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Editorial Be fire savvy and support fire fighters
by Seth Isenberg
A bit of rain has given our area a needed reprieve from the threat of fires in the woods that surround the White Haven and Weatherly areas. It’s not enough, so no one should be having an open flame on their property until we get a long series of rainy days.
In the 1940s, and earlier, our area had severe forest fires, including some that came right to the edge of White Haven borough.
We are fortunate to have excellent new firefighting equipment, and well-trained fire fighting volunteers to stand between us and fires. Many of these volunteers were out this past week working to put out the fires to our north.
So, please pay attention to these dry spring days. And also, please support our local fire companies.
Letters to the Editor Policy
Letters to the Editor are welcome on any subject. They may be mailed to 211 Main Street, White Haven PA 18661 or e-mailed to journalnews@ pa.metrocast.net. Letters must include a signature, which will be published, and a phone number for verification purposes, which will not. Topics of local interest are preferred, and form letters will not be published. Perference will be given to letters sent exclusively to this publication. Letters should be no longer than 300 words. The Editor reserves the right to edit for clarity. Letters which could be considered libelous will not be published, nor will personal attacks.
April 19 to 29 is National Volunteer Week…At the White Haven Center, volunteer help is especially valued and treasured. Many area residents are members of United to Serve, Inc. Betty Bump of Penn Lake Park is president, Anne Boroski of White Haven Poconos is treasurer, Bette Dodson of White Haven is secretary. UTS is always looking for members a luncheon meeting is…today.
The White Haven Area Senior Citizens have provided bingo parties for people at the Center…[Locals] are enrolled in the Foster Grandparent Program.
The front page photo this week shows White Haven’s new water tower with its new paint job.
John and Jane Richards will celebrate their golden anniversary on April 24. Life-long residents of White Haven, the couple were married on Easter Saturday in 1943.
The new water system could reduce fire insurance rates. White Haven Fire Chief John Klem reported the water flow to the hydrants is so good that fire fighters will soon be receiving training on how to avoid problems…
Weatherly Area School District business manager Thema Kew will retire soon. Several applications have been received for the position.
Kidder Township Police will be offering Troll Patrol toys to children involved in auto accidents or other incidents. The Trolls come in several varieties, including Police, Firemen and Nurses.
Foster Township supervisors scheduled a planning commission public meeting to discuss the Cabot Corporation application for conditional use and plans for the lagoon area.
The Rev. William Hosking wrote this week’s Pastor’s Corner about an interfaith Holocaust remembrance program held in Hazleton last week.
Louise Fino of Dennison Township has stepped up to run for the Crestwood School Board.
Senator James Rhoades will be the featured speaker at the Carbon County Republicans’ gathering on May 1. Tickets can be obtained from county chairman attorney Cynthia Ray…
Luzerne County’s proposed new arena will cost $42 million to build.
Steve Stallone provided a fishing picture, and John Makaravitz wrote about casting a fly line.
Phil Engman’s Ramblin’ On column wrapped up his basketball coverage and now moves on to baseball.
Pete Chapla reviewed the movie – The Crying Game.
Ruth and I wrote a review of The Wooden Nickel dinette in Freeland. It was beautifully clean, with an oldies vibe, and good simple food a turkey hoagie, a Philly cheesesteak and some blueberry pie.
This issue featured a nearly full page of ads from Alter Street, Hazleton, businesses: Tarone’s Super Market, Hazleton Sweater Mills, Beccone’s Italian Specialties, Lenny’s Café, Coal Crackers Family Eatery, R.J. Mason Jeweler, and Angelo’s Italian House.
From The Journal
Issue of April 22, 1943
Publisher W. C. Taylor Students of the White Haven Public School have established an enviable record in the current war bond campaign. They entered the was stamp “Jeep” campaign and in one week they promoted the purchase of over $4,000 in war bonds and stamps, enough to purchase four Jeeps… Passover was observed by Jewish patients at the Sanitorium Monday courtesy of Aaron Weiss and Mrs. Louis Greenberg of Wilkes-Barre.
Debating between the affirmative and negative teams of the sophomore, junior and senior classes was successfully staged last week at the local high school.
(and an obituary:)
Christian Clayton Moyer
C. C. Moyer, 65, a Spanish-American War veteran, familiarly known as “Ikie,” died early Wednesday. (He had been) ill for some time. … Interment will be in Arlington National Cemetery in Washington, D.C.