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Stormwater plan update needed in Mt. Pocono
by Pat Albano
Mount Pocono Borough Council met on February 21 to consider an update to its storm water management ordinance. Engineer Drew Wagner informed council “The borough is long overdue [since 2000] to ensure facilities are installed properly and not filled with trash.” Wagner added, “There is a May 2 deadline which if not met might jeopardize the borough’s ability to be eligible for hazard relief funds.”
Mayor Randy Altemose asked “What are you asking the borough to do and can others do these inspections?”
Wagner replied, “You need to adopt an ordinance consistent with the [county] plan.”
The board also considered several tree trimming quotes for Knob Overlook. Stag Tree Specialist, KC Tree Service and Keystone Tree Specialist provided estimates ranging from $5,000-$9,000. Knob Overlook has not been addressed in five years.
Council member Norm Delano mentioned high costs for the flashing sign ordinance, arguing “We should add digital signs to the ordnance.” Borough manager Joshua Walker noted, “Costs of $25K or higher require bids.” Delano suggested, “If you give me half the road crew, I’ll install the signs at no cost to the borough.”
Council also considered ongoing security/safety issues with Mount Pocono
Municipal Authority’s lease agreement. Board membr Claudette Williams asked, “Where is their management?” MPMA was invited to address their concerns with the council, but did not. MPMA did inform council that they have appointed a one-man committee to discuss with the borough whether they will stay or leave.
Walker also updated council on the maintenance garage project, with three separate structural, architectural, and mechanical bids totaling $30K. Board president Don Struckle said, “We need additional quotes.”
There was an update on the recent dog park survey. Council member Debra
Fulton questioned a revised plan to lower the $25K cost of the park.
Mayor Altemose received a letter from the mayor of Kazbegi municipality, Georgia, in Asia. Kazbegi seeks to “promote a resolution of mutual cooperation and friendship between Mt. Pocono and Kazbegi as sister cities.” Both communities foster tourism, have beautiful parks and similar population densities. The Kazbegi mayor expressed an interest in visiting Mt Pocono and offered an invitation to Mayor Altemose to visit his municipality.
Manager Walker announced that the borough still has two million in grants outstanding.
Parks and Recreation noted First Fridays will be May 5 and June 2 at 6 p.m. with this year’s theme of Classic Cars and Jazz. Street cleaning will be conducted April 17-20.
Student teaching this spring
Elle Price, of Pocono Pines has been placed as a student teacher for the University of Findlay’s spring semester. Price is in a student teaching position at Wilson Vance Elementary School in Findlay, Ohio.
Price is pursuing a degree in early childhood education.