lists of “ridiculous” emergency calls, like the one from the woman who demanded the coppers intervene when a black cat appeared at her house uninvited. Another came from a lady in Kent who requested assistance when the snowman in her front yard went missing. (“It ain’t a nice road, but you don’t expect someone to nick your snowman,” she whined.) And then there were the pleas for help from the West Yorkshire fellow afflicted with a snoring dog; the alarmed citizen who’d discovered a dead pigeon in the garden; and the conspiracy theorist whose suspicions were aroused after a packet of rice went missing from a kitchen cupboard. When it comes to end-ofyear tributes, I suppose I have exotic tastes. For example, I found it easy to ignore Entertainment Weekly’s list of Best Games of the Year in favour of Dean Haspiel paying comic strip tribute in its pages to the irascible Harvey Pekar. Pekar is the late author of the autobiographical comic books American Splendor and Our Cancer Year, which, as Haspiel writes, “reveled in the mundane.” (In 2003, American Splendor was turned into a gripping, visually inventive film in which Paul Giamatti played Pekar.) Haspiel was one of Pekar’s

collaborators, so he had a good handle on the Cleveland native’s style. Over the course of their alliance, the EW tribute reveals, he learned that Pekar’s parents had both suffered from Alzheimer’s disease. For Haspiel, that explained the “quotidian” details in Pekar’s stories. “I believe that, on a subconscious level, Harvey was writing his memoir in case he lost his memory,” Haspiel wrote. Lists fulfill the same purpose for Western societies, I guess. They clearly mark the passing of time and are irrefutable proof that though, individually, our own days may not have been marked by much excitement, meaningful things continued to happen in the culture around us. That’s a pretty depressing subtext, if you ask me. Archivists and historians might appreciate this stuff. I’m going to pass. I have no wish to wallow in the petty details of a departing year. No matter how good or bad it was, it’s over, and I’m ready to move on.

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Welcome to the first Capsule Comments column of 2011. In the 10 years since the start of the 21st Century, there have been many important advances in the world of medicine and health. And there will be many more during the next decade.

Some recent past advances include the decoding of the human genome which is paving the way for treating disease based on a person’s genetic make-up. Another health improvement was the banning of smoking in many public places, a very relevant change since it’s been proven than second-hand smoke is harmful. This move has continued to reduce the number of smokers in North America. One of our goals of our professional pharmacist staff is to keep current on what is“in the pipeline”of research. It’s a part of our job we really enjoy.

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A8 - North Shore News - Sunday, January 2, 2011

Ambition will serve you best, Virgo From page 3

securing influence. You can expect to feel more surefooted and more rewarded as this year advances to a close. November onward, you’ll also pick up a lot more steam.

■ VIRGO (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) Don’t angst, act instead. Ambition serves you best. Holding sway now and over the first three to six months of the year, the time-is-ripe Jan. 4 solar eclipse can be empowering. Take control and get yourself back on track. Yes you can — and better and faster than you anticipate. This eclipse is one that can help you to gain the respect and acknowledgement you feel you deserve. January through June is a highly opportune time to move it forward re career, creative projects, or entrepreneurial activities. It is also a time to redefine your relationship parameters, or to let your fan club or kids know who is boss. Jupiter’s advance into Taurus (June 4 through June 2012) is a solidifying, confirming, and

■ LIBRA (Sept. 22 – Oct. 22) Coming to the end of the road, facing tough steps forward and reconciling with what was, what is and what must be, those born Oct. 3 to 10 will feel the pressure of Saturn’s tour through Libra most strongly, but of course we all feel the pinch. When Saturn animates, it matures the moment. Simultaneous to this significant closure and completion cycle, a new foundation is built. Saturn’s influence can feel physical and emotionally depleting, draining and exhausting, so try to pace yourself with rest

and sleep as best you can. The advances of Jupiter and Uranus into Aries suggest it is a time to show a new side of yourself to the world and to try new relationships on for size. January to June delivers an introductory or exploratory phase. This is the time to roll the dice. June forward is the time to invest, increase and reap, especially regarding family, real estate and partnership.

■ SCORPIO (Oct. 23 – Nov. 22) The start of the year is wonderfully opportune, so don’t waste a moment — dive in full tilt. Through March 10, Uranus in Pisces will continues to keep it fresh and exciting, especially so for those born Nov. 20 to Nov. 22. Watch for evidence of destiny’s hand at play regarding romance, child

rearing, career and creative endeavours. Chiron’s advance into Pisces, beginning Feb. 8 (through 2018) can provide exceptional potentials of a highly karmic nature, especially for those born Oct. 23 to Oct. 29. Increased popularity, acclaim and public attention can come your way; fame is on the docket for some. You certainly won’t run out of ideas or options. This year’s growth curve is a prosperous one. Jupiter in Aries (Jan. 24 to June 4) can find you well occupied with a new job, project, pet, health regime, study or agenda. Your ability to relate, communicate and negotiate is enhanced from June forward. Admiration and reputation can grow beautifully too.

■ SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) Another exceptional

break-out or break-free year is about to get underway. Liberating Uranus into Aries will be felt strongest by those born Nov. 22 to Nov. 26, but all of you will feel boosted by Jupiter flying through passionate Aries (Jan. 22 to June 4). Watch for your love life, career and creativity to be set on fire. If it isn’t happening for you, and it likely is, it can be a happening time for your children instead. Health can take a major step forward too, or require more focused attention. Both Uranus and Jupiter are vibrant, unleashing, inspiring, exciting, opportune and reinventing. Nothing is small, you’ll live it large. Perhaps on the cutting edge or razor’s edge too, especially January to June. Welcome your new lifestyle, it’s here to stay. You are just at the beginning of so much more to come. March through August of 2012 ushers you through a karmic peak and defines your future course.

■ CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) The year ahead is frontloaded. In fact, the start of your new year can be catapulting, perhaps in some unexpected way. This will be especially so for those born between Jan. 3 and Jan. 5.

Blocks or walls can suddenly disintegrate; in their place, a new opportunity could suddenly appear. The eclipse could affect you indirectly too, the happenings of others can have a significant fallout effect on what shapes up for you next, now or in the coming months. The later portion of March takes you over a peak professional or personal life threshold. That includes business, real estate, home and family matters too. You should find enhancing Jupiter in Taurus, June 4 through June 2012, placing you onto a solid plateau. This influence is securing, and affirming regarding journeys of the heart and the wallet, and should make you feel glad for the steps and choices you have already undertaken. See Life page 9

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Sunday, January 2, 2011 - North Shore News - A9

Life may speed up, Aquarius From page 8

■ AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) Keep alert for opportunity and for evidence of destiny’s handiwork. There is more brewing than you may fully realize. Off with the old, on with the new in a snap, Ceres (Jan. 3 to March 22) and Mars (Jan. 15 to Feb. 22) in Aquarius are likely to get your life moving at an accelerated pace. New things to try, new places to be, new people to meet, Uranus in Aries is especially energizing for those born Jan. 20 to Jan. 24. Jupiter in Aries (Jan. 22 to June 4) is opportune for travel, explorations and sales, for broadening your social sphere, educating yourself, and for putting yourself out there in some new way. Jupiter’s advance into Taurus (June 4 through June 2012) delivers a time to drop anchor, settle in and to put maximum attention toward building a more secure and consistent foundation. Business and real estate investments can increase substantially. Make sure family get your best — and gift yourself with quality time too.

■ PISCES (Feb. 19 – March 20) Both Jupiter (Jan. 22) and Uranus (March 11) will move out of your sign, but you will continue to grow and gain through their endowments. You’ll see that life’s opportunities open much wider now. Ample resources, resourcefulness and resilience are your wellspring. You are in a vibrant reinvention and rediscovery cycle. It is a sharp departure from recent tough years and it is likely that you’ll relish the new program wholeheartedly. Jupiter in Taurus (June 4 through June 2012) can boost creative output and friendship, sibling or client bonds. The rare transits of Chiron (Feb. 8 to 2019, occurring every 50 years) and Neptune, your ruler, (June 3 to 2026, occurring every 164 years) advancing into Pisces, position you at a coming-intoyour-own threshold. Make no mistake about it: the evolving moment is a profound one, both for your personal growth in the here and now, and also for your soul’s larger picture agenda.

Visit for more forecasts, podcasts, public appearances, and information on classes and private astrology consultations.

New contracts buoy N. Van shipyard Benjamin Alldritt

VANCOUVER Shipyards is hoping that two new civilian shipbuilding projects announced in December will tee the company up to win one of the large military contracts expected to be awarded by the federal government in the summer.

On Dec. 15, the North Vancouver-based yard an-

nounced it will build four new vessels for its Washington Marine Group stablemate, Seaspan. The first is an 83-metre oil barge, featuring a double hull and a vapour recovery system as environmental safeguards. The 32,000-barrel carrier will be started in January and the work is expected to reach into late November. The second contract is for three 61-metre chip barges, the latest ships of a class Vancouver Shipyards has built 12 of since 2000. Construction of the chip barges will get underway in

July of 2011, with completion projected to be in the spring of 2012. “We are proud to build these new Seaspan barges at our sister company, Vancouver Shipyards,” said Washington Marine Group CEO Jonathan Whitworth, “and it is our hope and desire to keep our shipyards busy with new construction programs well into the future. “The new construction projects will also allow us to ramp up our skilled trades and project management team prior to the award next summer of the federal government’s




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A10 - North Shore News - Sunday, January 2, 2011


NV Chamber Christmas Cocktail Reception

by Paul McGrath

District of North Vancouver Mayor Richard Walton, chamber director Jeannette O’Brien and Western Stevedoring’s Brad Eshleman attend.

City of North Vancouver Mayor Darrell Mussatto, North Shore News’ Dee Dhaliwal, chamber president Anne McMullin and chairman Mike Boehm team up for a photo. Representatives of the North Vancouver Chamber of Commerce hosted their annual Christmas Cocktail Reception at the Canyon House Dec. 8. As guests arrived, they were treated to the jazz stylings of Windsor secondary students. The event also raised non-perishables and funds for the Harvest Project.

Janet Pavlik, Michelle Lund, Marcel Binto and Margaret Herman flash their smiles.

James Carter and North Shore News’ Doug Foot flank Sadru Mitha.

TD’s Nancy Hadden and Minji Park enjoy the festivities.

North Shore Studios’ Peter Leitch and the chamber’s events manager Gail Pickrell have a chat.

Cam, David (chamber director) and Andee McLeod greet director David Crawford.

John Lakes and MLA Naomi Yamamoto celebrate the season.

Please direct requests for event coverage to Bright Lights c/o North Shore News. Email: Fax: 604-985-2104




















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Sunday, January 2, 2011 - North Shore News - A11


Community grants child’s wish

Volunteers build North Van girl a playhouse through the Make-AWish Foundation of B.C. and Yukon

Erin McPhee

FAITHWOOD: It’s the place 11-year-old Hunter McAlduff loves to travel to in her imagination.


It’s a special place where she and her brother Liam and best friend Kyra Ewart can play and their dreams can come true. Thanks to the efforts of a host of community volunteers, Hunter, who was diagnosed with a rare progressive neurodegenerative condition in 2009, is now able to visit Faithwood more often. When asked by representatives of the Make-A-Wish Foundation of B.C. and Yukon what she wanted most in the world, Hunter said “a playhouse” in her North Vancouver backyard, and that’s exactly what she received. The accessible space is complete with comfy furniture, inspirational wall decor and an outdoor flower garden to be planted in the spring. It seemed only fitting to name it “Faithwood.” “To see everybody come together and really want to make a little girl’s dream come true and for her to have it now where she can appreciate it and she can see it (is incredible),” says Hunter’s mother, Monica. Hunter was diagnosed with a mitochondrial condition called MELAS in the summer of 2009. According to her doctors at B.C. Children’s Hospital, the condition, an acronym, is representative of the disease’s key symptoms — myopathy, encephalopathy, lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes. Children with MELAS can experience muscle weakness and changes in co-ordination, balance, cognition, speech, hearing and vision. Hunter has been hospitalized five times since the onset of the disease. “We had no prior indication or knowledge that she had this illness until her first symptoms in June of 2009 when she had her first episode,” says Monica. Having lost approximately 80 per cent of her sight, Hunter is now considered legally blind, she uses hearing aids at school and has some challenges with her mobility as her balance is off. As well, she gets easily fatigued. She’s in a Grade 6 classroom at Lions Gate Christian Academy, though her expectations are different. The rate at which the condition has affected Hunter has been difficult for their family, though Monica says they’re grateful to their friends, extended family and congregation members at North Shore Alliance Church who have offered a tremendous amount of support — emotional as well as dropping off meals and offering other assistance during Hunter’s hospitalizations. “It’s really been a community rallying around our family,” she says. “As challenging as it is, we feel very fortunate and blessed to have so many friends and family that have been helping us through this,” she adds. See District page 12

NEWS photo Paul McGrath

NORTH Vancouver resident Hunter McAlduff (left), who was diagnosed in 2009 with MELAS, a progressive neurodegenerative condition, enjoys her new playhouse along with her brother Liam and best friend Kyra Ewart at its recent unveiling.

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A12 - North Shore News - Sunday, January 2, 2011


District of NV firefighters build backyard playhouse From page 11

Cydney Walker, a volunteer wish granter, to make it come true. “They connect you with the family you’re granting the wish for and you’re on that wish until it’s done,” says Walker, who also works as a recreation therapist with the North Shore Infant Development Program and Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children. Hunter’s playhouse is the third wish Walker has granted, previously arranging a trip to Disneyland for one child and installing a hot tub for another. “We do get the funding straight from Make-A-Wish and they have different sponsors and different ways of obtaining that money that we get and then we use that for each wish,” she says. Walker has been working


Despite what she’s been through in the last year, Hunter has maintained her positive outlook on life, as well as her bright and outgoing personality. She’s very accepting of her illness and is at peace with whatever the outcome may be, even though she knows she has limitations. “She has lots of family and friends and people who really enjoy being around her and so I think with her being ill, those people really want to support her in any way that they can,” says Monica. That includes Make-AWish, which grants the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions, and opted to grant Hunter’s playhouse request, calling on fellow North Vancouver resident

on Hunter’s wish since July. To help her, she got in contact with the District of North Vancouver Firefighters Charitable Society. President Paul Tylla agreed to help and organized a group of district firefighters who volunteered their time to build the playhouse based on a design representative of Hunter’s request. Additional community and business support made the wish possible, including Irly Building Centre in Lynn Valley, Windsor Plywood in Coquitlam, Ikea, Dundee Securities, Gescan Electrical, Mitre Electric and Light ‘Em Up. “It was a lot of fun to be a part of and really, just to see it all come together, it was quite an amazing experience,” says Walker. Hunter was kept in the dark PRICE EFFECTIVE :

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NEWS photo Paul McGrath

MONICA, Hunter and Michael McAlduff (front) thank the many community volunteers for their efforts to grant Hunter’s playhouse wish, including volunteer wish granter Cydney Walker (at right) and District of North Vancouver firefighters. about the finished product until an unveiling occurred with all the community volunteers Dec.

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18. Her parents went so far as to cover the doors looking out onto their backyard so she wouldn’t be able to sneak a peak. “It has been a great joy and pleasure to be a part of making Hunter’s wish come true,” says Walker. The one-room playhouse, 10x10 feet in size, is an impressive, high-quality construction, complete with electrical outlets and lighting. As a final touch, Walker included a Christmas tree and a few presents underneath, for both Hunter and her brother. “She was extremely excited, she was very happy and she was happy that it was happening

before Christmas and totally loved everything,” says Monica. Hunter made a thank you sign for the builders and helped bake a batch of eggnog snickerdoodle cookies to be served warm as a form of gratitude. “We’re blown away that we have such people in the community who don’t know us — we didn’t know anyone in the Make-A-Wish Foundation or the District of North Van firefighters — and yet they’ve given so much time,” says Monica. For more information or to support Make-A-Wish, visit


Sunday, January 2, 2011 - North Shore News - A13

LIVE health notes NOTICES Masters Project — Call for Participants: Personal trainer and sports nutrition advisor Leon Grams will give away personal training, nutrition coaching and nutritional supplements for one month to prove just how effective his methods are. Currently inactive, but otherwise healthy, middle-aged (45-75) individuals who are willing to be dedicated, consistent and persistent with the program can apply until Jan. 9 at Bloodmobile Stop: Canadian Blood Services’ Bloodmobile will be making a stop outside of the London Drugs store at Park Royal’s north mall, Tuesday, Jan. 4, from 10 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. Donors can book an appointment at 1-888-236-6283. Introductory Tai Chi Lesson: The Taoist Tai Chi Society will offer a free class, Wednesday, Jan. 5, 7:15-9 p.m. at North Lonsdale United Church, 3380 Lonsdale Ave., North Vancouver. New beginner classes will start Jan. 10, 11 and 14. Info: 604-681-6609 or www.taoist. org/vancouver. Good Riddance — Bringing in the New and Clearing Out the Old: Learn about getting rid of clutter and creating effective organized solutions, Wednesday, Jan. 5, mingling at 6:30 p.m. and speaker at 7 p.m. at John Braithwaite Community Centre, 145 West First St., North Vancouver. Presented by the Canadian Mental Health

Association. Admission by donation. Info: 604-987-6959. Wild Transformation Month: Wild Woman Workouts will offer pay by donation classes from Jan. 10 to 28 at Onedance Creative Art Centre, 286 Pemberton Ave., North Vancouver. Positive movement and fitness for all ages and abilities. Visit for current class schedule or phone 604771-5683. Couples Group: A free group for couples experiencing communication difficulties, Tuesdays, Jan. 11-March 1, 6:308:30 p.m. at Family Services of the North Shore, 101-255 West First St., North Vancouver. Info and registration: 604-988-5281, ext. 202.

phone 604-982-8315. The Canadian Hard of Hearing — North Shore Branch holds a monthly series of informal workshops and discussions around the issues affecting the hard of hearing on the first Friday of the month, 10 a.m.-noon at the West Vancouver Seniors’ Activity Centre, 695 21st St. No meeting in July and August. Subjects to be addressed will include the latest technology for hearing aids, coping strategies, speech reading and improving hearing environments.

Co-dependents Anonymous, a 12-step fellowship for people with relationship difficulties, holds weekly meetings on the North Shore. Info: 604-5155585.

SUPPORT GROUPS Breastfeeding Information, Support and Encouragement: La Leche League Canada has discussion meetings on the second Monday of each month, 10 a.m.-noon at Lynn Valley United Church, 3201 Mountain Hwy., North Vancouver. Babies welcome. Info: 604-988-1284 or

Compassionate Friends of the North Shore: A support group for bereaved parents meets the second Wednesday of every month, 7:30 p.m. in the upper lounge of North Lonsdale United Church, 3380 Lonsdale Ave., North Vancouver. Info: Cathy at 604-926-6513. — Compiled by Debbie Caldwell Email information for your nonprofit, by donation or nominal fee event to

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Cancer Connection: Canadian Cancer Society has peer volunteers offering one-to-one information and emotional support to people living with cancer. Info: 1-888-939-3333.

The Midwest Centre will hold workshops for anxiety and depression starting Jan. 12 until the end of April, 7-9 p.m. Admission by donation. Info and location: 604-418-3600.

Breastfeeding Support and Baby Drop-in: Hosted at the John Braithwaite Community Centre, 145 West First St., North Vancouver, Thursdays, 1-3 p.m. For more information,

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A14 - North Shore News - Sunday, January 2, 2011

SENIORS what’s going on for seniors NOTICES Memory Games: A program for your body, balance and brain will run Mondays from Jan. 10-Feb. 21, 1-3 p.m. at John Braithwaite Community Centre, 145 West First St., North Vancouver. Fee: $40 or drop-in $7. Info: 604-982-8330. BrainBody Fitness for Seniors of All Cultures: Enjoy playful activities and share in cultural fun, Tuesdays, Jan. 11 to Feb. 22, 10 a.m-noon at John Braithwaite Community Centre, 145 West First St., North Vancouver. Includes Brain Gym, balls, beanbags and various items that will stimulate senses and tickle funny bones. There will be a health break for social connection. Drop-in or attend all classes. Trained volunteers may be requested for special needs. Fee: $40 or drop-in $7. Registration: 604-987-8138, ext. 211, bar code 252768. SPORTS, RECREATION, GAMES, FITNESS AND HEALTH Billiards: Mondays-Fridays, 9 a.m.-4:15 p.m. at Silver Harbour Centre, 144 East 22nd St., North Vancouver. Fee: $4/month or $40/year. Info: 604-980-2474 or Bingo: Fridays, 6:30-9:30 p.m. at Kiwanis Lynn Manor, 2555 Whiteley Court, North Vancouver. Early bird game until 7 p.m. — three cards for $1. After 7 p.m. — $2.50. Info: 604-988-1927. Bingo: Mondays, 1-3:30 p.m. and Thursdays, 1-4 p.m. at Silver Harbour Centre, 144 East 22nd St., North Vancouver. Info: 604980-2474 or Bridge: Mondays, 7-10 p.m. and Fridays, 1-3 p.m. at Parkgate Community Centre, 3625 Banff Court, North Vancouver. Drop-in fee: $1. Info: 604-983-6362 or — Compiled by Debbie Caldwell

NEWS photo Paul McGrath

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DELIA Palmer, head instructor of the Steady Feet program at John Braithwaite Community Centre, leads a group through a workout. The winter session of Steady Feet, a balance and falls prevention program helping older adults feel stronger and more confident about walking as well as increase their independence, is launching at five North Shore locations (John Braithwaite, Mollie Nye, The Summit, Churchill House and West Vancouver Seniors’ Activity Centre — all in partnership with Vancouver Coastal Health) the week of Jan. 10. Dates, times and fees range; contact the location of your choice for more information. New participants must attend an assessment prior to registering, which will take place at Mollie Nye Thursday, Jan. 6 at 4 p.m. To register, contact Gillian Konst at 604-987-5820, ext 15.

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Sunday, January 2, 2011 - North Shore News - A15


Columnist issues modest proposal Lays out four resolutions for government’s consideration in the New Year HANDS up if you’ve made a New Year’s resolution this year. For many people, making a New Year’s resolution is a way to get a fresh start on the coming year.

Revelry and resolutions have been essential to ringing in the New Year since 2000 B.C., when Babylonians marked the beginning of the New Year by paying off debts and returning borrowed goods. The practise carried over into Roman times with worshippers offering resolutions of good conduct to a double-faced deity named Janus, the god of beginnings and endings. The idea of making a New Year’s resolution seems to be unique to individuals. Governments, for instance, don’t really stop and look at what they could do differently or better as each New Year approaches. I think they should and I am proposing four New Year’s resolutions for the federal government’s consideration this year. Over the last three

Older & Wiser Tom Carney

decades the gap between the rich and the middle and lower classes in Canada has grown considerably. A recent study noted that less than four per cent of individuals in Canada control more than two-thirds of the country’s wealth. Now, I am not opposed to wealth creation and I don’t have a hate on for the rich, but surely it is to everyone’s benefit, including the wealthy, to see incomes become more equally distributed throughout the population. My first New Year’s resolution for government is that they adopt a meaningful, progressive tax system. That old joke that the rich are different than you and I — they have more money — is true, but it only tells half of the story. Canadians are among the healthiest people in the world, but this degree of health is not shared equally. The highest burden of chronic diseases weighs

on the economically disadvantaged. The health care system is not the true determinant of health — money is. The well to do not only have more money than the rest of us, they are, as a group, healthier too. Perhaps the most effective way for government to improve health outcomes is to reduce social and income inequities in our population. One way to do that, and my second New Year’s resolution for government, is to raise minimum wages across Canada. Child poverty is an area of social development that has been slow to improve over the past two decades. In fact, over that time period it has gotten worse. There is a much higher incidence of poverty in the population of children and families led by single females in Canada than in the seniors population. In B.C., one in every seven children lives below the poverty line. Among children under five, the rate climbs to almost one in five. My third New Year’s resolution for government is to improve economic security for children and families and to develop a target and a strategy for a reduced rate of poverty by the end of the year. Our choice here is to spend a little now or a whole lot more later. We live in one of the wealthiest countries in the world, but we have a growing number of people

sleeping on our streets. The problem of homelessness seems to befuddle us. Canada is the only G8 country without a national housing strategy. The government has already signalled that more stimulus spending will be in the next budget. My fourth New Year’s resolution for government is that any new infrastructure funding should first be directed towards the eradication of homelessness through a national housing program. So there you have it: four New Year’s resolutions

for the government’s consideration in 2011. They are, I think, among the four most pressing issues facing us today. They all speak to the vital importance of appropriate government leadership and intervention in population and public health. Do I think the government is likely to act on these proposals? Well, I am an optimist, but I also have in hand the results of the latest survey on the outcomes for New Year’s resolutions for the general population. It turns out that while 52

per cent of the participants in the study were confident of success in their goals, only 12 per cent actually achieved their goals. I don’t expect the government to have any more success in keeping their resolutions than the rest of us. But, I’d like to see them try.

Tom Carney is the co-ordinator of the Lionsview Seniors’ Planning Society. Ideas for future columns are welcome. Contact him at 604-985-3852 or send an email to lions_view@

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A16 - North Shore News - Sunday, January 2, 2011


RRSPs make good sense WITH savings interest rates hovering not much above zero per cent and the stock market still a rollercoaster, a risk-free 25-45 per cent yield on your money has a distinct appeal.

NEWS photo Paul McGrath

Working in harmony

MAESTRO Clyde Mitchell conducts the Sinfonia Orchestra at John Braithwaite Community Centre prior to a Christmas concert at Centennial Theatre with Monique Creber and the Cypress Choir.

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Where can you get that sort of return, you ask? The Money Matters answer: the lowly RRSP, where your contribution Mike Grenby lowers your tax by your tax rate. For example, if your tax rate is 25 per cent, a $1,000 RRSP contribution will produce a $250 tax saving (refund or less tax to pay). With a 35 per cent tax rate you receive a guaranteed, risk-free, no-brainer $350; at 45 per cent, you receive $450. Of course, when you take out your RRSP money, you must add it to your income that year and probably pay tax. However, in the meantime your money will have the chance to grow taxfree. And ideally when you withdraw your money, you could be in a lower tax bracket than when you contributed. More Canadians plan to contribute more money to their RRSP this year (79 per cent) than they did last year (68 per cent), according to a survey commissioned by Investors Group. Why? Probably because of the uncertainty engendered by the global financial crisis. Reasons you might think about not contributing to an RRSP: ■ No money. If you are in a high tax bracket, consider borrowing the money — provided you will repay the loan before the end of this year. ■ Reducing debt(s). True, paying off e.g. a 20 per cent debt is the same as earning a guaranteed, tax-free 20 per cent on your money. However, consider contributing to an RRSP and then using the tax saved to pay down the debt. ■ Putting money into a tax-free savings account. Perhaps put half your money into a TFSA and half into an RRSP to benefit from both programs. ■ In a low tax bracket in 2010, will be in a higher one this year. You could still contribute now to start tax-sheltering the growth, but not claim the deduction until you file your 2011 return. Mike Grenby is a columnist and independent personal financial advisor; he’ll answer questions in this column as space allows but cannot reply personally — email


Public Meeting - Waived

NOTICE is hereby given, under the provisions of the Local Government Act, that it is the !@8(@8!?@ ?& 8"( 7?6@,!T ?& 8"( 7!8P ?& I?;8" /D@,?64(; 8? !996( Development Permit DPA2010-00008H D8 D ;($6TD; 7?6@,!T J((8!@$ 8? B( "(T* ?@ MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 2011 !@ 8"( 7?6@,!T 7"DAB(;H 7!8P ODTTH -'- .(98 -'8" 18;((8H I?;8" /D@,?64(;F The Public Meeting has been WAIVED.

Development Permit DPA2010-00008 - 2041 Westview Drive Development Permit DPA2010-00008 replaces the expired Development Permit (DPA2007-00001) previously approved in 2008 for the property legally described as Lot X of Lot A, Block 1, D.L. 547, Plan 4195, located at 2041 Westview Drive in a Streamside Protection and Enhancement Area, as indicated on the sketch. Development Permit DPA2010-00008 proposes the following variances to “Zoning Bylaw , 1995, No. 6700”, One Unit Residential (RS-1) Zone, to facilitate the subdivision of this property into two lots, as follows:

citycouncil Mayor Darrell Mussatto Councillor Pam Bookham Councillor Rod Clark Councillor Bob Fearnley Councillor Guy Heywood Councillor Craig Keating Councillor Mary Trentadue City Clerk Robyn G. Anderson

K R;?@8 PD;* 9(8BD,V ;(*6,(* &;?A +% &8F 8? -% &8F ?@ (D," T?8F K N@8(;!?; 9!*( PD;* 9(8BD,V9 ;(*6,(* &;?A % &8F 8? ' &8F ?@ (D," T?8H D@* 8? >(;A!8 D - &8F >;?X(,8!?@ !@8? 8"( 9?68" 9(8BD,V ?& L?8 - D@* 8"( @?;8" 9(8BD,V ?& L?8 +F K 0? >(;A!8 ?@( >D;V!@$ 9>D,( !@ &;?@8 ?& (D," >;!@,!>DT B6!T*!@$ D@* 8? ;(*6,( 8"( ;(=6!;(* >D;V!@$ &?; 8"( 8S? >(;A!88(* :,,(99?;P 1(,?@*D;P 16!8(9 &;?A 8S? parking spaces to one shared parking space located between the buildings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est 14th Street, North Vancouver BC V7M 1H9 | Tel: 604-985-7761 | Fax: 604-985-9417

Sunday, January 2, 2011 - North Shore News - A17

Hit the slopes for winter fun page 18

Fuze is musical theatre for everyone page 19

A special feature of the

NEWS photo Cindy Goodman

Registration Guide

A18 - North Shore News - Sunday, January 2, 2011

Registration Guide

Kids get hip to knitting at Ron Andrews Caitlin Dowling

WITH all the courses available for kids, sporty activities often outweigh the rest. But what if your child prefers to be crafty, or wants to add to their sporty timetable with something a little more creative? If your children prefer creating craft projects, a new course at the Ron Andrews Community Centre is a great choice. Hip to Knit is a course designed to teach boys and girls ages eight to 12 all the basics they need to knit

scarves, hats, even sweaters. All knitting needles and wool are provided and kids who are totally new to the activity are just as welcome as those who know their knits and purls. “Opportunities in creativity have no borders,” said class instructor Olga Uhrin in an email. “Every stitch, every row, and every finished piece is one of a kind, and often is kept as a keepsake.” Knitting is a great recreational activity that is enjoying a comeback. It’s a skill that can promote relaxation and can be enjoyed just about anywhere. The whole family can work on projects together. Knitting is a great way for kids to hone their fine motor

skills, as well as learning focus and concentration. Uhrin mentions that as knitters get more advanced, the process becomes a brain-teaser, too. “Different patterns require mathematical thinking to make the pattern work.” And the joy of seeing their project grow from stitch to scarf is a great motivation builder. Boys and girls all work towards a finished project by the end of the course. The Hip to Knit course will begin on Tuesday, Jan. 11, for kids ages eight to 12. Time: 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Cost: $55 for seven classes. For more information, call 604-983-6388 or visit www.

Go mountain high for winter fun

Deana Lancaster NEWS photo Paul McGrath

KIANA Martin (left) and Jacob Huska get a primer on knitting in advance of Hip to Knit, a children’s course coming up at Ron Andrews recreation centre. Children will learn that knitting promotes relaxation, hones fine-motor skills, and helps teach focus and concentration.

Boys Volleyball Team Tryouts U13/U14 – Born 1997/1998 January 5, 2011 – 6pm Braithwaite Gym January 9, 2011 – 8am Argyle Small Gym Contact: Jamaal Shahrokh U15/U16 – Born 1995/1996 January 6, 2011 – 7:15pm Memorial Gym January 9, 2011 – 10am Argyle Small Gym Contact: Shon Sim *$25 tryout fee payable at registration. Returning and new players welcome. Please check-in 15 minutes early.

SOME of the best winter programs in the region are right here on the North Shore — on our local ski hills. The Cypress Mountain Snow School offers a host of drop-in and multi-day ski and snowboard lesson programs for all ages, from pre-schoolers to adults. The Kids Camp for little ones ages three to six is a safe and fun introduction to skiing with exclusive use of the Magic Carpet. Drop-In Lessons for Adults and Youth are a great way to discover skiing and riding, or to improve skills. Four-day Raven Riders Youth Camps (ages seven-14) include four full days of supervised instruction and fun. Kid-friendly and energetic instructors ensure kids learn to ski or ride and improve their skills while having a great time

exploring the mountain. They run Saturdays and Sundays, and during spring break in March. This year, Cypress is also offering a “No Excuses” full packageforadults,whichincludes everything to get participants skate skiing in no time. Visit for more information. Grouse Mountain’s Snow School is one of the first and most respected ski and snowboard instruction programs in Western Canada. As well as private and drop-in lessons for all ages, the resort offers Ski Wee lessons for children three to six years old, where the focus is on developing skills and good sportsmanship in a fun, playful environment. The half-day lessons run seven days a week until April 9. The Ski/Board Zone, for seven to 14 year olds, runs weekends and spring break. The three-, four-, and five-session half-day or fullday programs allow children to take up skiing or snowboarding, or continue to develop their

skills. The Freeride Program, for 10 to 16 year olds, teaches the necessary skills to ski and ride steep runs, tree lines and terrain parks. The focus is on keeping things safe, and ensuring that students know the techniques and rules to minimize risks. For more information, visit www. Mount Seymour also offers bothsingledaylessonsandmultiday programs for both children and adults. The mountain’s kids and youth programs — The Bear Cubs and Mountain Riders — are renowned for creating lifetime slope lovers. For adults, the Mountain Mornings program is perfect for parents who want to stay a step ahead, and the City Lights and Ladies’ Club programs offer other options. New this year, the Mount Seymour Progression Team is a season-long program for dedicated skiers and riders who want to jump to that next level. For more information, visit

Artists for Kids After School Art Winter classes begin January 17, 2011 Classes for Young Artists ages 5-18 Taught by Terrific Teachers in a North Shore school near you Equivalency Course Credit for senior students Course registration forms available in all school offices and online. For more information please call 604-903-3798

Sunday, January 2, 2011 - North Shore News - A19

Registration Guide HAPPY NEW YEAR !!

photo submitted

CAST members from Perform Art Studios Alice In Wonderland summer camp. Starting in January, the school will also offer musical theatre for children and adults with special needs.

Fuze: inclusive musical theatre What’s Your

Deana Lancaster

THERE can be no argument that singing and dancing bring joy to those who do it. But until now, on the North Shore at least, there were few opportunities for individuals with special needs to take part in organized programs. “There are inclusive musical theatre programs across Canada and the United States, but it seemed like we were missing the mark here,” said Miranda WidgeryWebber, artistic director of Perform Art Studios in North Vancouver. Beginning Jan. 10, the school will offer Fuze,

an adaptive Musical Theatre program designed for individuals with special needs of all abilities. The class incorporates theatre, music and movement, giving the participants the opportunity to have fun in an accepting environment while working towards producing an entertaining showcase for the end of the semester. “We are so excited about it,” said Widgery-Webber, who added that once planning for the program was underway in December, it wasn’t hard to make room on the school’s schedule for it. “You can always find room for something worthwhile.” During the 20-week program, participants will gain valuable insight into everything needed to put on a show. Every student will be

involved at some level to help write/ collaborate on an original script, practice acting skills through theatre games, dance, learn choreography and sing. There are three separate Fuze classes for children, teens and adults taught by Veronica Bryan and Lori Zondag, both of whom have extensive experience in the fields of special needs and the performing arts. The Fuze children’s program runs Fridays at 4:30 p.m. starting Jan. 14. The Fuze teen program runs Wednesdays, at 6 p.m., beginning Jan. 12. The Fuze adult program runs Mondays at 7:30 p.m. starting Jan. 10. For more information, visit www.


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A20 - North Shore News - Sunday, January 2, 2011


Registration Guide

call now to reserve your space for professional training pr program and classical ballet t training program auditions

Focus energy in the Acting Room


to register, contact us @ 604-926-6535

('4--2 -! %+/'" +*&( $$$,.11.$#3.1,)03

Caitlin Dowling


IF you have highenergy, chatty kids and are looking for a great way to harness that into a creative skill, consider the Acting Room program at the Parkgate Community Centre.


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Youth Sport Conditioning Winter Programs: January 3-April 3

FREE Trial Class Week: January 3-9 PRE-REGISTER TODAY! Check out the Trial Class schedule at

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NEWS photo Mike Wakefield

Back to classics TAKE ANOTHER LOOK! browse more photos from more events at

WITH January comes a return to lessons and instruction for music students across the North Shore. Mulgrave Grade 3 student Augustin Wright — here playing his cello for a holiday recital at Hillside Daycare in December — is sure to be among them.

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“I was one of those kids who was sometimes a little bit difficult to control in the classroom. I had a lot of energy, I was always talking — on my report card it always said ‘social butterfly,’ ” says class instructor Abby Creek. “Those kids who kind of struggle in a sort of stricter classroom can be free to be who they are.” Creek’s class, Acting Room Beginner, is for 9-12 year olds, and can be a great choice for quieter kids, too, offering a safe space to come out of your shell and make new friends. “It’s a really neat open environment. You can kind of do what you feel and not be afraid,” says Creek. The Acting Room course teaches kids about commercial, film and theatre acting, and the first couple of

classes in particular focus on improvisation, teaching kids how to think on their feet and gain some valuable experience, whether they’re budding thespians or not. “It’s one of those skills that I really believe you can takeV into any industry,” says Creek. “I have students who have no intention of being actors, but you know, maybe they want to go into business and so they want to do public speaking.” At the end of the nineweek course, Creek invites a Vancouver actor or director toV the class to give the studentsW some real insider information on working in the industry, from how to audition, getting known as an actor and thep opportunity to hear real stories about what it is like to work in the field. Students will also get the chance to show the professional any of the workw they have done during the course, and get some valuable feedback. The Acting Room beginner course begins on Wednesday, Jan. 12, and continues weekly until Wednesday, March 9. Classes run 3:30 p.m. until 4:30 p.m. and cost $91.20 forw the course. For more information or to register, call 604-983-6350 or visit A

Sunday, January 2, 2011 - North Shore News - A21

Registration Guide

Karate: Learn and train in traditional Shito Ryu style karate with NCCP certified instructors with Mountain Karate Association. Meet every Thursday at Queensbury elementary, 2020 Moody Ave. Juniors, 7 to 7:45 p.m.;


The ‘WayCup’ Cafe: Share views and have fun. Activities for ages 15-19. Movies, games, dancing, great food and a lot more. Every Monday, 7-9 p.m., Highlands United Church, 3255 Edgemont Blvd., North Vancouver. Info: 778-3893357 or

BASEBALL Registration

Leagues now forming for boys and girls age 5-18 including the Challenger division. Call your nearest location today!

525 Air Cadet Squadron: Youth ages 12-18 meet every Tuesday, 6:30-9:30 p.m. at Ecole Cedardale, 595 Burley

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Registration Information on Website

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Tuesday, January 4th 10:00-11:15 am Wednesday, January 5th 6:00-7:15 pm Thursday, January 6th 6:00-7:15 pm (Men’s Class) Saturday, January 8th 10:00-11:15 am

In Person:

Jan 15 12-5pm

In Person Registration Jan 16 12-5pm Capilano Mall

Sea to

Come join us on the mat for a

Navy League Cadets offer youth ages nine to 12 band, sailing, first aid, citizenship, seamanship, summer camp and friendships. Meetings are held Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m., at 1555 Forbes Ave., North Vancouver. Info: 604-988-8911 ext. 2 or nlcc46. — Compiled by Debbie Caldwell.

Home of the 2011 Canadian Championships

rtwell Dri

St. Andrew’s Sunshine Kids: A free program for children

all levels, 7:30 to 9 p.m. New members welcome. Fee: $7.50 per session. For more info phone 604-929-0865.

Family Storytime and Crafts: Drop-in for ages four to eightyears-old, Tuesdays from 7 to 7:30 p.m. at the North Vancouver City Library, 120 West 14th St.

North Vancouver Youth Band is looking for new members at all levels. Practices are held Monday to Thursday. Info: 604-980-5823


Shop and Stroll: A free mom and baby exercise class every Monday,9:30a.m.atParkRoyal Shopping Centre’s north mall. Meet in front of Eddie Bauer store. Info: 604-461-7827 or www.runnersandbootiesfitness. com.

Capilano Youth Orchestra welcomes new players ages five to 25. Practices are held on Tuesdays, 4:15-5:15 p.m. for junior strings, 5:30-7 p.m.

15 St

Open Door: A support group for single mothers of preschool-age children, with free child care and workshops, meets Mondays, 9:30 a.m.1:30 p.m., at 870 Lynn Valley Rd., North Vancouver. Lunch will be served. Info: 604-9851122 local 28.


Circle of Care: A free drop-in program for family child-care providers, nannies and children five years old and younger, Tuesdays, 9:30-11:30 a.m. at John Braithwaite Community Centre, 145 West First St., North Vancouver. Info: North Shore Community Resources,

27 St

French for Fun: Drop-in French program for children ages three to five years old every Monday from 10:15 to 10:45 a.m. at the North Vancouver City Library, 120 West 14th St.

ages two and a half to four and a half, Mondays, 3:30-4:30 p.m. at St. Andrew’s United Church, 1044 St. Georges Ave., North Vancouver. There will be singing, stories and activities to support the spiritual growth of children. Info: 604-985-0408 or

Army Cadets: Tuesday evenings, 6:30 p.m., at the J.P. Fell Armoury, 1513 Forbes Ave., North Vancouver. All boys and girls 12-18 years old are welcome. No cost. Info: 604-666-6222 or www.cadets. net/pac/2573army.


Family Place: Drop-in for children under five and their caregivers, Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to noon at the West Vancouver Community Centre, 2121 Marine Drive. Drop-in: $3. Info: 604-925-7141.

for intermediate orchestra and 7:15-9:45 for senior orchestra at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, 1110 Gladwin Dr., North Vancouver. Info: 604988-8818 or dlmusicstudio@

Grand Boulevard

kids’ stuff

After-school Sports: Ages eight to 15 can drop in for fun any Monday, Wednesday or Friday, 3:30-5:30 p.m. at John Braithwaite Community Centre, 145 West First St., North Vancouver. Fee: $1.

Dr., West Vancouver. Info: 604-925-4434.


A22 - North Shore News - Sunday, January 2, 2011

TASTE connecting our community

A very good year in wine tasting

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Notable Potables Tim Pawsey

LOOKING back over a year of tasting, it’s hard to single out only a few highlights. However, ultimately, wine is about the people who make it and — occasionally — the meals or tastings that we are lucky enough to share with them. Several B.C. pioneers came to Vancouver for the 20th anniversary of VQA, among them Wild Goose founder Adolf Kruger, Howard Soon of Calona, Sandhill and Peller Estates, Gordon Fitzpatrick at CedarCreek, Harry McWatters of Sumac Ridge and, of course, many more. It was good to see just how well some of these wines are aging — among them Wild Goose 2004 Gewurz, and a minivertical of Sandhill Small Lots Sangiovese. Many Kiwis made the long trek to the Vancouver Playhouse Wine Festival, among them Villa Maria founder Sir George Fistonich. We met up with Sir George at newly minted Oru and had a chance to taste some of New Zealand’s best value wines. Match of the day? Tropicaltoned 2009 Sauvignon Blanc with grilled scallops and enoki mushrooms. Very few winemakers have enjoyed the long association that Penfolds senior winemaker Peter Gago has with Vancouver. The result? When Gago comes to town you can expect a packed house, as at Blue Water this past summer. Part of the reason — aside from the consistently good quality Penfolds delivers — is that Gago was a teacher before coming to wine, and he

remains a brilliant communicator. Too many wines, too little time. RWT 2007, Bin 707 Cabernet Sauvignon 2007— and a young but already approachable, superbly balanced 2005 Grange. “It’s all about tannin management,” says Gago. Sometime in the spring we enjoyed dim sum at Sun Sui Wah with St. Hubertus co-owner Andy Gebert. True to form, it was a laidback affair, with a half dozen St. Hubertus bottles in the middle of the round table and good tastes of jellyfish, Alaskan King crab and more; great matches mixed in with Andy’s inescapable jokes. Best match: St. Hubertus Riesling with spicy garlic prawns (PWS c. $15) Touring Yecla, in south eastern Spain last summer, the bus was almost too big for some of the tiny towns we explored. In Raspay, Alicante, locals watched unamused as the coach gently nudged the main street’s hanging baskets out of the way. Minutes later, we were at bustling Casa Ricardo with Castano’s Daniel Perez enjoying paella arozz conejo y caracoles, (a paellastyled dish with rabbit and escargots) cooked over vine cuttings in an open fire. The wine? Well structured Bodegas Castano Hecula 2008 (BCLS $14.99). Fast forward to Portugal this November and an extraordinary lunch with flagship Quinta do Perdigão owner José Perdigão in a stone-walled restaurant in the remarkable reconstructed Roman era village of Póvoa Dão in Silgueiros, Viseu. Well balanced Quinta do Perdigão Colheita 2007; and mochatoned, black-cherried, smokey and structured Quinta do Perdigão Touriga Naçional 2006. A snapshot of where Portuguese table wines are headed. Happy New Year!

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photos Tim Pawsey

JUST a few of the highlights from the year’s memorable pairings: top, the 2008 Bodegas Castano Hecula matched a paella arozz conejo y caracoles cooked over vine cuttings in an open fire. Centre: Villa Maria at Oru; bottom photo: St. Hubertus Riesling with spicy garlic prawns at Sun Sui Wah.

Sunday, January 2, 2011 - North Shore News - A23


Learning the way of the puppy

THERE certainly are a lot of Christmas puppies around!

All day long today I saw newly devoted dog owners walking their pint sized charges around the neighbourhood. With their little happy bottoms waddling to and fro, they trot with unco-ordinated legs and feet too large for their bodies. Their long tails whip in no particular direction as they gleefully investigate everything around them. Everything is new to them at this age. Yet they move forward with great faith and hope, never looking back or reconsidering their choices. And that’s just it, isn’t it? Puppies are such an incredible symbol of hope. Think about it. They take 60 days to develop in their mother’s womb. They are born blind and deaf with the mobility of a worm. Their only fully developed sense is their smell and they follow that and instinct to keep them alive, with the help of their mother’s milk and nurturing. Then, eight weeks later, (yes, eight weeks; a puppy should not be taken away from its litter and mother before that time) they are

Canine Connection Joan Klucha

removed from the only environment they have known and placed in a completely new one. Here, the one thing they knew that would keep them alive — their mother — is gone. She has vanished from the face of the earth, and still they thrive, never looking back, never afraid, taking only what they need from the past into the present moment, which is joy and follow your nose! And of course, just incredible hope that everything is going to work out perfectly. That’s something to ponder as we enter into the new year, or is it a year anew? . . . Anyway. Imagine what it would be like, even for a moment, to have that innocent puppy-like faith and hope in your life

again. For all the new dog owners, I am sure you are hoping to raise your puppy the best that you can by following healthy advice and enrolling into a puppy kindergarten program of some kind. There are many programs around, all offering socialization skills and beginner obedience. Some people may opt for a more one-on-one approach that caters to your dog as it develops rather than the group classes. Either way, puppy socialization and human leadership should be the main goal of any puppy program. What about the rest of us, with mature dogs? Maybe this is the year that you actually take your dog into a formal obedience class and learn proper communication skills and, of course, leadership. Or maybe this is the year you try something new, like a tracking class, agility or rally-o. All are great ways to stimulate your dog’s mind and build your relationship with your dog. Or maybe this is the year you just decide to make time for your dog. Instead of a dog walker five days a week, maybe you can cut down to

four and take your own dog out for a walk during the week and enjoy the peace that comes with that walk. But if peace is not what you get when you walk your dog, because they are pulling you around or dragging you after squirrels, maybe this is the year you hire a professional trainer to help with those issues and get that calm, submissive dog that you hear about on Cesar Milan’s shows. Maybe this is the year that you hope to connect with your dog on a deeper level, a more spiritual one that leads you in a new direction along your life journey. Viewing life through the eyes of a creature that is not a human being, or master of the spiritual teachings of Buddha, Jesus, Tao or whatever your personal beliefs are, yet lives each day filled with an enviable level of faith and hope would certainly be a resolution. Puppies mature into dogs just as children mature into adults. And puppies’ personalities change, just as humans do as they mature. But one thing that dogs never lose (but people do) is the hope they are born with, and continue to express every moment of every day.

NEWS photo Cindy Goodman

Puppy power

FRANCES Randall holds puppies Mavis, Percy, Molly and Salty (named after Thomas the Tank Engine characters). Randall is a volunteer breeder caretaker of PADS dog China, who had her litter Oct. 25. The young brood will eventually become assistance dogs.

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A24 - North Shore News - Sunday, January 2, 2011

NORTH SHORE SPORT — TOP FIVE STORIES OF 2010 1. Maëlle Ricker’s Olympic gold 2. Lauren Woolstencroft, Paralympic hero 3. Cypress Mountain’s champions and controversy 4. Eugene Wong NCAA/Canadian player of the year 5. Martin Jones, top WHL goalie HONOURABLE MENTIONS ■ Perfect season for Carson Graham senior girls field hockey team ■ West Van schools 1-2-3 in boys AA rugby provincials ■ Jessica Smith runs away with middle distance titles


We really did own the podium of 2010 Top 5 stories

Andy Prest

THE year 2010 must go down as one of the greatest in the history of North Shore sports. Not only did West Vancouver’s Cypress Mountain host several marquee events during the 2010 Olympic Winter Games, but one of our own claimed a historic gold medal on that very mountain. Wowsers. The Olympic and Paralympic Games dominate our annual list of the top five stories in North Shore Sport. Without further ado, let’s count ‘em up. Happy New Year! 1. Maëlle Ricker — Golden Girl I feel like this section could be written in all caps with exclamation points after every sentence. MAELLE RICKER WON AN OLYMPIC GOLD IN HER HOMETOWN! I won’t continue the caps and exclamation points, but feel free to imagine they are still there if it helps you take in the scope of her accomplishment. Not only did she win on a mountain just down the road from the home she grew up in, but Ricker’s snowboard cross victory also made history as the first Olympic gold medal won by a Canadian woman on home soil. A dominant force on the snowboard cross scene for several years, Ricker was the gold-medal favourite coming into the Olympics, but her dreams were nearly shattered before the event’s elimination races even began. The Cypress Mountain course was treacherous during qualifying runs and Ricker fell in her first time trial and did not end up with a fast

photo Mark van Manen/PNG News Service

NORTH Vancouver resident Lauren Woolstencroft won every Paralympic event she competed in. The downhill skier won five gold medals — bringing her career medal count to 10 — and carried the Canadian flag during the 2010 closing ceremonies. enough time to move on to the elimination finals. As fog blanketed the mountain there was some debate about whether or not they would be able to run the second round of qualifying. The fog eventually

lifted and the second runs did take place, and Ricker came through, posting the third best time. Her teammate, Dominique Maltais, ranked No. 3 in the world to Ricker’s No. 1, was not so fortunate, as

she crashed in both her runs and did not advance to the elimination rounds. Once Ricker made it to the four-woman elimination heats she was unstoppable, advancing easily through her

quarter- and semi-finals to reach the championship race. At the top of the mountain before the final, Ricker flashed her old friend and teammate Drew Neilson the “Deerfield Posse” sign, an homage to an old shared apartment in North Vancouver, before blasting out of the starting gates and taking a commanding lead. The noise at Cypress reached a crescendo as Ricker came into view all by herself. Anthony Findlay, a North Vancouver trainer who worked with Ricker for four years preparing her for the Games, was there at the finish line, but he could barely see Ricker glide into the history books. “I couldn’t; I was crying,” he told the North Shore News moments after the race. “She is the best in the world — she proved that today, but she has been for a long time.” After the race, Ricker said she fed off of the hometown fans. “I had a lot of support, felt the Canadian crowd and felt the family and friends in the stands,” she said. “I was really focused, really thinking about my snowboarding technique, my lines, the job I had to do on the snow. It just sort of hit me after the finish there . . . and I looked up at the crowd and saw my family and friends. Since then I’ve been a little bit on cloud nine.” Ricker topped her year off by winning the Crystal Globe as the top snowboard cross racer of the 2009-10 season, as well as the overall Crystal Globe as the top boarder across all disciplines — dropping into a World Cup halfpipe for the first time since 2007 to secure the winning points. She’s shown no signs of slowing down in the 2010-11 season, reaching the podium in all three of the World Cup races staged in December. Sorry, I can’t resist once more: WOW, WHAT A CHAMPION! 2. Lauren Woolstencroft — Five Golden Rings North Vancouver resident

See Olympics page 25

Sunday, January 2, 2011 - North Shore News - A25


Olympics at Cypress Mountain went from ridiculous to sublime From page 24


Soon after the Games Woolstencroft announced her retirement from competitive skiing. 3. Cypress Mountain — Peaks and Valleys West Vancouver’s own Cypress Mountain was home to the thrill of victory and the agony of wet feet as controversy and celebration both came to town during the Olympic Games. Record-breaking wet and warm weather in the months leading up to the Games left Cypress alarmingly lacking in snow. The world watched and laughed as course makers pulled out all the stops — including trucking in snow from other mountains and choppering in hay bales to substitute for a snow base — to get the Olympic runs ready. The worst news came after rain poured down over the first weekend of competition and organizers were forced to cancel 28,000 tickets as poor conditions made the standing-room-only area for snowboard cross, snowboard halfpipe, freestyle ski cross and snowboard parallel giant slalom unsafe for spectators. The rain washed away almost a foot of snow from the spectator area, leaving a thin layer over bales of hay that had been moved in to build up the area prior to the competition. The news was gutwrenching for ticket holders, but the show went on, and See Hitman page 26


photo Golf Canada/Graig Abel

NORTH Vancouver’s Eugene Wong was showered with honours for his brillant play in 2010, winning the Jack Nicklaus Award as the year’s top Div. 1 NCAA player and also being named Canadian amateur male golfer of the year.



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Lauren Woolstencroft is a reserved, understated young woman who works as an engineer for BC Hydro. She even helped set up the power grids for some of the Olympic and Paralympic venues. Fitting, then, that when the Paralympics began she lit up the entire world with an amazing performance, winning five alpine skiing gold medals in five events before being chosen to carry the Canadian flag into the Closing Ceremonies in Whistler. With wins in slalom, giant slalom, downhill, super G and super combined, Woolstencroft became the first woman ever to earn five gold medals in a single Paralympic Winter Games. The Calgary native, born without both legs below the knees and no left arm below the elbow, skis with two prosthetic legs and competes in the alpine standing category. Her 2010 medal haul gave her 10 total medals in three Paralympic Games. But even with all that hardware and all those podium appearances, Woolstencroft said the highlight of the Games for her came on the final day as she led the Canadian team through the streets of Whistler and into the Closing Ceremonies. “I was really humbled to have that honour, given the other great athletes on the team. It was a great surprise,” Woolstencroft told the North

Shore News. “Walking with the flag in the parade was such a fun experience. The streets of Whistler were packed and obviously the Canadian flag was the most popular — it was a once in a lifetime experience.” Woolstencroft deserves every accolade that is coming her way, said Anne Bethune, president of Vancouver Adaptive Snow Sports, an organization that runs skiing and snowboarding programs for people with disabilities at Grouse, Seymour and Cypress mountains. “It’s beyond exciting to watch her ski,” said Bethune, who also works as an athlete classifier for para-alpine racing. “I’ve been teaching people with disabilities to ski for 23 years and . . . to see her skiing, given her status, she is just phenomenal. The bottom line is she is just a phenomenal athlete.” Many of the students and instructors from the VASS program were there in Whistler to watch Woolstencroft perform. “It’s just totally inspiring to watch Lauren excel in our very own backyard,” said Bethune. “(The Paralympics) give our students role models that they can relate to and they don’t necessarily get that in the able-bodied world. But when you see someone who is just achieving such excellence in elite sport such as Lauren that they can identify with, it’s just an absolute confidence booster for our students.”

A26 - North Shore News - Sunday, January 2, 2011


Hitman Jones named the top ‘tender in WHL

From page 25

despite having basically the worst-case scenario for weather come true, the events were held with no postponements and many of the most amazing moments of the Games occurred on those very courses. Jennifer Heil started the party for Canada on Day 2 with a silver in moguls and then Alexandre Bilodeau became a national legend after he finished first in moguls to become the first Canadian to win an Olympic gold on home soil. Ricker kept the party rolling with her historic gold two days later. On Day six, celebrity snowboarder Shaun White, the undisputed rock star of the games, thrilled the Cypress fans with an incredible performance. The Olympic halfpipe final consists of two runs for each boarder and White’s somewhat conservative first run earned him enough points to win the gold. Standing on top of the pipe for his second run with no one left to beat him, White could have mailed it in and gone home with gold. But he didn’t, choosing instead to blow the roof off the mountain with an amazing

run that included the famed Double McTwist 1260 trick, known as the scariest in the sport. The heartbreak and heroics continued throughout the games as Canadian aerials skier Warren Shouldice and ski cross racer Chris Del Bosco experienced crippling defeats while Canadian racers Ashleigh McIvor on skis and Jasey-Jay Anderson on snowboard sped to gold-medal immortality. In the end, West Vancouver’s miracle mountain, seemingly MacGyvered together with duct tape, dry ice and spit, produced many of the defining moments of the Olympics. Canada won four golds there — more than at any other venue — and six medals total. 4. Eugene Wong — Golf Great Two years ago North Vancouver’s Eugene Wong was selected No. 1 in the North Shore News best of 2008 list after winning the Callaway Golf Junior World Championships. Now a men’s amateur competitor, Wong didn’t top that amazing feat this year, but he came darn close in putting together another stellar season. In June, the Handsworth

photo Stuart Graden/Calgary Herald

IT wasn’t an easy year for Martin Jones, but the North Vancouver netminder’s hard work produced a world junior silver medal with Team Canada and the Western Hockey League’s goaltender of the year title. grad and University of Oregon golfer was selected as the Jack Nicklaus Award winner. When Wong heard the news, he was thrilled — once his coach explained what the Nicklaus

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award was. “It was 6:30 in the morning and I was sitting in the players lounge just waiting for my tee time and my coach called me,” Wong told the North Shore News after receiving the award. “I went out there and all my teammates were looking at me really funny. He comes up to me and says, ‘I just want to tell you that you’re the Nicklaus Award winner.’ I said ‘Nicklaus Award. . . . What award is this?’” The award, in fact, is given to the player of the year for all NCAA Div. 1 golfers. As a sophomore, Wong was named a first team All-American, an all-Pac-10 conference first team member and the Pac10’s co-player of the year. He won two NCAA tournaments, finished second twice and third twice while adding three other top-10 finishes and placing outside of the top-20 in only one tournament. At the NCAA championships Wong placed ninth in the individual event before helping the Ducks finish third in the team competition, the best-ever finish for the school. In August, Wong added more hardware, finishing second at the Canadian Men’s Amateur Championships to claim silver for the second time in the 106-year-old tournament. Wong shot a final round four-under 68 at the London Hunt and Country Club to finish the tournament at 14under. Toronto’s Albin Choi shot a scorching 66 in the final round to win the tournament by three strokes. Choi’s four-round total of 271 tied Richard Zokol’s 1971 record for the lowest stroke-play score in tournament history. In October, Wong took

his game global again, claiming fourth place in the individual competition at the 2010 Men’s World Amateur Team Championships held in Buenos Aires. For those successes and more, Wong, a member of the national golf team, was named in December as the Canadian amateur male golfer of the year. 5. Martin Jones — A ‘Tender Story North Vancouver hockey goalie Martin Jones has not had a totally storybook career but that doesn’t mean it’s not a great story. Mostly unnoticed as a backup goalie for the Western Hockey League’s Calgary Hitmen, Jones went undrafted in the 2008 NHL entry draft, eventually signing a free agent contract with the Los Angeles Kings. Jones eventually won the starting job and the fun really started at the end of 2009, when Jones was named a member of Team Canada for the 2010 World Junior Championships. In the tournament final, played Jan. 5 in Saskatoon, Jones went from an afterthought to a potential saviour to a bummed-out silver medalist in 18 minutes and eight seconds of ice time as Team Canada fell in overtime to Team U.S.A. Sitting on the bench as the team’s backup goalie, Jones watched as the Canadians, trying for a sixth consecutive gold medal, fell behind 5-3 six minutes and 23 seconds into the third period. That’s when Jones was thrust into the spotlight as head coach Willie Desjardins pulled starter Jake Allen and put Jones in. Two late goals from Canadian hero Jordan Eberle

tied it at 5-5 and put Jones and the Canadians into overtime with the largest audience in TSN history — an average of 5.3 million viewers that peaked at 7.5 million during the third period comeback — watching the game across the country. Less than five minutes into overtime it was all over as Team U.S.A. defenceman John Carlson snapped a shot that beat Jones, ending the game and Canada’s gold medal hopes. The loss, however, didn’t dull the goalie’s skills as he went on to earn the Western Hockey League’s goaltender of the year award as he finished the regular season first in goals against average at 2.21, first in shutouts with eight, second in wins with 36 and fourth in save percentage at 0.919. “It’s a great honour. Just to be mentioned with some of the names on that trophy is a very nice honour,” Jones told the North Shore News. Other goalies on the winner’s list include Carey Price, Cam Ward, Mike Vernon and Grant Fuhr. Soon after claiming the award Jones and the Hitmen took out the Tri-City Americans to win the Western Hockey League championship series. Jones led the team to a 4-1 series victory over the Americans, clinching the WHL title with a 4-1 win in Game 5 in Calgary. Jones stopped 31 of 32 shots in the game and was named the most valuable player of the series after the win. Jones and the Hitmen fell just sort of their ultimate goal of winning the Canadian Hockey League’s Memorial Cup trophy, losing to host team Brandon 5-4 in overtime in the tournament semifinal.

Sunday, January 2, 2011 - North Shore News - A27

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For best results please check your ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Refunds made only after 7 business days notice!

1170 1170 GLASS, Leslie Stuart




Obituaries Obituaries

Passed away quietly at home in the early afternoon of December 14, aged 93, predeceased last spring after 68 years of marriage by his wife and lifelong love, Evelyn Margaret. Born February 4, 1917, he completed schooling at George Watson’s College in Edinburgh and medical studies at Edinburgh University, graduating with his M.B. & Ch.B., then later his M.D. During WW II he served in the British Army in England & Italy and afterwards he undertook specialist training in Obstetrics & Gynaecology acquiring in London his M.R.C.O.G., and later F.R.C.O.G. In 1951 the family emigrated to Canada and he served in the Canadian Army in Canada & Korea while qualifying with the C.M.C. and F.R.C.S.C. in his speciality. Subsequently he established a successful specialty practice on the North Shore at Lions Gate Hospital then later in the Fraser Valley at the Abbotsford and Mission Hospitals. He is survived by his four children Andrew (Kathy), Fiona (Greg), Neil (Cathy) and Iain (Heather); grandchildren David (Christina), Christopher (Andrea), Karen (Kyle), Catherine (Tom), Catriona (Joerg), Annabel, Morgana, Ian Jr., Callum, Stuart; and great-grandchildren Matthew, Eric, Cooper, Tessa and Mikel. Leslie was dedicated to his chosen profession, but occupied his limited spare time in a spirit of enterprise, innovation and adventure. He revelled in designing and building including family homes, outbuildings, walls and fish ponds. Among his hobbies were beekeeping, cultivating fruit trees, and outdoor pond fish-keeping (including keeping the small ‘lake’ at the farm stocked with trout). While in Abbostsford he shared in ‘chores’ related to the running of Margaret’s Hereford cattle ranch, occasionally assisting with calving. To the last weeks of his life, he was an avid tool maker solving household problems with uniquely designed, and successful, adaptations. The family spent many vacations at Kalamalka Lake, skiing at various locations including Silver Star, and at Tofino. They undertook extensive river canoe trips in B.C., Alberta, and the Yukon. Throughout his retirement he was a passionate golfer enjoying the companionship of friends at the Seymour Golf & Country Club. He took pleasure in international travel with his family, including extensive trips with Margaret to Europe, the former Soviet Union and China. Special thanks to Rosalinda, Elizabeth, and Flora whose two hours of daily care over the past few years enabled both Margaret and Leslie to remain in their home. Thanks also to Dr. G. Chalmers and Dr. W. Mayo for their ongoing care and support and for facilitating palliative care during Leslie’s final hours at home. There will be no service by request. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the either the Lions Gate Hospital Foundation or the Fraser Valley Health Care Foundation.


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JOHANN BIRGIR Sigurdsson March 22, 1930-Dec. 23, 2010 It is with sadness in our hearts that we announce the sudden passing of our husband, father, brother, Afi and friend Johann Birgir Sigurdsson; known by most as John. Originally from Iceland John came to Vancouver in 1959. He started his hairdressing carrier here in The Bay downtown and continued throughout his 80 yrs of age by finally retiring from his shop Salon 1096 this past spring. When not behind the chair with scissors in his hand, John could be found on the golf course, skiing, silversmithing and lately at his cabin spending time with his beloved family. John had many friends and he touched everybody’s life that he came in contact with. He will always be remembered by his diplomatic and liberal views and by always having a smile and helpful hand. After a short battle our beloved John took his final walk with the angels. John is survived by his wife Ingrid, children Elin (David), Ian (Katherine), Heidi, and Danny (Fiona), his grandchildren Owen and Alexandra, Kristian, Matthew, Jamie, Amilia and Cameron, his brothers Svan (Dussy) and Smari (Inga) and many more relatives and friends throughout the world. Many thanks go to Dr. Doug McTaggart, Dr.Jennie Shaw, Dr. Harrington, Dr. Powell and Dr. Sutherland, the Cancer Clinic and Emergency staff at LGH, and a special thank you to Janine in ICU for all your understanding and caring help A celebration of John’s life will be held at: First Memorial Boal Chapel, 1505 Lillooet Rd., North Vancouver, BC on Monday, January 3rd, 2010 at 2:00pm. In lieu of flowers donations would be welcome to a Cancer charity of one’s choice.

KEAST - William Charles born October 20, 1921 in Thornbury, Ontario died peacefully December 29th, 2010 after a sudden illness. He was predeceased by his loving wife of 56 years Florence and his beloved grandson Quinn. He is survived by beloved sons Charles and Thomas (Jan), daughter Mary (Alan) and grandchildren Andrew, Sarah, Anna and Jamie and nephews Stephen Keast (Mary), Jim Keast (Susie) and Ted Keast (Mireille) and great nephews and nieces Valerie, Jeremy, Jesse and Hailey. Bill was educated in Thornbury and Collingwood, Ontario. He joined The Bank of Toronto, which subsequently became the Toronto-Dominion Bank, in 1940 where he remained for 44 years until his retirement in 1984. From 1942-1945 he served in the R.C.A.F. as a bomb aimer on the Avro Lancaster and was, at the end of the war, a Flying Officer in Bomber Command in England. Bill has been an active member of St. Philip’s Anglican Church for over 50 years, was Past President and Honorary Life Member of the Terminal City Club, member of Jericho Tennis Club, Past President and member of Point Grey Golf and Country Club, Treasurer of the Air Force Officers’ Association and a member of the Billy Bishop Legion. Following retirement he volunteered with Canadian Executive Services Overseas working throughout B.C. in their Aboriginal Program. A memorial service will be held at St. Philip’s Anglican Church, 3737 West 27th Avenue, Vancouver, at 2 pm on January 7, 2011. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Tapestry Foundation, in support of Mount St. Joseph’s Hospital, 3080 Prince Edward St., Vancouver, B.C. V5T 3N4, would be greatly appreciated.


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CAT, Black/white, long hair, lost L. Valley, 'Panda'. Reward 604-218-3326

Please email your resume to:

FOUND CROSS Pen near parking lot Xtra Foods - 17th/North Van. Call to ID. 604-763-6671.

No phone calls please

FOUND, GOLD engraved wedding ring. 2300 Block Marine Drive in West Vancouver. 604 925-3118 FOUND, LEAF Blower, (10 days ago), Marine and Cap Rd. Call 604-986-5358




Tutoring Services

FOUND SILVER EARRING on Marine in West Van. Call to id. 604-925-1253

FOODSAFE 1 Day Courses #1 in BC • $62 • 604-272-7213

15 YEARS EXP in Math & Stats tutoring with proven results. Tia 604-603-9612, 604-929-9612

LOST CHANGE PURSE, leather, Xmas Eve, Dollarton, Senior. Call 604-929-0435

FOODSAFE 1 DAY COURSES Guaranteed best value! Six Metro Vancouver Locations: Vancouver • Burnaby • Surrey • Richmond • Coquitlam • Maple Ridge All our Instructors are also working local Health Inspectors! Classes held each week & weekend! Course materials available in 6 languages. Same-day Certification. Visit our website at or call 604-272-7213 ADVANCE Hospitality Education – B.C.’s #1 Choice for Foodsafe & WorldHost Training.

TUTOR DOCTOR NORTH SHORE Tutoring for All Ages and Subjects. Experienced & Qualified Tutors. 778.340.3100

LOST SILVER chain like bracelet, Thurs, Dec 23. Call 604-922-2098 LOST SMALL Yorkie Poodle, black and brown, awnsers to Zoomie. Last seen in front of Legion 118 (15 & Lons) Nov 13. Reward. 604-440-9724. 604-591-1266. KILBEY - Rosie Annie Georgina ‘‘Rosie’’ Loved by One & by All Who knew her, passed on last Monday, December 13th, 2010. In Closing, from 2nd Timothy I have fought the Good Fight I have finished the Race I have Kept the Faith. Yes, mum, you did. David & Linda Memoriam at St. Catherine’s Church, 1058 Ridgewood (in Edgemont Village) January 6th at 1:30pm.


A division of Postmedia Network Inc.



BROWN - Jack June 18, 1925 - Dec 19, 2010 Jack passed away suddenly at Lions Gate Hospital. He was predeceased by his wife Jean and is lovingly remembered by his children Gail Smith and Marion Kovach, stepdaughter Susan Hunt, as well as his many loving grandchildren, great grandchildren, nieces, nephews and friends. A Celebration of Life will be held in January, 2011, date to be announced. In lieu of flowers, a donation to the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 118 or the Canada Post Heritage Fund would be appreciated.

Minimum Ad Size Is 1 Col x 1” Until March 31, 2011




BLAND William Denholm (Danny) May 29, 1910 - Dec. 21, 2010 Predeceased by son Garth, survived by wife Catharine and daughter Leslie. Danny was a long time resident of Lynn Valley and recently lived in Abbotsford were he passed away peacefully at Meno Hospital. He was a teacher of Auto Mechanics at Vancouver Vocational School. Dan was a member of Horse Council and enjoyed the connection to horses and riders. It was a special day for him when he celebrated his 100th birthday with family and friends on May 30, 2010. Our sincere thanks to the staff of Meno Hospital and Veteran’s Affairs. No service by request. No flowers, please.


delivery: 604-986-1337



LOST WHITE & yellow gold bracelet, Upper Capilano Rd, Dec 22nd. Very sentimental pls call 604-531-6019


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Holiday Helper

Christmas Tree Chip-Up

SAT/SUN/MON, JAN. 1/2/3 12-4pm

St. David’s Church (parking lot) 1525 Taylor Way, West Van (Taylor Way Exit off HWY 1) Tree Drop Off (parking lot). Donation accepted. For a minimum donation of $10, we will pick up & chip up your tree.

Please call Jim, 604-374-0643 100% OF PROCEEDS TO CHARITY!

Sunday, January 2, 2011 – North Shore News – A29

2118 2010



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For Sale Miscellaneous


Hey are you looking for your Grad Dress 2011? 3 Dresses available! Only Worn ONE time. Will sacrifice @ 1/2 price from original price!! Original Total Value Paid $1250 + taxes. Size Small: Blue dress asking $75, Size 4: Red dress asking $275, and Size 6: Black dress asking $275, again only worn once, mint condition!!! Call or email for photos and info at: 604-880-0288 Serious buyers only please!





FREE 32' Toshiba TV works beautifully. 604 988 3240. You pick up.


Wanted to Buy

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97A-SUN 8 am -12, Collectibles & Vintage Old trikes/bikes, books, neon sign, toys, comics, bbguns, hood ornaments, coca cola stuff, 79 Honda 185, Michael Ho surf board, coin gumball machine, robots, hotwheels, tble hockey, old watches, board games etc 2945 Lonsdale Ave



PIT BULL Pups. Pb Blue Nose, M & F, ready to go. $600 Pls Leave Message 604-819-6006

INEXPENSIVE IKEA Wardrobe & TV Stand. Free for pickup. 604-980-0007. BERNESE MOUNTAIN Dog Pups. Available now. $950/each. Call 778-241-5504 (Langley).

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POMERANIAN TEACUP babies + Mom. First shots, dewormed, dew claws. $750+. 604-581-2544 PUGS PUREBRED, no papers, 2 blk, 2 fawn, 2 fem, 2 male $850. ready Dec 29. 604-796-2227


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in the Classifieds!

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A CLEAN DRY SPLIT Maple, birch, alder. Guar lowest prices. David 604-926-0014 24H TOP KNOT FIREWOOD est 1981 Dry Alder, Birch & Maple. Pick up or delivered. Rod 604-985-7193



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Home Support

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Hotel Restaurant

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Please apply in person at 1550 Phillip Ave., North Vancouver before 11am or after 2pm.

Tim Stephens' Astral Reflections Aries March 21 - April 19: Changes loom in your ambitions, career, relations with VIPs, and your reputation. Chase success in these now, as December’s delays are past. Sunday’s wise: ponder your life direction. Pursue ambitions Monday/ Tuesday: good luck accompanies you, but so do a couple of pitfalls. A peer might fight against your rise, or your social inclinations (present or past) could mark you as unreliable, a lightweight or untrustworthy. On the plus side (and the plus is far stronger) your eagerness, as well as your contacts with administrations or government agencies, boost your prospects. Taurus April 20-May 20: Remain “above” prurient interests Sunday. Don’t invest. The weeks ahead emphasize gentle love, wisdom, compassion, far travel, intellectual pursuits, higher education, cultural or legal involvements and “big media.” December’s delays are over in these and other areas, so charge forward, especially Monday/Tuesday, when a new project might start in school, travel, a media campaign, etc. There’s a strong hint that this new venture involves a change and a “larger love!” (You might fall in love!) Work or career duties interfere with those love/travel things, so keep them apart. Gemini May 21-June 20: This week contains yes’s and no’s. The biggest “no” occurs Tuesday and Friday in investment, large money, power, clout and sexual areas. (Especially if these also involve legal, international, intellectual and cultural arenas.) The yes’s? In work, health, career Monday to Wednesday and Saturday: commitment equals eventual winning! If you have to choose between love, creativity and risk on one side and big money, clout, power, sexual magnetism on the other, choose love, creativity, risk: they control the environment right now. Your finances need change, but not expansion. You’re loved.

Cancer June 21-July 22: December’s delays are past, so you can confidently move forward, start projects, etc. The general accent lies now on relationships, opportunities and challenges, diplomacy and co-operation. This week contains beautiful “open doors” (especially to love and legal, international and intellectual relationships) and one major closed door (generally, to a “mature” relationship or to a practical, business-oriented agreement). If you recognize which is which, what’s open, what’s closed, you’ll save time, effort. Hint: “H,” “S” and “Y” have closed vibes. Breakthroughs Monday to Wednesday! Leo July 23-Aug. 22: Work, work and health issues, Leo. Ah, well, just plod through. The confusions and delays of December are gone. Sunday’s mildly romantic. A new work project might start Monday/ Tuesday – some great luck fills the security-homeinvestment-commitment area these days. It’s a great time to invest – but not in machinery, work tools, new employees, etc. Applies all week to Friday morning. Changing your work-home set-up might benefit you. (E.g., moving your office to your home.) Relationships are pleasant Wednesday noon to Friday. Secrets, sexy lures and good research doorways Saturday. Virgo Aug. 23-Sept. 22: Spend Sunday quietly at home. Romance is very complicated (and will stay so through mid-late 2012). Your romantic side suffers from conflicting motives, urges. Romance is trying to conquer itself, or reshape itself into something new. (For romance, you can read: sense of love, pleasure, self-indulgence, ego, creativity, risk, joy.) Where love is mature, seeks partnership, it succeeds (especially Monday/Tuesday and Friday night/Saturday). Where it “refuses to grow up,” it loses. (I think; everything’s complicated.) Work succeeds Wednesday noon to Friday. Don’t gamble nor invest this week.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Libra Sept. 23-Oct. 22: This entire decade (and half of next) life nudges you to change your abode. This will often peak in winter, as it did last week and does now. But there is also a problem around your home 2010-2012. You might be subject to a force larger than yourself. E.g., you might have to move due to expropriation, a legal ruling, the job market, etc. A change in abode can also merely mean a renovation, or a child moves away to school, etc. – natural, good things! Monday/Tuesday are excellent days to act on these nudges toward change, but not to attempt to overrule them. That won’t work. Scorpio Oct. 23-Nov. 21: The delays and confusions of December are ended, so march ahead. Avoid major investments before Jan. 22. The grace and charm of your communications helps you capture love, especially Monday/Tuesday and Friday night/Saturday. But avoid gossip, revealing too much, or speech that is too sober or ambitious – these chase love away. The same advice, pro and con, applies to travel, general communications, and casual friendships. Watch what you tell “head office.” Chase money Sunday. Home, family co-operate and please you Wednesday eve to Friday. Discuss summer travel. Sagittarius Nov. 22-Dec. 21: Chase money, buy and sell, seek a pay raise, more clients, etc. You can safely pursue new projects, as December’s delays are over. But don’t confuse chasing money with chasing your dreams. They are yet are not one and the same. They might directly conflict – e.g., I dream of living on a south sea island, but I can’t earn my living there; or both dreams and your money situation might change and evolve in a kind of tag-team wrestling match. To get your dream you change your job, and that in turn changes your dreams. Such choices arise Monday/ Tuesday (lucky!) and late week.

Jan. 2 - Jan. 9 Capricorn Dec. 22-Jan. 19: Your energy, charisma and effectiveness ride a wave of success! Rest, catch your breath Sunday: contemplate future steps. Your energy soars Monday to Wednesday. Communications prove very lucky, especially on the social side. But in all this there might be the accurate realization that your social methods/goals have to change and, further complicating it, that your social desires are tied to your prestige and accomplishments. E.g., you can only join that new circle if your career rises a rung or two. You’ll succeed, you’ll climb that ladder. Chase money Thursday/Friday. Aquarius Jan. 20-Feb. 18: Optimism makes Sunday happy, but your energy and charisma temporarily ebb to a low point until Jan. 20. So stay in the background, rest, be charitable, deal with government and/or institutions, fulfil neglected obligations, seek spiritual enlightenment. These areas are emphasized Monday to Wednesday noon – a new project might begin, or you might perceive how these areas are in need of deep change (a long, deep change – now to 2024). Your legal situation or “world view” might be preventing such change. Think! Career and money face super luck Monday/Tuesday – start something! Pisces Feb. 19-March 20: December’s delays are finished, so charge after your goals and wishes. Be ambitious Sunday; deal with higher-ups. Your luck soars Monday to Wednesday dawn, especially in legal, publishing, far travel, international, educational, media and cultural ventures, and particularly where these involve social/romantic wishes or career ambitions. Whatever happens, don’t be skeptical: love, embrace, start things! Realize your social goals are changing: promote this. Rest, retreat late Wednesday to Friday. Your charisma and energy soar in time for a New Year’s celebration. You’ll be feted! • Reading: 416-686-5014

A30 – North Shore News – Sunday, January 2, 2011

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Apartments & Condos

2 BDRM. 1 bath. $1,675 w/d, d/w, f/p, prkg, balcony, 912 sq ft., no pets, n/s. Avail Feb 1. 604-980-4998


North Van Apt. Rentals

★ CENTRAL LONSDALE ★ Spacious 1 BR. Featuring large kitchen, lots of storage, heat/hot water incl. N/s, no pets.$970 Avail Feb 1. 604-983-0634 1 BDRM, $825, 2 BDRM, $1150, Cent. Lons. nice quiet bldg, n/p, available NOW, 604-988-3227 1 BR $1095. avail now, 2 BR $1595 avail Dec 1; all ocean view, renovated, dw, ns, cat ok, lower Lonsdale, 604-988-1939 1 br $900, Bach $825. both reno, hardwood/carpet balc. bright, quiet, storage, ug prkg & heat, np, Jan. 1. 312 E 1. 604-729-2420 1 Br $875, Jan. 1 reno, hardwood 280 E 2nd.. 778-855-2420 1 BR, corner ste, top flr, view, hw flrs, avail Jan 1 or 15. Lons & 23rd. $825. ns, np. 604-986-4927 1 BR, large $870, Immed/ Feb 1 Gated prkg, quiet, drapes, heat incl. no pets. 1 yr lease, walk to seabus 170 W 4th. 604-987-0558 1 BR, large, $875, hardwood, hot water heat, Adult oriented, ns, np, Jan.1 or Jan 15. 604-202-3458 1 Br, Large, city/ocean view, $865, avail immed or Feb. 1. heat incl. quiet. drapes. gated or free prkg, no pets, 1 yr lease. 310 East 2nd, 604-904-0956 1 BR Large, long South facing balcony. E10 St, $980 incl heat & cable, ns, np, ref’s, well main’t quiet building. Avail Imm, suit quiet tennant(s). 604-317-7425

1 BR Lonsdale & W 4th, concrete building, secure prkg, bright, quiet & clean ste, Avail Feb1st, $1150+ heat. ns, np. 604-250-5803 121 WEST 20th. Newly reno 2 BR, 3rd flr. hardwood, heat & hw incl’d, 1 yr lease np, $1400, avail now, 604-681-2521 2 BR, 13 & Lonsdale, hardwood, ns, no pets $1050 incl heat, avail Jan. 1, 604-984-9367 2 BR bright, hi-spd/cable, hardwood, ns, np, nr seabus, quiet bldg. $1600, 604-708-8998 X308

2 BR bright spacious, top flr, central Lonsdale, quiet well kept bldg. ns, np, avail Jan 1. $1192incl heat/hw, 604-904-7545


Apartments & Condos


North Van Apt. Rentals

2 BR, new reno & carpets, $1250 np, ns, avail now, 225 East 12th 604-786-3405 2 BR, top flr, corner ste, 6th & Lons. hw flrs, view, $1275, avail Feb 1 or 15. 604-986-4927

BLUERIDGE APTS (Family complex )

2 & 3 BR Jan. 1, new reno’s, new cabinets, laminate & tiles, newer appls, prkg, storage, incl heat & hw, playground (Mt Seymour Prkwy). 604-924-3628

h/wtr ns np Jan 1 604-323-4467

EVERGREEN - 161 East 17th St. A 1 br spacious, clean well maint, np, ns. Available. 604-990-8907 LE CHATEAU, 1110 E 27th, Lynn Valley 1, 2 & 3 Br large starting @ $980. np, ns, 604-980-9219

990-2971 or Wkends 778-340-7406


As new 1 BR. Will be available long term. Air conditioned. Lease and excellent references a must. $1,350. Al Dodimead, ACD Realty 604 521-0311 view this & other properties @ PARKRIDGE TERRACE 110 E. Keith Rd. Great location, park like setting, sauna, indoor pool. 1 BR. $1075 2 Br. $1450 up views, storage. NO PETS. 604-988-7379

2 BR, new, Central, modern finishes, top appls. 1000 sf. Walk all ammen, $2100, avail Jan 1. 604-377-6559

Apartments & Condos


West Van Apt. Rentals

Luxury Over The Seawall! 1 BR& 3 BR pool rec. rm, pet ok 2190 Bellevue Av. 604-926-6287

1775 Bellevue Avenue HOLLYBURN PLAZA 2 BR - Avail Jan 1 Starting at $1820. Fully Reno’d, granite countertops, Breathtaking Mnt & ocean view, new appls, d/w, new kitchen & bath rm cabinets, 2 balc, 1.5 baths, HW floors, Walk to shops & restaurants. Steps to Seawall, transit & beaches. Sorry, no pets. 1 yr lse. Call 604-922-4724 to view.

195 21st Street BELLEVUE TOWER 1 BR & 2 BR Avail Jan 1

Prestigious building next to seawall. Completely renovated, granite c/tops, new appls, d/w, new kitchen & bath rm cabinets, indoor pool. Stunning ocean, city & mnt view. Steps to community ctr, shops, transit & restaurants. Sorry, no pets. 1 yr lse.

Call 604-922-8815 to view.

AMBLESIDE TOWER Studio & 1 BR avail. Excellent views, rents incl. heat & h/w. Tennis courts, indoor pool, saunas, exercise & games rooms on premises. Walk to beach & shops. 1552 Esquimalt 604-922-8443

Park Royal Towers Completely Renovated

1 & 2 Bdrm Suites 1BR (700-770 sq.ft.) 2 BR (1070 sq. ft.)

Spectacular Views, Walk to Shops & Transit Hardwood Floors Pool Rent includes all utilities.


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1 BR, Time Bldg,15th flr view, w/d, f/p, tv, nr seabus, $1395


A SHORT STAY Renos, family, execs, long term. 604-987-2691 DEEP COVE, 2 br, 2 ba, house. - Luxury, panoramic view, spa/jacuzzi, $4500, pets ok 778-829-6993 DEEP COVE, Short / long stay, 1 Br & den, ensuite, furn or unfurn close to beach, park, shops, w/d, n/s, incredible view, $1500 incl. avail now. 604-929-3364 HOMAWAY INNS Specializing in furn accom at reas rates. call 604-723-7820 or visit

The Pink Palace on the Seawall 2, 2 bath spacious Indoor/outdoor pools. Fitness centre & billiard room, small pets allowed, no smoking 2222 Bellevue Ave. To view: 604-926-0627

UPPER LONSDALE studio bsmt suite, great transition accomm or out of town prof, fully equipped, new. Utils, hd tv, net etc incl, share w/d. $1150 mth, long term rates avail 604-988-3895


Houses - Rent

3 BR character, N. Van, 3 ba, 2 kitchens, 2 f/p, updated $2500. 604-925-8824 5BR 3BATH 2-lvl house, mint cond. UPPER LYNN VALLEY. Big, Pte fenced b/y, easy drway. Great schls w/in walkg dist: 5-min walk to Upper Lynn Elem’ry, 20 min. to Argyle Sec. Clse to parks, shop’g, etc. Avail Feb. 01. $2,700/mo. 604-983-3748


Office/Retail Rent

410 sf, Office 277 Mtn. Hwy near 2nd Narrows with balcony. Avail Feb 1st. 604-341-1870


Shared Accommodation


North Vancouver

LOVELY PRIVATE room, suits ns female, kitchen, dining & living rms, $525 incl heat/light, furn. cable, net, computer, Jan 1st, 2 blks to Lonsdale, 778-885-8864



AVAIL NOW! Lower Lonsdale storage space, 600sf, electricity $450, 604-983-9493

CAULFEILD 4 BR, 2 ba Rancher, hardwood, f/p, w/d, pet ok $2300. 604-925-8824

Suites/Partial Houses

2 BR bsmt, bright, wd, dw, ns, Ambleside, Park Royal, Bus, Cat OK, $1295incl utils 778-848-2747 2 br. garden level, central Lonsdale, fully reno’d, enclosed garage.$1625 incl heat/light, dw, wd, fp, ns np. Available Immed. 604-925-1036 2 BR Lrg Bsmnt, Lynn Valley & Hofkins, avail Imm. $1200 incl util. shared w/d, ns, np. 604-982-0522 3 BDRM 11/2 bath Upper Part of House, Lower Capilano $1500 incl. util N/S No Pets, Shared W/D, Avail. now or Feb. 1 JAN 1. Furn’d short term 1-3 mo. 1 or 2 Br ste. ns, np. Fully self contained - Lonsdale. 604-988-6082


Townhouses Rent

3 Br. large $1750, Immed or Feb 1. new kitchen & appls. Parklike Setting, Outdoor Pool, playground, priv. yard, 1300sf, drapes, heat & prkg incld. dw, 1.5 baths, 1 yr lease. no pets, 1228 Emery Pl. near Lynn Valley Mall. 604-987- 4922

Don’t Miss THIS!

3 BR t/house in quiet complex, 1.5 baths, fenced patio, pool, playground, near bus & shops, $1620 + utils, Dollarton & Seymour. Feb 1, 604-929-6024


Scrap Car Removal


Scrap Car Removal


Cash for junk cars! $100 to $1000 Ask about our $500 Credit!

BRIT. PROP. 4200sf. 4/5 br, 3 bath, view, large landscaped prop Jan. 1, $5500, 604-418-9463



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DEEP COVE 604-929-5191 - n/s - 2 BR seaside cottage $2275 - 3 BR large lot, quiet area $2050

LUXURY 6 BR, 6 ba, West Van, dbl garage, media room $5500. 604-925-8824 STOP RENTING-RENT TO OWN ● No Qualification - Low Down ● COQUITLAM - 218 Allard St. 2 bdrm HANDY MAN SPECIAL!!! HOUSE, bsmt/2 sheds....$888/M NEW WEST- 1722-6th Av 2 bdrm HOUSE w/1 suite 2 f/p,Long term finance, new roof, RT-1..$1,288/M SURREY- 6297 134 St. Solid 5 bdrm HOUSE w/2 bdrm suite on 1/4 acre lot with views... $1,688/M CHILLIWACK - 9557 Williams, 3 bdrm, 1 bath, cozy HOUSE on 49x171’ lot, excellent investment property in heart of town..... $888/M Call Kristen (604)786-4663


ATTRACTIVE mature European lady on North Shore for delightful bodysage. ANITA, 604-808-5589

EXOTIC Beauty Shontel avail for discreet relaxation sessions on the North Shore..... 604-980-9938

High Pymts/Expired Listing/No Equity?

QUALITY SHORT TERM 1 - 2 BR mtn/city view suites

935 Marine Drive

2 BR Large 1st floor. E 10 St, $1030 incl heat & cable, ns, np, ref’s, well main’t quiet building. Avail Feb 1, suit quiet tennant(s). 604-317-7425 2 BR, large apt character bldg hardwood, heat, hot water, cat ok! $1110, Jan. 15, 604-983-0423



2 BR, family complex, 1 bath, rec fac. pool, wd, Westview, 1 prkg, ns np $1425 Feb 1, 604-921-4384

★ ALERT: WE BUY HOUSES ★ Foreclosure Help! Debt Relief! No Equity! Don’t Delay! Call us First! 604-657-9422






Rates From As Low As



Ask us for details Offer may change without notice.

816 AUTOMALL DRIVE, NORTH VANCOUVER Toll free: 1-888-602-9258 604-984-0331

Escort Services

A NICE ASIAN LADY For gentlemen only 604-957-1030 GENTLEMEN! Attractive discreet European lady is available for company. 604 451-0175


MOUNTAIN VILLAGE APTS. 3 BR, Feb. 1. 604-988-3828 TUCKTON PLACE 1520 Chesterfield Rd. NV 2 bdrm $1350 No pets. Call 604-

Real Estate


1 BR, lrg, bright, blcny h/wd, west exp 15th & Lonsdale, $915 incl heat



DELBROOK GARDENS 2 BR $1540 Wdays 604-990-2971 Weekends 604-985-2876 Delbrook Gardens 777 W. Queens Rd -1 BR $1250. Wkdays 562-7097/Wkends 985-2876

Houses - Sale

We Will Take Over Your Payment Until We Sell Your Property. No Fees. Call Kristen today (604) 812-3718

3 BR, 120 West 19 now. approx 1200sf, hardwood, heat/hw incl, 1 yr lease, np $1800. 604-681-2521 Beautiful Large Suites - 1 BR from $915, now or Jan 1. 2 BR $1320, now or Jan 1. $300 Movein Allowance 2 BR only. Heat, h/w, prkg. Lease 604-986-3866


✔Do you Own a Car? ✔Borrow up to $10000.00 ✔No Credit Checks! ✔Cash same day, local office



Legal Services

Sports & Imports

Central Auto

The North Shore’s Best 2004 Mercedes Benz E500 4 Matic Station Wagon, auto/ Tiptronic, AWD, pwr tailgate, sunroof, leather heated seats, local, only 77k & spotlessly kept. $25,850 2004 BMW X3 3.0 SUV AWD, auto/Steptronic, local, panorama roof, only 91K, spotless. $19,850 2004 Jaguar “X Type” 3.0 4dr Sedan All Wheel Drive, auto, local, only 64k, sunroof, leather pwr heated seats, spotless. $16,850 2005 Mercedes Benz C230 4Dr Kompressor auto, local, alloy wheels, only 70k, spotless $15,850 2002 Mercedes Benz C320 4dr Luxury Sedan, auto/ Tiptronic, local, leather, sunroof, pwr heated seats, only 52k from new, spotless. $14,850

Happy New Year


2004 Mercedes Benz C240 4dr Sedan, auto/tiptronic, local, sunroof, alloy wheels, only 63k, immaculate $14,850 2004 Mercedes Benz C240 4Dr Sedan, auto/Tiptronic, local, only $14,850 56k, spotless. 2002 Infiniti QX4 Luxury SUV, auto, local, leather pwr heated seats, sunroof, 3.5L V6 engine, All Wheel Drive, very well kept. $13,850 2003 Audi A4 1.8t Quattro, 4dr, auto/Tiptronic, leather heated pwr seats, sunroof, local, only 51k & spotlessly kept. $13,850


Wed to Sat 9am - 5pm 2002 Jaguar “X Type” 2.5 All Wheel Drive 4dr Sedan, auto, local, leather, sunroof, heated seats, only 49K, spotlessly kept. $13,850 1999 Mercedes Benz SLK 230, retractable steel top convertible, auto/Tiptronic, local, leather heated seats, only 51k from new, spotless. $12,850 1999 Mercedes Benz E320 4 Matic Station Wagon, only 141k, extremely well kept. $11,850 1997 Saab 900SE 2.0 Turbo Convertible, 5spd manual, local, leather pwr heated seats, only 71k from new, exceptionally well cared for. $5,850

Serving the North Shore for over 30 years!

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843 West 1st St. N. Van


Sunday, January 2, 2011 – North Shore News – A31



CARPENTRY, ADDITIONS, decks, 32 yrs exp, licensed. Call Ken, Cell: 604-928-3270





• Eco-Friendly or Traditional • Low Rates, Quality Service • References, Insurance, WCB



A LICENSED electrician #19807 semi-retired, small jobs only. 604-689-1747 pgr 604-686-2319 ALL YOUR electrical & reno needs. Lic’d electrician #37940. Bonded & insured 604-842-5276 DNE ELECTRIC All Electrical Needs Lic #89267, Panel Upgrading. Reasonable & Free Estimate. 604-999-2332



RJR Small Projects Division

$18/HR. Quality House cleaning. 604-983-3477 CAPILANO MAID SERVICE Eco-Friendly or Traditional, Low Rates, Quality service, Refs, Insured, WCB. Call 778-895-1919 GEMINI CLEANING for 1 time & regular cleaning service. Insured. Free est. Refs. 604-988-4634 MAJESTIC CLEANERS Experienced & Honest 604-564-8484


Computer Services

Onsite Computer Repair FREE ESTIMATES Visa & M/card Call Chris 604-998-2273




15% OFF • Drain Tiles • Wet Basements • Sump & Sewer

604-973-0290 DRAIN TILES & WATER LINES Without Digging a Trench 604-985-4000 DRAINAGE, SEWER & WATER Underground Video Inspection Call Tobias 604 782-4322



ROUZ ELECTRIC #89724 Great rates, fast service, free est. Satisfaction guar. 604-765-3329 YOUR ELECTRICIAN $29 service call. Insured. Lic # 89402. Fast same day service guaranteed. We love small jobs! 604-568-1899




one mini, drainage, landscaping, stump / rock / cement / oil tank removal. Water / sewer line, 24 hours Call 341-4446 or 254-6865 604.649.1213 CEL 604.984.2313 Res/comm, Excavating, Bobcat, Trucking, Water Lines, Sewer Lines, Drainage, Landscaping. Hrly/Contract. Free Estimates.



FRIENDLY FENCE 778-386-3201.

Professional quality workmanship Fences, decks, arbors, stairs...



PRO GAS LTD Gas fireplaces. Service & safety inspection. 604-925-1341


Flooring/ Refinishing

INSTALLATION REFINISHING, Sanding. Free est, great prices. Satisfaction guar. 604-518-7508



ACE DRYWALL. Avail immed. Board, tape, spraytex, repairs. 16 yr exp. No job too small. Mike 604-808-2432, 604-985-4321

• Gutter cleaning/repairs • Window cleaning • Power washing • WCB insured • Free estimates


RELIABLE HARD WORKER: Int painting, gutters, windows, power washing, gardening, leaves, weeding, hedges, snow rem, salting. Rob 778-229-4979



CHEAP LOADS Fast Reliable Service 604-922-5101



PRO GAS LTD Furnaces, boilers, gas fitting. Service & installation. 604-925-1341



Counter Tops, Custom Cabinets & Refacing NO HST til end of Dec • In business 50 years

604-879-9191 Superior Cove Tops & Cabinets #3 - 8652 Joffre Ave, Burnaby


Lawn & Garden

A.All Area Gardening Service Lawn Treatment • Maint. • Power Raking Pruning • Trimming • General Clean-Up Topping Trees • Free Estimates


604-926-1526 604-726-9153

604-726-9123 604-984-1988

A. A. Allwest Garden Service Lawn maint, general cleanup, power raking, moss control, etc. CALL SUKH free est. 604-726-9213 or 604-984-1988



T-A STONEWALL. Rockwalls, paving stones, Allan block walls, etc. 987-8155 / 250-4117

Moving & Storage


NORTH SHORE GUTTERS ★ Sales & installation of 5’’ continuous gutter ★ Minor repairs ★ Cleaning


Tel: 604.278.3838 Fax: 604.278.3086 Email:


Painting/ Wallpaper

#145 - 4631 Shell Road Richmond, B.C. V6X 3M4

1 to 3 Men

1, 3, 5, 7 or 10 Ton $ From

45 We accept Visa, Mastercard & Interac Seniors Discount


established 1963

Renovations & Home Improvement




15% OFF 15% OFF (if booked before Feb. 15/10)

A LADY PAINTER, professional & color consult, 20 yrs on North Shore. exc refs. 604-961-3451 BASELINE PAINTING. Owner/ operator. Quality & competitive rates. Int/ext. 604-928-7284 Excellent Pro Painting Service 20 yrs exp, refs, warranty. Reas, res/comm Richard 604-618-0205



from concept to occupancy

Winner of Gold & Silver Georgie Awards

– Renovator Member of the Year

Winner of the National SAM Award

★ 3 Licensed Plumbers ★ 66 years of exp. 604-830-6617


PLUMBING & DRAINAGE 604-729-6695


Water Lines (without Digging) Sewer Lines (without Diggging) Install. Draintiles. 604-985-4000 LOCAL PLUMBER - Licensed, insured,GASFITTING, renos, Repairs. VISA 604-929-6956 PLUMBING BY BILL Installation, repairs Honest & reliable 604-980-0993 SAVE ON PLUMBING! Licenced Plumber/Gas fitter, $65/HR. Same

day service. 604-987-7473 Samy


Renovations & Home Improvement

FORTIF CONSTRUCTION INC Custom Renovations North Shore Company BBB, Reno Stefan@604-202-1264 free estimates



#1 Roofing Company in BC

When your house is great except… small

❏ You need another

bedroom ❏ The carport could be a two-car garage ❏ One bathroom just isn’t enough anymore

We Fix The “EXCEPTS…”

All types of Roofing Over 35 Years in Business Call now & we pay ½ the HST




Advantage Building Maintenance: •Roof •Chimney •Skylight Repairs •FREE Estimate 604-802-1918 CROWN ROOFING & Drainage Residental Div. Roofing installations & repairs. 604-327-3086

LONSDALE ROOFING Flat Roof, Cedar, Asphalt 15% OFF! (604) 973-0290


ROOFING REPAIRS 604-988-0279 All types, Guaranteed. 34 yrs exp. Call John (cell 604-375-0979)

H 604-986-3986 C 604-537-9452

ABBA RENOVATION carpentry, plumbing, wiring, painting, tiling. Work guar, Refs. (604)986-4026/805-8463 BAMFORD CONSTRUCTION Ltd. Quality Renos & Repairs. 604-986-2871 BEARING WALLS removed, floors leveled, cathedral ceilings, garage leveled, door and window openings. 604-787-7484 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS Bathrooms, Kitchen, Basement, & More. Tim Gleason 604-926-5440 JKB CONSTRUCTION LTD. COMPLETE RENOVATIONS


SMALL JOBS WELCOME RENO Kitchen/Bath, Crown Mouldings, Drywall, Painting, Flooring, 604-771-2201, 771-5197

Need a New Place?




Rubbish Removal






TILE-RIFIC TILING & PAINTING Slate, Glass, Ceramic Specialist. Quality Work. 604-831-4013


Top Soil


SOILS & BARK MULCHES Garden Blend – Turf Blend – Lawn Top Dressing. Variety of Mulches. Picked up or delivered Mon.-Fri. 8-5; Sat./Sun. 8-6

Fraser Richmond Soil & Fibre Ltd. 20 Riverside Dr., North Van

Beside Transfer Stn. 604-924-0261

Dalton Trucking Ltd. Top soil, Garden soil, Aggregates, Deliveries Trucking Dumpsites. Bins Services etc. 604-986-6944


Tree Services


Dangerous tree removal, pruning, topping, hedge trimming & stump grinding. Fully insured & WCB

Jerry 604-618-8585 Andrew 604-618-8585



15 Years Experience Tree & Stump Removal Prunning & Trimming View Work Call 604 291-7778 or 604 787-5915

★AAA★ TREE SERVICE. Tree & stump removal, pruning/trimming. Ins & cert. arborist 604-987-8500 A.ALL AREA TREE SERVICE Topping, pruning & stump grinding. 604-926-1526 & 604-726-9153


Window Cleaning

•Window Cleaning • Power Washing • Gutter Cleaning


Serving the North Shore since 1963

You Want It We’ve Got It

Find Whatever You’re Looking for in the Classifieds.


SINGLE AXLE DELIVERIES Top Soil, Sand, Gravel, Dumpsites and more.


ACKER’S Rubbish Removal pick-up & deliveries. Quick. 7 day Fast / reliable. Spencer 924-1511 BELL MINI BINS 604-922-5101 Small or large household jobs & Mini bin service. 7 days a week Fast ★ inexpensive ★ reliable.


Snow Removal

Commercial & Residential Fully Insured

Find one in the Classifieds To advertise call 604-630-3300

J. PEARCE STUCCO CONTRACTING. Residential / Commercial. 604-761-6079

Dirt Fill, Concrete, Asphalt Brush, Demo, Const. Waste


Call Today to Place Your Ad in

Stucco/Siding/ Exterior


CURTIS JOHN ROOFING (since 1978) Roof tune-up from $149. 24 hr repair. 604-985-1913




Since 1978

QUALITY PLUS, Kitchen, bath, sm / large renos, carpentry, tiles, electrical. Victor.. 604-889-2508

Georgie Award for Best Renovation & Design Complete Renovations / Additions Kitchens / Bathrooms

WINTER SPECIAL SAVE THE HST Have Your Roof Done Between Now & Jan. 7 A+

❏ The kitchen’s too 10% Off with this Ad! For all your plumbing, heating & reno needs. Lic Gas Fitter, Aman. 778-895-2005

#1 All Season Roofing

– Best Renovated Kitchen in Canada


#1 BARGAIN rate on plumbing & drainage. No job too small.Ken 604-987-2890 cell 604-328-7439

604-929-7133 604-973-0290



A CLEAN PAINT JOB. Quality 1 room from $167. Int-ext, WCB 22 yrs exp. Cell: 604-727-2700

604-929-7133 • Flat Roofing • Flat Roofing • Cedar Shakes • Cedar Shingles Shakes • Asphalt • Asphalt Shingles • Roof Maintenance • Roof Maintenance

20 year Labour Warranty available

(since 1968)

4", 5" & 6 " continuous gutters Vinyl & aluminium siding soffits Install repairs and cleaning. Free Estimates! 604-874-8158 Check us out with the BBB

Don’t Miss Miss This Don’t This One! One!

SAVE 5% Off the Total Cost of Reroofing


Sell it in the Classifieds!


Re-Roofing & Repairs Specialists

•Professional, Reliable • Licensed & Insured • North Shore co. est. 2001

Licenced & Insured Local & Long Distance



JB’s PAINTING • 99/room – Int/Exterior


VINCE’S MAGIC Drywalling & textured ceiling repairs. Bonded 604-307-2295 / 778-340-5208


We Care

A.A. BEST PRO Trim, Top, Prune. All types of lawn & garden applications. General Clean-Up. Call Sukh: Free Est.



HARDWOOD • LAMINATE • VINYL • CARPET • CORK ALL HOME REPAIRS semiretired master carpenter. Kitchen, stairs, sundecks, etc. All work guar. Karl 604-985-5144



ABBA RENOVATION carpentry, plumbing, wiring, painting, tiling. Work guar, Refs. (604)986-4026/805-8463


Clean Sweep?



AFFORDABLE, Reliable, Quality Guaranteed. Boarding, Taping, Spraytex. Dave 604-984-7476

Installed • Cleaned • Repaired

Award-Winning Renovations ■ Rendering to Reality ■

Part of RJR group

LIGHTING CONTROL, small jobs to rewires, new houses, repairs. Insured & bonded. Lic. #23726. Call Chris or Fred, 604-788-3864 LONSDALE ELECTRIC lic#1756 Panel changes & renos 604-988-7232, 604-842-0687

Renovations & Home Improvement

Complete Home Maint./Repairs Certified Trained Pros. For that small job. Rates you can afford.

AGRIOS HOME IMPROVEMENT Renovations, carpentry, painting & home repairs. Ikea kitchen installs. Michael 604.619.1126



604-937-6633 604-349-5533

Check Out Our Website:

A32 - North Shore News - Sunday, January 2, 2011

MOE’S Home Collection


Coda Sectional

$599 Reg. Price $749.00 Dark brown microfiber with wooden legs. Available in 4 colours and large size (small shown).



VANCOUVER • 604.687.5599

NORTH VAN. • 778.340.6392

1728 Glen Dr. (Across from Home Depot)

#125 - 1305 Welch St. (Off Pemberton)

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