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Lenten services in Weatherly
Worship Services begin at 7 p.m. A time of fellowship and light refreshments will follow each service except for Ash Wednesday.
March 22– Our Lady of Lourdes Church
March 29– Salem United Church of Christ

In case of inclement weather, the host church will decide whether to cancel services.
Shepherd House distribution set
The Shepherd House in Weatherly will be distributing food on Saturday, March 25, from 10 a.m. to noon. Shepherd House is located in Zion’s Lutheran Church at 335 3rd Street in Weatherly. Please use the side entrance of the church on Fell Street to pick up your food. If there is a food emergency, do not hesitate to contact Charlie Hettler, 570-427-8981. If there is no answer, please leave your name and phone number on the answering machine and he will get back to you.

Dennison Township
2022 Real Estate and School taxes can be paid by mail or in person at the White Haven Borough Building, 312 Main Street, White Haven every Wednesday between the hours of 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Checks or money orders only. Credit cards or cash will not be accepted.