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Penn Lake council gets nearer to revised traffic sign and zoning ordinances
by Suzanne Winters
NEW STORE, MAIN STREET MARKET COMING THIS SPRING: The old stone building at 234 Main Street in White Haven is getting a new lease on life after its recent purchase. At last week’s Greater White Haven Chamber of Commerce meeting, plans for an outdoor Main Street Market featuring crafters and produce on the second Saturday of every month, April through August, were discussed. The market will be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., on the grassy lawn of the stone building. Applications are available on the CofC’s Facebook page, or by stopping in at the borough building. The Chamber also heard from new members The Soapy Bee Country Store & Cafe, which will be located on part of the first floor of the 234 Main Street building, and also from the Hickory Run Lavender Farm.
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Penn Lake Borough council’s March 9 meeting started with a long work about traffic signs, zoning ordinance revisions and emergency management. Borough solicitor Kristyn Giarrantano-Jeckell spoke to a PennDOT official regarding signs, reporting that someone would get in touch with councilman David Longmore to arrange a visit to meet him here and go over the borough’s STOP sign placements. This service is free, but the borough may need a traffic study before an ordinance can be made effective regarding STOP signs.
The solicitor has been going over the zoning ordinance, comparing the two versions available and making revisions. Council president Paul Rogan suspected the current online version of the ordinance may have gotten corrupted when it was transferred to the current website, which has created some confusion. Some clarifications were made during this meeting and attorney Giarrantano-Jeckell will put together the new ordinance. That will then need to go to the borough’s Planning Commission and Luzerne County Planning Commission for review. Then a final version will be advertised and voted on. In addition to the zoning ordinance, the solicitor will be looking into requirements for any easements needed related to the dam repairs. The monthly zoning See PENN LAKE, page 5