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Library Corner
March will be a busy month at The White Haven Area Community Library. The Book Club will meet on March 8 at 6:30 in the John Murphy Room. This month’s book is The Measure by Nikki Erlick. The NY Times Best Seller is a story of love and hope. New members are always welcome to come enjoy the fun and lively conversation. Light refreshments will be served.
There will be a Pysanky Ukrainian Egg Workshop on March 4 from 12 – 3 PM taught by instructor Paul Corinchock. The $40 fee for the workshop, which includes all supplies, will be donated to the United Ukrainian Relief Committee (UUARC.org ) .
Western Pocono Trout Unlimited will meet Wednesday, March 15 at 7 p.m. Guest speaker will be Matt McConnell of the Lehigh Valley Sierra Club who will have a program on acid mine remediation efforts on Buck Mtn. Creek, near Weatherly.
Plans are also underway for The White Haven Trout Festival, hosted by Western Pocono Trout Unlimited. Mark your calendar for this great event, which will include exhibits, vendors, and exciting programs. It is scheduled for Saturday, June 3 from noon to 5 p.m.
Wade Eroh, Aiden Foley, Willem Grant, Ben Kropp, Madeline Rhodes.
Average grade of 90 or better in major subjects with no grade below an 85 in any subject:
6TH GRADE: Jaycie
Donadi, Linda Houser, Katie Knock, Derek Moyer, Mason Sholtis, Thomas Sypeck.
7TH GRADE: Rebecca
Alfieri, Kyle Reiner, Brayden Gill.
8TH GRADE: Kassandra
Hibbler, Kameron Jacoby, Mary Portell, Chance
Stauffer, Jayden Perkins, Emilio Valenzuela.
Average grade of 85-89 in major subjects with no grade below an 80 in any subject:
6TH GRADE: Rex Bellizia, Eli Brown, Maura Brewer, Joe Holguin Luna, Lillian Keiper, Avery McLaurin, Kaylee Morales, Madelynne Osborn, Jaxson Schaeffer, Trinity Spence, John Thomas, Jacob Yanac, Riley Zawilski.
7TH GRADE: Alexander Best, Preston Culp, Odin Eckert, Edward Feiling, Brent Gerhard, Tyler Keck, Clemit Keiper, Derek Ochs, Evan Perez, Nicole Schertrumpf, Aiden Slovik, Jacob Walton.
8TH GRADE: Carmen
Aurisano, Jackson
DiGennaro, Charles Grier III, Dominick Kokinda, Angelina Ieraci, Liorah Madden, Liam Savakinus, Cortney Snyder, Remi Zubritsky.
On Sunday March 12, the community is invited to come hear The Northeast Pennsylvania Chamber Music Society perform from 3-5 PM at the library. Performing musicians are John Vaida and Arthur Moeller on violin, Amy Iwazumi on viola and Lisa Caravan on cello. Tickets are $25 and include adult beverages and hors d’oeuvres. Proceeds will benefit the library. Call 570443-8776 for reservations.
The next WHACL Board Meeting will be held on March 14 at 6:30 in the John Murphy Room. The public is always welcome to attend.
If you are interested in volunteering at the library, we would love to meet you. There are a variety of opportunities available for you to share your skills and experience. Please call 570443-8776 or stop in during library hours.
The WHACL follows the Crestwood School District for weather related closings. If the school is closed, the library is closed. For weather events on days when school is not in session, the decision to close the library will be made at least one hour prior to its scheduled opening and posted on the library Facebook page.
Please remember to check The Library Corner each week to see what we’ve got planned for our community to enjoy.
Need an Extra Copy of this issue? The Journal-Herald is for sale at:
White Haven Market, and 940 Plaza in White Haven, Wawa at the Turnpike in Kidder Township, Weasel’s in Dennison Township, and TJ’s One Stop in Weatherly.