North Shore news April 6 2011

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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

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Back in the saddle Page 40

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Pacific Arbour gets support at hearing for Wetmore plans Niamh Scallan

THE proposal to build a stateof-the-art seniors’ residence on the former Wetmore Motors site received overwhelming support from West Vancouver residents during a public hearing Monday night. A crowd of district residents packed council chambers to participate in the public input session for the seven-storey building proposed by Pacific Arbour Retirement Communities for the northwest corner of 22nd Street and Marine Drive — the former Wetmore Motors site. Approximately 20 people spoke to district council, most of whom supported the project. The proposal calls for 130 rental suites for senior residents, retail space, a Capilano University Eldercollege campus and public parking spaces. It requires amendments to the district’s official community plan and existing zoning bylaws. Pacific Arbour has made changes to its original development plans after hearing concerns from the community. According to Pacific Arbour president Peter Gaskill, the top two floors of the seven-storey building will be set back from the Marine Drive See 125-year page 3

Can do

NEWS photo Cindy Goodman

ROXANNA Tayebi (left), Ponnie Matin and Denise Bradley invite North Shore residents to team up with Curves North Van and Curves West Van to collect non-perishable food items for the North Shore Harvest Project. For the month of April the businesses will be collecting food items and from April 4-17 Curves will wave their program start-up fee for new members who wish to join. Instead they ask that new members donate a bag of non-perishable groceries for the food bank.

Parties disagree on election subsidy

Harper’s proposed cancellation unpopular with 3 NV candidates

James Weldon

A Tory proposal to end public subsidies to election campaigns would open Canada’s electoral system to influence from big money, say North Vancouver’s left-leaning candidates. The community’s Conservative incumbent says it would do nothing of the sort.

The proposed rule change, floated by Prime Minister Stephen Harper at a press conference in New Brunswick last week, would push Canada a step closer to an American style system in which private interests could influence lawmakers through campaign donations, said North Vancouver Liberal candidate Taleeb 20 11 Noormohamed, in comments to the North Shore News. “Right now, the beauty of the public system is it limits how much people can spend; it limits where the money comes from; and it certainly makes it possible to share ideas



from different political parties on a slightly more even playing field,” said Noormohamed. “That’s what the political process is supposed to be about. It’s not supposed to be about who can raise the most money from their largest, richest friends.” Current rules impose strict limits on campaign spending by federal parties and candidates and ban contributions from corporations and trade unions. While some part of each party’s war chest comes from donations from individuals — capped at $1,100 a year — a large proportion comes from government funds, set at $2 per vote garnered by the party in the previous election multiplied by the number of years since that election took place. See Saxton page 3

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Wednesday, April 6, 2011 - North Shore News - A3

The art of sign language

The Internet age has not ended the pursuit of name recognition Tessa Holloway

THE Internet may be revolutionizing how politics is done, but don’t expect those pesky election signs popping up all over the North Shore to disappear any time soon.


EElection 20 11

Why they’re important and how best to use them, however, is up for debate. For North Vancouver Conservative Andrew Saxton’s campaign, it was important to jump out of the gate and get the signs out early “It helps to show that we’re organized, we’re ready and we have a real presence here in North Vancouver,” he said. That’s not important, said Greg Wilson, campaign manager for Liberal challenger Taleeb Noormohamed, who said the most important thing is that signs go on people’s lawns, not public property, and that they stand out on election day. “I think signs fade into the woodwork,” he said. “You’ll see we’ll do something different with our signs to make sure they don’t fade into the landscape too much as time goes on.” Greg Lyle, the owner of Innovative Research who’s also worked on campaigns for the B.C. Liberals and former Progressive Conservatives, said signs can do two things that nothing else can: increase name recognition and publicly display who’s voting for who. “A lot of people will skip to the sports section of the newspaper and skip over a Facebook post if it’s political, but you can’t miss a sign if you’re stopped at a stop light,” said Lyle, who is polling for Maclean’s magazine this year. “The other thing a sign does is show local momentum, particularly if they’re on private property rather than public property.” All the campaign representatives say they’re aiming for signs on lawns much more than on public property, though Saxon’s campaign has covered the boulevards much more than Noormohamed’s, who feels those signs don’t help. “Anybody can win a war by putting signs on public property,” countered Noormohamed. “Signs on people’s lawns are far more important.” Overall, the Liberals and Tories would not comment on how much they’re spending, but all said spending is staying fairly flat from previous years. In many ways, the signs work with social media, said David Bromley, campaign manager for John Weston, the West Vancouver-Sunshine Coast-Sea to Sky Conservative candidate. “It is a portal for social media. It gives people a starting point See Municipalities page 5

NEWS photo Cindy Goodman

ED Cry adds his support for the Pacific Arbour Retirement Communities’ proposed development at the former Wetmore Motors site at 22nd Street and Marine Drive during a public hearing Monday night at District of West Vancouver council chambers.

125-year lease for $14.5M From page 1

facade and built with more glass and lighter materials to “reduce the building’s impact.” The developer also added 40 public parking spaces to the design after hearing concerns from the public that the new development — set to redevelop a parking lot — would reduce public parking in the area. The developer has addressed public concerns over John Richardson Park, which must be rezoned to make way for the building. Gaskill said that Pacific Arbour would provide $500,000 to reconfigure the park, including a “greenway connection” to the district’s community centre. According to a district report, “there will be no net change in the area of the park.” To accommodate neighbouring Tudor Gardens residents, Gaskill said the new building’s kitchen vents would emit fumes through the roof to reduce “smell impact” in the community. He also said Pacific Arbour would partner with Tudor Gardens on landscaping projects. One resident voiced concern about the terms of the lease for the district-owned site. The current agreement between Pacific Arbour and the district — approved in December 2010 — calls for a 125-year lease for $14.5 million. He cautioned councillors about the length of the current lease, stating that buildings like the proposed seniors’ residence would only last about 60 years, and asked councillors to consider a 100-year lease instead of the 125year term. But for Rockridge Road resident Robert Clark, who volunteers with the seniors’ centre’s Keeping Connected program, the Pacific Arbour development would provide seniors with much-needed

support. He praised the Pacific Arbour proposal for its support of healthy, socially active living amongst its aging residents. “I think it’s really important that a community like us do what we can to make sure that our seniors are a healthy population,” Clark said. “That is an indication of a good community, and it sets a good example for younger people.” Argyle Drive resident Murdo MacKenzie also supported the proposal, citing the need for more housing options for the burgeoning number of seniors in the area. “There is a growing shortage of housing options for seniors in West Vancouver,” he said, fully supporting the proposal. “The Pacific Arbour project fits one of those options.” MacKenzie also told councillors that he is one of nearly 50 people on the waiting list for a suite in the proposed Pacific Arbour residence. Viv Christison, chair of the housing committee from the Lionsview Seniors’ Planning Society — a nonprofit representing seniors on the North Shore — called on councillors to move the development proposal forward, noting that the new residence would help West Vancouver’s seniors live comfier and healthier lives in their own community. “We believe that this proposal will be a significant asset to the community and to its senior residents and hope that you will vote in favour of the project,” she said. Representatives from Capilano University, the North Shore Volunteers for Seniors network and the advocacy committee for West Vancouver’s Chamber of Commerce also voiced their support for the development. The proposal will be debated by council at second reading of the bylaw amendments at a future council meeting.

Saxton: Tories lowered contribution caps From page 3

Harper has vowed to scrap that publicly funded, pervote component if the Conservatives win a majority. The proposal is part of an ongoing pattern of antidemocratic behaviour on the part of the Tories, said Noormohamed. “By ensuring that only those who have the ability to buy their way into having a voice will have a voice, it plays right into the hands of Stephen Harper’s vision for Canada,” he said. But in an email to the North Shore News, Conservative incumbent Andrew Saxton defended the plan, and noted it would not mean an end to caps on corporate or other donations. In fact, he noted, the current restrictions are thanks in part to the efforts of his own party. Canada’s per-vote subsidy was brought in early in the last decade by the Liberals, as were a $5,000 cap on individual donations and a $1,000 cap on contributions

from corporations and unions. It was under the Tories, however, that those caps were lowered to their current levels. “By bringing in the Accountability Act (April, 2006), our Conservative government has taken the influence of big money out of politics. . . . Now we are proposing to take big government money out as well,” wrote Saxton. “If a party cannot attract financial support from individual Canadians, then they should rethink their approach.” The Tories would keep in place caps on individual donations and maintain the ban on corporate and union contributions, he said. But even without changing the other regulations, removal of the subsidy would tip the playing field in favour of the wealthy, said North Vancouver NDP candidate Michael Charrois. “The Conservatives have to get 80 people to get

behind them with their $1,000 (each); we have to get 8,000 people at $10,” he said. “New Democrats traditionally stand up for the unempowered, the poor, the disenfranchised — people who by definition don’t have money. It’s going to make our job a lot harder.” Since public funding is allocated on a per-vote basis, it means no ballot is wasted — a fact that removes the need for strategic voting, added Charrois. That would change if the subsidy were dropped. Greg Dowman, North Vancouver’s Green candidate, said the change would similarly undermine his party’s efforts at election time. To argue for the Conservative plan on grounds of frugality makes no sense, he added, given the sums involved. “Personally, as a taxpayer, I think it’s absurd,” said Dowman. “It’s pennies compared to the grand scheme of things.”

Missing North Van teen is safe

A 16-year-old North Vancouver boy who went missing from his home last week has been located, police say.

Sawyer Plato, a student at Handsworth secondary, had gone missing from his home in the early morning hours of Friday, according to North Vancouver RCMP, and the public had been asked to watch for him. Police declined to comment further on the case. — Tessa Holloway

IDEAL A4 - North Shore News - Wednesday, April 6, 2011


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Wednesday, April 6, 2011 - North Shore News - A5

the place to play

NEWS photo Cindy Goodman

CANDIDATES from the top three federal parties post their election signs near Pemberton Heights in North Vancouver.

Municipalities enforce sign rules From page 5

to get into a website and then go into Facebook or Twitter from there,” he said. Mark Masongsong, campaign manager for Liberal candidate Dan Veniez, said the signs help in getting his name out. “The main thing is visibility, you want to make sure the public recognizes the names so they can visit the website and they can learn about the candidate,” he said. Every campaign representative said signs are limited because they’re one-way communication only, rather than the two-way discussions that can take place online or at the doorstep. Less than a week into the election, about a dozen West Vancouver signs have already been pulled by municipal staff for violating district bylaws.

Most were removed for safety reasons, said Jessica Delaney, spokeswoman for West Vancouver. “Any signage that’s an issue of public safety — blocking sight lines at intersections or anything like that — we remove them,” she said, but added that so far there have been no public complaints. Both Liberal and Conservative representatives admit they have lost a few — just part of the business, they said. Similar bylaws exist in the two North Vancouver municipalities limiting where election signs can be placed. In the district, for instance, signs aren’t allowed on district property, utility poles, near Highway 1 or anywhere that obstructs people’s movement. Any complaints about election sign placement should be directed to the local municipality.


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A6 - North Shore News - Wednesday, April 6, 2011

VIEWPOINT Published by North Shore News a division of Postmedia Network Inc., 100-126 East 15th Street, North Vancouver, B.C. V7L 2P9. Doug Foot, publisher. Canadian publications mail sales product agreement No. 40010186.

Suite deal W

E opposed Pacific Arbour Retirement Communities’ plans for an 11-storey seniors residence on Mount Seymour Parkway on the grounds that it was in the wrong place. The highrise had not been envisaged by Seymour residents when they formulated their area plan, and we did not believe that the benefits of high-priced rental accommodation outweighed such a big variance to existing zoning. The situation is vastly different with Pacific Arbour’s proposal for the former Wetmore Motors site in West Vancouver, and we fully endorse what we think is the right building in the right place. The proposal is certainly bulky, and it exceeds existing zoning restrictions. But its seven storeys are cleverly designed to

minimize the appearance of mass on the Marine Drive streetscape. More importantly, it’s in the right location for the seniors it will serve — adjacent to the community centre, on transit and within easy reach of Dundarave and Ambleside. Frankly, we expected more public questions about the terms of the landlease deal Pacific Arbour has cut with the District of West Vancouver than were heard Monday night at the public hearing. It would seem to us that a 125year lease covers the lifespan of two different buildings, not one. But since the community seems willing to accept what looks like a sweetheart deal on paper, we, like Lionsview Seniors’ Planning Society, believe the project will be an asset to West Vancouver.


Use the word ‘coalition’ carefully

Dear Editor: With the federal election campaign now underway, is it too much to hope that the players refrain from warping the meaning of familiar words for political gain? I’d love to hear the word “coalition” used in a way true to its definition. My dictionary tells me a coalition is simply a grouping of resources for a common purpose, regardless whether the effort is deemed good, bad or indifferent. However, “coalition” is currently being used only negatively, to describe self-serving people banding together for inappropriate, if not illegal, activity. In my mind this narrow usage begs a question: Does our prime minister now want us to believe that even the coalition Canada joined in Libya and Afghanistan is a bad thing? I’m sure he does not, but why taint the word? In Canada’s political history there are many examples of coalitions serving our nation well. For example, during the First World War the Union Government (1917-1920) under Conservative Prime Minister Robert Borden led our country at a critical time in our history; and in 1927, an informal issue-based coalition brought about Canada’s first old age pension legislation under Liberal Prime Minister Mackenzie King. In our present federal context, coalition-building happens all the time. It is precisely what a minority government does to stay in power. As such, coalition-


building involves efforts to craft legislation which can gain sufficient opposition support to be passed. To his credit, Prime Minister Sephen Harper has been quite skillful in the exercise up to now and I find it ironic that in his own political journey Mr. Harper has been heavy into coalition-building, the very thing he now ridicules. The Reform party, of which he played a vital role, started as a coalition of interest groups. Its successor, the Alliance party, in its chosen name dignified the idea of coalition. And then there was the coalition between the Alliance party and the Progressive Conservatives to create the Conservative Party of Canada. Our parliamentary system clearly sets a role for coalitions in defined situations. When a government falls, the Governor General has the option of allowing the Opposition an opportunity to create an informal or formal coalition to gain support in the House.

This possibility avoids an election, which not only saves money, but can act as a wake-up call for MPs to keep working in the country’s best interests. This legitimate choice is precisely what was at play in 2004 when Opposition leader Mr. Harper wrote the Governor General to communicate Conservative, NDP and Bloc willingness to combine efforts. A similar case arose in 2008 with Stéphane Dion’s initiative as Opposition leader. Against this backdrop, Mr. Harper’s present scare mongering about a coalition arising again rings hollow and belittles an important aspect of Canadian parliamentary procedures. The word “coalition” deserves careful, not careless, usage while still being a subject for fair political debate, if one chooses. Cec Race North Vancouver

‘Saving’ time will ultimately hurt us all Dear Editor: Congratulations to letter writer Jessie Jacklin, whose two minutes of time is not worth helping to put someone out of work. Self-serve check-outs are just one more way we hurt our neighbours. They are becoming ubiquitous and each one means someone does not have a job.

Once we discover that everyone is replaced by a machine who can be, where will we find the people who can afford to buy things? Oh yes! Those of us who have selfishly “saved” a couple of minutes — that is, until we, too, are “replaced.” Margaret Morgan, North Vancouver

End party funding from taxes Dear Editor: I disagree with your April 3 editorial, Party Killer. Whoever the government of the day may be after this election, this “party” at the public’s expense must end. Nowhere does Stephen Harper say that some of the other rules currently in effect will change, such as the ban on corporate and union donations and limits on individual donations, or the overall limits on spending per candidate for that matter. If a party has a strong enough message and a little bit of creativity they’ll survive and prosper. Sell memberships, door to door if necessary. If they have to put up fewer signs or bombard us with fewer attack ads, so much the better. Bill Richardson North Vancouver





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Wednesday, April 6, 2011 - North Shore News - A7

Let’s study amalgamation

“Vancouver, like many other great cities in Canada, was once made up of many smaller communities. Their elected officials had the foresight to unite the communities under one government.” Richard Downey, North Shore News, March 18

RICHARD Downey’s letter, Amalgamation Declaration Overdue, scooped an important local topic off my back burner and challenged North Shore communities to address it once and for all. Unlike Vancouver, the District of North Vancouver began life as a single municipality. Incorporated in 1891, and with the exception of Moodyville, it covered the entire North Shore from Deep Cove to Horseshoe Bay. In 1907, following increased residential and industrial development in Moodyville and Lower Lonsdale, what is now the City of North Vancouver was incorporated. And 99 years ago today, the first municipal election was held in the newlyseparated and incorporated District of West Vancouver. A combing of News archives, or even of the dusty files of its predecessor, the North Shore Citizen, will

Just Asking

Elizabeth James reveal that amalgamation has been debated and left unresolved ever since. But just as the separations were driven by evolving political, economic and development climates, so it is that those same factors may now be driving more residents to suggest that the time has come to amalgamate the three municipalities under one administration. Until recently, my affection for the unique characteristics of each community would have led me to protest such a move. But never is a long time, time for a great deal of thought. Today, so long as those characteristics are protected, amalgamation may have become not just an economic necessity, but an imperative if our municipalities are to be strong enough to withstand the determination of Metro Vancouver to transform the North Shore into a mirror 604.726.7728

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image of itself. So community affections aside, I set out to support the idea with facts — and discovered it was easier said than done. With a combined North Shore 2006 census population of around 175,000 and with consolidated budgets just under $350 million in 2009, it seemed sensible to compare the North Shore with a Metro community of similar size. The City of Burnaby — 2006 population 202,800 and a 2009 consolidated budget almost $330 million — seemed to fit the bill. Considering Burnaby’s higher population count, the dollar difference alone was not enough to justify the turmoil of amalgamation — until the equation was reduced to approximate per capita numbers of $1,625 for Burnaby and $2,000 for the North Shore. That modest difference would have increased Burnaby revenues enough to build a library or residence for the homeless with dollars to spare. What became obvious during my efforts to analyse the numbers, however, was that dollars alone cannot be used to justify amalgamation. This is because, as one North Vancouver resident said to me, “Line-level work doesn’t disappear just because you have one municipality instead of three,” an observation confirmed by the fact that, in

West Vancouver alone, 80 per cent of the budget is used up by the costs of labour. So if economic reasons don’t support amalgamation, what else might? This is where societal issues come into play: the need for co-ordination of bylaws, services and planning, and for increased strength at Metro Vancouver and provincial tables. No one wants to see industry on the West Vancouver waterfront or highrises in Caulfeild or Norgate, but lack of consistent by-laws and co-ordinated planning and development across the North Shore is increasingly a topic of discussion. The idea of a sensitive North Shore-wide official community plan is persuasive. Would a single North Shore council get away with siting two multi-million-dollar main library complexes within seven minutes of one another? Would Grand Boulevard residents forgive that council for inflicting on their neighbourhoods the congestion caused by highdensity developments north of Lynn Valley Centre? The question as to whether services and safety would be improved or compromised were front of mind for Downey, his fellow letterwriters, David Hunter and Duncan Dickinson, and for



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A8 - North Shore News - Wednesday, April 6, 2011


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Fewer cars stolen in North Vancouver Immobilizers and bait cars make a difference

Ashley MacDonald

CAR theft rates in North Vancouver have been on the decline in the last year, according to ICBC. In North Vancouver, there were 27 per cent fewer vehicle thefts and 42 per cent fewer break-ins in 2010 compared to 2009. “The bait car program and other crime prevention programs are having a positive effect on reducing auto crime in B.C. We know our customers have also been doing their part in the fight against auto crime,” said Kathy Taylor, ICBC senior communications specialist.

An estimated 60 per cent of B.C. drivers have immobilizers in their cars and have reduced the theft rate by at least 80 per cent. “We’re optimistic that innovative programs and partnerships, coupled with personal responsibility, can help make auto crime a thing of the past,” said Taylor. Ford F-series trucks are the most stolen vehicles in British Columbia. In effort to reduce the number of thefts, ICBC offers free immobilizers to owners of 2000-2008 F-250 and F-350 truck that are in the highest risk locations, said Taylor. Other car owners are being offered incentives and discounts if they purchase and use anti-theft devices. The statistics were released in this year’s Auto Crime Enforcement Month, in partnership with the provincial government, the Integrated Municipal Provincial Auto Crime Team and ICBC.

WV police seek information on assault

Jane Seyd

POLICE in West Vancouver are appealing to the public for information after a middle-aged man was randomly attacked and punched in the face last week. According to police, the 56-year-old man was walking west in the 1400-block of Duchess Avenue shortly before midnight on March 25 when he heard someone running up behind him. When he turned around to see who was

coming, the assailant punched him in the face. The punch knocked the man to the ground, where the attacker then continued to punch and kick him. Afterwards, the suspect took off with a plastic bag carrying the man’s work apron and water bottle. The victim of the attack suffered black eyes and lacerations to his face and leg, said Corp. Jag Johal, spokesman for the West Vancouver police. Johal added the two men didn’t know each other and the attack appears to have been random. “It’s very unusual,” he said. Police are asking anyone with information to call 604-925-7300.


Local Area Service Initiative

TAKE NOTICE THAT pursuant to Section 213 of the Community Charter, as part of the Local Area Service Initiative, that the Council of The Corporation of the City of North Vancouver proposes to construct a concrete sidewalk and curb on the east side only of the 1600 Block of Mahon Avenue between West 16th and West 17th Streets c5R /NQ IAZZ "J4SK 4P TcN45 $-Q5.Q bQ/aQQ5 7Q0/ IA/N c5R 7Q0/ I@/N 9/1QQ/0 c0 c 03QSM,QR c1Qc 314LQS/ c5R /4 03QSM,ScJJ` SNc1OQ /NQ 4a5Q10 341/M45 4P /NQ S40/0 cOcM50/ /NQ 3c1SQJ0 bQ5Q,//M5O P146 /NQ a41K^ M5RMSc/QR 45 /NQ 0KQ/SN^ c0 P4JJ4a0> 1.

The lifetime of the work is 10 years.


The total estimated cost of all the work is: a. 1600 Block b. 1800 Block


8NQ 0Nc1Q 4P /NQ /4/cJ S40/ aNMSN aMJJ bQ 03QSMcJJ` SNc1OQR cOcM50/ /NQ 3c1SQJ0 bQ5Q,//M5O 41 cb.//M5O P146 /NQ work is: a. 1600 Block b. 1800 Block


$25,000. $60,000.

$1,991. $4,277.

The City’s share of the cost of all the work is estimated to be:

Policya.Committee 1600 Block $23,010 b. 1800 Block


The City’s 2011-2020 Financial Plan included funding for Local Area Services which is available for appropriation. No addition to the municipal levy is required to support these works. 5.

The Property Owners’ portion of the sidewalk cost of this project as per Schedule ‘A’ of “Local Area Service Bylaw, 1991, No. 6194” is calculated at $36.30 per metre of taxable frontage for properties adjacent to the sidewalk and $11.00 per metre of taxable frontage for properties on the opposite side of the street. The special charges may be paid in ten annual installments with interest calculated at 3% above the Royal Bank Prime rate in effect at billing date.

$ 3Q/M/M45 cOcM50/ /NQ U4ScJ $1Qc 9Q1-MSQ Nc0 bQQ5 6cMJQR /4 4a5Q10 4P 3c1SQJ0 bQ5Q,//M5O P146 /NQ a41K[ ALL persons desiring to petition AGAINST THE UNDERTAKING for any of the above constructions must do so on or before Monday, May 9, 2011. Council can only be prevented from proceeding with the work if more than 50% in number of the owners, representing at least 50% of the assessed value of the lands involved for each project, respond against the undertaking. In the case of joint ownership, both owners must sign, and where two or more persons are the owners of the property, a majority of /NQ6 6.0/ 0MO5 /NQ 3Q/M/M45[ 7NQ1Q /NQ 3143Q1/` M0 1QOM0/Q1QR M5 /NQ 5c6Q 4P c JM6M/QR S463c5`^ c5 4P,SQ1 4P /NQ S463c5` 6.0/ sign the petition and show his or her position in the company. If this Initiative is successful, the pending Local Area Service Charges will become a charge against the property. These pending charges should be disclosed to prospective purchasers of the property. Please direct inquiries to Tony Barber, Engineering Parks & Environment at 604-983-7338 or 141 West 14th Street, North Vancouver BC V7M 1H9 | Tel: 604-985-7761 | Fax: 604-985-9417

citycouncil Mayor Darrell Mussatto Councillor Pam Bookham Councillor Bob Fearnley Councillor Bob Heywood Councillor Craig Keating Councillor Barbara Perrault Councillor Sam Schechter City Clerk Robyn G. Anderson

Wednesday, April 6, 2011 - North Shore News - A9

Community policing is an RCMP priority

THIS week, instead of answering one of the questions sent to me by the editor, I would like to use this column to address the North Shore News’ April 3 story, North Vancouver Police Volunteers Protest Closures. The RCMP in North Vancouver feels that the relocation of the community policing centres is a very important community issue, and one about which people ought to be well informed. I think it would benefit the reader to know more about the rationale behind our review and its ultimate results, not only as it relates to fiscal accountability, but also as it reflects the RCMP’s commitment to crime reduction in the community. It is true that we went through an extensive consultation process that included individual interviews with volunteers, staff and RCMP officers as well as soliciting feedback from around 20 North Vancouver community groups and associations. We also hosted numerous open meetings with

Ask a Cop

Peter DeVries all of our volunteers to discuss their concerns and to solicit their opinions and ideas. Almost all of those interviewed and surveyed expressed the belief that community policing programs could be delivered without a physical building with little negative impact on the quality of services. The success of the programs, it became clear, was due to the incredible commitment the volunteers continuously show in delivering the programs in the community, and was not based on the existence of the police centres themselves. Throughout this change, we have maintained the delivery of volunteer services without interruption. Policing

services to the community have not suffered, and all of the active programs previously delivered from the community policing centres remain active and available. Yet this was not the only reason the restructuring made sense. In its continuous effort to improve services, the RCMP has begun to shift its operations towards a co-ordinated crime reduction methodology. This crime response protocol uses input from the community coupled with crime statistics analysis to implement a multi-faceted, targeted policing response to clearly identified communityspecific problems. Under this framework, all of the RCMP’s resources, including uniformed officers, specialized investigators in plain clothes and our volunteer programs, among others, will play a role in solving individual community problems. It became clear that this crime reduction model did not require policing centres throughout the community. From the district hall, our volunteers and their programs can be dispatched to any location in the community to

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A10 - North Shore News - Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Our volunteers are valuable From page 9

deliver volunteer services as one of the facets of our crime response, all at a fraction of the cost included in supporting a community policing centre. Because of these factors, Supt. Tonia Enger decided to reorganize our volunteer programs and consolidate them at district hall in order to reduce the $300,000 it costs to operate the community policing centres, and to better facilitate the co-ordinated delivery of services under the crime reduction methodology model by bringing everyone together at one location. There is, in fact, further discussion to be had about how we are improving policing services to North Vancouver. We will be introducing three dedicated resources at a senior level to act as neighbourhood liaison officers who will identify and co-ordinate responses to community problems under the crime reduction methodology. We will also be installing RCMP

information boards throughout the community, and are redesigning our website to bring as much of the community policing resources as possible online for convenience and costeffectiveness. One thing remains clear: Volunteers are perhaps the most valuable asset the RCMP has. We remain committed to them and to the public to provide the opportunity and the means for people to improve the safety of their own neighbourhoods in partnership with the police. Cpl. Peter DeVries Media Relations Officer North Vancouver RCMP Follow Peter on Twitter at rcmpdevries If you have a question for Ask a Cop, email it to or mail it to the attention of the editor, North Shore News, Suite 100 – 126 East 15th St., North Vancouver, B.C., V7L 2P9. It will likely take a few weeks to see your letter in print.

It’s time for some lateral thinking caps From page 7

West Vancouver Coun. Bill Soprovich. While he stopped short of coming down unequivocally on the side of amalgamation, Hunter made an astute observation, “. . . managing the business of government requires some lateral thinking.” Soprovich, a councillor with whom I agree more often than not, lost me when he raised concerns about loss of safety should North Shore fire services be amalgamated. Dickinson’s words suggested he might share my own reaction as I watched council discussion live on Shaw Cable: “Bill, don’t play the safety card. Has safety been compromised because there is only one fire service bureaucracy in the City of Vancouver — a city of over one million people; or in Burnaby, as

the 2011 population inches toward a quarter of a million?” So, has this discussion persuaded readers one way or another on the issue of amalgamation? I doubt it came close. But collectively perhaps, as municipal elections draw closer, we might persuade some councillors to support an immediate, professional study as to the merits or otherwise of uniting our three North Shore communities under one government.

••• My March 30 column, Bridge Tolls Are Inequitable, referenced Langley’s Mayor Peter Fassbender as chairman of the Metro Mayors’ Council on Regional Transportation. I should have said past chairman.


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Wednesday, April 6, 2011 - North Shore News - A11

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Key Insurance Services NEWS photo Cindy Goodman

Muddy work

GRAHAME Dixon digs a trench at the site of an Edible Garden Project at the south end of Loutet Park in North Vancouver. Volunteers were pouring mulch and building a perimeter fence around the large property last week. The new Loutet Farm, a project of the City of North Vancouver, UBC and North Shore Neighbourhood House, is slated for completion later this spring. See more photos at

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A12 - North Shore News - Wednesday, April 6, 2011


North Shore Chorus fundraising evening

by Paul McGrath

Debbie Kennedy and Dave Wellman enjoy the festivities.

North Shore Chorus publicity manager Laurie Martz and Julie Ward have a chat. Members of the North Shore Chorus hosted a sold-out fundraising evening at Deep Cove Shaw Theatre March 31. More than 130 guests enjoyed drinks and appetizers while bidding on silent auction items before taking in the Deep Cove Stage Society’s production of Neil Simon’s Biloxi Blues. The 60-member choir has been performing since 1976 and their next concert, Over the Water, will be held May 7 at Mount Seymour United Church at 7:30 p.m. Tickets and info:

Carol Bourne and Alden May show their support.

Linda Pattison, Hannah Miller and North Shore Chorus vice-president Damian Inwood team up for a photo.

Gillian Wilder and Audrey Owen attend.

Lori Leonard and Cindy Maion await the beginning of the performance.

Wolfgang England, Arla Sargent and North Shore Chorus president Terry Duncombe toast the evening.

North Shore Chorus members Joan McLeod and Debbie Stewart flash their smiles.

Please direct requests for event coverage to: For more Bright Lights photos go to:

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Wednesday, April 6, 2011 - North Shore News - A13



Digital Age

Steve Dotto

It’s heyday for social coupons IT has always been our prerogative to look for the best deal when we are purchasing anything. It is, after all, the nature of the beast.

soil pH prevents the uptake of nutrients, so if your pH is too low you might as well throw your fertilizer money into the harbour for all the good it does. Feeding the lawn can be done in three ways. Feed with a granular, slow-release chemical fertilizer, but use a low dosage to limit the environmental impact of leaching of nitrogen and phosphorus into the soil and ocean. The organic way to fertilize is achieved by top-dressing with organic matter like manure, topsoil or compost. The other way to feed your grass is to implement grass-cycling, which involves cutting the grass with a mulching mower or reel mower to leave the grass clippings on the lawn to enrich it, provided

Those who sell to us have gone through all sorts of creative ways to try and get or maintain our business. Old-fashioned excellent service gave way to sales events (“Dollar 49 Day — Tuesday.” I miss that!) to loyalty programs to exclusive sales clubs. All had their day, but it is a new day, and the flavour of the day is social coupons. You have seen them or heard about them: Groupon, WagJag, Living Social, These are web-based services that you sign up for in order to be offered the most outrageous, outstanding and unbelievable deals on the planet. Perhaps I exaggerate; nevertheless, that is the hope. These services blast out a regular (usually daily) special into our email inbox. Everything from teeth whitening to massages to hair removal to eyeglasses to food specials are offered at exceptional prices. Right now is the heyday of these services as they race to get the best email list, the best vendor options and the highest close rate. The business case is

See Install page 17

See Buyers page 16

NEWS photo Cindy Goodman

Colour works MARGARET Scott and Roy Geronimo show off some of their works that are on display at A Painter and a Potter, an exhibit at Ron Andrews recreation centre until May 15. Display cases in the lobby are filled with works by the two artists. The recreation centre is at 931 Lytton St., North Vancouver.

Healthy lawn needs good soil HOME IDEAS Barb Lunter checks out new paint colours from Farrow & Ball. Page 15

Dig Deep

Todd Major LONGER days mean longer grass and this year I hope everyone will try to grow grass that doesn’t break Mother Earth’s back. As I have said before, lawn

care maintenance techniques have not changed substantially since the 1970s. Even when considering advances in fertilizer technology, we still aerate, top-dress, overseed, apply weed control and fertilize, but modern green-thinking has changed how intensively we apply those old maintenance techniques. Herbicide use for example, is slowly declining on residential and public space lawns, even if some people won’t go without a fight. But change we must and to help make the transition smoother, here are some lawn maintenance tips. A healthy lawn needs average to good soil that drains freely, especially on the North Shore where half an inch of rain an hour is commonplace. If you cannot provide adequate

drainage for your lawn by implementing a core aeration and top-dressing program, then the lawn’s soil must be replaced deep enough to facilitate good aeration and drainage for new grass. Before you consider feeding the lawn, first consider if the pH is in a range that is optimum for healthy lawn growth. Lawn grass prefers to grow in a pH range between 6.0 and 6.8. A pH reading higher or lower will result in increased stress, pest and disease attack, brown-out and thinning for the lawn. Our coastal soils are prone to leaching from rainfall, which lowers the soil’s pH. Have your lawn care professional test your lawn’s pH and adjust it accordingly before any fertilizer is applied. Low


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A14 - North Shore News - Wednesday, April 6, 2011





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Birds are on the move

ONE swallow may not a summer make, but surely many do, which tells me that things are warming up, and there are bugs in the air.

On a good swallow day you could see cliff, barn, Northern rough-winged, tree, violet-green and if you are very lucky (and very sharp) the purple martin, which is also a swallow. These birds make a remarkable journey, with some, like the barn swallow and martin, wintering in South America (Brazil).

Wild About Birds Al Grass

A good place to look for swallows (and swifts) on the


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North Shore is at Maplewood Conservation Area’s salt marsh viewpoint. A question often asked is: “Do we have bluebirds on the North Shore?” The recent sighting (March) of a mountain bluebird at Maplewood (it is not the first) is proof that we do. Bluebirds pass through the area in small numbers on their way to the Interior, but they don’t stay and nest. Don’t put up a bluebird nest box — put one out for chickadees, wrens, swallows or nuthatches instead. April is a busy time for birds and birders with spring migration underway. Many birds pass through, while others stay to breed. A fallout is something wonderful to experience when weather conditions are such that large numbers of migrants like warblers and vireos pool in an area and seem to be everywhere. Maplewood has several of these fallouts every spring. The most common warbler seen on migration on the North Shore is the yellow-rumped. Two types occur here — the Audubon’s with a yellow throat, and the myrtle with a white throat. They were once regarded as separate species but then were lumped (that’s the term). Wilson’s warbler is a beautiful little sprite — bright yellow and sporting a black cap. It is commonly seen in local gardens and parks. One of the most famous places for warbler migration is Point Pelee National Park in Southern Ontario. We don’t have a Point Pelee, but we do have special places like Maplewood Conservation Area, which can be excellent. Townsend’s, black-throated gray, orange-crowned and Wilson’s should all be looked for, and there is always a chance of spotting a rarity like a Nashville warbler. Mornings are always best for good birding, and speaking of mornings the dawn chorus is something wonderful to experience — it really is nature’s symphony. Robins are among the first to greet the morning sun with their “cheerily, cheerily, cheerup” song, followed closely by others like the song sparrow, common yellow-throat and varied thrush. Southwestern B.C. is a major wintering area for waterfowl. For example, the majority of the world’s Barrow’s goldeneye winter here. In Burrard Inlet and associated waters you can see a fine diversity of ducks like bufflehead, ring-necked, harlequin, green-winged teal, northern pintail, and hooded merganser. The colourful rainbow-coloured wood duck is a resident here, breeding See Hummingbirds page 18

Wednesday, April 6, 2011 - North Shore News - A15


Paint colours tell a story

TAX PLANNING CENTRE Lynn Valley clients are invited to our new location at Lonsdale Quay. Discount for returning clients. No appointment necessary

Home Ideas

Barb Lunter IF you are in the process of renovating your home or perhaps building a new house this spring, then you may want to check out Farrow & Ball’s exquisite new paint colours for 2011.

NEWS photo Mike Wakefield

FARROW & Ball’s rich new paint colours for 2011 are worth a look if you’re considering doing work on your home.

Farrow & Ball only introduces new colours every two to three years, when they feel there’s a need for them on their colour card. They maintain an edited palette of 132 colours that are tried and true — as opposed to offering hundreds or thousands of colours for consumers to have to choose from. This year’s colours are rich new additions to their colour card. Each paint hue is richly pigmented with an unsurpassed purity and depth. Farrow & Ball has always been known to produce colours that tell a story. Each shade has a distinctive name and an intriguing inspiration.

I have always been impressed with the quality and lasting power of these paints and the fact that all are available in a comprehensive range of ecofriendly interior and exterior finishes. Look for Oxford Stone (No. 264), named after the stone often used in Oxfordshire village houses. This colour would be ideal for creating a warm interior. Other favourites include Charlotte’s Locks (No. 268), a fiery orange, and Calluna (No. 270), named after the Scottish heather. If sophistication is in your vision then you may want

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compounds. If you would like to complement your new Farrow & Ball paints with a little wallpaper, then be sure to check out their unique painted wallpaper collection. They have a fantastic website that offers advice or tips, such as choosing a colour and finish as well as how much paint you will need to order for your specific project. Visit them online at Farrow&Ball. com. Farrow & Ball paints are sold here on the North Shore at At Home, 1530 Marine Dr., West Vancouver.


Upcoming Events New to Gardening

Saturday April 9 - 11:00am

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Vegetable Seminar

Sunday April 17 - 3:00pm

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to try Plummet (No. 272). This colour is a warm midtone grey, imitating lead. It’s a very contemporary colour with a smart and sophisticated feel. Other colours include: Manor House Gray (No. 265), Mizzle (No. 266), Dove Tale (No. 267), Cabbage White (No. 269) and Brassica (No. 271). All Farrow & Ball paints are environmentally friendly, made with natural ingredients such as linseed oil and China clay. There are no harmful ingredients such as APE or xylene and the paints have zero volatile organic

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A16 - North Shore News - Wednesday, April 6, 2011


A Natural Buyers can be choosy Face Lift From page 13

Acupuncture face lift is a natural alternative for individuals seeking to remove facial wrinkles. HOW IT WORKS The face is stimulated to increase natural collagen production, tighten tone and regain firmness and natural skin colour. This is done using acupuncture, tui na (massage), microcurrent stimulation and herbs. Floramin anti-wrinkle creams and toners, a natural skincare line made in Canada, are used exclusively for the best results. Dr. Tahmineh Nikookar has performed this ancient Chinese treatment for over 10 years and was among the first to re-introduce it to clients in British Columbia. Said by one of her clients on the treatment, “I highly recommend acupuncuture facial rejuvenation, the results are amazing. The sessions are relaxing and there is no downtime. Acupuncture rejuvenation is more than skin deep. It is as good for the soul as it is for the skin.”


Dr. Tahmineh Nikookar • Lions Gate Health Centre 156 East 13th Street, North Vancouver • 604.904.7447 •

fascinating, it is sort of a hybrid, both advertising and sales. To be sure, the margins for the vendor are skinny — very skinny. Most of the services expect you to offer at least 50 per cent off your standard price, then they take another half as their part of the deal. The seller is left with about 25 per cent of the retail value of their offering, a price that precludes most from making a profit. But they are reaching a huge market, and possibly introducing their services to new clients. But this is where the deals can fall short. If the vendor, because of the thin margins, provides less than excellent service (see the old way of earning customers) they can actually guarantee a client never returns. Case in point: you will often see massages advertised. I booked a couples’ massage — such a deal! But when it came time to book the massage it was like trying to get a seat to Hawaii on your Air Canada points! “We are booking four months out,” the attendant tells me! Who plans a massage four months out? But I can book a fullprice one today, just not the

NEWS photo Paul McGrath

SOCIAL coupon sites such as SwarmJam, which blast out daily offers via email, are very popular right now. coupon massage. Net result: I may never use the massage, in which case the vendor made out like a bandit. But, and this is a big but, they have lost any opportunity to make me a returning customer. I had a conversation with the folks at They are a bit of a more regional player than the other social coupon providers. They talk about the importance of customer expectations when they deal with a new offer, because poor service reflects not only on the supplier, but on the coupon service as well.



Sunday, April 10, 2011 • Ambleside Beach • 11AM Ducks land at noon GRAND PRIZE

Luxury Cruise for two, including ten night cruise and airfare. Sponsored in part by the Rotary Club of North Vancouver, CruiseShipCenters and Holland America $10,000

Steve Dotto is host of Dotto Tech, Wednesdays at 6 p.m. on AM 650. Visit him online at or at www.


Capilano Duck Splash At high noon on April 10th, a helicopter will swoop down over Ambleside Beach and, amid the roar of the rotors and the cheer of the crowd, thousands of little yellow rubber duckies will splash into the surf from above.

Overall, I still am subscribed to multiple coupons, still searching for that great deal. But I will call the supplier before I buy, to find out when I can expect to cash that coupon. If it fits with the time frame I am looking for, great! If not, I’ll wait. There will be another super offer in my inbox tomorrow.



$5 each or 5 for $20. Here’s how to adopt your lucky ducky:


1 Order on-line at 2 Call the “Duck Line” at 604-619-0942. 3 Available at many North Shore locations. Check the website for more info. Major beneficiaries include Lions Gate Hospital Foundation, North Shore Rescue, North Shore Neighborhood House, North Shore Crisis Services Society.


Tickets available for sale from February 7th through April 10th. Total Value of Prizes: $20,994.00. The Great Capilano Duck Splash is made possible by the Rotary Club of North Vancouver c/o 1526 McNair Drive, North Vancouver, BC V7K 1X6 and many generous sponsors.


For further information on the Rotary Club of North Vancouver and the Great Capilano Duck Splash, refer to the Rotary Club of North Vancouver’s Great Capilano Duck Splash website A maximum of 16,000 ducks will be dropped by a helicopter off Ambleside Park in West Vancouver at approximately 12:00 Noon on Sunday, April 10th, 2011. The ducks will be retrieved by dogs from the Labrador Retriever Club. The Rotary Club of North Vancouver reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to alter, postpone or reschedule the race due to inclement weather, acts of God or other circumstances beyond its reasonable control.


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Wednesday, April 6, 2011 - North Shore News - A17


TAX PLANNING CENTRE Lynn Valley clients are invited to our new location at Lonsdale Quay. Discount for returning clients. No appointment necessary

photo Todd Major


From page 13 the grass is cut regularly removing no more than one third of the total height. The cut grass clippings will improve beneficial microbial life, recycle nitrogen and other nutrients and improve the shallow-depth-structure of the soil over the long term. To water your lawn correctly, water should be applied deep enough to apply one inch of water once every eight to 11 days, even during drought. Frequent shallow watering promotes shallow rooting grass that is prone to thinning, pest and disease infestation. Raise the grass cutting height in the summer to promote longer grass that promotes deeper climate-resistant root systems. Lower the height back to the minimum recommended height of 2.5 inches in the fall. Beyond proper lawn maintenance there are always alternatives to growing a lawn. There are so many clever and creative alternatives that I can not go in to all of them. However, some of the easiest and most beautiful transformations can be achieved quickly and inexpensively. The simplest of all is to expand existing garden beds to decrease the amount of lawn. Cut out one to two feet of grass and allow the shrubs and perennials more room to grow big and beautiful. For lawn areas that are heavily trodden, install paving stones or another material to provide a safe and reliable walking surface that will improve the look of the surrounding lawn, lower maintenance and improve property value. Convert some areas of lawn — such as under a tree or other

hard-to-grow grassy areas — into shrubs, perennials or ground covers. Boulevards are particularly well-suited to growing ground covers. Most progressive municipalities will allow the conversion of boulevards to low-growing ground cover. Permanent features like retaining walls and boulders may not be allowed on the city-owned boulevard without special permission but low-growing ground covers that do not impede traffic visibility are an inexpensive, beautiful and sustainable alternative. Other ideas include: ■ Reducing cutting frequency and naturalizing the lawn with bulbs, wildflowers and perennials; ■ Creating a woodland garden for shady areas; ■ Planting a vegetable garden in sunny lawn areas; ■ Installing a pond or bog garden for wet areas; ■ Building a children’s play area full of interesting kid-playthings, not just boring lawn, and ■ Planting a Zen moss garden with stone and statuary. Build or plant anything that will not be the resource-eating lawn monster. Most importantly, we must adjust our antiquated perception of the usefulness of a lawn within the context of today’s busy life schedules and enlightened thinking on sustainability and environmental stewardship. Todd Major is a journeyman horticulturist, garden designer, writer and organic horticulture teacher. For advice, email

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total occupant load with staff: 565 people - Dance floor/Seaview Room: 120 people - Great Hall: 250 people - Eaglesnest room: 50 people - Dining area: 81 people - Patio: 64 people

PROPOSED HOURS OF OPERATION: 9 a.m. to midnight 7 days a week

Persons who consider they are affected by this application are requested to make written submissions in the form of a letter addressed to Council and mailed or hand delivered to: 750-17 Street, West Vancouver BC V7V 3T3. Written submissions will be accepted from April 1, 2011 to April 30, 2011. More Information For further information or clarification on the proposed Licence Application contact: Bylaw & Licensing Services, 750-17 Street, West Vancouver BC. Telephone 604-925-7152. Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday (except statutory holidays) between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.


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A18 - North Shore News - Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Hummingbirds return From page 14

in locations like Maplewood Conservation Area. And watch for migrating geese, ducks and swans winging their way North. Cinnamon teal and blue-winged teal are the reverse of wintering species, coming up from the South to spend the summer here. Shorebirds like Western, pectoral, and least sandpipers pass through on their way from wintering areas in South America, heading to Alaska and the high Arctic. A few shorebirds winter here like greater yellowlegs,

photos John Lowman

THE weather is warming up, which means birds like the migrating semipalmated sandpiper (above) and violetgreen swallow can be spotted on the North Shore.


Town Hall Meeting - 13th + Lonsdale Date:



6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. (presentations will begin at 7:00 p.m.)


The Royal Canadian Legion (Branch 118) 123 West 15th Street, North Vancouver

/)>%?B:A #G> GAAT!)+ <B GD)C+ <#) ;!<Q B' NB?<# 0GC-B:8)? 7'5-!GT ;BDD:C!<Q 6TGC M7;6L and to rezone the former Shell gas station property at 1250 Lonsdale Avenue to permit a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station at 35 feet in height, accessory unenclosed storage, off-street parking & loading, and offsite parking. Interested members of the public are invited to attend to learn more about the proposal and offer comments with members of Council being present. An event facilitator will be in attendance.

For more information, please contact: Applicant Carla Guerrera /)>%?B:A 6?BA)?<!)> 604-628-5369

City of North Vancouver Richard White Director, Community Development 604-990-4215

citycouncil Mayor Darrell Mussatto Councillor Pam Bookham Councillor Rod Clark Councillor Bob Fearnley Councillor Guy Heywood Councillor Craig Keating Councillor Mary Trentadue City Clerk Robyn G. Anderson

141 West 14th Street, North Vancouver BC V7M 1H9 | Tel: 604-985-7761 | Fax: 604-985-9417

killdeer and Wilson’s snipe, (resident). Birders are always on the lookout for local rarities like the long-billed curlew, marbled godwit and whimbrel. The raptor migration is highlighted on the North Shore by great flights of turkey vultures migrating to the province’s Interior. When air currents are just right (thermals) turkey vultures, bald eagles and red-tailed hawks may be seen soaring high overhead. Peregrine falcons follow migrating shorebirds (like western sandpipers, black-bellied plovers, dunlin and others), which of course they hunt. Rufous hummingbirds returned locally about midMarch, in time to nectar at the new blossoms of salmonberry and red-flowering currant. Anna’s and rufous are our two common North Shore hummers, but watch for the rarer caliope too. Spring on the North Shore is a wonderful time to be outdoors, with birds migrating, bees buzzing, flowers popping out and mountain peaks dazzling in the sun. But do get up early with the birds to greet the morning sun, and the dawn chorus. Al Grass is a naturalist with Wild Bird Trust of British Columbia, which sponsors free walks at Maplewood Flat Conservation Area on the second Saturday of each month. Join in Saturday, April 9, at 10 a.m. for a guided walk to look for the first signs of spring at Maplewood. Meet at Maplewood Flats, 2645 Dollarton Hwy. (two kilometres east of the Iron Workers Second Narrows Memorial Crossing). Walks will go rain or shine. Website:

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Wednesday, April 6, 2011 - North Shore News - A19

TORE! S . R D RINE A M . E . S LARGER rive D e n i r E. Ma 1678 S.


A20 - North Shore News - Wednesday, April 6, 2011

This is your invite to the








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NV duo gets Scouting’s top award Ashley MacDonald

TWO North Shore youth were recognized this past weekend with the highest award in Scouting — the Queen’s Venturer Scout Award. Forty youth from across the province, including Sebastian Markwick and Ming Donville, received the awards, presented by Lt.-Gov. Steven Point at Government House in Victoria April 2. “People who are working towards the awards usually have that goal in mind, but Ming and Sebastian just did all of the things without thinking there was an award in the end. So they were quite surprised to find out that the lieutenant-governor (was) going to present them with these awards,” said Chris Nemeth, group commissioner for the Pacific Coast Council. The Queen’s Venturer Scout Award is presented to Venturer Scouts who have acquired competence and skills that will be used in their community. The award consists of a cloth emblem and a parchment certificate signed by the Governor General of Canada. Markwick compares the award to the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, a self-directed development program for youth. “It’s not an award that you are selected for, it’s an award you earn,” said Markwick. To be considered for the award, Venturer Scouts have to have first-aid certification, vocational training, volunteer hours and completed an expedition.

NEWS photo Cindy Goodman

Mulgrave musical MULGRAVE secondary students Ally Goult (left), Fraser Christian and Ahamed Dharamsi will perform in Cyberlife: The Musical, April 6-9, 7 p.m. at the school’s Linda Hamer Theatre, 2330 Cypress Bowl Lane, West Vancouver. For tickets, $10/$20/$40, call 604-913-6050. Info: Markwick’s expedition was a six-day hike through Cathedral Lakes. While in Victoria, the Scouts

took a tour of CFB Esquimalt and attended the awards presentation at Government House.

Your 3 Easy Steps to Finding a Pre-Owned Vehicle

1 Read.

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Wednesday, April 6, 2011 - North Shore News - A21


Dream… Achieve! 2" (/&04 !- +1 .& 03 0*+#1/ .&)0*-& 4" #&0( !- %*55 1% $13(&/%*5 -+1/!&-, '131/

New technology

NEWS photo Mike Wakefield

DARCEY Woods, a Grade 1 teacher at Montroyal elementary, and student Mats Bosinger work on one of 12 new SMART Boards — interactive whiteboards that connect to a computer and feature touch detection for user input.

Pages filled with fluffy friends book buzz

■ Little White Rabbit by Kevin Henkes (Greenwillow Books, 32 pages) $19. ■ Ribbit Rabbit by Candace Ryan, illustrated by Mike Lowery (Walker Books for Young People, 32 pages) $16.

Fran Ashdown

Contributing Writer

I am a sucker for all things white and cuddly and fluffy, and I love picture books as well, which is why my new favourite book to share is Little White Rabbit. I have admired the work of author Kevin Henkes for a long time — his delightful Kitten’s First Full Moon was my absolute favourite until I set eyes on this new offering. The fresh and floral garden on the cover, the vinebedecked endpapers and the lovely soft pastel colours used in the illustrations all combine

to put spring in the reader’s step and heart as well. The text is very simple: a rabbit wonders what it would be like to be green or tall or to be able to fly. In fact, little white rabbit wonders about many things. He hops through the grass and wonders. He hops by the fir trees and wonders in a marvellous double-page illustration. He wonders what it is like to be still in a four-panel spread that takes him through sunny days, rainy ones and finally a starry night. But by golly, little white rabbit is smart enough to not have to wonder who

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See Storybook page 28


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A22 - North Shore News - Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Young artist of the week

Pay attention and vote

TO no one’s surprise we have a federal election this May.

NEWS photo Mike Wakefield

Jordan Babkowski, 12, Brooksbank elementary Art teachers: Marilyn McVey and Arlene Martin Favourite art: abstract Favourite artist: Jackson Pollock Her teacher writes: Jordan loves doing artwork. Her passion for art is evident through the amount of time she spends working on a piece. Jordan is not limited in her art interests, but finds many creative ways to express herself. Young Artists of the Week are selected from North Shore schools by Artists for Kids for displaying exceptional ability in their classroom artwork. For details, visit the website






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And there are municipal elections coming up in the fall, the HST referendum and possibly a provincial vote. And what, you wonder, has that to do with parenting? It matters because how we vote and who we elect can have a profound impact on Parenting Today our society and meeting the needs of children and families. Kathy Lynn Pay attention. What are your concerns? Who will best address them? Much as it sounds hokey, the truth is that every vote counts and every election helps determine the world we will live in and leave to our children and grandchildren. You may choose to become informed so that you can vote intelligently. You may choose to get involved with the campaign of your preferred candidate. You may choose to work on Election Day. Whatever your choice, let the kids know what is happening. Our children learn by watching us. When we get involved in the electoral process and let them see our involvement, they grow up knowing that they have a civic duty to pay attention, to vote, to work on a campaign and possibly to eventually run for office. Let’s say you decide to put some time in on a campaign. You’re going to deliver lawn signs to supporters. Your 12year-old would be a perfect partner for the task. He can help you find addresses and will love placing the signs on the lawn. You’re going to deliver leaflets in the riding. Take your eightyear-old along for the walk and talk to her about what you’re doing and why. On Election Day make sure your children know that you are going to vote. If possible, bring them along to the polling place. This is also a great time to open the conversation about your political beliefs. Use language the kids will understand and choose topics they care about. All school-aged children care about education and today they are all aware of the environment. Show them the campaign brochures that come into the house. Talk about them. Help them learn how to distinguish fact from political spin. I’m not talking about turning every evening into a civics lecture, but a casual awareness and mention can lead to some meaningful conversation. If your children are teens, be prepared for a political argument. So be clear on your stand before you start this process. The average teen will love to take you on. After all, they take you on about everything else, why not politics? And if you are a strong supporter of one party, odds are your teen will SUSTAINABLE REGION INITIATIVE ...


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NEWS photo Mike Wakefield

WITH federal and municipal elections coming up, now might be a good time to introduce your children to the world of politics and the importance of voting. argue vociferously for the opposition. Just listen, be respectful, state your point of view and don’t panic. A lot of this argument is simply for the sake of debate. There is also a role for schools to play in teaching kids about elections, democracy, the workings of government, campaigning and voting. Very soon a non-partisan organization at www. will offer teachers materials to use during the campaign. The material will be online shortly and I encourage every teacher to take a look and every parent to tell your children’s teacher about this free opportunity for your kids to participate in the process. I recall during one election a mother at one of my presentations was beside herself. She and her husband had been longtime supporters of the NDP. Their children knew that and had watched them work for the party. And now, here was their outspoken 15-year-old sounding off about the Conservatives. Oh, he had facts and figures and the passion that only a committed teen can exhibit. When I saw this mother the following week she was grinning. She told me that she had learned that her son had quietly been working for the NDP candidate. So all the talk was just that, talk. Mind you, our kids will not always choose our political See Put page 28

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Wednesday, April 6, 2011 - North Shore News - A23


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A24 - North Shore News - Wednesday, April 6, 2011

April 8, 9, 1

Harry Jerome ( LO N S DA L E &

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Wednesday, April 6, 2011 - North Shore News - A25

9, 10, 2011

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A L E & E . 23R D)

ation, call 604-984-4307

• April 9, 9:30AM-5:30PM 11:00AM-5:00PM



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did you know? • That if you install a fireplace, you will get 94% of the money you spent back when you sell your home • That if you renovate your bathroom, you will get 69% of the money you spent back when you sell your home • That if you renovate your kitchen, you will get 79% of the money you spent back when you sell your home

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A26 - North Shore News - Wednesday, April 6, 2011




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!+#*)"+ $) #)! (&'*+% Prices in effect until Saturday, April 9, 2011 Photos are for illustrative purposes only. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Plus deposit, recycling fee where applicable. *If a major competitor within our geographical trade area offers a lower advertised price on any “ad match” item listed in this ad, we will match the competitors’ price only during the effective date of the competitors’ advertisement. ‘Our major competitors’ and ‘geographical trade areas’ are determined solely by us and are based on a number of factors which can change from time to time. Excludes ‘multi-buys’ (eg: 2 for $4), ‘spend x get x ’, ‘Free’, percentage discounts and discounts obtained through loyalty programs. We reserve the right to limit quantities.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011 - North Shore News - A27

CELEBRATIONS SEND us your picture for our Celebrations page. Enclose a

good-quality photo and a description of your wedding announcement, milestone anniversary (first, fifth and every subsequent five years) or birthday (80 years and every fifth year thereafter) along with a contact name and phone number and we’ll try to include it in our feature. Email your submission to dlancaster@ or bring us a hard copy print and not the original photo. The Celebrations page is a free service and there is no guarantee as to when submissions will be published. Text may be edited for length and editorial style. Photos will be available for pickup at our front desk three days after the publication date: 100-126 East 15th St., North Vancouver, V7L 2P9. Photos not picked up after one month will be discarded.

Ingrid J Lemus and David Coles Ingrid J Lemus and David Coles will be tying the knot on July 15 in Vancouver. They are thrilled to celebrate their union with family and friends on their special day.

Simon Koldyk and Janine MacArthur Jay and Lucy MacArthur would like to announce the engagement of their daughter, Janine MacArthur, to Simon Koldyk, son of Gerard and Jennifer Koldyk. Their wedding date is set for July 21, 2012.

Shirley and Kevin Shaughnessy Shirley and Kevin Shaughnessy will be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary on April 8. Sons Michael and Kevin Jr., daughters Theresa and Leanne and their families send their love and congratulations.



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A28 - North Shore News - Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Put kids on path of democracy WALMART CORRECTION NOTICE

For our flyer effective Apr. 1 - 7/11. Page 1: Nescafe Dolce Gusto by T-Fal (#1532660) does not include cappuccino cup and saucer and latte glass and it is not exactly as shown. Page 5: Glade Scented Oil Candle Value Pack #1361225 will be available at a later date.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

From page 22

them responsibly.

path. I bet not all of you vote as your parents did. Our job is to introduce our children to the path of democracy. Teach them to pay attention and vote, but vote intelligently. Then when they are adults and making the decisions that will impact us when we’re seniors, we are certain they are making

Kathy Lynn is a parenting expert who is a professional speaker, broadcaster, columnist and author of Who’s In Charge Anyway? and But Nobody Told Me I’d Ever Have to Leave Home. For information or to book Kathy for a speaking engagement, go to her website at www.

Storybook a visual feast From page 21

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loves him, as the final page demonstrates. A pink-nosed mommy bunny nuzzles her clever child and the story ends on a happy note. Altogether, this largeformat picture book is a visual feast. If I were able to crawl into these pages and spend some time with this bunny, I would be there in a flash. This is a book to be read many times and shared with your own bunny! For a more rambunctious read, Ribbit Rabbit is a hilarious offering starring a rabbit once again and his (or is it her?) best friend, Frog. The humour is in the repetition of key phrases and the silly rhymes that denote action. After a few pages of “Dip it. Dab it” and “Nip it. Nab it” I found myself giggling away as I read aloud. The two friends progress through a mutually positive playtime to a fight over a robot toy and a final heartfelt reconciliation. A lot of action takes place in the simple illustrations and the final page shows Frog and Rabbit marching along in robotic splendour led by the robot toy. Fans of Mo Willems’ Pigeon books (Don’t let the Pigeon Drive the Bus and sequels) will be captivated by this title. For other titles for young lagomorph addicts, try the following: ■ The Easter Egg by Jan Brett; ■ Suki, the Very Loud Bunny by Carmela D’Amico; ■ Muncha! Muncha! Muncha! by Candace Fleming; ■ Tippy-Tippy-Tippy-Hide by Candace Fleming; ■ Snow Rabbit, Spring Rabbit by Il Sung Na; ■ Wee Little Bunny by Lauren Thompson; ■ Tom Rabbit by Martin Waddell; ■ Paperwhite by Nancy Wallace; ■ Bedtime Bunnies by Wendy Watson, and ■ Voyage to the Bunny Planet by Rosemary Wells. Fran Ashdown is the children’s librarian at the Capilano branch of North Vancouver District Public Library. She does love bunnies, but her absolute favourite white/cuddly/fluffy creatures are her cats. For more library information, check out

Wednesday, April 6, 2011 - North Shore News - A29


Bowen Island a gem of a course High-quality course a great getaway for golfers Mark Hood Contributing writer

THE 2011 PGA golf season was well underway and the year’s first major tournament, the Masters, loomed.

Yet in Vancouver, it had been wet — very wet — and the year-to-date golf activity had been confined to a mere nine holes at a frosty Gleneagles on New Year’s Day, so we could tell friends in Calgary and elsewhere we had played. Golf is a sport for optimists, and with hope in my heart I booked a Saturday morning

NEWS photo Mark Hood

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THE Bowen Island Golf Club, opened in 2006, offers stunning rainforest, water and mountain views.

tee time at the Bowen Island Golf Club. The weather reports were inconclusive at best, but the commitment was made. As the day approached, forecasts shifted and Saturday was looking highly suspect. Regardless, our group assembled early on the appointed morning and loaded up for the trip to Horseshoe Bay. I was joined that day by friends Dan Rothenbush of North Vancouver’s Lady Jane Landscaping, Lance Olsen of Jordan’s Interiors and Larry Verigin of the North Shore News. We arrived at the ferry terminal with plenty of time. The cost for the vehicle and passengers was around $70, but it’s a return trip fare and works out to less than $10 per person each way. As we crossed to Snug Cove, the clouds began to dissipate. Fresh snow glistened in the hoped-for sun along the peaks that line the eastern shore of Howe Sound. Perhaps, at last, the sun would make a guest appearance. See Club’s page 30

A30 - North Shore News - Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Club’s philosophy puts playing experience first From page 29 Once ashore, we made the 15-minute meander to the course through Bowen’s eclectic landscape of wilderness, farmland and semi-urban development. At the course, all was ready and we bundled up into power carts to begin our round. Bowen is a very walkable course, but as I tend to pack camera gear to shoot photo and video accounts of the trip, a cart is a bit of a necessity for me. If you’ve never played the Bowen Island Golf Club, you must add it to your 2011 list. Opened for play in 2006, it’s a gem of a course and a great destination for a day or weekend out of town. While the idea of a golf course on Bowen had been mooted for decades, it wasn’t until the 1990s that the idea resurfaced in earnest. Community consensus was imperative and the club’s founding members and directors came up with a

plan that would add a great community facility with minimal impact on the island’s ecosystem. Golf courses need water and lots of it. While plenty of it falls from the sky in these parts, Bowen is essentially a big rock with a limited aquifer. To ease concerns, a massive reservoir was included in the plans. Here, more than enough water is stored to see the course through any hypothetical dry months, and it provides a haven for many of the wild aquatic fowl that call the coast home. Located beside the fourth fairway, it supplies the irrigation needs of the course and adds an additional hazard on a tight par-3. The founders also engaged the design services of course architect Russ Olson, the guiding hand behind Calgary’s River Spirit Golf Course, Sandpiper in Agassiz and the restoration and enhancement of clubs throughout B.C., such as Hazelmere, the Sunshine Coast and Whistler.

Today, this 3,003-yard, nine-hole locals’ course is getting set to burst into full bloom. They’ve done things properly here: adding incremental improvements and tweaking as they go, rather than slamming grandiose architectural eyesores into the middle of the rainforest. This year, perhaps as soon as late May, the next phase of the course’s evolution will take place, as the rustic Hilton pro shop is set to be replaced with a new facility. As a result of a wellsubscribed fundraising drive, pending permit approval, a new structure will be erected that will include a 230-squarefoot pro shop, a 960-squarefoot clubhouse and a covered external veranda. It’s a modest but modern layout that fits the club’s philosophy perfectly: the playing experience is paramount and almost all resources go to ensuring the course is in tip-top condition. That Saturday after all the See Grounds page 31


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a FREE SLEEVE of Noodle balls balls.. a FREE 15 PACK of Noodle balls.

NEWS photo Mark Hood

ABOVE, a water reservoir situated beside Bowen’s fourth fairway supplies the course’s irrigation needs. More than enough water is stored to get the course through hypothetical dry months. The reservoir also provides a haven for many wild aquatic fowl. At right, a rendering shows a potential design plan for a new 960square-foot clubhouse.

Bowen Island Golf Club



Monday April 11

6 pm or 7 pm

Tuesday April 12

6 pm or 7 pm**

All-Day Rates in April During the Month of April the Bowen Island Golf Club will be promoting all day rates for Adults, Seniors and Juniors who choose to play Monday through Wednesday. Regular rates apply Thursday to Sunday. For those of you who have not travelled to Bowen recently you will be delighted to hear that Gold Card Seniors receive passenger travel for free Monday thru Thursday, which makes the round of golf even cheaper. Call the proshop to book your tee time today. 604-947 GOLF (4653) Seniors also enjoy a half price powercart rate Monday thru Friday. Our snack shack is closed until Spring, so pack a lunch or dine at one of our local restaurants.

Wednesday April 13 6 pm or 7 pm

JACKS NEW PRO SHOP Small shop service big store prices

All the brand names — Titleist, Ping, Cobra, Taylormade, Adams and more. We will match Golf Town prices


Fully stocked pro shop with the latest Taylormade clubs available for demo.

Thursday April 14

6 pm or 7 pm

Monday April 18

6 pm or 7 pm

Tuesday April 19

6 pm or 7 pm**

Wednesday April 20 6 pm or 7 pm Thursday April 21

6 pm or 7 pm

Classes run once a week for four consecutive weeks. **Ladies Only

Adults $24

Seniors $20

Juniors $13



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315 Seymour Boulevard, N. Van. Just east of highway #1 exit #22 off Mt. Seymour Pkwy., Located just behind Superstore 604-947-GOLF (4653)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011 - North Shore News - A31




Soft Feel 12pk

Big Bertha 12pk




From page 30

rains of March, we put it to the test. Clouds still hovered menacingly, but the sun was making an effort to join our foursome. The first hole, a 390-yard uphill par-4, runs the length of

a wide trough with a bunker on the right at about 250 yards from the tee. We shook off the rust and began. Initial shots were acceptable considering the winter layoff, and we began our assault on the green. Greens here have always been exceptional

and the grounds crew take justifiable pride in keeping them that way. The practice green in front of the clubhouse was soft and the pace was a little slow, but that was to be expected given See Island page 32





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NEWS photo Mark Hood

Grounds crew exceptional


Burner Stand Bag

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THE second hole is the first of the course’s two par-5s.


Free Brazza Coffee and home baked cookies 1st come 1st serve. Doors open at 9:30am

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A32 - North Shore News - Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Island club a worthy addition to local options From page 31

the weather we have endured. What we didn’t expect was a putting surface that was very fast. Our initial shock gave way to more considered attempts and we tried to learn our lesson early. By the time we reached the second tee, the sun was out in full glory. We attacked the first of the two par-5s on the course with growing excitement: we had picked the nicest day in almost a month. As we made our way around, the greens were consistently fast and the course consistently playable. If you can think of a better way of capping a soggy work week than with a round of golf played with good friends in the sunshine, I’m open to hearing about it. Earlier, I mentioned the reservoir that runs down the right side of the par-3 fourth. It adds an interesting level of visual intimidation to a testy 190-yard hole. To the left, there are trees and some ferns, but it opens on the third fairway and mistakes can be improved upon. To the right, it’s death, and as most golfers

tend to slice, the contortions you go through to avoid the water can be numerous. The green on No. 5, a 370-yard par-4, was a Rubik’s Cube of subtle breaks and shifts. Pin placement made reads maddeningly difficult and we each watched in stunned amazement as putts that should have dropped meandered just a little too far left or right. We made up for it on the 126-yard sixth. This uphill par-3 features a left-sloping green largely obscured by the elevation. Lance got the party started with a corker that rolled to within three feet of the pin. Larry also made the green, but drifted left out of sight. Dan made it three-for-three on the putting surface and while I fell just short, we were all in good position for par or better. Dan and Lance locked up birdies and Larry and I happily settled for pars. From the seventh tee box, the highest point on the course, back down to the ninth green, playing that day was an absolute treat. Large, magnificent raptors soared on the breeze across a clear blue

sky. It was early April and we were golfing. It was so much fun we did it again and played a full 18. I continue to be impressed by the quality of the course and the people behind it. The Bowen Island Golf Club is a worthy addition to the many choices available to North Shore golfers in the Howe Sound/Sea-to-Sky corridor. If you haven’t tried it, make this the year you do. Weekend green fees are $26 for nine holes and $40 for 18. Power carts, pull carts and clubs are all available to rent and there is an ironsonly practice range if you want to warm up before you play. They also have a seniors special available Monday to Wednesday where it’s just $25 to play all day. For more information, visit

Videos of the courses featured in Tee Time will be posted on the North Shore News’ website. Bowen Island is the first for 2011. Go to and click on the link to the Tee Time section on the home page tool bar. Find the video of your choice and check it out.

Join us! Putt, Play & Party

NEWS photo Mark Hood

WRITER Mark Hood’s fellow players, Larry Verigin (left), Dan Rothenbush and Lance Olsen, tee off from No. 5, a 370-yard par-4.

Open - Monday - Friday 8am - 9pm Saturday & Sunday 7am - 9pm



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Wednesday, April 6, 2011 - North Shore News - A33

ORANGES add citrus spark. See story PAGE 34


An education in Spanish wines

Deana Lancaster

TALK about a crash course in Sherry. Actually, it was more of a multi-day immersion in Manzanilla and Fino, Amontillado and Oloroso. Though I’m certain I would enjoy hopping a flight to Spain even more, this year the country was the theme region for the Vancouver Playhouse International Wine Festival, which allowed plenty of opportunities for a luscious and nutty grounding in that country’s famed fortified wine. And since fortified wine was also the global focus of the fest, I was doing double duty with my wine lessons this year (I was always good at following instructions). Actually, I didn’t technically have any Sherry at my first event of the week. For Sabor de España at Salt Tasting Room in Gastown, I clomped down the stairs to the Salt Cellar with more than 40 other wine lovers to try the wines of Bodegas Alvear alongside obsessively well-paired plates by Salt chef Alvin Pillay. I love this space. The fact that we were in close quarters didn’t change the intimate drama created by the narrow room, moody lighting and the backdrop of the 1,000-bottle glass-walled wine cooler. Family members Fernando and Maria Alvear were at the table to tell us about their wines from the Montilla region of Spain (Sherries come from the Jerez region of Spain). Most are made with Pedro Ximenez grapes, a varietal with such thin skin it develops extra natural sugars. The 2004 Fino en Rama — a straw-coloured, intense dry wine — and the Capataz Fino — an older, classic Montilla Fino — were matched with a colourful toss of tender charred octopus salad and a tomato gazpacho made with last year’s preserved heirloom tomatoes. The nutty, slightly oxidized Carlos VII Amontillado and the Oloroso Asuncion came next, paired with fraternal-twin courses of braised short rib; one in a raisin and almond gastrique, and the other on a cloud of cleriac mash with rapini. The dessert course

NEWS photos Deana Lancaster

THERE were plenty of delicious flavours offered up at the Vancouver Playhouse International Wine Festival. Above: Avlear wines from the Montilla region of Spain are mainly made with Pedro Ximenez grapes, a varietal that develops extra natural sugars. Avlear’s Carlos VII Amontillado was paired with the braised short rib in a raisin and almond gastrique (below). (Valdeon blue cheese with a crumble of honeyed almonds, cookies and a chocolate terrine with salted caramel sauce) came sided by the 2008 Pedro Ximenez Anada and the incredible 1927 Pedro Ximenez Solera. Both taste of the raisins they were made from, of sunshine, figs and marmalade.


Later in the week I learned even more about Sherry (and Montilla) at Whammy of Umami, a seminar on pairing these rich wines with cheese. Cesar Saldaña, director general of the Regulating Council of Jerez, explained the differences between the biologically aged Fino and Manzanilla wines (using the natural yeasts to prevent oxidation during aging) and the Oloroso wines, which do get contact with air. We got a primer on the Solera system of aging (in which recent vintages are added to older blends made in years previous). And best of all, we sampled a range of wines with artisanal Spanish cheeses provided by Allison Spurrell, owner of Les Amis du Fromage. The pairings were a revelation, and almost defy description; while tangy, intense cheeses can often be a trick to match with other styles of wine, they are perfectly suited to Sherries. Want some suggestions? We sampled the Lustau Light Manzanilla Papirusa Solera Reserva with Ibores, raw goats’ milk cheese. Gonzalez Byass Tio Pepe Fino was lovely with tangy Garrotxa, and the Alvear Amontillado was

paired with Mahon, a sharp, cows’ milk cheese. Perhaps my favourite pairing was the Gonzalez Byass Nutty Solera Oloroso (an easy Sherry to drink) with classic Manchego, while the Gonzalez Byass Palo Cortado Apostoles was intense matched with the sheeps’ milk cheese, Idiazabal. Finally, I got my second taste of Alvear’s 2008 Pedro Ximenez Anada with Valdeon blue. When at last I hit the International Festival Tasting under the sails at the convention centre, I felt ready to visit the Sherry Caseta with some confidence. These voluptuous, foodfriendly wines are worth getting to know; my own (delicious) education has just begun.

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A34 - North Shore News - Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Juicy oranges add bright note to dishes Angela Shellard Contributing Writer

ORANGES are at their yearly peak of juicy sweetness right now. Nowadays you can find good oranges all year round, but March and April are the months when they taste best and can be found at great prices. Like all citrus, oranges add a bright note to a dish and intensify other flavours. Try these recipes that feature their unique taste.

Orange and Soy Glazed Chicken Thighs Everyday chicken doesn’t have to be boring. You could substitute small Portobello mushrooms for the shiitakes. 8 bone-in, skin-on chicken thighs (remove excess fat) 16 medium shiitake mushrooms, stems removed 3 green onions (green part only), cut into 3-inch pieces ½ cup soy sauce 1⁄3 cup granulated sugar 2 tbsp mirin (sweet Japanese rice wine; dry white wine with a little sugar stirred in can be substituted) ½ tsp finely grated orange zest 2 tbsp fresh orange juice 1¼ tsp cornstarch 2 tsp toasted sesame seeds Position an oven rack about seven inches from the broiler;

heat oven to 450 degrees. Line a broiler pan with foil. Season chicken with salt and freshly ground pepper. Arrange the shiitake caps on the broiler pan in eight pairs, gill sides up, and season with salt and pepper. Place two or three scallion pieces on top of each pair of mushrooms, then top with a chicken thigh, skin side up. Press with your hand to flatten. Roast until the edges of the chicken begin to brown, about 20 minutes. Turn the broiler on high and broil until skin is crisp and deep brown (watch carefully, it can go from deep brown to black very quickly!). While chicken is cooking, combine the soy sauce, sugar, mirin and orange zest in a small saucepan. Bring to a simmer over medium heat, stirring to dissolve the sugar. In a small bowl, stir together the orange juice and cornstarch and add this mixture to the saucepan. Return to a simmer and cook, stirring constantly, until thickened and glossy, about one minute. Transfer the chicken/green onion/mushroom bundles to dinner plates; drizzle generously with sauce and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Makes four servings.

1½ cups uncooked basmati rice 1 14 oz. can coconut milk 1⁄3 cup freshly squeezed orange juice 1⁄3 cup water ½ tsp salt 1 tbsp butter ¾ cup salted roasted cashews, roughly chopped 1 tsp grated orange zest

Coconut Orange Cashew Rice

1 medium navel orange, unpeeled 11⁄2 cups sugar 1 cup vegetable oil 4 eggs 2 cups all-purpose flour 2 tsp baking powder 2 tsp baking soda

This makes a nice accompaniment to the glazed chicken. 1 tbsp olive oil

Heat the olive oil in a large saucepan over medium-high heat. Add the rice and stir to coat with the oil. Add the coconut milk, orange juice, water and salt and bring to a boil. Cover saucepan and reduce heat to the lowest setting; simmer until all liquid is absorbed, about 15 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat and fluff rice with a fork. Place a clean dry dish towel over the top of the pan, cover with the lid and let rice steam for 5 minutes. Stir in the butter, cashews and orange zest. Makes four to six servings.

Orange Carrot Cake A nice twist on an old favourite; ice it with the orange cream cheese icing (recipe follows).

NEWS photo Paul McGrath

TAKE advantage of the juicy oranges in season and bake and orange carrot cake. 21⁄2 tsp ground cinnamon ½ tsp ground ginger ½ tsp ground nutmeg ¼ tsp salt 2 cups shredded carrots 1 cup golden raisins (or ½ cup raisins, ½ cup chopped walnuts) Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Trim a slice from each end of the orange and cut the fruit in half lengthwise. Remove the white centre core with a shallow V-shaped cut. Cut the orange halves into small chunks and puree the chunks in a food processor (should yield 2⁄3 cup if puree). In a large bowl, combine the sugar and oil. Beat in the eggs one at a time. Sift together dry ingredients and gradually add

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them to the egg mixture. Stir in the orange puree, carrots and raisins (and walnuts if using). Pour the batter into a greased 13- by nine- by two-inch baking dish and bake for 45-50 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the centre of the cake comes out clean. Cool on a wire rack. Makes 12 servings. (Iced cake should be stored in the refrigerator).

Orange Cream Cheese





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In large bowl of mixer, combine the cream cheese, sugar and orange zest until soft and creamy. Fold in the whipped cream.


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8 oz block of cream cheese, softened 1 cup icing sugar 1 cup whipping cream, whipped Grated zest of one medium orange

Wednesday, April 6, 2011 - North Shore News - A35


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Prices in this ad good through April 7th

A36 - North Shore News - Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Residents resurrect lodge’s history Spuraway Lodge celebrates 100th anniversary Erin McPhee

A group of West Vancouver residents are reaching out to the wider community in hopes of compiling the full story behind a North Shore landmark approaching its centennial. Spuraway Gardens, a West Vancouver townhouse complex located at 235 Keith Rd., is also home to a historic log house believed to have been built by Japanese carpenters in 1911. For the following 50 years, the building served a variety of uses — cabin, home, farm or equestrian centre — to a number of well-known families including the Mahons, Herrmanns, McDermotts and Gibsons. In 1965, the property around it was developed into townhouses, though the lodge remained intact and now serves as a club and activity centre for complex residents. “It’s a fascinating piece of West Van history,” says centenary committee member Robert Taylor. “There are very few buildings in West Van that are

photo courtesy of the West Vancouver Archives

FAMILIES who owned Spuraway Lodge include the Mahons, Herrmanns, McDermotts and Gibsons. older than this one.” Fascinated by the lodge’s history as well as unique architecture, a group of Spuraway Gardens residents formed a centenary committee, with the support of the strata council, and are endeavouring to compile the building’s history. They’re asking anyone with stories or photographs to contact them. “In planning this, we’ve made connections with people who really care about history,” says centenary committee chairwoman Janet Morningstar, adding they’ve also learned a lot about the former owners’ impact on the development of the North Shore. Committee members are presenting a series of local history talks for those who currently

call Spuraway home, featuring well-known community historians, and are hosting a centennial celebration April 16 for residents, past and present, as well as those who’ve assisted in putting the lodge’s history together. Invitations have been extended to former lodge residents as well. “We’re really thankful that this building was not demolished and turned into another condo building, I think because of the intrinsic historical value but also its value as a private club for the residents,” says Taylor. For more information or to read about the lodge’s history as compiled thus far, visit www. To submit a story or photo, email

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NEWS photo Paul McGrath

SPURAWAY Gardens operations manager Toby Millage (left) and centenary committee member Gary Payne are among those celebrating the landmark West Vancouver lodge’s 100th anniversary this month.

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Wednesday, April 6, 2011 - North Shore News - A37

80,740 $23.5 million

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will be shared with our members and communities this year.

Great news deserves to be passed along. And so do profits. Every year, Vancity shares an equivalent of 30% of its net profits with members and communities through our Shared Success program. So that’s why we’re pleased to announce that we will share a record $23.5 million this year, our biggest payout ever. Here’s a breakdown of what our members will receive:

• 6.00% dividend on membership shares • 1.46% bonus on deposit interest earned* • 1.46% rebate on loan interest paid* • 0.05% bonus on investments** The simple calculation is, the more business you do with Vancity, the more you get back.

When we make record profits, we share.

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A38 - North Shore News - Wednesday, April 6, 2011

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Wednesday, April 6, 2011 - North Shore News - A39

the North Shore with 75 exhibitors April 6, 1-7 p.m. at Pinnacle Hotel at the Pier, 138 Victory Ship Way. No charge for admission. Info:

Emergency Preparedness Begins With You: A workshop to learn about how to prepare for a disaster Wednesday, April 6, 7-9:30 p.m. at the North Shore Emergency Management Office, 147 East 14th Street, North Vancouver. Free. Registration required at www.nsemo. org. North Shore Business Trade Show: Take advantage of the largest business trade show on

Make a splash

NEWS photo Mike Wakefield

DON Barry and Susan McCabe, of Amity-Cooinda Packaging, join the Rotary Duck mascot in inviting the public to the Rotary Club of North Vancouver’s Duck Splash, this Sunday, April 10, at Ambleside Park. A helicopter will make the duck drop of about 11,000 numbered plastic ducks at 11 a.m. and Retriever Dog Club dogs will select the prize winners. Funds raised will go towards North Shore Rescue and the Lions Gate Hospital Foundation. Ducks can be purchased at Save-On Foods on Marine Drive in North Vancouver and in front of Extra Foods at Park Royal’s south mall on Friday, April 9, noon-6 p.m., or online at

Preview your items now then place your bids from

April 9-18


1. 2. 3.

go to; click Vancouver Sun/Province Preview items and register as a bidder Place your bid on the item(s) you want between April 9-18, 2011


of all net proceeds will be donated to BC Children’s Hospital

Team Finn Fundraiser: A wine tasting and silent auction will be held Wednesday, April 6 from 6-9 p.m. at Seymour’s Pub in North Vancouver to raise money for the B.C. Cancer Society and the Ride to Conquer Cancer. Tickets: $35. Info and tickets: Bike and Gear Swap: The North Shore Mountain Biking Assocaition will hold its annual swap and sale Saturday, April 9, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. at Jaycee House, 1251 Lillooet Rd., North Vancouver. Drop offs can be made from April 6 to 8 between 5 and 10 p.m. Admission: Early bird, $5, general, $2 after 11 a.m. Info: or www.

English Pub Night: The Londoners singing group will hold a pub night Thursday, April 7, 7:30 p.m. at the Silk Purse Arts Centre, 1570 Argyle Ave., West Vancouver. Admission: $10, which includes a glass of stout. Tickets: 604-925-7292. Raising a Happy Kid: Learn how to help your child/adolescent bounce back from sadness and depression at a free interactive evening with child and youth psychologist Dr. Carla Fry, Thursday, April 7, 7-8 p.m. at the West Vancouver Community Centre, 2121 Marine Dr. Registration: 604-925-2225. — compiled by Debbie Caldwell Email information for your nonprofit, by donation or nominal fee event to For our online listings, go to www. scroll to Community Events and click on Add Your Event.

A40 - North Shore News - Wednesday, April 6, 2011



THIS WEEK North Shore high school leagues are back in action. Go to www.esportsdesk. com/leagues/pick_ league.cfm?clientID =8&leagueID=0 for league schedules. Multi-media coverage at www. includes Mulgrave Titans vs. Rockridge Ravens in senior boys’ rugby and Rockridge Ravens vs. Collingwood Cavaliers in senior girls’ soccer. Tonight at 7 p.m. Vancouver Whitecaps host unbeaten New England Revolution in midweek Major League Soccer action at Empire Field. Go to for more details.

SPORTS TICKER Follow updates for North Shore sports 24/7 on Twitter @ NSNewsSports. Go to www.nsnews. com/sports for more sports news and multi-media presentations of the week’s events.

NEWS photo Mike Wakefield

LYNN Valley Bikes’ Ruben Salzgeber (right) gives James Panozzo and other members of Argyle’s mountain biking team some tips during a technical training session on rough terrain. The North Shore High School Mountain Bike League kicks off its season today.


Back in the saddle

Tessa Holloway

BEFORE students in the North Shore Mountain Bike League can ride down the trails, they have to get their hands a bit dirty. Students will spend today helping to repair and build trails in the North Shore mountains ahead of this year’s season, with a little help from the pros. “It’s quite a bit more involved than going to the gym and having a volleyball game,” said Wendy Hebbourn, a drama and English teacher at Argyle secondary and chairwoman of the North Shore Mountain Bike League (NSMBL). Not that it’s a bad thing, she added. “It’s a real amazing program because it allows them to get respect for the trails that they ride and it also really builds strong relationships with the kids from the other schools.” The NSMBL kicks off this afternoon with the trail maintenance session, and will be followed by races every Wednesday until May 11, with the championships on May 18. The high school league alternates between competitions on the North Shore and the more far-flung areas, such as the Sunshine Coast, Squamish and Whistler. The NSMBL is different in a few other ways, too. Unlike most high school sports, mountain biking is an individual rather than a team competition and anyone can do it — no matter their skill level or experience. “It’s the only sport I can think of that has no cuts, no try-outs, any kid can come and go to the provincials,” said Hebbourn. That’s included a student with Down syndrome and another with a bone disability that meant he wore splints on his legs. “He couldn’t really walk but he could ride a bike,” said Hebbourn. It’s also a great way to take advantage of the local geography, as students have the chance to ride on trails in Whistler and the Sunshine Coast that they otherwise would never get to see. Braden Holt is one of the riders in Grade 12 this year, and has been hopping on bikes of all kinds since the NSMBL suits riders like him who like to be competitive as

Race dates

■ Trail Day — April 6: – All locations (Hyannis: Seycove, Windsor, Argyle; Blair Range: Handsworth, Collingwood, Mulgrave, West Van; Richard Juryn: Carson/Balmoral, STA, Sentinel, Rockridge; Sprockids Park/Sunshine Coast: Chatelech, Elphinstone) — 3:30 – 5:30 p.m. ■ Race 1 — April 13: – Hyannis (Hosting schools Carson/Balmoral, Seycove/Windsor) 3:30 p.m. ■ Race 2 — April 20: – Sunshine Coast (Hosting schools Chatelech/Elphinstone) 3 p.m. ■ Race 3 — April 27: – Blair Range (Hosting schools Argyle, Sentinel, Handsworth) 3:30 p.m. ■ Race 4 — May 4: – Squamish (Hosting schools Don Ross, Howe Sound) 3 p.m. ■ Race 5 — May 11: – Whistler (Hosting school Whistler Secondary) 3:30 p.m. ■ Championships — May 18: – Richard Juryn (Hosting schools West Van High, Rockridge, Collingwood) 2:30 p.m. well as others looking more for fun, he said. “You can do whatever you like at any level you can be super competitive with it or just do a casual ride with your friends,” he said. “I’ve improved a ton with different coaches coming in and guest riders.” A number of those guest riders, including pros Wade Simmons, Andreas Hestler, Ryan Leech and Jay Hoots, will be working with the students this week as well as later in the season. Hebbourn said the league has grown and matured as the sport has done the same. When she started riding in the mid ’90s, mountain biking was “Shaun Palmer breaking See League page 41

Wednesday, April 6, 2011 - North Shore News - A41

SPORT News briefs MAJOR MIDGET HOCKEY After winning the opener Friday night 7-2 the Vancouver North West Giants ended the Red Deer Rebels season with a 3-1 victory Saturday in game two of a best-of-three series for the Pacific Midget Regional Championship. The win is historically significant for West Coast hockey as it is the first time that a B.C. team has defeated the Alberta representative for the Pacific Region crown since the high performance midget league was established in 2004. The series was a rematch of last year when the Rebels edged the Giants 2-1 in the best-of-three series. West Vancouver’s Alex Kerfoot was named Player of the Tournament finishing with one goal and four assists in the two games. The Giants will represent the Pacific Region at the 2011 Telus Cup in St. John’s, N.L. April 18-24 in a six-team tournament also featuring the Halifax Titans, London Jr. Knights, Winnipeg Thrashers, host team St. John’s Privateers and the yet-to-be-decided winner of the Quebec Region. Lac St-Louis Lions and Albatros du Collège Notre-Dame are vying for the final spot in a seven-game championship series. Lions lead 3-1 with Game five tonight. U13 GIRLS BASKETBALL The Delbrook Select Girls basketball team defeated two-time defending champion Tri-City Thunder 46-41 in the championship game of the Steve Nash U13 provincial tournament in Langley on April 3. The game featured several lead changes and was not decided until the last minute when the Delbrook girls secured the victory with some clutch shooting and lock-down defense. For a photo of the squad go to

League developing riders From page 40 beer bottles over his head and wearing jeans and that was a race,” she said. “Now it’s really developed into a sport, a recognized, competitive sport, so it’s taken a lot more seriously.” And if you ask her, she expects many of the kids in the league to carry on that tradition at high-level competitions in the years ahead. For more information and updates throughout the NSMBL season go to their website,

Ground battle

NEWS photo Paul McGrath

CAPILANO Rugby FC Div. 1 (in black) battle Richmond on Saturday afternoon at Klahanie Park. The North Shore club’s Division 1 and 2 squads hosted Richmond’s teams over the weekend. Final scores were Div. 1 — Capilano 44, Richmond 12 and Div. 2 — Capilano 35, Richmond 20. Visit for latest news and upcoming games. Go to for more photos.

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A42 – North Shore News – Wednesday, April 6, 2011


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In Memoriam







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“In loving memory of Costa”


No farewell words were spoken. No time to say good-bye. You were gone before we knew it. And only God knows why. We miss you.

Love Mom, Dad & Arita



George Adamson George Adamson passed away at home with his loved ones around him on March 26, 2011. George was born near Carmen, Manitoba on Dec. 19, 1915. His early years were spent on the farms in the area. During WW2 he was in the Air Force and was an airplane mechanic. His service was rewarded by an opportunity to go to university and he graduated relatively late in life as an electrical engineer. With his wife Jessie and only daughter Debbie, he moved to BC where he worked for BC Hydro as a distribution engineer until his retirement. George loved to play the violin and spent many happy hours practicing and playing for various amateur orchestras on the North Shore.

BURTWELL - Dorothy Lyal October 28,1926 – March 26, 2011. Dorothy passed away peacefully on March 26, 2011 at Evergreen House in North Vancouver. She is lovingly remembered by her three sons Brian (Freda), Jeff (Donna), and Marty; her two grandchildren Sara and Kyle that she loved very much. She will be missed by her brother Glen (Audrey) Stewart and their family as well her cousin Kathleen (Sam) Newman and their family in Mukilteo, Washington. Dorothy was born and raised in the Dunbar area of Vancouver and attended Lord Byng High School. She moved to the North Shore in 1955 where she raised her family and has lived there ever since. It is with our deepest gratitude that we send our many thanks to Dr. Hayley Broker and the wonderful, caring and compassionate nurses and staff at Evergreen House and Cedar View Lodge. They all took such great care of our Mom during her stay there. Service will be held Friday, April 8 at 2pm at Boal Chapel - 1505 Lillooet Road North Vancouver, with reception to follow. If friends so desire, donations can be made in Dorothy’s name to Alzheimer’s Society of British Columbia. Condolences may be sent to

HAYWARD, Ellen Eugenie 1914-2011 Our beloved Mother and Nanni passed away peacefully on March 19th, 2011. She is survived by her daughters Judi and Laurie, her dearly loved granddaughter, Jaymie, and her youngest brother, Bob Wilson. Ellen was light years ahead of her time, [although generally late by at least 5 minutes for most occasions!] her many accomplishments include: nursing in Vancouver and New York, completing her Masters of Social Work at UBC ; initiating and directing the first Medical Social Services Department at Lions Gate Hospital; managing the building of a new Health Clinic in northern BC; working as the Administrator of St Mary’s Hospital on the Sunshine Coast; contributing to many nonprofit organizations and healing workshops while raising a family and building a community of loving friends. We were blessed to have her in our lives for so long and she has left us a rich legacy of her courage and compassion and her delightful sense of humour. A celebration of her life will be held at a later date.

George enjoyed many years with his son-in-law, Sal Demare and doted on his grandchildren, Dan and Cara, now grown. He was excited to welcome Sheila, Dan’s wife to our family and couldn’t stop smiling when he learned there was a great grandchild on the way. George was a man of great energy, very good health and optimistic disposition. George looked after Jessie for a number of years, without complaint, while she struggled with dementia and predeceased him in 2007. He used these same qualities as he battled pancreatic cancer in the last year of his life and surprised the health professionals and family alike with his ability to rebound and enjoy life. Our family would like to thank Julie Dunn and the Community Care team of nurses, Living Well Home Care and their community health workers, particularly Blanca and Cynthia, and the end-of-life nurse Shirley, for assisting us to take this journey with George at home. The journey was not for the faint of heart but our goal was achieved thanks to the knowledgeable and compassionate care of these health professionals. A special thank you and deepest respect to granddaughter Cara who moved in with George and loved, kissed, hugged, teased and advocated for him in the last 5 months. His last days were full of joy because of her! Our family especially wishes that you take the time to sign the guest book and donate to There will be no service held by George’s request.

FUNG, Benny Shun Boon Oct. 14, 1930 - March 24, 2011 Benny passed away peacefully at the age of 80. Born in Hong Kong, he moved to Canada in 1968 and made his home in West Vancouver. Owner of 'Benny’s Shoe Repair' in Dundarave, his great workmanship earned him many loyal customers. Benny was also known for his interest in photography and enjoyed the many expeditions with his photo buddies. Benny is survived by his wife Audrey, children Raymond (Reyla), Joyce (Shoichi), grandchildren Aaron, Naomi, Matthew, and Noelle, and brothers, nieces and nephews in Hong Kong. Many thanks to the staff at VGH and UBC Hospital for their compassionate care during the last year. No service by request. He will be greatly missed by his family and good friends.

Fond memories linger every day, Remembrance keeps them near.

MCMULLEN, Helen Esther (nee Sewell) Dec 29th, 1944 - Mar. 29th, 2011 Cancer has stolen another gracious soul. We have lost a beloved sister, mother, mother inlaw, grandmother, friend and lover. We will always remember her smile, laughter and sense of fun. Helen leaves behind her sister Gwen, sons Tony and Tyler, daughter in-law Maria, granddaughter Ava, grandson Wesley, former husband Mike, her partner Bill and too many friends to list. The Boss was born in North Vancouver and attended West Van High where she excelled at track and field. For most of the first 50 years of her life she lived in the same house on Haywood Ave. She and her family moved to Davis Bay in 1993 and later she moved to Porpoise Bay. Helen worked for The Georgian Trading Co. for many years in Trail Bay Mall. She took great joy in spreading as much love around as humanly possible, mixed in with a healthy dose of mischief. The family and friends would like to thank the doctors, home care nurses, Lions Gate Hospital, staff at St. Mary’s and Shorncliffe along with the many people who offered their help, love and support over the past challenging few months. There will be a Celebration of Helen’s Life in Sechelt at a later date.


HENSHAW - Dennis RCAF veteran Dennis Frederick Henshaw passed away peacefully at Lions Gate Hospital March 28th in his 89th year. He is survived by his wife Ellen, brother Gordon, children David (Gail), Diane, Vicki (Bill), four grandchildren and two greatgrandchildren. He was predeceased by his wife Lyla and five brothers. While in the service he was involved with Search and Rescue and taught instrument and electrical techs at CFB Borden. After his retirement from the RCAF he became a projectionist and served as union business agent. He also farmed and was a volunteer firefighter on South Pender Island. No service by request.

PARENTE, Donato Dec 8, 1921 - April 1, 2011 Peacefully surrounded by family, Donato passed away and began his new journey to join his wife, brothers, sisters and other departed family members waiting for him in God’s kingdom. Dad was an ordinary individual whose sole priority in life was the success and well being of his family. He was a pipe fitter / plumber by trade but also gardener extraordinaire, part time wine maker, carpenter and over all 'Jack of all Trades ’ available to anyone that asked for his assistance. He was a man full of pride, a kind heart and his generosity enriched all our lives. Predeceased by his loving wife and best friend of 55 years, Caterina, we know that Dad is now happy being re-united with her. While we miss them both, our tears are joyful knowing they are together again for all eternity. Donato will be remembered with love and fond memories by his family, sons, Carmine (Deborah), Phillip (Dagmar), John (Patti); grandchildren, Vanessa, Kaitlyn, Thomas and Jennifer; Sister-inlaws, Carolina, Christina, Anna and Lucia and many nieces and nephews and other extended family members. Prayers will be offered at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 6th at Holy Trinity Parish, 2725 Lonsdale Ave., North Vancouver where the Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated on Thursday at 11:00 a.m. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Lions Gate Hospital in Donato’s memory

Hollyburn Funeral Home 604-922-1221

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SUMMERFIELD, Morva July 31, 1916 - March 30, 2011 (nee Batchelor), passed away peacefully at the age of 94 with family by her side in West Vancouver on Wednesday, March 30, 2011. She was predeceased by her husband Rolly and siblings Edith, Verna & Jack and her niece Bette. She will be dearly missed by her children Jeanne Butler & Joe Summerfield and wife Lynn; Grandchildren Cheryl (Ron) and Jeanette (Lee); Great Grandchildren Nathan, Hayley & Morgan and her nieces Morva and Bonnie and their families and her dear friend Betty Fulton. She will be remembered by her family & friends for her strength, courage and quiet confidence. Morva was born in England and was a long time resident of West Vancouver. Affectionately known as Maurie to many, her home was always open for family dinners at Easter and Christmas. Her beach side cabin at Granthams Landing was a gathering place for family and friends and for many years she was a regular summer resident. In honour of Morva’s life a Service of Celebration will be held at St. Christopher’s Anglican Church, 1068 Inglewood Avenue, West Vancouver on Tuesday, April 12, 2011 at 2:00pm. Reception in the church hall to follow. Our family would like to express our sincere appreciation to the West Van Care Centre for assisting us to take this journey and for their loving support. No flowers by request. Condolences may be sent to the family by visiting

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Lost & Found

FOUND KEYS CHRYSLER KEY & FOB lower Bridgeman park Weds Call to id 604-904-4101 FOUND, PERSONAL and financial documents. belonging to Mrs. heather Williams, call to identify. 604-365-8638

LOST Bernese Mountain Dog, 1 1/2 yrs old, ‘Hurley'. Lost March 24th Baden Powell nr entrance to Dream Weaver Trail. He has tags with his name & ph # on it, CKC registered. If you have any info or think you have seen him pls call 604-762-4504 or 778-994-6963 REWARD $1,000 LOST BROWN wallet with I.D’s. in N. Van. .' Reward. call 604- 247-0345 or 604-761-3718 LOST CAT 'Kobe' small older (20yrs) black & white , on medication, last seen 1000 blk Calverhall St. Tuesday am 604-984-8916



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Wednesday, April 6, 2011 – North Shore News – A43



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Office Manager


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A44 – North Shore News – Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Hotel Restaurant

PEMBERTON STATION The best sports environment on the North Shore seeks reliable experienced

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Office Personnel

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Retail Sales

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Music Instruments Pearl Forum Drum Kit ( Black With Chrome Hardware) 12x9 Tom Drum 13x10 Tom Drum 16x16 Floor Tom Drum 22x16 Bass Drum Comes With Bass drum claw hook and tension rods have been upgraded. Set of legs for floor tom and bass drum, Gibraltar tom arms, and a basic Gibraltar kick pedal. $300.00 604-808-6223



2 SEATER loveseat. clean, You pick-up 604-980-0088 DESK, SWIVEL chair & bookshelf, good cond. free you p/u, 604-987-3235


Sports Equipment

TREADMILL, Weslo Cadence 927, electric ( plugs in), folds up for easy storage $250. 604-986-1437


Wanted to Buy

COLLECTOR PURCHASING Pre 1950 toys, postcards, antiques collectible smalls, military items, sterling anything of interest, Ron. 604-313-5479



GOOD HOME for beautiful 5 yr old in/outdoor female tabby cat (spayed) Rod 604-985-7193

RENO SALE: Formal dining room set mahogany colour in good condition ($5000 obo) includes: 10 chairs, table with two leaves to sit 10, large buffet with lighted glass display. call 778-288-4714 RENO SALE: queen size sleigh bedroom set mahogany colour in good condition ($1,000 obo) includes 6 drawer chest with mirror, 5 drawer tall boy and two night tables, call 778-288-4714


Garage Sale North Vancouver

94- HUGE MOVING SALE Sat/Sun 9 am - 3pm 1044 Belmont Ave. Rain or shine! Tools, camping, china, toys, art, small appl, baby, books!


Lumber/Building Supplies

DO-IT-YOURSELF STEEL Buildings Priced for Spring Clearance - Ask about Free Delivery to most areas! Call for Quick Quote and Free Brochure 1-800-668-5111 ext. 170 SAWMILLS – Band/Chainsaw SPRING SALE – Cut lumber any dimension, anytime. MAKE MONEY and SAVE MONEY In stock ready to ship. Starting at $1,195.00. 1-800-566-6899 Ext.400OT


★ HOTEL FURNITURE LIQUIDATION ★ New treasures arriving daily!

Just arrived from the PACIFIC PALISADES HOTEL

Any Size Mattress $99, Headboards $50,Nite Tables$50, $50, Mattresses $100, Sofabeds $200, Armoires Dressers $100,Sofa Beds $200, Banquet Chairs $15, Sofa Chairs $50, Dining Chairs $20, Tables $50. Lamps TV’smirrors $30, Armoires $100, 1000’s of$20, lamps, & art... andDrapes much $30 more! Mini-bars $40 ...and much more! We are Canada’s largest supplier of pre-owned furniture. 250 Terminal Ave @ Main St, Vancouver Visit ★Anizco★ Liquidators Hours: Mon to Fri 9-5 +Sat 10-2 Visit ★ANIZCO ★Liquidators 604-682-2528 250 Terminal Ave, Vancouver 604-682-2528 Hours: Mon-Fri: 9-5, Sat: 10-2



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4 M tri colour male Shih Tzu Yorkie X, all vac’s, cuddly. Approved home only $750. 604-794-3287 8WK PRBD Bluenose female Pitbull pups. First Shot, vetchek & Deworming. Good with kids. $1,000 o.b.o 778-388-4462 FILA/MASTIFF GUARD DOGS owners best friend. Intruders worst nightmare. all shots, each. ready now! 604-817-5957

Foster homes urgently req’d for rescued, abandoned & neglected dogs. Many breeds. www.


Legal/Public Notices

NOTICE TO CREDITORS Chester Allison Johnson otherwise known as Chester A. Johnson and Chester Johnson, deceased, formerly of 980 Lynn Valley Road, North Vancouver, BC, are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned Executors c/o Owen Bird Law Corporation, P.O. Box 49130, 29th Fl, 595 Burrard St, Vancouver, BC V7X 1J5, on or before the 6th day of May, 2011, after which date the Estate’s assets will be distributed having regard only to the claims that have been received. Doreen Violet Johnson, Garfield Chester Johnson and Robin C. Macfarlane, Executors. Owen Bird Law Corporation, Solicitors


Body Work



ATTRACTIVE mature European lady on North Shore for delightful bodysage. ANITA, 604-808-5589

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Lily’s Relaxation Centre Nice Oriental Massage

604-986-8650 1050 Marine Dr., North Van (by McKay) parking at rear LUXURY RELAXATION SPA 778-340-2778 1053 Marine Dr, North Van


Pets - Other

LOVE ANIMALS? Love a career as an Animal Health Technologist. GPRC Fairview Campus. Accredited program well known to veterinarians. On-campus farm and residences. Work with large and small animals. 1-888-999-7882;

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Money to Loan


Accounting/ Bookkeeping

BOOKKEEPER: full cycle bookkeeper avail. Reasonable rates. 604-318-0409



STANDARD POODLE pups, CKC reg. brown, black & cream, Chwk. 604-823-2467 ..302-1761



LIKE TO BE SPOILED? Full body massage. Call Sasha 604-971-0860


Granite Floor lamp, old world style, used in hotel lobby.$250 obo. Pls call 604.808.6223.




Escort Services

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As old as cooking itself, appealing to all ages, soup may have been the world’s first comfort food: • Water and heat proof cooking utensils, introduced 5000 years ago, led to the invention of soup. • North American publications from the 1700’s included soup recipes. • “Pocket” or “portable” soups were popular in the 1700’s. Recipes describe a drying process that produced a hard “glue,” suitable for carrying in a pocket, which could be reconstituted with water at a later time. • Andy Warhol credits his love of lunchtime soup as inspiration for his famous soup can paintings. • Almost two thirds of American families serve at least one bowl of soup in a two week period. • Marketing statistics show that women are twice as likely to eat soup than men. • Frank Sinatra’s standing dressing room request was chicken and rice soup. • Even fictional characters had their favourite – Minnie Mouse loved smoky cheese soup. Next week: Soup as medicine Information provided by: North Shore Child Care Resource Program, a service of North Shore Community Resources Society: 604-985-7138

Wednesday, April 6, 2011 – North Shore News – A45

6505 6505

Apartments & Condos


North Van Apt. Rentals

★ CENTRAL LONSDALE ★ Spacious 1 BR corner ste. Featuring large kitchen, lots of storage, heat/hot water incl. N/s, no pets.$980 May 1. 604-983-0634 1 BEDROOM, spacious luxury, view suites. 5 Appliances, large covered balcony. No Pets. From $1450/mo. To view, Please call 604-988-1509

1 BR $1050 May 1 1 BR, $1175 large deck, avail now. both new kitchen/bath & carpet, dw, ns, cat ok lower Lonsdale, 604-988-1939

Apartments & Condos


North Van Apt. Rentals

1 br 312 E 1st. Balc. $900, 604-729-2420. Bach $800, hardwood, patio, 280 E 2nd. May 1, 778-855-2420.. prkg avail 1 BR 3rd flr (top) south view, new flooring, windows, $925, NS, NP, ug prkg, W. 5th @ Lonsdale h/hw incl, May 1st. 604-983-9469 1 BR, $829. large incld heat, laundry, np, ns, Lonsdale & Keith, May. 1, 604-929-5101 leave msg.

1 BR $950 incl h/h/w, quiet bldg, sec prkg, central Lonsdale. 140 West 17th. 990-8262/985-1658 1 BR avail May 1, $865 central Lonsdale, suit quiet person(s), np, ns, 604-320-9238 1 BR, bsmt, Edgemont, suits 1 quiet, n/s, n/p, $750 incl heat/ light, laundry, 604-986-6235 1 BR from $865. W. 5th @ Lonsdale heat & h/w incl, n/s, n/p. avail May 1st. 604-983-9469

1 BR 21/Lonsdale, bright reno incl heat hw hardwood, ns, np, quiet adult bldg. $900. 604-904-9507

1 BR, large, $850. avail May 1, Near Hospital & Safeway, no pets, prkg, heat incl. 1 yr lease 150 E. 11th. 604-987-4922


Spacious 2-bedroom + den suite, $2,900 per month. Contemporary open plan, large balcony, 5 appliances. Magnificent panoramic ocean & city views from 12th floor. Highly maintained, well managed building on Victoria Park with beautiful landscaping. Pet-free. Suitable for discerning executives or empty nesters wanting to trade the responsibilities of home ownership for freedom to travel and quality residence without encumbrances. To view, please call 604 988 1509 OTTMANN PROPERTIES LTD.


KELOWNA - Upscale Adult Resort, 4 Jacuzzi Stes., 6 ½ baths. Salt pool, media room & sauna. Lake, mtn & city views. Private 2 bdrm. res. Fabulous semi-retired lifestyle. Turn key. $1,549,000. 1-877-762-7831


Houses - Sale


Real Estate


Houses - Sale


New Westminster

1202 - 7th Ave. Sunday, April 10th, 2 - 4pm. 5 BR incl legal ste. $640,000. Karim Juma, Royal Le Page City Centre, 604-678-9143


West Vancouver

FULLY RENOVATED Horseshoe Bay cottage, quiet st, ss owner, $899,000 604-925-9562


Mobile Homes

Sell your home, only $99. 604-574-5243 Chilliwack 2.5yr old 2967sf 3 storey 4 br 2.5ba w/suite potnl $417,900 798-2511 id5344 Delta Price Reduced studio condo, 19+ complex, pool, park, $98,500 597-8361 id4714 Sry Bear Creek Park beauty 1440sf rancher, gated 45+ $275,900 306-931-3939 id5234 Sry Priced to Sell!!! Guildford 909sf 2br updated quiet condo $165K 588-5592 id5305 Sry Boundary Park immaculate 3139sf 5br 3.5ba w/bsmt suite $689K 590-0981 id5335 Sry Sullivan Mews upper lvl 1150sf 2br 2ba tnhse, 55+ complex $175K 543-8549 id5346 Sry Tynehead on Greenbelt 3600sf 5br 4.5ba 1/2ac GD lot $930K 575-7311 id5350



North Van Apt. Rentals

1 Br. large, $825 1 Br. large, new carpet, $865, both: brick patio, now or May heat incl. quiet. drapes. gated or free prkg, no pets, 1 yr lease. 310 East 2nd, 604-837-0956 1 BR. large, $870. mountain view, now or May 1st. Gated prkg, quiet, drapes, heat incl. no pets, 1 yr lease, 321 East 2nd. 604-987-5802

1 BR lrg, MOVE IN ALLOWANCE, Apr 1, quiet/clean blding. Rent Starts/$975. Incls Ht/ Hw. N/P, N/S, 1 yr lse, Cable/Park extra. Call 604-985-4272 1 BR, newly reno’d, Whitecliffe, Woodcroft, avail May 1, pool, gym, ns, np, $880, 604-228-1618 1 BR VIEW f/p, d/w, secure u/g prkg, Lease. 2nd/Lonsdale, N/P, $1100. immed. 604-669-3950 1 BR view, incld heat hw & cable, now, fully renod, upper Lonsdale, large, ns, np, 604-987-8807 1 BR, view, top flr, quiet, hardwood, cat ok, Lonsdale & 23, avail May 1, $825. ns, 604-986-4927 100 E. ESPLANADE 1 bdrm air con, 9 ft ceiling, 7 appl, $1400; Anson Rlty 604-783-7623

121 W 20th 1BR, main flr. hardwood, heat & hw incl’d, 1 yr lease np, $1000, now, 604-681-2521

SRY, #1-7850 King George Blvd. Great double wide 2 BR + den. 1 pet ok! 55+ adult park. $79,500. Lorraine Cauley, Royal Lepage North Star, 604-889-4874


Out Of Town Property

OWN 20 ACRES-$0 Down $99/mo. ONLY $12,900 Near Growing El Paso, Texas Money Back Guarantee, No Credit Checks, Owner Financing, Free Color Brochure 1-800-343-9444

NORTH VANCOUVER INVESTMENT PROPERTY Side by side Duplex yields $102,000/yr and fully carries your mortgage with a 5% return on cash and 13% on your equity! Long term rentals with utility contribution from tenants keeps administration to a minimum. Vibrant, convenient Lower Lonsdale. Amazing Arnold Shuchat MBA, LL.b. city, mountain, water views from an Direct: 778-227-7325 immaculate, fully renovated property. Check out the inside at Nothing to do but move in. Appointments only.


Apartments & Condos



Spacious Studios from $1050, 1 BR from $1250 & 2 BR from $2000 w/ balconies & spectacular views, well maintained, clean, quiet concrete highrise. Fabulous Central Lonsdale location, next to library, transit, shops & cls to schools. Sorry, no pets. Heat & hot water incls. Call 604-983-6920 to view.

1520 CHESTERFIELD Rd. 1 br $935, 2 BR $1,250 No pets. 604990-2971 or Wkends 778-340-7406

195 21st Street BELLEVUE TOWER 1 BR $1600, 2 BR $2400 Avail May 1 Prestigious bldg next to seawall. Beautifully renovated, granite c/tops, h/w flrs, new appls, d/w new kitchen & bath rm cabinets, indoor pool. Facing NW w/ ocean views. Steps to community ctr, shops, transit & restaurants. Sorry, No Pets.

2 BDRM, $1225 Central Lons, granite, , h/w flrs, balc, f/p, n/p, 160 E 20th. NOW, 604-988-3227 2 BEDROOM: 365 East 2nd St., N Vancouver: Bright unit in quiet building w/ large storage area in unit, h/w & d/w. $1125/mo incl heat & h/w avl May 1st ph 604-726-4884 2 BR 2 bath, exquisite new reno upper Lonsdale, hardwood, ns, np, immed, $1320, 604-904-7545 2 BR, 2 bath, nr NS Winter Club, excellent amens, ns np, 55+, May 1st. $1500. 604-929-5459 2 BR, approx 1100sf, Nr Cap Univ reno, incld heat & hw, 1 prkg, ns, np, now, $1350, 604-921-4384 2 BR bright, hardwood, ns, np, near seabus, quiet bldg. $1300, 604-618-8338 2 BR, corner ste, Lonsdale & 6, hardwood, new paint & kitchen, May 1st. $1150 604-986-4927 2 BR garden apt, newly reno’d, pool balcony, cable, heat, prkg, fp family complex. upper Lonsdale, np. $1045, May 1, 604-987-8814 2 BR, hardwood flrs, $1180 np, ns, avail May 1, 225 East 12th 604-786-3405


North Van Apt. Rentals

Fun By The Numbers

Fun By Numbers LikeThe puzzles?

2 BR Garden Suite

Opening onto manicured gardens. In high-end rental building, overlooking Victoria Park. No Pets. $1975/mo. To view, Please call 604-988-1509

Then Like you'llpuzzles? love Sudoku. This puzzle Thenmind-bending you'll love Sudoku. will have you hooked This mind-bending puzzle from the moment you will have you hooked square off, so sharpen from moment you yourthe pencil and put square off, so sharpen your Sudoku savvy the test! yourtopencil and put

2 BR highrise exc view, 5th flr h/wd flr, 2 bath, W. 16th Lonsdale ns np, $1850 1 May 604-904-8599 2 BR. large, $1095 corner, f/p, Gated prkg, quiet, drapes, heat incl. no pets, 1 yr lease, 321 East 2nd. 604-987-5802 2 BR Large $1125, Parklike Setting, Outdoor Pool, Playground. 920 sf, drapes, heat & prkg. incld. 1 yr lease. no pets 1228 Emery Pl., Lynn Valley 604- 987- 4922 2 BR large 1st flr 10th/Lonsdale $1040incl heat/cable, ns, np, refs well kept quiet bldg.May 1st suit quiet tenant(s) 604-317-7425 2BR, $1300, h&hw, hydro, prkg, pool, jacuzzi, gym, np,1yr ls, refs req, Woodcroft 604-889-8796 2BR, Manager Special, $1045, Central Lons, patio, carpet, n/p, 160 E 20th. NOW, 604-988-3227 326 WEST 1st St. 1 bdrm $775 & up. Nr seabus, secure prkg, no pets. Avail immed. 604-983-6916

412 - 560 Raven Woods Dr. 2 br, 1 bath, 761sf, balc. new carpets, 1yr lease, np, ns, now, $1450 Eric Royal Pacific Prop. 604-723-7368


Call 604-922-8815 to view.

Real Estate Investment


Apartments & Condos

1 br $890, Lonsdale & 21st, hardwood, quiet bldg, np, hw, heat, prkg May. 1, 604-990-4088

1 BR. 2 BR. 1 or 2 bath, fp, avail now. 1 yr lease, 125 W 19th, no pets, coin wd, 778-554-0537



in Lynn Valley, heat & hot water incl’d, ug prkg, some apts. are reno’d, near bus, shops & parks. 1 & 2 brs, quiet area, 1 cat ok, No dogs, No smoking 604-980-9219 ★ A QUIET BUILDING★ 1Br. top 3rd flr. south view $960; 1 Br 1st flr, not ground. $925. now - May 1 Carpets, drapes, heat, hw. Gated prkg avail. ★ No dogs ★1 cat ok ★ Pet Policy ★604-986-7745★ BACHELOR SUITE: 365 East 2nd St, N Van: Bright, south facing suite in quiet building. Private entrance: $720/mo, incl heat, h/w & hydro avl April 15th/ May 1st, phone 604-726-4884 Beautiful Large Suites 2 BR from $1315, avail now or May 1. Heat, h/w, prkg. Lease $300 move in allowance for 2 BR suite. 604-986-3866

Beautiful Views

1 bdrm- $1,025-$1250 Spacious, pool, storage, heat & hw, dw, quiet,

concrete, by shops, Cat Ok

North Vancouver


1 BRS $925 - $985 incl heat/hw& cable, 250 E 2nd. ns, np. now 1 yr lease large balc. 778-886-3250

CENTRAL LONSDALE, large updated 1 BR, cat ok $975, 604-925-8824 CENTRAL & LOWER Lonsdale renov’d & bright w/view, 1 br $850 up, 2 br $1100 up, 3 br penthouse $1700 up. Now 604-725-4873 2 BR, lrg, bright, new paint, new

carpet, 15th & Lonsdale, $1150 incl heat h/water ns np 604-323-4467

EXEC 2 br & den condo. 152 East 12th St near Lonsdale. 1100 sqft, 7 appl, 2 baths, gas f/p, sec prkg, wood floors, large patio. $1900 Immed or May 1. Century 21 Prudential. 604-232-3039

GREAT LOCATION! 145 West Keith Road.

1 BR Starting at $1050 Avail Now. Ocean view. indoor pool. Concrete bldg. Heat & Hot Water incls.

Call 604-986-3356

Ads continued on next page

your Sudoku savvy to the test!

Here's How It Works: Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a Sudoku, the numbers 1 through Here's It Works: 9 must fill How each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken into You can figure out the order in which the numbers will nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a Sudoku, the numbers 1 through appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the 9boxes. mustThe fill each columnyouand box. the Eacheasier number canto morerow, numbers name, it gets appear once in each row, column and box. solve theonly puzzle!

You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!

A46 – North Shore News – Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Apartments & Condos


North Van Apt. Rentals


Apartments & Condos


West Van Apt. Rentals


Houses - Rent

UPPER LONSDALE 5 bdrm house, Tamarack Rd, 3500 sq ft, NS, No pets, lease req’d, $2,700 plus utilities. 604 261-4833, David


Townhouses Rent

2 BR, quiet, near Edgemont Village, 4 appl, patio, $1300/mth, no pets. May 1st. 604-980-2885

Luxury Over The Seawall! 1 BR pool rec. rm, pet ok 2190 Bellevue Ave 604-926-6287 LYNN VALLEY, 2 BR, top flr, d/w, cat ok, avail now $1250, 604-925-8824

LYNN VALLEY, 3 BR top flr, hardwood, cat ok, $1400, May 1 604-925-8824 MOUNTAIN VILLAGE APTS. 2 & 3 BR, 604-988-3828 PARKRIDGE TERRACE 110 E. Keith Rd. Great location, park like setting, sauna, indoor pool. ★ Bach $895. Views, Storage. Parking avail. NO PETS. 604-988-7379

PACIFICANA 1480 Esquimalt Ave. 1 bdrm, ocean views, dw, n/p, n/s now or Apr 1st. By appt. 604-921-7800

Park Royal Towers Completely Renovated

1 & 2 Bdrm Suites 1BR (700-770 sq.ft.) 2 BR (1070 sq. ft.)

Spectacular Views, Walk to Shops & Transit Hardwood Floors Pool Rent includes all utilities.


TIME BUILDING, 155 W 1st St, Great views, Designer colours make this 2 br & 2 bath, 1150 sq ft Lower Lonsdale top flr condo ideal. Granite counter & SS appls, np ns, $2300. 1 prkg + storage. Avail May 1. Tim 604-925-3171 WOODCROFT: 1, 2 BR 1 year lease. ns, np. Utils. incld. COLLIERS - 604-926-2012

935 Marine Drive

THE BOULDERS, $4200/mo, 2 br, 2.5 bath, 2 very large patios, hardwood, Miele appls. granite counters, flr to ceiling windows, 180° views, ns, np, Brit. Prop. appt. Pat. 604-916-0098


Duplexes - Rent

WOODCROFT 1 Br enclosed bancony, incl all utils, prkg, security, gym/pool $895 604-813-7312 WOODCROFT, big 2 br, 1 1/2 ba, 2 balconies, bright, security, rec facility. $1375 incl 604-813-7312

3 BR, nice, large, 2 bath, central Lonsdale, garage, yard, ns, np, $2300, 604-983-8502

6522 WOODCROFT. Large, updated 1 BR. $1075/mo incl heat, h/w, u/g prkg, gated security, recreation facilites. May 1st. 604-953-0952 WOODCROFT- STUDIO PATIO, newer paint & carpet, rec facil, n/s prkg, n/p, $740 incl 778-865-7455 WOODCROFT - Whitecliff Bldg, 16th flr, 2 BDRM, North facing, mtn view, rec ctre, pool. May 15. n/s n/p 604-988-6227, 318-0800


West Van Apt. Rentals

2025 BELLEVUE Ave W.V. Oceanview 1 Br, cat OK, Senior Discount. 604-913-0734

1775 Bellevue Avenue HOLLYBURN PLAZA 2 BR - Avail May 15 From $2050/mo. Fully Reno’s, granite countertops, Breathtaking ocean view, new appls, d/w, ne kitchen & bath rm cabinets, 2 balc, 1.5 baths, HW floors, Walk to shops & restaurants. Steps to Seawall, transit & beaches. Sorry, no pets. Call 604-922-4724 to view.

Furnished Accommodation

1 BR Furnished condo, Ravenwoods, avail May 1st. 6 mths or 1 yr. $1400, ns np. 604-924-8177


2 BR, Westlynn furn tv, kit & i/net. cbl, np$1350incl util 604-987-2691

A SHORT STAY Renos, family, execs, 1, 2 br p/house 604-987-2691


1550 Duchess Ave, W. Van. Studio & 1 Br Move-in Bonus Fitness rm out door pool, nr shops, transit & Seawall. 1 yr lease, N/pets. Heat, hw incl’d. Member of Crime Free Multi-Housing Program. 604-922-4322


Shared Accommodation


North Vancouver

1 BR IN spacious home for n/s female. Furn or unfurn, internet, w/d, $495 incl. 604-980-2106 SHARED bsmt ste nr park,beach lrg bdrm, pool, ns, $550 incl furn? unfurn. Avail now. 604-986-5072


Suites/Partial Houses

1 BR, clean as new, $850 incl. utils, share wd. Lower Lonsdale. Ns, np, immed. 604-984-2354

1 BR lrg, priv treed sundeck, d/w, cbl, wireless net, heat hydro, shrd wd, ns, np. $1,000 604-983-2988 1 BR upper Lonsdale, sunny, own entry, prkg, wd, incld utils, ns, np, suit 1 $930, May 1, 604-929-5368 1 PET allowed. 9th flr, new reno, 2 br, 2 ba, inste w/d, Ctrl Lons., April 15, $1825, 604-985-5346

2 BDRM upper $1750+util. Chesterfield/24th. d/w, f/p, shared w/d, n/s, May 1 604-617-5083 2 BR beautiful garden level, Eagle Harbour, W.Van, 4 appl, f/p, May 1, ns, np, $1180 + 1/2 util. 604-921-7281, 604-921-9667 2 BR bsmt bright, small, Grand Blvd area, share wd, suit 1 quiet ns, np, Apr 15th, 604-983-2324

2 BR bsmt suite, Upper Lynn Valley, garden level, large, bright, n/s, n/p, nr bus stop, own entry, $1000+util May 1. 604-980-7584

UPPER DUNDARAVE, furn 1 bdrm ground level, 1 blk to bus, awesome view, priv outside area, w/d, np, ns, built-in vac, in-flr heat, $1200 incl util & hi-spd internet. Avail Now till June 30 Call 604-913-3144

2 BR, fully reno’d, spacious garden suite, wd, dw, laminate flrs, large back yard, Brtish Prop. ns, np, $1500+utils, incl net & cable, immed, 604-723-8050

Houses - Rent

3/4 BR, Ambleside, 2 baths, $2500 + utils, ns np, May 1. 604-926-3832

5 BR, 2.5 bath, 2 level, Ballantree Rd. W. Van. 3385 sf, new reno’d, hardwood, 2 fp, avail Apr 15, ns, np, $3650, 604-469-1148 BOWEN ISLAND, 2 bdrm, 1.5 bath Cottage, avail now, some stairs, fabulous view is worth the climb. $1375/mo + utils. Bluewater area, on bus route, N/S, 12month lease avail. Call 604-947-2640 or 604-802-6317 DEEP COVE, view, 2500sf, 4 br +den, 2 bath, $2500+utils, ns, np, 604-929-4110 evenings 7-9

DUCHESS 590 - 17th St 1 Br d/w, n/p, n/s. Avail May1st. By appt. 604-926-1010 GARDEN BACH. furnished $790 bright clean private, kitchenette, suit 1 ns, np, need car, Hwy 1 & Cypress, Immed. 604-922-3004

DEEP COVE waterfront cottage 2 br f/p, new hardwood, lrg sundeck garage, ns $2375 604-929-5191

PARK TERRACE 1766 Duchess Ave. Penthouse - beautiful view, 2 bdrm, 1.5 bath, d/w. May 1st, $2,405/mth, no pets. Call for appt. 604-926-3493

Abbotsford- 3262 Clearbrook Rd. HOUSE with 5 bedrooms, 3 baths. Mortgage helper. Walk to all Schools and other amenities. Only $1,598/m. Low Down. Flexible Terms. (604) 626-9647 or (604) 657-9422

3 Br. large $1720. now or May 1, Parklike Setting, Outdoor Pool, playground, private yard, 1300sf, drapes, heat & prkg incld. dw, 1.5 baths, 1 yr lease. no pets, #1228 Emery Pl. Lynn Valley 604-987- 4922 sthis 3 BR t/house in quiet complex, 1.5 baths, fenced patio, pool, playground, near bus & shops, $1650+utils, Dollarton & Seymour. immed. 604-929-6024

2 BR garden ste, Grand Blvd, bright, quiet, shared wd, near transit, n/s, n/p, $1180 incl h/hydro, refs, May 1. 604-990-9610, 2 BR, ground floor. reno’d, view Grand Blvd area. 5 appls, ns, np, $1450+utils, now, 604-715-2084 2 BR, main flr, 1300 sf, fp, wd, nr bus/school, garage, np, ns, $1350 40%util. May 1. 604-721-4431 2 BR spacious bsmt, Riverside Dr, fenced yard, patio, pantry d/w f/p, ns np $1280. 604-913-3109

Central Auto The North Shore’s Best for 35 Years

Call Ted for an Appointment (anytime)


2007 Acura MDX SH AWD, Only 26k, Technology pkg, silver/black, balance of factory warranty, immaculate.$34,850 2005 Toyota 4 Runner Sport Edition, V8, AWD, side steps, auto, alloys, moon roof, 97k, immaculate. $23,850 2003 BMW X5 3.0 AWD, Only 70k, just serviced, new Michelin tires, exceptional condition. $19,850 2004 Mercedes Benz E320 Luxury Sedan, Local, one owner, full Mercedes service history, brilliant silver/black, extra clean. $18,850 2002 Toyota 4 Runner SR5, 4x4, 123k, auto, a/c, pwr windows, local, alloys, hard to find. $13,850


Auto Miscellaneous

$0 DOWN & we make your 1st payment at auto credit fast. Need a vehicle? Good or Bad credit call Stephanie 1-877-792-0599. DLN 30309


2 BDRM suite in new house. Ground level with patio, 10’ ceilings, fireplace, 1000 sq ft, insuite laundry, $1500 per mo + util. avail immed, no pets, 604-929-4824

HOMAWAY INNS Specializing in furn accom at reas rates. call 604-723-7820 or visit


3 BR, 2.5 baths, Westview, fp, 5 appls, rec. facilities, prkg, np, ns, Apr 1. $1850. 604-921-4384


EAGLES NEST. Eve 604-921-8174

FURNISHED SUITES & Houses Short-term, Varied choices.

2 BR’S MOVE IN ALLOWANCE (1/2 mnth move in, 1/2 mnth renewal). 5 appls, 1.5 bath, variable lse term, NP/NS, Rent start/$1435. To view call 604-986-0511

1 BR grd flr ste, ns, np, need ref's, $900/mth. Dollarton area. Avail May 1st. 604-929-3059

2 BR bsmt suite above ground, 1100sf, own wd, fp, Dollarton area, cov’d prkg, ns, np, $1350, avail May 1, 604-728-6962

4/5 BR exec view rec room, 4 bath, 2 fp, B. Prop WVan, dbl garage $3500. 604-720-2913 *725-4873 AMBLESIDE TOWER Studio. 1 BR & 2 BR’s avail. Move in Bonus. Excellent views, rents incl. heat & h/w. Tennis courts, indoor pool, saunas, exercise & games rooms on premises. Walk to beach & shops. 1552 Esquimalt . 604-922-8443

WESTHILL LUXURIOUS Executive 4 BR 5 bath, pool $5995 604-925-8824

Sports & Imports


1998 DODGE Neon $2750 Very Clean AC, PS, PB, good tires, 604-802-2344


Only 40,000kms 2004 Jeep Liberty Ltd, 6 cyl, auto, alloys, moon roof, “trail rated,” hard to find in this condition. $13,850 Only 81,000kms 1998 BMW Z3 Convertible, 6 cyl, 5 spd, alloys, very well serviced, a must see. $12,850

Visit our website @ Free tow, no wheels, no papers no problem! Hassle free friendly service. 2 hr service in most areas.

604 628 9044

#1 FREE Scrap Vehicle Removal Ask about $500 Credit!!! $$ PAID for Some 604.683.2200

DEEP COVE 3 bdrm grnd flr, gas fp, share w/d, n/s n/p, $1325 incl utils. Immed. 604-924-9473


MT SEYMOUR reno’d 1 BR, s/s appls, radiant heat, $1250+utils, nr bus & amens, seeking resp. N/s, N/p. May 1st 604-924-2477

FRIENDLY, Professional, Crown mouldings, baseboard, casings rough framing. 778-233-0559



$18/HR. Quality House cleaning. 604-983-3477 QUALITY CLEANING. Exc refs. Res/com. Move in/out. Carpets + pressure wash’g. 778-895-3522 EXP’D CLEANER uses non-toxic products. References available. Call Yolanda, 778-228-8228 WITH ALL life throws at you, who has time to clean? Call Merry Maids. 604-980-6100


Computer Services

Onsite Computer Repair FREE ESTIMATES Visa & M/card Call Chris 604-998-2273



ANY CEMENT Repairs rock walls patios, sidewalks, drainage. 30 + yrs exp. Exc Ref’s 604-354-9178

CONCRETE FORMING & framing, concrete work & retaining walls. Small/big job 604-360-2082

Only 67,000kms 2007 Hyundai Accent GL, Auto, pwr windows, a/c, new tires, balance of factory warranty, excellent value. $8,850


MUST SELL! Fully loaded, super clean, exc condition 2004 Infiniti G35 Coupe. Reg maintained, leather interior, 120,000kms. $16,700... 604-727-3282



EXP FRAMING CREW looking for work on NORTH SHORE. Avail Immed, call 604-831-5525



DRAIN TILES & WATER LINES Without Digging a Trench 604-985-4000





2007 JAYCO Travel Trailer, 25 ft, like new, sleeps 6, walk around queen bed, slide, a/c, BBQ, spare + lots of extras. $18,900. George 604-576-7476 eves. Private sale


one mini, drainage, landscaping, stump / rock / cement / oil tank removal. Water / sewer line, 24 hours Call 341-4446 or 254-6865

TEEPEE CONSTRUCTION Ultra Mini Excavator Can access areas as narrow as 2’ 3’’ Concrete breaking, underpinning, trenching, stump removal, rock placement, landscaping 604-802-1156 604.649.1213 CEL 604.984.2313 Res/comm, Excavating, Bobcat, Trucking, Water Lines, Sewer Lines, Drainage, Landscaping. Hrly/Contract. Free Estimates.


Sports & Imports


Affordable Fencing & Decking Quality workmanship for 25 yrs. on the N. Shore, 604-929-6669 HITECH ALUMINUM Railing & Fencing. 5 colors 4 designs. 604-983-3210

NORTH SHORE FENCES Quality work by professionals Repairs and construction Call 604-230-3559

SERVICE MAGIC Affordable. Serving North Shore since 1978. Mike 604-783-9558



PRO GAS - North Shore Gas fireplaces. Repair & safety inspection. 604-925-1341 THE ROCK DOCTOR Quality installations of natural & cultured stone 604-312-7643


Flooring/ Refinishing

CARPET, VINYL & HARDWOOD Repair & Replace. Material sales Dwight, 778-322-6048 I’ll show you the inexpensive route Century Hardwood Floors ★Hardwood flr refinishing ★Repairs ★ Staining ★ Free Estimate. Contact 604-376-7224 INSTALLATION REFINISHING, Sanding. Free est, great prices. Satisfaction guar. 604-518-7508 DUST-FREE REFINISHING M & L Floors. BBB member. 778-988-4231

A PLUS TAPING & DRYWALL High quality, reasonable rates. Free estimates. 604-715-0400 ACE DRYWALL. Avail immed. Board, tape, spraytex, repairs. 16 yr exp. No job too small. Mike 604-808-2432, 604-985-4321 AFFORDABLE, Reliable, Quality Guaranteed. Boarding, Taping, Spraytex. Dave 604-984-7476

17 cars under $3880. 1397 Welch Ave N. Van 604-727-3111




*Drywall * Taping * Texture * Stucco*Painting * Steel stud framing Quality Home 604-725-8925


Gutters, Windows, Pressure Washing, small repairs, etc. Free Est. Chris 604-377 -6104 North Shore Gutters. Sales & Install 5’’ continuous gutter, minor repairs, cleaning. 604-988-5294 RITS GUTTER CLEANING & repairs, power washing. Quick & affordable No HST 604-897-7487



A-1 JOB by Arms and Minds Renos Carpentry cabinet, drs, laminate, tiles, drywall, paint. 761-7745


3 BR, central Lonsdale, own entry, w/d, i/net, 2 bath, $2000incl utils, main flr, April 1, Nr Amens. 604-720-7649 / 715-2466

BACH SUITE in house, $750 incl cable/int/util. Shared w/d, n/s, May 1. Call Matt 778.227.5110.

CARPENTRY, ADDITIONS, decks, 32 yrs exp, licensed. Call Ken, Cell: 604-928-3270

MORRISON CONCRETE Design, excavate, form & place all concrete. 604-988-2840

2 BR ste, Upper Westview, grnd flr, nr ammens, np, $1200+40%util Avail Now 604-729-5069

3 BR ste, bright, part furn, priv Seymour River estate, nature paradise $1690+util 778-239-7416


Sports & Imports

2001 VW Golf $6200 Only 99,000 Kms Exc Condition Auto 2.0 L engine Red with Blk interior Great sound system Have all receipts No Accidents! 604-339-5126



Only 73,000kms 2005 Toyota Corolla, 4dr, auto, a/c, local, well serviced. Only $8,850

843 West 1st St. N. Van

Scrap Car Removal

Cash for junk cars! $100 to $1000 Ask about our $500 Credit!


Only 57,000kms 2004 Mercedes Benz C240 Classic, Auto, alloys, a/c, local, one owner, excellent value. $14,850


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Rates From As Low As



Ask us for details Offer may change without notice.

816 AUTOMALL DRIVE, NORTH VANCOUVER Toll free: 1-888-602-9258 604-984-0331


ABLE RENOVATIONS All home repairs & renos, large & small, North Shore only 604 319-2677

Small Jobs to rewires, lighting control, new houses, repairs. Insured & bonded. Knob & tube replacement specialist. Lic. #23726. Call Chris, 604-788-3864

COVE RENOVATIONS flooring tile, drywall, painting, finishing 604-454-7978

A LICENSED electrician #19807 semi-retired, small jobs only. 604-689-1747 pgr 604-686-2319

★HUSBAND FOR HIRE★ Painting, Drywall, Laminate floors Fences, etc. Glenn 604-328-1059

FCE ELECTRIC - All types of electrical work - new construction & maintenance 604-861-2647

Fancy Decks made with quality material. See our work at call Paul 604-787-7484



LICENSED ELECTRICIAN (#15232) Reas. rates. Small jobs ok 604-985-6654, 604-377-2200

ABSOLUTE PROFICIENCY DD Haul & Delivery. Loads from $30 each. David 604-512-7471

YOUR ELECTRICIAN $29 service call. Insured. Lic # 89402. Fast same day service guaranteed. We love small jobs! 604-568-1899

Ads continued on next page

Wednesday, April 6, 2011 – North Shore News – A47



CHEAP LOADS Fast Reliable Service 604-922-5101



PRO GAS - North Shore Furnaces, boilers, gas fitting. Service & installation. 604-925-1341


Lawn & Garden

Spring Services

Same Day Service, Fully Insured


• Lawn Maintenance • Fertilizing • Yard Clean-ups • Aeration • Pruning/Hedges • Power Raking • Rubbish Removal • Odd jobs •Yearly Maintenance Programs •


ON SITE Reno’s. Bathrooms remodelling. Mike 604-351-9316




310-JIMS (5467) BOOK A JOB AT

SEYMOUR LAWN MAINTENANCE • Gardening • Spring Clean-Up • Hedge Trimming • Lawn Installation • Weeding • & More!

“The Grass is Greener”

• New Lawn Installs • Replace Old Lawn • Lawn Drainage • Landscaping • Paving ~ Any size job ~

Nick 929-7732 Design - Consultation- Installation 604-518-5661 DHALIWAL GARDENING & Landscaping. Full yard mtce, trimming, pruning 604-889-0263 GREAT CANADIAN LAWNS New lawns & repairs, lawn mtce, landscaping, lighting, patios 604-924-LAWN (5296) Greenworx Redevelopment Inc. Hardscaping & Landscaping. Hedges, Pavers, Ponds & Walls, Returfing, Demos, Drainage, Jackhammering. 604 782-4322

Lee Gardener: Lawn maint. Free est. Spring clean-up, power raking, trim, Hedges 604-720-6578 NORTH VAN LANDSCAPING Aerating, power raking, fertilizing, lawn mowing, garden cleanups. 778-340-LAWN Paul Sato Gardening, Lawn Cut, Power Rake, Aerating, Fertilzer, Hedge Trim, Pruning, Weeding, Yard Cleanup. 604-298-5597


Lawn & Garden


Gardening Service

2011 Special $95 for Aeration, Moss Control & Fertilizer





Call Sukh:

604-726-9152 604-984-1988 DHALIWAL GARDENING & LANDSCAPING Full yard maintenance, trimming, pruning, new & re-landscaping Residential • Commercial


T-A STONEWALL. Rockwalls, paving stones, Allan block walls, etc. 987-8155 / 250-4117


Home Services

NORTH SHORE Home Services Windows, gutters, power washing 604-988-5294


Moving & Storage


1, 3, 5, 7 or 10 Ton $ From


(*based on 2000 sq.ft. + gst)


Junk Removal



Licenced & Insured Local & Long Distance Seniors Discount


CROWN MOUNTAIN MOVERS For All Your Moving Needs!

778-872-7696 778-87CROWN


Call Gabor

604-716-1662 MICHELE’S GARDEN CONSULTING ph/txt: 604-986-1638

Performance Garden Service

LAWNCUTS Free Estimates

Graig 604-986-3463 2011 Special incl aeration, moss control & fertilizer - all for $95 All Area Gardening 604-926-1526 /604-726-9153 ★Call Jungle George ■ Hedges ■ Trees ■ Pruning ■ Dumping yard cleanup. 604-317-3552

ENGLISH LANDSCAPER gardener, 30 yrs exp, complete garden maint. Les 604-209-8853

Lawn Maintenance, General Clean-Up, Power Raking, Moss Control, Aerating. Trim, Top, Prune. All types of lawn & garden applications. Free Est.

NORTHLAND MASONRY. Rock, slate, brick, granite, pavers. 20 yrs exp on the N. Shore. No job to small.. Will 604-805-1582

Lawn Cutting $2200*

— Binder —


MASTER STONEMASON, Local, Experienced, fireplaces, facing, walls, stairs. Ivan 604-649-2271

We accept Visa, Mastercard & Interac

★CNN Landscaping ★ Weeding ★pruning ★ all your garden needs Free est. Nick 778-840-6573



Aeration, Lime, Fertilizer, Moss Control

We also Prune, Top and do General Garden Clean-up

604.926.1526 604.726.9153


GREEN PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Hedge trimming, tree pruning, yard maintenance, removal, Mike 983-3586


A LADY PAINTER, professional & color consult, 20 yrs on North Shore. exc refs. 604-961-3451 DJ PAINTING •Int/Ext •Com/Resid •Top Quality 604-258-7300 cell: 604-417-5917

DVK PAINTING LTD. Call Dave Int/Ext. Res/Comm. Quality work. Great rates. WCB. 604-354-2930 Excellent Pro Painting Service 20 yrs exp, refs, warranty. Reas, res/comm Richard 604-618-0205 Interior painting, wallpaper Quality service, with a smile! Call Arlene...604-910-3270 MILANO Painting 604-551-6510 Int/Ext. Good Prices. Free Est. Written Guar. Prof & Insured. QUICK RESPONSE Painting & Pressure Washing. 25 yrs exp. 604-551-4267 or 604-987-8159 PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Painting - Firm estimates with references roofs to decks. Ins

Thomas 1.604.989.5222



Pool & Spa Repairs, Reno’s Call Vince 604-760-7229


• Gutter cleaning/repairs • Window cleaning • Power washing • WCB insured • Free estimates




Providing Excellent Service on the North Shore for the Past 12 Years

TWO BROTHERS MOVING Local & Long Distance 604-720-0931 • •

★ Reasonable Rates ★ Free Estimates Moving, Storage, Free EST 604-628-7136. Visa, OK


Oil Tank Removal



Oil Tank Detection Oil Tank Removal Soil Remediation FREE ESTIMATES BEST PRICE GUARANTEED


J & R Lawncare Cut & trim $25 & up• hedges • power washing • trash removal. John 778 988 5296

10% Off with this Ad! For all your plumbing, heating & reno needs. Lic Gas Fitter, Aman. 778-895-2005 ★ 3 Licensed Plumbers ★ 66 years of exp. 604-830-6617


PLUMBING & DRAINAGE 604-729-6695


Water Lines (without Digging) Sewer Lines (without Diggging) Install. Draintiles. 604-985-4000

JAPANESE GARDENER Landscape & maintenance, clean-ups, trimming. Reas, free est, 25 yrs exp 604-986-8126

LOCAL PLUMBER - Licensed, insured,GASFITTING, renos, Repairs. VISA 604-929-6956 Res/comm. Organic lawn care & quality compost. 604-831-0140 LIONS GATE Landscaping Ltd. Spring clean-up, all your gardening needs. 604-788-9687


Painting/ Wallpaper

JB’s PAINTING • 99/room – Int/Exterior $

Ny Ton Gardening yard & lawn maint. trimming, shrubs, hedging, power raking etc. 604-782-5288

•Professional, Reliable • Licensed & Insured • North Shore co. est. 2001

WILDHORSEGARDENS.CA ✫Eco Garden Care✫ Free Consultation & Estimates. Call Today! 604-328-4498

A CLEAN PAINT JOB. Quality 1 room from $127. Int-ext, WCB 22 yrs exp. Cell: 604-727-2700



SAVE ON PLUMBING! Licenced Plumber/Gas fitter, $65/HR. Same

day service. 604-987-7473 Samy


Power Washing

PRECISION PRESSURE WASH Spring Clean Savings Now! Concrete, siding, gutters in/out, roof cleaning/treatments. Fully insured ★ bonded. Lorne 604-308-2839 or 604-716-7468 604-773-4549 Spring Cleanups - Driveways, walkways, etc. Get rid of that moss & mess around your home or work. Afforda Home Pressure washing, window & gutter cleaning... more. 778-386-3783 ALLWAYS Pressure Washing Comm/res. Driveways, sidewalks Spring Special 604-985-0402 North Shore Home Services. Power Washing, Window & Gutter Cleaning. 604-988-5294

ONLY $50 PER HOUSE For sidewalks, driveways, patio’s and steps. Residential only! Monster homes by bid. Call George 778-838-7362


Renovations & Home Improvement

EURO STYLE DESIGNING Reliable & Professional

■ Carpentry ■ Flooring ■ Painting ■Plumbing We Do it All. Small jobs welcome, Free est. Call Robert 778-870-EURO (3876)

Power Washing




Norvan Plumbing Heating&Gas Service -renos - construction. Lic. Bonded Ins. Matt 604-516-9344



Renovations & Home Improvement

Sundecks & Stairs Form work, Int/Ext finishing. Mike 604-290-3082 TEEPEE CONSTRUCTION. Forming, framing & underpinning. 35 yrs exp. 604-604-802-1156 We are a registered builder Complete home renovations ★Kitchen ★Bath, ★Structural & Additions ★etc. 604-760-4130.


Complete Bathroom Reno’s Suites, Kitchens,Tiling, Skylights, Windows, Doors, 604 521-1567


Renovations & Construction. Mano, 604-990-1671/230-7970

EVOLVE CONSTRUCTION Ltd Renos, Restoration, Extensions, kitch/bath. Est 10 yrs North Shore Gavin 604-329-3725

AFFORDABLE QUALITY ROOFING LTD. 25 Years in Business 25 Year Workmanship Warranty 604-984-9004 604-984-6560

#1 Roofing Company in BC All types of Roofing Over 35 Years in Business Call now for Free Estimates SALES@ PATTARGROUP.COM


All Season Roofing

SMALL JOBS WELCOME RENO Kitchen/Bath, Crown Mouldings, Drywall, Painting, Flooring, 604-771-2201, 771-5197 STRAIGHT EDGE VENTURES Leaky Homes & Condos Int/Ext Water damage etc. Repairs. 35 yrs N. Shore Co. 604-763-6423


With Silverfern, You’re in Good Hands

Tel: 778-340-1590

★ASK DISCOUNT RUBBISH★ Best Prices, Yard, House/Const, Demo. 7 days 604-727-6153

Stucco/Siding/ Exterior

Quality Home Improvement ★ Stucco ★ All Kinds. No Job Too Big or Small. 604-725-8925

Re-Roofing & Repairs Specialists



PTV HOME RENOVATIONS All types of reno’s, big or small. 20% off Tile. Call 778-235-1772


Call for a free estimate:


Visit us online to receive a special discount:

A Eastcan Roofing & Siding Ltd Re-Roof, Repair. Ins. WCB. BBB. 604-562-0957 or 604-961-0324 A Eastwest Roofing & Siding Re-roofing, Gutter, Free Est, BBB Member, 10% disc, Seniors Disc, 604-812-9721, 604-783-6437 CURTIS JOHN ROOFING (since 1978) Roof tune-up from $149. 24 hr repair. 604-985-1913


ROOFING/ FRAMING/ Flooring/ Renos or new construction. Acom Construction. Call: 604-240-1850

BELL MINI BINS 604-922-5101 Small or large household jobs & Mini bin service. 7 days a week Fast ★ inexpensive ★ reliable.


PROFESSIONAL HOME RENO Kitchens, baths, flooring, tile, finishing. 604-763-1116, 617-8731

RENOVATIONS: FROM Rendering to Reality. Visit and look for our listing on Sundays. 604-980-8384

We haul everything, no load too big or small, we do it all. Free est. 604-317-2500/ 929-7195

ROD’S RUBBISH REMOVAL Prompt, reliable, reasonable. 7 days/week. Rod 604-985-7193

New Canadian Roofing Ltd. All types of roofing, over 15 yrs exp. Reasonable rates. WCB, Insured 604-716-8528

WWW.RENORITE.COM Bath, Kitchen, Suites & More Save Your Dollars 604-781-7695


DISPOSAL BINS: Starting at $99 + dump fees. Call 604-306-8599





*Additions*Quality Work *Ref’s 604-720-1564

MATCO DESIGN - Renovations


Top Soil, Sand, Gravel, Dumpsites and more.

Tried & True Since 1902

BAMFORD CONSTRUCTION Ltd. Quality Renos & Repairs. 604-986-2871

ABSOLUTE PROFICIENCY DD HAUL & DELIVERY meeting all your needs, ‘quality workmanship delivered with pride’. Loads from $30 each Please call David



ABBA RENOVATION carpentry, plumbing, wiring, painting, tiling. Work guar, Refs. (604)986-4026/805-8463

Rubbish Removal

Dirt Fill, Concrete, Asphalt Brush, Demo, Const. Waste






20 year Labour Warranty available


Call 604-710-5253

1 OR 2 Men with big or small truck affordable moving, rubbish removal, Pls. Call 604-925-3186

Pools/Hot Tubs

econo pool

Ask about our Spring Specials!

604.980.MOVE (6683)

Paving/Seal Coating

ALLEN Asphalt, concrete, brick, drains, foundations, walls, membranes 604-618-2304/ 820-2187



Painting/ Wallpaper

Tree Services


Dangerous tree removal, pruning, topping, hedge trimming & stump grinding. Fully insured & WCB

Jerry 604-618-8585 Andrew 604-618-8585


★AAA★ TREE SERVICE. Tree & stump removal, pruning/trimming. Ins & cert. arborist 604-987-8500 MORRIS THE TREE MAN LTD Removals, trimming, thinning. 5m insurance, WCB 604-985-2828


Window Cleaning

Afforda Home Window cleaning, lowest prices guaranteed. Call 778-386-3783 NORTH SHORE Home Services Gutter & window cleaning, Power Washing Est 1963. 604-988-5294

Any project,


or small...

Find all the help you need in the Home Services section

A48 - North Shore News - Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Lease & Purchase Financing



188 0.9%


2011 Reader’s Choice Platinum Winner




298 3.9%


298 0.9%


816 Automall Drive, North Vancouver


0.9 £

APR per Month for 48 Months










APR per Month for 48 Months

With $3,526 down payment on approved credit. Includes freight and PDI.




APR per Month for 48 Months

With $2,160 down payment on approved credit. Includes freight and PDI. ¥

*Limited time finance offer based on a new 2011 Civic DX 5MT/Accord SE MT/CR-V LX 2WD, model FA1E2BEX/CP2E6BE/RE3H3BEY and a 60/24/60 month finance term available only through Honda Canada Finance Inc. O.A.C. Finance example: $16,385/$26,340/$27,880 at 0.9%/0.9%/0.9% per annum equals $279.38/$1107.82/$475.37 per month for 60/24/60 months. Freight and PDI of $1,395/$1,550/$1,590 included. Cost of borrowing is $377.80/$247.68/$642.20, for a total obligation of $16,762.80/$26,587.68/$28,552.20. **MSRP is $16,385/$26,340/$27,880 including freight and PDI of $1,395/$1,550/$1,590. For all offers license, insurance, applicable taxes and registration are extra. Dealer may sell for less. Dealer trade may be required. #Limited time lease offers based on a new 2011 Civic DX 5MT/Accord SE MT/CR-V LX 2WD, model FA1E2BEX/CP2E6BE/RE3H3BEY. Lease example based on new 2011 Civic DX 5MT/Accord SE MT/CR-V LX 2WD, model FA1E2BEX/CP2E6BE/RE3H3BEY available through Honda Canada Finance Inc. £0.9%/3.9%/0.9% lease APR for 48/48/48 months O.A.C. Monthly payment, including freight and PDI, is $188/$298/$298. Down payment of $722/$3,526/$2,160, first monthly payment, environmental fees and $0 security deposit due at lease inception. Total lease obligation is $9,745.84/$17,830.16/ $16,463.09. * 0.9% lease APR for up to 24 months on 2011 Accord models. Taxes, license, insurance and registration are extra. 96,000 kilometre allowance; charge of $0.12/km for excess kilometres. Retailer may lease for less. Dealer trade may be required. ¥$750 gas card offer applies only to retail customer purchase, lease or finance agreements on all new 2011 Civic models. Gas card offer includes HST/GST where applicable. Valid only on purchase, lease or finance agreements concluded at participating Honda retailers. Dealer participation required. */**/#/£/¥ Offers valid from April 1st through April 30th, 2011 at participating Honda retailers. Offers valid only for British Columbia residents at BC Honda Dealers locations. Offers subject to change or cancellation without notice. Terms and conditions apply. Visit or see your Honda retailer for full details.

With $722 down payment on approved credit. Includes freight and PDI.


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