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Public Notices
Public Notice
ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS-WEATHERLY BOROUGH NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids for the Multi-Use Trail Phase 1 Tree Clearing Project and Base Trail Construction, will be received by the Borough of Weatherly, until 4:00 P.M. on Monday, April 24th. Bids will be opened and read aloud Monday, April 24th at 5:15 P.M. The bid award date will be Monday, April 24th intended to immediately follow bid opening.
Bids will be received for Contract No. 5 –
Multi-Use Trail Phase 1 Tree Clearing, Trail Station 37+00 to 42+00 And
Bids will be received for Contract No. 6 –
Multi-Use trail Phase 1 Base Trail Construction, Trail Station 37+00 to 42+00
Bids will only be received in person and all documents and solicitation details are available at no cost at the Borough of Weatherly, 61 West Main Street, Weatherly, PA 18255 during office hours Monday-Friday 7:30 A.M.-4:00 P.M. Bidders can bid on one or both Contracts.
The Borough hereby reserves the right, which is understood and agreed to by all bidders, to refuse any or all bids submitted; and also reserves the right to waive any informality in bids received, but any contract awarded will be to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder. There are no Davis-Bacon requirements associated with the AMLER Program. Prevailing wage rates are also not required for grants.
To schedule a time to visit the Project Area, contact Harold Pudliner at (570) 427-8640. No visits will be scheduled within two (2) days of the date to receive the bids. Each Contract is to be substantially completed in 3 weeks and final completion in 4 weeks.
Harold Pudliner Borough Manager Z057000411 DV/1
Public Notice
PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Dennison Township Zoning Hearing Board hearing previously scheduled for Thursday, March 23, 2023, has been continued and will now be held on Thursday, April 20, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. at the Dennison Township Municipal Building, 76 Walnut Street, Dennison Township (White Haven), PA. 18661. The hearing shall be to consider an application by Laura & Michael Bolinsky for the property located at 16 Norman Lane, Dennison Township (White Haven), PA 18661, which is located in a R-A District. The applicant seeks to construct a 26′ x 50′ single family home. The following variances are sought by the applicant.
A rear setback variance from the required distance of 25 down to zero (0) feet.
A variance from the maximum lot coverage of 7% to 18%. A variance from the maximum height of 35 feet to 36 feet.
A copy of the full text of the application and supporting material are on file and available for public inspection by appointment at the Dennison Township Municipal Building by contacting Township Secretary, Kathleen Stortz at (570) 443-8190 or an electronic copy may be obtained by email by contacting John Varaly at (jvaraly@ptd. net)
Ms. Kathleen Stortz Secretary
Dennison Township 4/13