2 minute read
Penn Forest
Continued from page 1
Road to the township’s agricultural security area. There was discussion, and unanimous approval. Other properties in the program are the Bond Farm and Getz Farm (in Kidder).
Discussion of Short Term Rentals continues, with resident Eileen Rugh asking for clarification on the role Granicus continues to play. She was told that Granicus should still be called to report any incidents. Reports would be forwarded to Code Enforcement Officer Greg Loftus. During the STR discussion, it was noted that he had responded to an STR complaint that past Saturday.
The Jim Thorpe Area School District was okayed to be in contact with a designated roads crew member on winter snow days (to determine road conditions). Rules will be set up.
The township has come to an agreement with its union, Teamsters Local 773. A few details remained to be dealt with, so the vote to ratify was put off to the March meeting, as was approval of pay rates. The new pay for the union members would be retroactive to January 18. Pay will be $20 an hour for full time laborers, $19 an hour for Ron Nametko and for the part-time laborers. Julia Rossi, a union member, will be paid $20 an hour for her work in administration, and Heather Saba $21.50. Jay York is at $25 as working forman.
Supervisors did ratify new pay rates for nonunion staff: treasurer Laura Matz for $23.39, code enforcement officer Greg Loftus for $24.26 an hour, and secretary Dana Vitale for $26.15.
Hanover Engineering was approved to add James Haklar to the list of sewage enforcement officers approved to work for Hanover in the township.
It was agreed to pay PPL to relocate the power pole and transformer at the transfer station to make room for upgrades there, to cost $7,634.
As the salt shed project is nearly complete, supervisors agreed to pay request #3 from Dutchman Contracting of $18,173.
Supervisors will contract with Shiffer Bituminous for their patching truck, for up to three loads at $2,500 each.
Some zoning fees will rise in 2023 as the township adjusts fees to cover costs. Regarding the park,
Barry Isett Associates were approved to provide a study for placing a second bathroom building at the park. BIA will look at building types and costs, sewer requirements and the like. Cost will be $3,000. A proposal to prepare an overall master plan for the park, at a cost of $9,000 from BIA, was defeated 1 to 4, Bartulovich being the only vote in favor. Meckes summed up the feelings of the majority on this vote: “we’re not ready” for this. Supervisors approved getting plans made for bidding to make a direct path to the Pump Track from the parking lot for those with bikes. Dirt Sculpt was approved for their final payment of $32,407 for their work on the Pump Track. Front Line Graphix will make up five signs for the
Pump Track, at a total cost of $1,064.
The Park Committee was funded for this year’s festival, with a budget of up to $5,000, on 4-1 vote, Pat Holland voting no.

The Committee was approved to install new cabinets in the concession stand and were given a budget of up to $3,000 for the project. The stand will also be getting a new set of locks, at a cost of up to $350.
See PENN FOREST, page 3