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PFT adds second code officer who will also work zoning, cost savings expected
by Seth Isenberg
To spread the increasing work load about code enforcement and short-termrentals, supervisors, at their
April meeting, worked their way through a plan to hire an additional code enforcement officer and cross-train the person to do zoning work. It is hoped that the work will
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cut down on the professional services costs for Barry Isett & Associates, which last year totaled $131,027.
Supervisors were unanimous in establishing the position, at $22 an hour, and to pay for PSATS certifications and training. It was pointed out that the professional services for zoning cost the township $65 an hour, so the new staff will cut that back. The new person may spend a significant amount of time in the office doing paperwork, but will also be out in the field.
On a split vote, supervisors approved spending $10,000 on a fireworks display from the township park on Saturday, July 8. Supervisor Dr. Pat Holland wants to see sponsors step up. He voted no to the others’ yes. There
See PENN FOREST, page 3