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Coming Events
1—Easter Egg Hunt, 1 p.m., Lehigh Park, White Haven, register on White Haven Police Department’s Facebook page
1—Food Truck Frenzy, 12-6 p.m., Crestwood High School Parking Lot
BSA/Venturing Crew Fish Fry, 12-7 p.m., American Legion Post 781, Mountain Top, 570-436-6276
SATURDAY, APRIL 8— Main Street Market, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., 243 Main Street, White Haven
SUNDAY, APRIL 9— Breakfast, 8 a.m.-Noon, VFW Post 6615, White Haven
11—Library membership meeting, 6:30 p.m., White Haven Area Community Library
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12—Book Club, 6 p.m., White Haven Area Community Library
14—Booksale, 9 a.m.-12 p.m. & 4-7 p.m., Weatherly Area Community Library, 570-427-5085
14—Storytime, 4:30 p.m.,
Weatherly Area Community Library, 570-427-5085
15—Booksale, 9 a.m.-12 p.m., Weatherly Area Community Library, 570-427-5085
22—Weatherly Area Museum Benefit Dinner, 6 p.m., L&L Fire Company Banquet Hall, 570-427-8173
29—College Planning
101, 10 a.m., Weatherly Area Community Library, 570-427-5085
12—Storytime, 4:30 p.m., Weatherly Area Community Library, 570-427-5085
SATURDAY, MAY 13— Main Street Market, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., 243 Main Street, White Haven
13—Yoga with Amanda
Neidlinger of River Run
Healing Arts, 9 a.m., Weatherly Area Community Library, 570-427-5085
SATURDAY, MAY 20— White Table Program by American Legion Auxiliary, 10 a.m., Weatherly Area Community Library, 570-427-5085
28—Memorial Day Parade each other’s news at a TexMex restaurant. The time of the meal was just enough so that we caught only the tail end of rush hour.
Farmers’ Market for a bite to eat and some quick shopping Polish foods, Mediterranean salads, cake and artisan bread. The Market meal meant we had time to select some good eats at the arena.
A kind box office staffer found seats for us with nearly no stairs to navigate.
They were away from any crowd all the much better.
The games themselves were blowouts. Most of the fun came when the pep bands played and the fans cheered. While it was good to be there, there wasn’t enough good hockey.
& Gathering in the Park, 1 p.m., White Haven
2—Graduation, 6 p.m., Weatherly Area High School
3—Trout Festival, 12-5 p.m., Railyard Park, White Haven Area Community Library
10—Main Street Market, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., 243 Main Street, White Haven
11—Weatherly HillClimb
SATURDAY, JULY 8— Main Street Market, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., 243 Main Street, White Haven
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9—Car Show, Lehigh Park, White Haven
SATURDAY & SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 & 10—Weatherly HillClimb
13—Weatherly Area Community Library Auction preview night, 6-8 p.m., Packer Township Building
OCTOBER 14—Weatherly Area Community Library Auction, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Packer Township Building
The level of hockey played at the AHL level versus college is faster. Ruth and I went to this past weekend’s local games and saw some great hockey, though sadly two losses for the locals. There’s a home game this Wednesday, then another on April Fools Day.
Sightings this week include heron, red tailed hawks, migrating geese, local foxes and the usual of deer standing in the road, and by it.
On Monday, I had a trip into Philadelphia to see surgeon and oncologist. As usual, it was a long day, but we have a plan for attacking the cancer. After the doctors, we collected a friend who lives nearby and went out for dinner. We caught up on
While in Philly, we sighted a variety of flowering trees, cherries, magnolias, and others we could not identify, plus forsythia bushes, daffodils, and other early spring flowers. It’s early for these but nice to see, though here’s hoping the weather holds out.
Back here, my forsythia is ready to bloom, but there are frosty nights ahead. I am getting more crocuses, purples and pale blues. I sighted some delicate little blue flowers in White Haven. Looking ahead, there’s more hockey and lots of sports on TV to enjoy. There are also plans to be made ahead of the Easter and Passover weekends. I see tax day coming up I’m not ready.
Springtime sunny good wishes and good health to everyone.
Breakfast at VFW Post
VFW 6615 of White Haven will sponsor an all you can eat breakfast on Sunday, April 9, from 8 a.m. to Noon.
The menu includes eggs (made to order), pancakes, French toast, waffles, potatoes, sausage, bacon, toast (white, wheat or rye), orange juice, coffee, and tea. The price is $11 for adults, $10 for veterans and seniors, and $5 for children 12 and under. Take-outs are subject to 50¢ extra charge and are not all-you-can-eat. For information call 570-4433333 after 2 daily.
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