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Jack Nemschick is May WAHS Senior of the Month
Jack Nemshick, son of Michael and Donna Nemshick, Weatherly, has been named Senior of the Month for May at Weatherly Area High School.

Jack is a member of the Weatherly Area High School chapter of the National Honor Society, as well as the Golf and Track & Field teams. He is also a member of the high school band, and Teens Against Tobacco Use.
In the community, Jack is a member of the CAN-DO Student Action Committee. He also volunteers his time with NHS-sponsored community service events. Jack is employed by the Valley Country Club, in Sugarloaf.
The Hazleton Art League is pleased to announce that the Empty Bowls fundraiser held at the Art League Sunday, April 23 successfully raised money for two local charities. Checks for over $1,000 were accepted by Erika Ramirez, Annette Ambrush, and Tamear Henegain from the Willow Foundation, and Kristina Notaro and Tracey Zapotocky from United Charities. Presenting the checks on behalf of co-chairs Louise Baran and Joni Troyanoski is Mark Peterson, executive director of the Hazleton Art League. The organizers thank the many artists, volunteers and local restaurants who donated to this worthy cause.
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 360 presented a “Good Deed Award” to members of the WHS Kindness Club for their collection of pet supplies for the animals at the Carbon County Animal Shelter. Shown in the front row, from left, are Madisyn von Frisch, Alicia Schertrumpf, Kelly Michaels, Angelina Fewins, Isobel Hoffman, Kendall Gerhart, Kaylee Gaydoscik, and Taylor Davidovich. In the back row are Serenity Stoudt, Jenna Winkler, Rebecca Schell, Erin Prete, Mellanie Marshman, Leeta Prater, Trinity McCutcheon, and Hayden DiGennaro.

May a busy month for Faith Church Weatherly
This Saturday, May 20, Faith Church Weatherly will have a Spring Bike Ride. May 21 is a Mega Sports meeting following the morning worship service. May 24 at 6 p.m. the youth will have a Movie night, and May 30 is worship night starting at 7 p.m. Services are at 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. Sundays, with live worship music in a welcoming atmosphere. The Kids Clubhouse is open at the same time for all kids Pre-K - 5th grade. The Youth Group meets Sundays at 6, grades 6th-12th. Life Groups meet Wednesdays at 7 p.m. Men, women, children and youth all meet separately for fun, fellowship and learning. Lots of new small groups are popping up all the time; check in and see where you can get connected.
Weatherly Faith Church is located at 202 Carbon St, next to Enzo’s Pizza in the shopping plaza. For more information on any Faith activities or groups, contact Lori at 570-578-8005.