1 minute read

Birding at the Bog Programs planned at


Join Kettle Creek EE Center on May 10 or 17 for a morning of birding in the Tannersville Bog. Combine one of the most unique natural settings with one of the most spectacular natural phenomena and you get a morning of migration birding at the Bog.

Cost is $6 per person. Registration is required by calling 570-629-3061.

Directions: Route 611, at the light at the Tannersville Inn turn onto Cherry Lane Road. The bog parking lot is 1.9 miles from 611 on the right.

For more information, call (570) 629-3061. For information visit www.mcconservation.org.

May 2003 Issue

On the cover, in blue, Fishing at the falls at Fern Ridge Campground.

From 18624

This was a particularly rough winter, for a yriad of of reasons. Two docks, one 3 w x 5 l and the other 3 w x 14 l, apparently broke loose and floated down the lake. The larger of the two ened up a the Lake Harmony Estates Marina and the smaller, at the spillway. If you think these may be your docks, call Linda at xxx-xxxx.

If you thought it was a tough winter, how about spring? The Scranton/Wilkes-Barre Red Barons and Rochester Red Wings had to postpone the scheduled doubleheader for Tuesday, April 8, due to cold/snow/ice on the field and in the seating areas.

The Kidder Police are happy to report that “Mr. Bear” has vacated the premises on Pine Knoll Drive.

Debbie Schwartz and Kathy Dreisbach were pictured on the first day of trout fishing season.

See ARCHIVES, page 24

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