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Pocono Garden Club prepares for annual Flower Show
At its May meeting the Pocono Garden Club held a Mother’s Day Tea Party, heard a presentation on orchids by Ellen Nathan, right, and enjoyed miniature floral arrangements, begonia houseplants, and blooming horticulture examples submitted by members in preparation for the annual flower show.
A tutorial on flower arranging and horticulture display preparation will be presented when the Pocono Garden Club meets at 1 p.m. Tuesday, June 13, at the Monroe County Conservation District, 8050 Running Valley Road, Bartonsville.
The meeting’s design entry is called “Picnic on the Porch.” It would be a single table setting to include a plate, beverage and flowers.
The horticulture entry should be a bouquet of perennials or annuals in a clear glass container.
The houseplant entry should be an African violet.
Light refreshments are welcomed.
The club is gearing up for its annual flower show and plant sale, themed “Lights on Broadway,” to be held Saturday, July 8, at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 158 Fish Hill Road, Tannersville.
For more information contact club president Nell Cadue at poconogardenclub@gmail.com. Visit the Pocono Garden Club on Facebook.