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Kidder Police receive praise
by Seth Isenberg
Kidder Township’s police department (KTP) has been busy this summer, and as the call numbers mount, so too are letters of praise for work done well. Citizens have also offered compliments to the police in phone calls.
During June, KTP had 240 calls for service, and of those, 60 were traffic summons or were traffic related. The department has hired patrolman Michael Nikityuk as a part-time officer.
Kidder’s supervisors, at their July 25 meeting, paid bills of $206,635 of note being IRS payments, health insurance for staff, payment to the building inspectors, and a return of an escrow for $102,000 of that, trash collection for $28,589 and $29,353 towards fire and ambulance services.
The fees for installing an electronic sign at the Lake Harmony Fire Company were waived.
Roadmaster Noel Torres reported that there was some flooding on Kresge Lane due to a heavy thunderstorm.
Solicitor Robert Yurchak reported that the township had its lawsuit rejected in Commonwealth Court against McLogie for a property built too tall for township rules having a fourth floor when only three were permitted. Yurchak was approved to pursue the township appeal this ruling to the PA Supreme Court.
Supervisors approved a return to the tax rolls from the Carbon County Tax Claim Bureau of a Holiday Poconos property on Fox Haven Road in Albrightsville.
Citizens brought to police attention a neighbor dispute about people talking out on their patio about 11 p.m. and other small harassments.
Supervisors meet next on August 22 at the Kidder Township Building at 10 Lake Road in Lake Harmony.