1 minute read
Oh dear, no John Deere, decides Mount Pocono Council
by Pat Albano
When Mount Pocono Borough Council met on April 4, purchasing a 2012
John Deere 5085M Utility Tractor and Mower from
Paradise Township for $40,000 was discussed.
Board member Debra Fulton expressed concerns on the $40,000 price asking, “What does this do to our budget?”
Mayor Randy Altemose added, “It would be nice to have but I do not see a need for it now.” Council president Don Struckle added, “Right now an outside firm comes in and does trimming.” Board member Ann Marie Harris noted, “It is a lot of money for a used vehicle,” and Council did not approve the purchase.
Jay Livingston Landscape Architect for Strada, LLC discussed improvements for
Charter Academy, a cyber school located at 4 Fork Street. Board member Lori Noonan made a motion which passed to accept waivers for the project.
See MT. POCONO, page 2