2 minute read
Penn Forest
Continued from page 1
Their explanation of this Girl Scout service unit project was well received, resulting in a township donation of $1,000 which was matched by supervisor Scott Lignore.
The supervisors adopted a modified version of the resolution presented last month regarding the use of sewer sludge as fertilizer. The resolution proposes asking the Pennsylvania legislature to enact tougher regulation on the use of sludge, and to restore more control to local communities.
Bethlehem Water Authority has filed a notice of appeal about the turndown of its proposed wind power project. The township will file a notice of intervention.
As roadmaster, supervisors chair Roger Meckes reported that supervisors have agreed to replace the pipe crossing on Old Stage Road and Penn Forest Trail – the pipe has rotted out.
BIA will be contracted to do a survey of drainage at Smith Road at All Points Towing, at a cost of $1,000.
Schiffer was out one day with their pothole patching truck, and will be back for at least one more day.
The ramp project starts this month at the transfer station.
Bids will be sought for this year’s paving projects.
Code enforcement officer Greg Loftus is now also the township fire enforcement officer, tasked with enforcing burn bans.
Joshua Kase was hired as the second full time code enforcement officer position. Funds were set aside to buy uniforms and supplies for him.
Cheyenne Calvo Roberts was hired to fill the vacant administrative assistant position on a vote of 3 to 1, Holland opposed.
Supervisor Christian Bartulovich was absent, but submitted a report, in which there was a discussion of renovating the lower level of the township building. Offices would be upgraded to fit the Code Enforcement officers and all of BIA – moving the zoning office into the upgraded space. The cost would be up to $25,000, with work mostly done by township staff. No action was taken.
Supervisors also didn’t vote on a proposal through the Natural Lands Trust to obtain a $10,000 grant and then hire Sarcinello Planning & GIS Services to prepare amendments to the township’s zoning ordinances and SALDO – at a cost of $29,930. Supervisor Pat Holland objected to the cost, even with the grant. Solicitor Tom Nanovic noted there would also be attorney fees, and likely engineering fees. There was a thorough discussion before the topic was tabled.
In bills, of note were two payments totaling $8,899 to the IRS, $10,000 to the Penn-Kidder Library, and two payments of $13,750 to the two fire companies, among $54,492 spent from the general fund in April. $10,872 went to J.P. Mascaro Hauling out of the sanitation fund’s total spending of $13,442. Hanover Engineering billed $28,650 for their work in April.
For the park, after a long discussion, supervisors agreed to make a new lease for part-time food vendors. Up to four more vendors will be allowed. Vendors will need all licenses and insurance. The vendors cannot duplicate a food item sold by another of the booths or trucks.
In park business, a pallet of line chalk was bought for the baseball and softball fields, at a cost up to $650. The Carbon County Amateur Radio Club was given permission to use the park on June 24 to 25 for their annual broadcast event.
The zoning report had 71 zoning permits issued, 11 of which were for Short Term Rentals. There were 23 building permits issues, two for new homes. Three new complaints were filed to be investigated.
The Granicus system has stopped as of April 18. Any complaints or STR issues should be called in to the township codes office. The new system is getting brought up to speed.
In citizen complaints, Peggy Dusablon of Towamensing Trails asked for action on ‘light pollution.’ A home near her own has a spotlight shining into her house – two blocks away. It was suggested that she talk with the homeowner, and also to file a complaint with Phil in zoning.