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Wood Street dry hydrant contract approved, new developer for “Henry” property visits
by Seth Isenberg
The long-awaited installation of a dry hydrant on Lake Harmony where Wood Street extends toward the lake is now funded. Larry Kresge Excavating and Trucking was unanimously awarded the contract to install the hydrant at a cost of $8,900, with the project likely to be complete in late June.
New builders for the “Richard Henry” tract on Route 940 came before supervisors at the May 23 meeting to change some items such as the amount of bonding. They gave a presentation, but the short time between the information being received, and the meeting, led to these requests being rejected. Supervisors invited representatives of the new developer to return to talk some more.
Supervisors continue to review engineer services proposals, so tabled a decision until the June meeting.
Supervisors approved a permit for Split Rock to hold its fireworks display on July 3, and waived an $800 zoning variance fee for the Lake
Harmony Fire Company to erect an electronic sign on their property.
Bills of $200,064 were approved $75,690 to fire and ambulance; $57,860 and $31,152 for insurances, professional fees, taxes, fuel…; $28,589 for garbage.
Contract negotiations are underway with the police officers’ bargaining unit. The contract is up in December. A meeting is scheduled for late May. Police Chief Matthew Kuzma reminds citizens that Kidder Police will have “extra guys out for the holiday weekend.” He asks that if citizens are disturbed by noise, or fireworks, that they please call 911.
Roadmaster Noel Torres noted that the North Lake Drive roadwork is complete with the installation of barriers near Piggy’s to direct the stormwater.
Township manager Suzanne
Brooks congratulated the Albrightsville Volunteer Fire Company on their receipt of a $70,000 LSA grant to be used to buy equipment to fight electrical fires.
Supervisors will hold their next official meeting on June 28 at 6:30 p.m. at the township building on Lake Avenue.
“I would like to thank the fine voters of Carbon County for their overwhelming support in the May Primary Election.”
Sheriff, Daniel G. Zeigler
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