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Michaels Named WAHSAA Scholarship Winner 2023
in Medical studies. She plans to pursue a career as a Physician’s Assistant.
The scholarship fund has been established in the name of the Weatherly Area High School Alumni Association. A scholarship committee devised the guidelines and plan of operation. The wealth of the fund has been built over the years by contributions and donations made by people and organizations interested in education. This money has been invested in various instruments which make up the principal of the fund. The investment interest from the fund is to be used only to provide scholarships to Weatherly Area School District students who graduate from Weatherly Area High School or the Carbon County Vocational Technical School. The scholarship is to be used for extended education at an institution of higher education or a more specialized institution of learning approved by the scholarship program committee. Members are Sue Ann Gerhard-chairman, Brian O’Donnell, Carol Hill, Barbara Sandt, Angela Gregory, Margaret Jeffries, Chris Henritzy, Barbara Sipler and Sarah Minnick, guidance counselor.
The scholarship was established in 1998, and the following have received this award:
1998 – Sarah Hamm; 1999 – Raymond Marcero; 2000 – Erin Lesko; 2001 – Angela Petrone; 2002 – Courtney Hadzick; 2003 – Lindsey Hinkle; 2004 – Kerri Romig; 2005 – Jeremy Leach; 2006 – James Somers; 2007 – Joshua Titus; 2008 – Jennifer Miller; 2009 Amanda Bartosevich; 2010 – Melanie Clabia; 2011 – Mia Cavello; 2012 – Matthew Caccese; 2013 – Heather Cichowic;
2014 – Rachel Moon; 2015 – Catherine Strizak; 2016 – Muskan Khatiwala; 2017 – Breena Coxe; 2018 – Samantha Knepper; 2019 – Nikki Polivka; 2020 - Alianna Hernandez; 2021Lilli Kunkle; 2022 - Richard Ray; 2023 – Kelly Michaels. Other scholarships given by the association and alumni this year are:
$4,000 Wilbur (Tim) Frable Memorial Scholarship – Michael Berger;
$2,500 Harry & Loretta Allison Award – Nathan Tripp;
$1,000 Hugo Paul Family Memorial Award – Alicia Schertrumpf;
$1,000 Anna Raynock Memorial Scholarship –Madisyn vonFrisch; $750 – Jonathan Hoffman; $750 – Angelina Fewins; $500 – Christal Kislan; $500 – Adriana Dotzel; - $500 – Taylor Jones.
The Weatherly Area High School Alumni Association recently announced the 2023 WAHSAA Scholarship recipient. Kelly Michaels, daughter of Dan and Tracy Michaels, White Haven has been awarded the $15,000 scholarship for her graduating class.

Michaels serves as president of the Kindness Club and Student Government Association; is captain of the Volleyball, Softball and Cheer teams; vice-president of the Interact Club and Weatherly Chapter of the National Honor Society. She is also a member of the Science Olympiad and Envirothon teams.
In her community, Kelly volunteers her time at the Weatherly Hillclimb, Tweedle Park clean-up, Leukemia & Lymphoma Society fundraisers, Senior Olympics and with various NHS and Interact activities. Kelly is employed at Ashley Home Store and Annie’s Farmhouse.
Graduating fourth in her class of 2023, she has achieved throughout her high school career.
Michaels plans to attend DeSales University and achieve her Master’s Degree