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Penn Forest Township meeting continues exploration of police

by Seth Isenberg

At their February meeting, Penn Forest supervisors reported on steps they had taken to learn about police protection. Supervisor pairs met with Kidder and Franklin Townships, and Jim Thorpe Borough in late January about coming together in some manner to extend police protection to the residents of Penn Forest Township. Of the meetings,

New Lake Harmony ambulance has arrived

Lake Harmony Rescue Squad’s new ambulance is here and serving the people here in and around Lake Harmony. It went in service February 17. The 2022 Crestline F350 4-wheel drive was getting equipped as we dropped in to the station to take photos. At right: Kerril Lanum and Bryce Greene are in the new unit, setting up supplies for the amazing number of shelves and cabinets. Note the

Stryker cot and its lift system installed in the new unit.

The retired LHRS unit will be on its way to the Bushkill PA Emergency Ambulance to be put into service there by month’s end.

The ’22-’23 LHRS donation letter campaign, mailed in September, has reached the $50,000 milestone of its $55,000 goal. (Donations have now covered this year’s payment

See AMBULANCE, page 6

Kidder was most interested, reported supervisors’ chairman Roger Meckes who had met with Kidder officials accompanied by supervisor Jim Denier. Kidder officials are asking to start a regionalization study, possibly with all four townships involved. Neither Franklin nor Jim Thorpe was interested in a four township entity, and asked not to be included in the study, so the study will proceed just for Kidder and Penn Forest


Supervisor Christian Bartulovich commented that in Franklin Township, there was both some interest and some opposition.

Meckes started the February meeting commending all involved in the “very nice” Veteran’s Monument now in place at the township park.

In business, Josiah and Joann Behrens submitted a proposal to add their 98.39acre property on Behrens

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