1 minute read
theJournal-herald Lehigh Valley EMS chosen for Weatherly ambulance service
by Ruth Isenberg
The withdrawal of Mahoning Valley Ambulance at the end of April was a topic for discussion by Weatherly Borough Council at its March 2 meeting.

On a vote of 4-2, council selected Lehigh Valley EMS (formerly APTS) to serve as primary responder for the borough.
Delaware Lodge at the Youth Forestry Camp.
Local Youth Forestry Camp empty
by Seth Isenberg
Youth Forestry Camp #2 (YFC) in Kidder Township, at Hickory Run State Park, is empty. The facility is still open. The Pennsylvania Department of Human Services has recently moved youths in their care to their homes, or into the care of their home counties, or sent them to the YFC #3 in Huntingdon County, east of Altoona.
Most of the local staff is now working at the PA Department of Human
Services’ Secure Treatment Unit in Pittston.
Here is the statement from the PA Department of Human Services Press Office:
“Pennsylvania’s youth forestry camps (YFCs) provide treatment, care, and custody services to Pennsylvania’s most at-risk youth. The current design of Hickory Run YFC does not support secure placement, which is where the juvenile justice system’s greatest placement needs are at this time. At present, all youth at Hickory Run YFC have either been released to their home counties or transitioned to our Youth Forestry Camp 3 facility in Huntingdon County in order to maintain their current level of care. Most of Hickory Run YFC’s staff have transferred to support the new Northeast Secure Treatment Unit in Pittston. While the Hickory Run YFC is currently still open, discussions about the future of the facility are ongoing.”
Mayor Paul Hadzick said they had contacted three companies about serving the borough—Lehighton, White Haven and Lehigh Valley. All three said the volume of calls from Weatherly would not justify locating an ambulance in the community. Hadzick said he liked the idea of Lehighton, because they had an ambulance at Nesquehoning, only nine miles away. Council member Theresa D’Andrea, however, had concerns about calling an ambulance up the Broad Mountain during winter weather. After discussion, council voted for Lehigh Valley EMS, with D’Andrea, Hadzick, Norm Richie, and Joseph Thomas (by telephone) voting yes, and Joe Cyburt and Vince Cuddefoth II voting no. Jeffrey Miller was absent. Cyburt noted that if things didn’t work out, arrangements could always be changed.
Solicitor James Nanovic suggested that manager Harold Pudliner find out how soon Lehigh Valley EMS would be ready to start serving the community, and notify Mahoning Valley as soon as plans are in place.
Council accepted bids for this year’s streets projcet, accepting the low bid from Hazleton Site Contractors/H&K at $65,157.51. Other bids were $66,474.67 from Pennsy Supply, and $85,247.73 from Lehigh Asphalt.
Included in the project are Entwhistle Street, Monroe
See WEATHERLY, page 5