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From The Journal-Herald


211 Main Street, White Haven, PA 18661

(JAY E. HOLDER, Co-Publisher 1954-1997; CLARA HOLDER, Co-Publisher 1954-2014)

Seth Isenberg, Advertising Sales

Ruth Isenberg, Editor

Steve Stallone, Sports Editor

Shop local, shop fun

by Seth Isenberg

This Saturday, White Haven’s Main Street will host its first open-air market. There will be crafts and sales booths, produce for sale, and food vendors most by local businesses. The location is on the lawn in front of the Depot Building (between the bank building and former Ugly Mug). Parking is nearby on Main Street.

The event, organized by local businesspeople under the auspices of the Greater White Haven Chamber of Commerce, is planned to be held the second Saturday each month, into the fall depending on its success. The Market day is likely to get much bigger by June but come out this week to help it get started.

As it grows, it is hoped that it will attract people to come into White Haven’s business district from Mountain Top, Lake Harmony and the near Poconos.

With new Main Street stores, this monthly Market, and the coming of weekend railroad stops, White Haven should have a very good year. The Market is one more attraction to be enjoyed by both residents and visitors.

Letters to the Editor Policy

Letters to the Editor are welcome on any subject. They may be mailed to 211 Main Street, White Haven PA 18661 or e-mailed to journalnews@ pa.metrocast.net. Letters must include a signature, which will be published, and a phone number for verification purposes, which will not. Topics of local interest are preferred, and form letters will not be published. Perference will be given to letters sent exclusively to this publication. Letters should be no longer than 300 words. The Editor reserves the right to edit for clarity. Letters which could be considered libelous will not be published, nor will personal attacks.

Issue of April 8, 1993

Editors & Publishers

Jay and Clara Holder

The photo on this week’s front page features the rising waters behind the Francis Walter Dam.

The front page also featured an article about the membership drive for the White Haven Ambulance Association, complete with a form to complete (members were asked to pay $10 for one person, or $20 for a family).

The newly formed Democratic Club of White Haven will meet April 14 at Mercedes Café. Everyone is welcome.

During this year’s blizzard, Packer Township road crew member Joseph Meyers fired up the old Oshkosh truck for plowing snow at the peak of the storm. Supervisors discussed training others to drive the truck in an emergency.

East Side Borough Council, at their regular meeting, put out the word that “Everyone must pay the garbage fee, whether or not they put out garbage for collection.” That includes part-time residents and vacation home owners. East Side council members are setting up a meeting to see if it would be possible to buy the Old Schoolhouse on Center Street from current owner First Eastern Bank.

Kidder Township #1 Fire Company will hold its Easter Flower Sale this Friday and Saturday at Steve’s Mobil in White Haven.

Crestwood’s FBLA is sending 19 students to the state competition, held this year at Split Rock Resort from April 14 to 16.

The Rev. Mark Fultz of God’s Missionary Church wrote an Easter sermon as his Pastor’s Corner.

Caster’s Floral & Gift Shop ran a cute ad a drawing of an Easter Basket with its offered items in the eggs… balloons & candy, gifts, FTD, and of course, flowers.

Ken DeVito created a wonderful Kid’s Corner half page for this issue.

A list of locals called for Jury Duty in Carbon County was printed. In other County news, commissioners will pay $316,168 for the 160 acres where the new county prison and 911 communications center will be built. The next step is meeting with Nesquehoning Borough to work out a connection to their sewer plant.

Sports writer Steve Stallone filled the sports page with columns about the Wreckers’ baseball and softball teams and the first games of their seasons, plus a column about the death of stock car driver Alan Kulwicki.

Tryouts for the WHASA baseball teams are April 12.

Phil Engman’s Ramblin’ On column reviewed to upcoming NCAA basketball mens’ final pitting North Carolina’s Tar Heels against Michigan’s Wolverines. The game was after press time for this issue. He also reviewed the high school boys’ basketball tournament.

Angelo’s Italian House in Hazleton offered a $3.95 pasta lunch special with salad.

Ruth and Seth took a ski trip to Stratton in Vermont to enjoy some fine spring skiing.

From The Journal Issue of April 8, 1943

Publisher W. C. Taylor

The members of the local Victory Garden Committee are J.R. Ward chairman, William Sommers, Mrs. Rudolph Feist, Clarence Williams and Charles Warren. They are interested in seeing that every available plot be planted. Anyone wishing a plot to plant is asked to make an application to a committee member “Or, should you have a piece of ground to loan for such a purpose, please notify the chairman or any member of the committee.”

The local Red Cross Fund Drive exceeded its quota of $1,500 with a total collection of $1,970.70 to date, and more contributions still being received.

The 2nd War Loan starts April 12 13 billion dollars needs to be raised.

42 more names were added to the Honor Roll published last week, (and) this week another 18, making for a grand total of 235. The list will be published again on the back page (of the April 8, 1943 issue).

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