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Scholarships Available for Carbon County Students
The Carbon County Community Foundation is pleased to announce a number of scholarship opportunities that are now available for students graduating from Carbon County school districts this year. Scholarships range from $500 to $5,000. Qualified students are invited to submit their applications online at www. cccfoundpa.org. Applications are due March 1. The following scholarships are available:
The Anastasia Susko Memorial Scholarship awards $1,500 to a qualified female senior graduating from Jim Thorpe. Applicants should have a proven record of academic success with at least a 3.0 GPA cumulative average over the time period of two years prior to graduation and should demonstrate leadership and compassion despite having faced adversity.
The Eugene “Peck” Armbruster Memorial Scholarship and the Glenn Eisenhower Memorial Scholarship, established by the Lehighton Orioles Nest #183, honor the memories of two longtime Orioles members. The scholarships each award $500 to a Carbon County senior who is seeking to further his or her education in a trade career at a 2 or 4-year college, university, or trade school.
The Hunters Heroes Memorial Scholarship, established in memory of Hunter Kurak Wolfe, awards $500 to a qualified senior graduating from Jim Thorpe. Applicants should exhibit great leadership and involvement throughout their community. An unsung hero who reflects hard work, courage, and passion in all that they do.

The Orioles Scouting Scholarship, established by the Lehighton Orioles Nest #183, awards $500 to a Carbon County senior who is currently active in Boy or Girl Scouts with a strong record of volunteerism and community service.
The Tyler Strong Memorial Scholarship, established in memory of Tyler Kowatch, awards $500 to a qualified senior graduating from Jim Thorpe who is See SCHOLARSHIPS, page 7