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Seth’s Sightings

April flowers. Our somewhat warm weather has encouraged lots of April flowers. In our yeard our pinks are blooming, our lilacs are about to start, and our flowering cherry trees are putting on a show just in time for the threat of frost. So these next few days will be a bit of hoping that our particular flowering plants are spared.

I was planning to do some lawn work but had a reaction to some combination of the pills I’m taking, and that work remains undone. My first major bit of trimming of some of the bushes is on hold pending the end of the forsythia bloom. One of our bigger forsythia bushes has grown out in the wrong direction and is getting a trim to get it back under control, but not until it’s done with its show.

Saturday night has been hockey night for us for these last few months. This past Saturday we attended the Weatherly Area Museum’s fundraiser. It

by Seth Isenberg

was a dinner, basket raffle and silent auction. I won a silent auction item and Ruth won a basket, and we enjoyed a good meal and company.

In sports, I enjoyed the hole-in-one at the Australian stop of the LIV Tour excitement, cheers and beers…

Also this weekend was NASCAR’s spring stop at Talladega great racing and a memorable crash in the Xfinity race. As an afterthought, NBA and NHL and AHL playoffs are underway, which I follow with a brief internet look for scores and details.

About that internet look, I do use ESPN, which is coming up for a huge staff trimming. It has become too big, and too costly, but… I remember its beginnings as a little cable network broadcasting college sports, so it is amazing to see how big they have become. They’ll be fine after the cuts.

I think gas prices have stopped going up I hope so. Ruth and I want to be out and about more. This week’s sightings only included a single wild turkey, rabbits invading our dogs’ yard, newborn lambs, and a woodchuck making a home under a neighbor’s porch which should be a surprise for all when they come home.

This week is Southern Lehigh Restaurant Week, and we are toying with a trip into the Lehigh Valley to take advantage of a special prix fixe meal, with a stop at the Allentown Farmer’s Market as Ruth is feeling stronger on her crutches.

On the 29th is Carbon County Plantfest, at Kennedy Park in Lansford, late morning to midafternoon. It’s free, and sounds like fun.

Knoebels opens this weekend though I think we’ll hold off until the 7th when it is WVIA Day. Members get a hand stamp.

There’s a Wine Tasting fest in Lehighton on Saturday the 6th in a shaded streamside grove in the park where their pool is also located. We will try to attend in the early afternoon.

The Pocono Air Show is to be held Memorial Day weekend Saturday and Sunday afternoons at Pocono Raceway. I have some Sunday tickets to give away xsend in a card or drop a note off at our office. Include your phone # and e-mail.

Best wishes for good health to you all.

Coming Events

SATURDAY, APRIL 29—College Planning 101, 10 a.m., Weatherly Area Community Library, 570-427-5085

SATURDAY, APRIL 29—Dead Serious… About Life performance, 6 p.m., Weatherly Area Middle School, 513-459-7268

SUNDAY, APRIL 30—Dead Serious… About Life performance, 3 p.m., Weatherly Area Middle School, 513-459-7268

FRIDAY, MAY 5—Storytime, 4:30 p.m., Weatherly Area Community Library, 570-427-5085

SATURDAY, MAY 13—Main Street Market, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., 243 Main Street, White Haven

SATURDAY, MAY 13—Yoga with Amanda Neidlinger of River Run Healing Arts, 9 a.m., Weatherly Area Community Library, 570-427-5085

TUESDAY, MAY 16—Metaphysical discussion, 6 p.m., White Haven Area Community Library

FRIDAY, MAY 19—Lenape Indian presentation by Lynn & Robin Hoffman, 7 p.m., Weatherly Area Community Library, 570-427-5085

SATURDAY, MAY 20—White Table Program by American Legion Auxiliary, 10 a.m., Weatherly Area Community Library, 570-427-5085

SATURDAY, MAY 27—Semi-annual Yard Sale, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Gold Oaks Village clubhouse parking lot, Kidder Township

SUNDAY, MAY 28—Memorial Day Parade & Gathering in the Park, 1 p.m., White Haven

FRIDAY, JUNE 2—Graduation, 6 p.m., Weatherly Area High School

SATURDAY, JUNE 3—Trout Festival, 12-5 p.m., Railyard Park, White Haven Area Community Library

SATURDAY, JUNE 10—Main Street Market, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., 243 Main Street, White Haven

SATURDAY & SUNDAY, JUNE 10 & 11—Weatherly HillClimb

SATURDAY, JULY 8—Main Street Market, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., 243 Main Street, White Haven

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9—Car Show, Lehigh Park, White Haven

SATURDAY & SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 & 10—Weatherly HillClimb

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13—Weatherly Area Community Library Auction preview night, 6-8 p.m., Packer Township Building

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14—Weatherly Area Community Library Auction, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Packer Township Building

American Legion Auxiliary Unit 360 President Georgia Farrow presents a “Thank You for Your Sacrifices” certificate to Maggie Snider at the post home in Weatherly. Maggie is the daughter of Barry and Holly Snider. The unit recently held a celebration with ice sundaes, cookies and purple balloons. April is the month of the military child, and we honor them for their sacrifices when parents are deployed or active duty. Approximately 50 people attended the event.

Smart Drive Initial Course at Heritage Hill

Thanks to Heritage Hill Senior Community and AARP, refresh your driving skills with a two-day safe driver initial course on Wednesday, May 3, and Thursday, May 4. Both class are held at 800 Sixth St., in Weatherly, and will run from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Successful completion can result in discounts on car insurance (contact your insurance agent for details). The course is available to drivers aged 50 years and older who have yet to complete the initial course or have let three years pass since taking it. The cost for AARP members is $20 per person with proof of membership; nonmembers are $25 per person.

Participants must bring a valid driver’s license. Lunch will be provided, courtesy of Heritage Hill. Seating is limited; registration is required. Please call Rachael or Brittany at 570-4274500 or email rtimm@ heritagehillsenior.com

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