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Penn Forest

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and offered the use of their sign to the park committee. One firefighter summed up their group opinion “that’s a lot of money.”

Holland added that if this kind of money was available, it would be better to give it to the fire companies “to help them get financially sound.” This sent discussion off on a tangent for a short while.

In the end, there was no vote at all on the item.

Decisions that were made at the meeting including releasing nearly all of the worksite bond for the newest Dollar General (off Route 534). Supervisors released the bond of $235,600 while leaving $4,400 in escrow to cover some small landscaping and erosion control items.

Other decisions were buying $4,006 of file cabinets for the “municipal file room;” accepting Shiffer Bituminous’ quote to pave four pipe crossings at a cost of $3,000; buying monitors, a laptop and a docking station for the code enforcement office cost $2,549; installing tracking devices and dashcams onto township’s five vehicles at a cost of $39.25 per vehicle, per month; buying concrete to be poured to fill the hole left by the old drain pipe at the Transfer Station, as well as another batch to flatten the floor at the maintenance building (old drain channels) total $1,465; and providing a ‘day phone’ for the working foreman and a township phone for the new code enforcement officer $39 monthly per phone.

Regarding the Transfer

Station, it was agreed to advertise for two temporary part-time employees to cover 32 hours. Pay would be $19 an hour.

Bills were approved totaling $57,532 from the general fund (mainly insurances, taxes and engineering costs), $17,204 from the septic fund ($16,384 of that to Hanover Engineering), and $29,912 from the sanitation fund ($16,390 for Mascaro, $9,433 for payroll).

H&K offered the low bid for this year’s paving program, at $692,299. This was accepted, pending a review by solicitor Tom Nanovic. The work should be done by mid-August. The water drainage issue being repaired at the end of Unionville Road will be completed separately.

Township business cards were ordered, primarily for the code officers and the front office, at a cost of under $200, on a vote of 4-1, Holland opposed.

The township crew is busy with its summer routine. They will be working on building the new ramp at the Transfer Station through the month.

A new agreement to offer food vendors a 30-day rental on the park parking lot was approved. This is in addition to the day rental agreement already in place. It mandates that up to three more vendors are allowed, who offer different foods from other park vendors. They are not allowed to bring generators. Electric hookups will be worked out. It was agreed to buy a net to place as a backstop for when softball uses their field, shortening the distance behind the catcher to 24′ from the current 48′. After discussion about fences and their cost, it was agreed to buy a net at a cost $600 including shipping. More field dirt will be bought to fill in some puddling that is occurring on the third base side.

The new system for tracking complaints about Short-Term Rentals is nearly fully operational. The Zoning report notes 79 zoning permits, 7 for STRs. Supervisors agreed to extend the land development agreement for the Dom ‘N’ Ali to August 19 as their project nears completion. Also in the reports, there are 12 permits issued for new homes.

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