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Local woman vying for spot on cover of fitness magazine

work with her clients, but could also teach others with continuous education courses courses she is already certified to teach.
To enter, she wrote essays from her heart about well-being, and improving health and fitness. “What I find most rewarding,” she says, “is the sense of community and support that develops within the classes. Everybody has trials, everybody supports each other.” That’s the spirit she wants to be able to spread, along with her commitment to helping local people meet their wellness goals.
She is asking her friends and neighbors to vote for her in the contest. Individuals can cast a vote for her every day in May at https://mshealthandfitness. com/vote/free/2023/ amanda-nei#_=_
To talk to Amanda about her goals, and experience a bit of her teaching, consider attending a session scheduled for 9 a.m. on May 13 at the Weatherly Area Community Library. Call 570-427-5085 to sign up.
by Ruth Isenberg
Amanda Neidlinger has been providing yoga instruction, personal training, and massage in and around Weatherly and White Haven for many years, in several different locations. Over that time, she’s established a group of loyal clients who have followed her wherever she sets up shop.
At the present time her business, River Run Healing Arts, is operating out of a room on the side of her house on Buck Mountain
Road, outside of Weatherly. She is also holding classes and events at places like the Weatherly and White Haven libraries, at schools, and at festivals and fairs. She dreams of a bigger space and this month she’s part of a contest that could get her well on her way to realizing that dream.
Neidlinger has entered a contest to be featured on the cover of Ms. Health and Fitness. Along with that honor comes a monetary prize, money that would go toward building a facility where she could not only
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