3 minute read

Dennison Twp Supers will put all township ordinances on website

by Suzanne Winters

The Dennison Township Supervisors are working on uploading all of the township’s ordinances and other important documents to their website. They received legal results of codification and will work on reviewing these, then meet with Civic Plus who did the codification. After this process is complete all township ordinances will be easily accessible online. They reportedly have a way to go, but the Supervisors feel this will be a good tool for the public to access township documents.

two cleanup days with dumpsters at the fire hall the first Saturday of June and the last Saturday of September. The supervisors weighed the possibility of an electronics and paper shredding drive but would not do this unless the dates lined up with the already scheduled dumpster placements.

There is tentative approval for Aqua PA to install an odor station at the site of the township’s old dump. They are moving forward with a land survey. Aqua will then put their project package together for the Township’s review.

application for a second floor deck still needs additional information, but it should be approved after receipt.

A violation letter was sent by certified mail to the short-term rental property at 61 West Nescopeck Lane, with documented receipt dated 2/27/23. The property owner has 30 days to comply or appeal the violation.

to seek bids for the trail construction in phases, so that local contractors can bid on it without having to meet prevailing wage standards. The grant money must be spent by October, according to Hadzick.

A memorandum of understanding with Weatherly Area School District was approved to pay for the presence of a fulltime police officer. Partly as a result of this action, the mayor was planning to swear in two new police officers the following day, and also presenting a proclamation to Eagle Scout Tyler Fosburg.

The Ice Lake bridge was deemed unsafe and must be fixed. A proposal regarding repairs should be ready next week. The engineer’s report included getting contracts to tar and chip township roads. Project approval is still pending at DEP for cleanout of areas on Hollenback Road to improve drainage.

There was some discussion over the salt contract, and whether or not they needed to purchase more salt this year, and if so, how much they needed to purchase to be in keeping with the contract. Secretary Stevie Stortz will check into this.

PennDOT has notified the Township of its plans to do a traffic study from March 1 and November 16 between Linden and Walnut streets, a distance of only 1 block, and also at Ramblewood Drive starting at Fawn Ridge and ending at the municipal line. The Township will hold

In the road report, Jim Yackiel moved branches and cleaned culverts on a few Township roads, replaced the mirror at the intersection of Red Shale Pit and Middleburg Roads, and replaced the stop sign at 4th Street and Middleburg Road, along with some snow plowing this month.

The February minutes and treasurer’s reports were accepted, bills were paid and receipts accepted. Also paid was the bill for the newly completed ADA compliant restrooms in the Township building, totaling $56,842.06. These funds were a result of a gaming grant received by the Township. Also included were new locks for the building’s doors. There were several zoning actions this month including a permit for the Ramirez property at 45 Walnut Street for a roof and solar panels.

The 13 Linden Street

The Zoning Hearing Board will not approve a request for a zero-foot rear yard setback for a property on Marvin Lane. It was suggested the property owner seek to secure an easement from the neighbor. If this is not possible, they will need to redo their plans to include a 10-foot setback.

The Dennison Fire Company reported 5 calls, 25 hours of service, 10 ½ hours of training, 4 hours of maintenance and 30 hours of fundraising. Of note, one of the fire calls was to assist with a police call regarding burning of garbage in Middleburg, which is illegal. Fire Company president Bill Bauersfeld thanked all those who supported them at the very chilly WinterFest last month.

Only one bid was received for the work on the tree trimming project. It was decided to amend the date for receiving bids to March 14 and the board decided to continue this meeting to March 15 review and award bids received regarding this project.

The meeting was continued, to be reconvened on March 15.

During Read Across America Week, Weatherly Pre-K Counts Class heard Elaine Ficarra as a guest reader. She is the current Miss Heart of Lancaster, was Miss Independence 2022 and Miss Philadelphia 2021. She is a titleholder in the Miss America Organization which is the nation’s top provider for scholarships for women. The kids were thrilled to have such a wonderful role model read to them and we were honored that she could join us.

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