Both Academies work together to tackle litter!! pg 8 “You Posted What!?” Internet Safety article pg 6-7 Meet the Bridge of Don Community Council pg 42-46 and MUCH more inside!!
Contents Introduction 1 Area Summary 2-3 Bridge of Don & Oldmachar Learning Partnership 4 Schools 5 Internet Safety article by Paul Hay 7-8 Schools Litter Project 8 Work with Young People 9-17 Sports Centres & Swimming Pools 18-19 Swimming Club 20 Active Ageing 21 Move More Aberdeen 22 BoD Community Centre Association 23-30 BoD Ramblers 31 Danestone Community Centre 32-33
Balgownie Community Centre 34 Oldmachar Community Playgroup 35 Little BODS: Middleton Park Community Centre 36 Lifelong Learning Adults 37 The Bridge of Balgownie Rotary Club 37 Churches 38-39 Aberdeen Council of Voluntary Organisations 40 Bridge of Don Library 41 Bridge of Don Community Council 42-46 Your Elected Representatives 47 Health Contacts 48-49 Helplines 50-51 Emergency Contacts 52 Feedback 53
What’s on in Bridge
of Don
Introduction Welcome to the third ‘What’s On in the Bridge of Don’ booklet which provides local learners with some useful contacts for classes and groups in the Bridge of Don and a wee bit extra! The booklet will be made available in community centres, churches, the library, schools, medical and dental practices and will be posted through as many houses in Bridge of Don as volunteer commitment will allow. On behalf of the Learning Partnership I would like to thank all contributors! For enquiries call 01224 701162 or email Thanks Hamish Cattanach Capacity Building Officer (Bridge of Don and Dyce) Communities Team, Aberdeen City Council
Area Summary for Bridge of Don and Oldmachar Catchment areas Combined Population
Households & Families
The Bridge of Don area is the largest suburb in Europe. According to the 2011 Census statistics the Bridge of Don has a total population of 23014 and with approximately 7000 new houses on the way the community will be set to expand.
The area as a whole has the highest proportion of homes that are owned outright in the city (85.2% compared to the next highest, Cults at 81.3%. Of the two ASGs in the area Oldmachar has the highest proportion of outright owned homes in the city at 88.6%. In both cases this is much higher than Aberdeen as a whole at 57.3%. The majority of houses are semi-detached at 43.7% and detached 24.7%. Both figures are higher than the Aberdeen proportions of 20.7% and 24.7% respectively.
According to the 2013 midyear population estimates, the largest proportion of the population in each neighbourhood within the Bridge of Don & Oldmachar catchment area are in the 25 – 44 age range. Nearly a quarter of the population in each neighbourhood, with an average of 26.9% across all 4 neighbourhoods.
Deprivation & Health The Bridge of Don and Oldmachar Learning Partnerships combined cover approximately 31 data zones, 20 of which are in the least deprived 10% in Scotland, with the others in the upper middle range of deprivation. They cover the Oldmachar, Danestone, Denmore and Balgownie & Donmouth Neighbourhoods. All but Balgownie & Donmouth are in the Oldmachar ASG. Income deprivation in the area is lower than the Aberdeen average at 3.5% compared to 9% according to 2012 SIMD figures. The majority of the population is in good or very good health 88.1% slightly higher than the Aberdeen average at 85.7% Likewise health deprivation is also low with a CLP average being in the 15% least deprived in Scotland.
The area has a higher proportion of married couples than Aberdeen as a whole (56.0% compared to 40.5%). It has among the highest proportion of four person households, second highest at 13.9% after Cults (15.9%). Of the two ASGs that cover the area, Bridge of Don has the greatest number of families without dependent children at 69.0%; this is somewhat higher than Aberdeen as a whole with 61.9%. Oldmachar by contrast has a proportion of families with dependent children much closer to the Aberdeen figure at (62.4%). In each case in each ASG approximately a 3rd of these families have nursery, primary and secondary age children. A slightly lower proportion of the dependent children are of primary school age: 28.6% in Bridge of Don and 30.5% in Oldmachar.
What’s on in Bridge
of Don
The area has the highest proportion economically active individuals in Aberdeen 78.2% compared to the Aberdeen average of 73.3%. The highest proportion of these jobs are in the manufacturing (15.8%) and retail (16.4%) industries. These follow closely with the Aberdeen figure. Principle occupations in the area include those in associate professional and technical jobs (15.3%) slightly higher than the Aberdeen average of 13.0% and second highest in the city after the Harlaw catchment at 15.6%. The majority of these jobs are in lower managerial and professional jobs at 23.5%.
The vast majority of those living in the Oldmachar and Bridge of Don catchment areas travel to work by car/van, combined this is 52.8% of all 16-74 year olds. This is the highest of all other Learning partnerships and somewhat higher than the Aberdeen figure of 38.4%. The second highest method of travel to work is by foot but this is considerably lower than by car/ van at 15.7% also lower than the Aberdeen figure of 25.6%. The area has the second highest proportion of households with two cars (30.47%) after Cults (39.4%).
Ethnicity & National Identity Education The secondary schools within the suburb are: Bridge of Don Academy and Oldmachar Academy. There are also seven primary schools: Braehead, Danestone, Forehill, Glashieburn, Greenbrae, Middleton Park and Scotstown. There are also 5 Community Centres: Balgownie, Bridge of Don, Middleton Park, Danestone and Oldmachar Hall. Just over a quarter of the population are educated to standard grade level (26.4%) and a similar proportion at degree level or above (26.6%). According to the children and young people’s audit 2014/15 the vast majority of young people who left school from Bridge of Don and Oldmachar Academies in 2012/13 went straight into employment, further/higher education or training.
The vast majority of those living in the Oldmachar and Bridge of Don catchment area have the UK as their ethnic origin (95%), 86.1%, of which is White Scottish. The percentage of Aberdeen City individuals identifying as of UK origin is slightly higher at 96.2%, with a slightly lower figure identifying as White Scottish at 75.3%. The next highest category is for non UK individuals of Asian origin at 3.3% slightly lower than the Aberdeen figure of 4.3% 63.7% of Bridge of Don and Oldmachar residents consider their national identity to be Scottish only, slightly higher than the Aberdeen average of 54.7%. 20.6 % consider their national identity to be Scottish and British, slightly higher than the Aberdeen average of 17.7%. Only 4.2% consider their national identity to be non UK compared to 12.1% across the city.
• Improving life chances for people of all ages, through learning, personal development and active citizenship
• Building stronger, more resilient, supportive, influential and inclusive communities
The Learning Partnership helps identify priorities for:
• Work with Young People
• Work with Adults
• Community Support and Volunteering
• Health and Wellbeing
The Core purpose of BoDO Learning partnerships is to – enable partners to: JOINTLY know the area, including:
• identifying and assessing needs
• determining gaps in provision
• profiling existing provision
• prioritising developments
JOINTLY deliver the local learning offer, including:
• ensuring this is influenced by Area Profile
• developing new initiatives to meet identified needs and priorities
• encouraging partnership working and co-ordination of provision
• ensuring progression between organizations and activities
JOINTLY monitor and evaluate the learning offer CONTACT DETAILS: Hamish Cattanach (Capacity Building Officer, Bridge of Don and Dyce) Tel: 01224 701162 • Email:
What’s on in Bridge
of Don
SCHOOLS Bridge of Don Academy Daphne McWilliam - Head Teacher Braehead Way Tel: 01224 707583 Web:
Danestone Primary School George Roberts - Head Teacher Fairview Brae Tel: 01224 825062 Web:
Oldmachar Academy Judith Mohamed - Head Teacher Jesmond Drive Tel: 01224 820887 Web:
Forehill Primary School Douglas Ford - Head Teacher Jesmond Drive Tel: 01224 820904 Web:
Braehead Primary School Diane Duncan - Head Teacher Braehead Way Web: uk/ac/BraeheadSchoolBlog/home
Glashieburn Primary School Margaret Winton - Head Teacher Jesmond Drive Web:
Scotstown Primary School Caroline Bain - Head Teacher Scotstown Road Tel: 01224 703331 Web: Balmedie School Ken McGowan - Head Teacher Forsyth Road, Balmedie Aberdeenshire AB23 8YW Tel: 01358 742474 Email: Web:
Greenbrae Primary School Anna Royle - Head Teacher Green Brae Crescent Tel: 01224 704447 Web: Middleton Park Primary School Jenny Watson - Head Teacher Jesmond Drive Tel: 01224 820873 Web:
internet safety written by paul hay - internet safety expert We love to use the internet to communicate and share things with our friends. The internet has opened up many new ways to keep in touch. We post about what we are doing, we give our views, and we share photos. Most of the time we are only interested in sharing with our friends and relatives. However, the internet is a place where the whole world comes together and if we are not careful, we may end up sharing with more people than we expect. Therefore we need to be careful about what we are posting and who will see it. There are some basic rules we need to follow.
Follow You, Follow Me We invite and accept friends on Facebook. We have followers on our Instagram and Twitter feeds. These friends and followers have access to what you post. This is fine if you know and trust these people. If we do not know these people, they are strangers. So why would we want strangers seeing and downloading our pictures? Go through your friends and followers list and remove those people you don’t know. Also, even if you know the person, can you trust that they will not use your pictures or share them with other people? If you are unsure, then remove those people as well. You can always contact them directly in other ways if you need to.
You posted what? Sometimes things are best kept to yourself. Once we have posted something to the internet we have lost all control. As soon as somebody has seen something they are now able to copy, change and post it to anybody they like. You cannot delete what they have posted. This is especially true with images. Always assume that if you have sent an image to somebody or posted it on a social network the whole world can potentially see it. So think. Would I be happy for this image or post to appear on the side of a bus driving around town for everybody to see? If not, do not post it on the internet. The same goes for other private information such as telephone numbers, when you are going on holiday, or details of your family. This is true of pictures you may post of other people, especially your children. You may be happy for that picture to be made public, but have you checked that they are happy for their picture to appear and be available to others for the whole of their lives?
Private Investigator When we post something onto the internet we need to ensure only our trusted friends can see it. The way to do this is through privacy settings.
What’s on in Bridge
of Don
Sites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram have privacy settings to ensure only your friends can see what you post. Make sure that you have these set so only your friends can see your pictures and information.
....and finally
Here are some links to help you:
1) Know who is following you or is a Friend and delete those you don’t know. But of course the best way to keep things private is to not post it in the first place!
Play Nice It is very easy to forget that once we post something we can’t take it back. We also do not see the effect it may have on the other person. More and more people are posting unkind things about people without thinking of the harm it does or what it may do to the victim. This is bullying. If somebody posts something that upsets you, don’t use the internet to reply. Speak to them one to one as it can very easily get out of hand and in a very public place. Would we have the same arguments in the centre of Asda?
The internet is a fantastic world to explore and participate in, but it is a place inhabited by the whole world. So let us make it work for us.
2) Only share what you wish to be public. Do not post anything that may be embarrassing or private. 3) Make sure we have made our settings private. 4) Do not be unkind to others. For useful links on keeping safe is here: and particularly for those with school age children Paul Hay Share and Share Alike
Also, some posts can be criminal offences. There are many cases of people getting criminal records because of what they have posted onto Facebook or Twitter. As they say in Bambi, “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothing at all”!!
clean streets of bridge of don! Young people from Bridge of Don Academy and Oldmachar Academy came together to tackle litter in their community. Their first meeting took place on Wednesday 20 May 2015 and these young people from S1 – S3 will work together over the coming year to tackle this issue. Most of the young people are members of the student council in each school and in their first meeting time was spent getting to know one another as they discussed strategy. They were very keen for their campaign to be fun and to enlist the support of local celebrities. The following are some of their comments following this first meeting. Why we need to tackle the issue of litter:
It harms wildlife
So our city looks better
Litter’s g n disgusti
It causes environmental issues They enjoyed working together because...
All the people e affected hav e ic vo a
There are more people to tackle the problem
We work to gether to create a solution which can help the community
We get the chance to maked new friends an share ideas
Over the next few months they will draw up their campaign plans with the support of officers from Aberdeen City Council and their teachers.
What’s on in Bridge
of Don
Work with Young People Wednesday GIRLS’ GROUP (see page 30) (S1-S3) Bridge of Don Community Centre, Braehead Way Tel: 01224 701160 Army Cadet Force BLOCK 21, Gordon Barracks, Bridge Of Don, Aberdeen, AB23 8DB Gordon Barracks, Woodcroft Road, Bridge of Don, Aberdeen, AB22 8DU Tel: 01224 826239 Web: 46th Aberdeen Scout Group Scout HQ, Cardens Knowe, Bridge of Don, Aberdeen, AB22 8PE The Beaver Colony 6 - 8 years The Cubs Pack 8 - 10.5 years The Scout Group 10.5 - 14 years The Explorer Scouts 14 - 18 years The Scout Network 18 - 25 years Contact Steve Pirie Tel: 01224 824567 Email: Web: 66th Aberdeen Scout Group Norman Davie Tel: 01224 822626 Girl Guides Tel: 01224 638685
Girls’ Brigade 31st: Middleton Park 35th: St Columba’s Church Explorers Primary: 1 - 3 Juniors Primary: 4 - 7 Brigadiers Secondary: 1 - 6 Email: Web: 3rd Aberdeen Boys’ Brigade Looking for something different on a Friday night, the chance for outdoor expeditions, participating in the Duke of Edinburgh Awards scheme, THEN, come and join us. Anchors - P1 to P6 Juniors - P4 to P6 Company - P7 to S6
6 till 7.00pm 7 till 8.30pm 7.30 till 10.00pm
All meetings take place around the St Columba’s Church, Braehead Primary and Bridge of Don Academy campus. “I can’t wait to get to camp this year, last year’s gorge walking was ACE, never thought I would do it, but I did!” From Darren, age 13 “The BB gave me confidence, belief in myself and how to value other people. I wouldn’t have the successful career I have enjoyed without the encouragement from my BB officers and friends in Aberdeen.” From Jim, age 46, President of Construction firm, Boston, USA We can make a difference to your Fridays and YOU can make a difference to your life... new session begins Late August 2015 More details - contact Bobby Lamberton 01224 703225 Web: 35th Aberdeen Boys’ Brigade The 35th Aberdeen Boys’ Brigade meets every Friday night during term time in Danestone Congregational Church and Danestone Community Centre at the following times.
Primary 1 - Primary 3
6.15 - 7.15
Contact: Alan Garden 01224 822325
Primary 4 - Primary 6
7.00 - 8.30
Contact: Alan Garden 01224 822325
Primary 7 upwards
7.45 - 10.00
Contact Alister McIntosh 01224 824943
What’s on in Bridge
of Don
Looking for adventure? join bridge of don sea cadets The train stopped finally in Oban and the cadets were soon being welcomed on-board Training Ship Jack Petchey. Watches and bunks were allocated, and the workings of the boat explained. They would spend the next week learning how to navigate and helm a large power boat; keep watch and report to the Captain; help to prepare the food and to clear up afterwards. This group of cadets had never been on an offshore trip before. They had been afloat together on Bridge of Don Sea Cadet activity nights, four working the oars and one steering. They had taken sailing dinghies out on the water, under the watchful eyes of the safety boat crew and with the dinghy instructor talking them through the tricky bits. This was quite a different adventure. As they explored the Hebridean Islands, efforts of the training staff at their unit in the Gordon Barracks would click into place. Seamanship classes on knots and tidal ranges made sense when reflected against the changing height of dock wall at the side of the vessel. Preparing food in the unit galley was transformed from an attempt to gain their catering badge to the necessary routine before dinner onboard ship. Back at the unit they would try to pack the summer season with evening boating. Some cadets might ask the Training Officer to fit in a weekend meteorology class in between first aid, drill practice, marine engineering and trips away for swimming and football competitions. Bridge of Don Sea Cadets is a friendly, productive and energetic unit within the national Sea Cadet movement. The cadets benefit from the support, training and guidance of a dedicated team of voluntary staff, civilian assistants and parental supporters. We are actively looking for more cadets and additional members of staff. If interested, please contact or phone 01224 705 870. Your nearest local unit is Bridge of Don Sea Cadets Gordon Barracks
bridge of don sea cadet unit
needs volunteers like you Bridge of Don Sea Cadets is a friendly, productive and energetic unit within the national Sea Cadet movement. The kids benefit from the support, training and guidance of a dedicated team of voluntary staff, civilian assistants and parental supporters. We are actively looking for new members of staff (18+) to assist in the running of our unit. You have the option of joining as a civilian instructor or as a uniformed member of staff. Civilian Instructor is a role ideally suited to someone who can contribute to the unit but does not wish to enroll as a fully uniformed member of staff. All we ask is that you give up some time each week and the occasional weekend throughout the year. Uniformed Staff are responsible for the training of cadets within the Corps. Specialised skills can be developed at Sea Cadet training centres throughout the country. You will initially be interviewed to join as a Civilian Instructor and will be required to go through an enhanced criminal records check. Once this has been done you will work towards becoming a Petty Officer (SCC). You will be required to attend a Sea Cadet Instructors Qualifying course at one of our National Training Centres, obtain a First Aid qualification as well as receive training and assessment in Instructional Methods. If interested, please contact Your nearest local unit is Bridge of Don Sea Cadets Gordon Barracks. Tel: 01224 705 870 Web: â—? Email:
What’s on in Bridge
of Don
AIR TRAINING CORPS The Air Training Corps is a military based youth organisation supported by the RAF our aims are: To promote and encourage among young men and women a practical interest in aviation and the Royal Air Force (RAF). To provide training which will be useful in both the services and civilian life. To foster a spirit of adventure and to develop the qualities of leadership and good citizenship. We are a small squadron just now and in the process of recruiting however In the last year our cadets have had the opportunity to go Flying on a few occasions, we have had cadets away at camp visiting RAF stations both in the UK and Overseas as well as taking part in a First Aid competition and joining with other squadrons from the Aberdeen are to take part in Armed Forces day parades and Remembrance day. We parade Mondays and Wednesdays between 19:15 -2130 on Pitmedden road beside the Scout hut and Football pitches If you have any questions feel free to email or alternatively my mobile is 07522699374 Kind Regards, Jordan Cooper - Flight Sergeant (ATC)
the aberdeen city youth council The Aberdeen City Youth Council is the official voice of young people in Aberdeen. It works with many bodies in the city to improve representation of young people. ACYC is involved with national bodies such as the Scottish Youth Parliament and the British Youth Council and works toward representing young people at all levels. It is made up of young people, aged between 14-25 years, from different areas and interest groups in Aberdeen. Youth Councillors are committed to involving and consulting young people and believe they should have a voice at local, citywide, national and international levels. To get information on how to become a Youth Councillor, make a difference, gain valuable experience and work to improve the lives of young people, contact: Youth Council online information:
What’s on in Bridge
of Don
the youth activites small grants fund The aim of the funding is to support children and young people to take part in activities that might not otherwise be available for them. The funding is governed by the Youth Council and Elected Members. The usual maximum grant available is ÂŁ1,500. Children and young people must be actively involved in making the application and in the project idea! For further information: Activity_Grants.asp Rhona Whyte Youth Activities Small Grants Fund Kaimhill Primary School, Community Wing, Pitmedden Terrace Aberdeen AB10 7RH Tel: 01224 498168 Email:
why not get some adventure in your life this year? Activity Programme for 5-14 yrs. olds You can now book the Adventure Aberdeen activities online at: The summer holiday programme is always very popular, therefore early booking is essential. Activities include: Mini Mountaineering, Canoeing, Surfing, Climbing, Mountain Biking, Muddy Monsters Activities, Learn to Bike, Coasteering and beach activities including Sand Sledging. Adventure Aberdeen Fairley Rd, Kingswells Aberdeen AB15 8PZ Tel: 01224 270990
What’s on in Bridge
of Don
active schools Active Schools is a national network of staff working across Scotland to provide more, higher quality opportunities for children and young people to participate in sport before, during and after school. The team work to increase the number of opportunities available to children by recruiting volunteers, and also work hard to build partnerships with clubs and other community organisations to create a “pathway” for pupils to continue their participation in sport once the leave school. Aberdeen City have a team of 11 coordinators working across all state school clusters in the city. There are two coordinators assigned to cover the Bridge of Don and Oldmachar associated school groups (ASG). If you would like to know more about the Active Schools Programme in your school (or local area), or would be interested in volunteering to help support some of our programmes (no experience required!), then please contact: Bridge of Don ASG: Katrina Pattullo Tel: 07825 228 140 Email: Oldmachar ASG: Mike Wallace Tel: 07825 228 177 Email:
sports centres & swimming pools Alex Collie Sports Centre
Bridge Of Don Swimming Pool
Cardens Knowe, Bridge of Don Aberdeen AB22 8PE
Braehead Way, Bridge Of Don Aberdeen AB22 8RR
Tel: 01224 826769 Email: alexcolliesportscentre@
Tel: 01224 701136 Fax: 01224 707433 Email: Bridgeofdonswimmingpool@
Activities we offer: • 5-a-side Football • Badminton • Basketball • Indoor Bowling • Fitness Studio • Gymnastics • Kindergym • Netball • Pre-School Gymnastics • Aerobics Classes • Short Mat Bowling • Indoor Cycling • Step Conditioning • Table Tennis • Health Walks • Crèche Opening Hours Mon, Tues & Wed Thu Fri Sat & Sun
9.00am - 10.00pm 9.00am - 9.30pm 9.00am - 9.30pm 9.00am - 5.00pm
Bridge of Don Swimming Pool is located on the Bridge of Don Academy School Campus. The pool is a friendly local swimming pool with a varied programme to suit all ages and abilities of swimmers. The Aquatics Aberdeen Programme also offers structured learn to swim classes for children and adults at Bridge of Don Swimming Pool. The programme follows the Bank of Scotland National Learn to Swim Syllabus supported by the National Governing Body for Swimming in Scotland. For further information on lessons contact 0845 6013611. Activities we offer • Aqua Aerobics • Swimming • Swimming Lessons • Adult Lane Swimming • Parent and Toddler Sessions • Disabled Sessions • Over 50’s Session
What’s on in Bridge
of Don
The Jesmond Centre Jesmond Drive, Bridge of Don Aberdeen AB22 8UR Tel: 01224 707090 Fax: 01224 820097 Email: Activities we offer: • 5-a-side Football • Badminton • Basketball • Fitness Studio • Football • Martial Arts • Netball • Active Table Tennis • Trampolining • Volleyball • Matwork Pilates • Metafit • Indoor Cycling • Health Walks • Trampolining Coaching The Jesmond centre is the newest of Sport Aberdeen leisure facilities. It opened its doors to the community in 2000. The Jesmond Centre’s comprehensive programme aims to cater for all age groups within the community with activities such as indoor football, martial arts, dance, gymnastics, trampolining and crèche available. Opening Hours Mon & Tue 9.00am - 10.00pm Wed 2.30 - 10.00pm Thu 9.00am - 10.00pm Fri 4.00 - 10.00pm Sat & Sun 9.00am - 5.00pm
What’s on in Bridge
of Don
active ageing ACTIVITIES FOR OLDER ADULTS “We don’t stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.” George Bernard Shaw Activity
Health Walk
Alex Collie Sports Centre
Monday & Thursday
10.30 - 11.30
Table Tennis
Jesmond Sport Centre
Monday & Thursday
2.00 - 3.30
Alex Collie Sports Centre
12.30 - 2.00
Stable & Able
Alex Collie Sports Centre
2.00 - 3.00
Bridge of Don Pool
3.00 - 4.00
FREE with Accord Card
*includes your tea or coffee after session. Health Walks These are short gentle walks of 0.5-2miles in length for those who can’t manage fast or far but still want to walk socially and enjoy the benefits of being active. Health walks are FREE, small cost for tea and coffee afterwards. Table Tennis Coached sessions that are suitable for all ability levels from the complete beginner to the improving players. Stable & Able Class Sitting and standing exercises that are great for maintaining or regaining your Strength and Balance. Pickleball Session Pickleball is a racquet sport that combines elements of badminton, tennis and table tennis. Brand new in Aberdeen!’ Active Ageing Swimming Enjoy a relaxing swim at this Active Ageing session. For more information contact Paula Tel: 01224 577738 • Email:
Move more aberdeen Free 12 week physical activity groups for people affected by cancer. • Walking • Gentle Movement • Circuits Macmillan Cancer Support calls physical activity a ‘wonder drug’ for people affected by cancer. Move More Aberdeen offers free access and support to people affected by cancer to get more active and feel better. It is an opportunity to do something positive in the company of people who know what you are going through. Activities are located throughout the City and will soon be coming to the Bridge of Don! Walking Stretch your legs on a short health walk. Walks last approx. 30-40min. [For people with a diagnosis of cancer, plus their carers/supporters.] Gentle Movement De-stress and refresh with some gentle movement (like tai chi). Classes last approx. 40min. [For people with a diagnosis of cancer, plus their carers/ supporters.] Circuits Friendly & fun circuits group, led by trained instructors to help you gradually and safely improve your fitness. [Closed group for people with a diagnosis of cancer] You don’t need to be referred by a health professional - health screening will be performed by the Move More Aberdeen team before you start any activity and if any concerns are raised you may be asked to see you GP before starting.
What’s on in Bridge
of Don
bridge of don
community centre association ART CLASS
10.00am – 12.00pm
7.30 – 8.30pm
HANDSS GROUP (Helping Additional Needs Develop Social Skills)
6.00 – 7.30pm
Tuesday and Friday 7.00 – 9.00pm
Tuesday Saturday
7.00 – 9.30pm 10.00am – 12.00pm
6.00 – 7.00pm
7.15 – 8.45pm
7.00 – 9.00pm
10.00 – 11.30am
1.30 – 3.00pm
First Thursday of the month
3.30 – 4.30pm
1st and Last Friday of the month
(Term Time) 8.00 – 9.00pm
UPCOMING: Computer Class, Conversational Language and other if required. Bridge of Don Community, Bridge of Don Academy, Braehead Way AB22 8RR For enquiries or booking please use the following contact details: Tel: 01224 701160 • Email Web:
Art Class Mondays 10am - 12noon, TERM TIME ONLY with Heather Silverwood A course for complete beginners and anyone who enjoys drawing and watercolour painting. Beginning with basics, the course teaches a wide range of skills and tricks of the trade. Included are basic drawing skills, together with a wide range of painting tips and tricks of the trade. Each week the teacher demonstrates a particular technique, after which students try it out themselves. The syllabus includes advice on art materials, laying a wash, graded washes, mixing colours, modelling form with tone, linear perspective, dry-brush, lifting-out, aerial perspective, broken colour, sponging, spattering, scraping, masking fluid, natural greens, trees, buildings, skies and clouds, sunsets, rain and snow effects, fur and feathers, reflections on water, mist etc. For enquiries or booking please use the following contact details: Tel: 01224 701160 • Email Web:
Student Comments from a recent class: “I really enjoy coming to class. It’s a relaxed atmosphere and everyone is very welcoming and friendly. I have learned so many new techniques through demonstrations. I find it both challenging and fun.”
“I have been surprised at how my work has turned out better than expected. I have never done art since I was 14 years old, but thoroughly enjoy the class which is friendly and non-competitive.”
“This class gives the participants the opportunity to discover their creativity - no matter how deep it is buried!”
“Come and join a friendly group of all ages. Enjoy learning new painting techniques and a chat at coffee time!”
What’s on in Bridge
of Don
PILATES Monday evenings 7.30 – 8.30pm with Sharon Our Pilates exercise class meet on a Monday evening 7.30 – 8.30pm. You must book your place in advance. For enquiries or booking please use the following contact details Tel: 01224 701160 • Email: Web:
The HANDSS Group (Helping Additional Needs Develop Social Skills) 5-15 year olds 6pm - 7.30pm at Bridge of Don Community Centre, Braehead Way The HANDSS Group is a club for children who receive support for learning, or have additional support needs, such as autism spectrum disorder and ADHD. We offer a variety of sports activities, games and arts and crafts each week. The parents stay at the group giving them the opportunity to join in with crafts and games and have a cuppa and chat with other parents. Safe & friendly environment! Siblings are welcome too! • Arts and crafts
• Mixed games hall activities
• Social skills
• Table Tennis
• Badminton
• Outings
• Meet other people and make new friends £2 per session per child, 1st session free. For enquiries or booking please use the following contact details: Tel: 01224 701160 • Email:
Short Mat Bowling Tuesday & Friday evenings 7.00 – 9.00pm The short mat bowling group is a long established group at the Bridge of Don Community Centre but we always welcome new members. Why not come along on a Tuesday or a Friday evening and give it a try (September to May). You can be a complete novice or have bowled for years, it makes no difference as we will make you very welcome and will teach you how to play. All you need is a flat pair of shoes. For enquiries or booking please use the following contact details: Tel: 01224 701160 • Email: Web:
Badminton Tuesday 7.30 – 9.30pm & Saturday 10.00am – 12.00pm (School term time) The Badminton group is a well-established and has been going for over 2 years. New members are always welcome so come along and give it a try. Note: Under 16’s must be accompanied by an adult For enquiries or booking please use the following contact details: Tel: 01224 701160 Email: Web:
What’s on in Bridge
of Don
Yoga Wednesday evening 6.00 – 7.00pm & 7.15 – 8.45pm Hatha Yoga with Sheila Our Yoga classes are on a Wednesday evening. The general class is from 6.00 – 7.00pm and the intermediate class is from 7.15 – 8.45pm, these classes are mixed. You must book your place in advance. For enquiries or booking please use the following contact details: Tel: 01224 701160 Email: Web:
Wednesday Girls Group (Aberdeen City Council) Age range: S1 which is 12-13 years. Purpose of the group; to build in confidence and learning together, working as a team and also to have fun! When? Wednesday night at 7pm – 9pm Feedback from young people at the end of last term was that the young people enjoy coming a lot and spending time with their friends and youth workers, they also have said they feel more confident for coming to the group. What is the Group up To Now? The group is currently at full capacity at 12 girls at the moment. Youth workers who are running this are Joanne Aiken and Jaki Fong. This term we are focusing on building their confidence and team work. We have undertaken activities such as baking, crafts, team building games in the hall and smoothie making (healthy living exercise). We will also be planning a Youth Groups Got Talent night where all the girls will have to perform or be the judges which will take 2 weeks to plan. Also we are going to be applying for funding to the Learning Partnership to go on a residential to Cromdale Outdoors Centre for the weekend. During this we will be attending Landmark for the day as well, which is very exciting and will require a lot of group planning. Thanks, Jo (Youth Worker) To join the waiting list email: or call: 01224 701160 Venue: Bridge of Don Learning Centre, Braehead Way, Bridge of Don, Aberdeen AB22 8RR For enquiries or booking please use the following contact details: Tel: 01224 701160 • Email: Web:
What’s on in Bridge
of Don
Knit & Natter Thursday morning 10.00 – 11.30am Knit and Natter is an informal group of ladies. They knit, crochet and cross stitch but there are no restrictions as the ladies bring along their current work. They meet in GP1. New members have commented that they are a “friendly bunch”. A “cuppa” tea or coffee is available. To join or give it a try, just come along on a Thursday morning. For enquiries or booking please use the following contact details: Tel: 01224 701160 • Email: Web:
Discussion Group Thursday afternoons 1.30 – 3.00pm The group meets on a Thursday afternoon during the school term. Women of all ages are welcome to come along to listen to the speakers and join in the discussions. There will be a cup of tea or coffee and homebakes. You may bring your preschool children with you although there is not a supervised crèche. For enquiries or booking please use the following contact details: Tel: 01224 701160 • Email: Web:
Book Club Thursday afternoons 3.30 – 4.30pm - first Thursday of the month The Book club started in September, 2014 but already there are 8 members with a maximum number of 10, so if you are a keen reader come along and see which book is the topic this month. For enquiries or booking please use the following contact details: Tel: 01224 701160 Email: Web:
YOUNG PEOPLE’S SUPERVISED SPORTS Friday 8.00 – 9.00pm P7-S4 First and last Friday of the month (Term Time) Come along and get sporty! This a joint venture between the Community Centre and the Boy’s Brigade from the local Church. We have provided the space and they have provided the Volunteers. For enquiries or booking please use the following contact details: Tel: 01224 701160 Email: Web:
What’s on in Bridge
of Don
the bod ramblers The BoD Ramblers started more than 20 years ago. The walk programmes are drafted on a three monthly basis with a short break over the Christmas/New Year period. We travel by public transport and meet at the appropriate bus stops. Some walks are local to the BoD in which cases we meet at the starting point. The walks tend to be 5 or 6 miles and of a medium level. The type of walk is described thus members can decide if the walk is suitable for them. Currently the group has 35 members. The group is a member of the Bon Accord Forum which is formed from walking groups across Aberdeen. It also participates in the Grampian 50 plus Network. Both provide events during the year and the Network produces a quarterly magazine, The AGEnda. If anyone wishes information or has an interest in a walking group please contact 01224 701160
danestone community centre Fairview Street, Danestone, Aberdeen, AB22 8ZP Tel: 01224 828333 Email: MONDAY 9.30 – 11.30am
Busy Bees Playgroup
Small Hall
10.30 – 11.15am
Pepela Petite
Large Hall
1.00 – 2.30pm
Mondays Little Monsters Baby Group
Small Hall
2.15 – 3.15pm
Step by Step Nursery – Private Gym Session
Large Hall
4.30 – 5.15pm
Tae-kwondo Tots Age 2/4
Large Hall
5.30 – 6.45pm
Granite City Tae-Kwondo Juniors with Lyndzie Jeffrey
Large Hall
7.00 – 8.00pm
Hot Yoga Beginners Slow Flow starting with Emma Ross
Small Hall
7.00 – 9.00pm
Granite City Tae-Kwondo Seniors with Lyndzie Jeffrey
Large Hall
8.00 – 9.00pm
Hot Yoga Beginners with Emma Ross
Small Hall
9.15 – 10.45am
Bonding with Baby with Laura Henderson
Small Hall
10.00 – 11.30am
Mucky Pups
Large Hall
1.30 – 2.15pm
Ian Wilson Soccer Coaching Pre-school – 4 years
Large Hall
1.30 – 3.30pm
Social Media Classes for over 65’s
Small Hall
4.00 – 5.00pm
Ian Wilson Soccer Coaching Age 5 years and over
Large Hall
5.00 – 6.00 pm
Ian Wilson Soccer Coaching Age 7/9 Years
Large Hall
6.30 – 7.30pm
Hot Yoga Beginners with Emma Ross
Small Hall
6.30 – 7.30pm
Body Combat with Fight Fit
Large Hall
7.30 - 8.00pm
Ab Blast with Fight Fit
Small Hall
7.30 – 9.30pm
Social Badminton
Large Hall
9.30 – 11.30am
Busy Bees Playgroup
Small Hall
10.00 –12.00pm
Ladies Social Badminton
Large Hall
1.30 – 2.15pm
Pepela Petite
Small Hall
2.00 – 4.00pm
Carpet Bowls
Large Hall
What’s on in Bridge
of Don
5.00 – 7.00pm
Dance Xplosion
Small Hall
6.00 – 7.30pm
Brownies (School Term Time Only)
Large Hall
7.00 – 8.00pm
Zumba with Siobhan
Small Hall
9.30 – 12.30am
Connecting Community Café - Digital
Small Ha
9.30 – 10.15am
Zumba Gold starting soon
Small Hall
1.00 – 2.30pm
Thursdays Little Tigers Baby Group
Small Hall
1.30 – 2.15pm
Ian Wilson - Pre-school Soccer Coaching
Large Hall
5.00 – 6.00pm
Granite City Tae-Kwondo Juniors with Lyndzie Jeffrey
Large Hall
6.00 – 7.00pm
Body Combat with Fight Fit
Small Hall
6.30 – 8.05pm
Granite City Tae-Kwondo Seniors with Lyndzie Jeffrey
Large Hall
7.30 – 9.00pm
Local History Group
(September – April)
8.05 – 10.00pm
Carpet Bowls
Large Hall
9.15 – 10.00am
Buggy Walks Starting soon
9.30 – 11.30am
Busy Bees Playgroup
Small Hall
1.00 – 3.00pm
Bouncy Castle Open Session
Large Hall
3.30 - 4.30pm
Chair Based Exercise Classes soon to be starting
Small Hall
3.45 – 4.30pm
Hip Hop Street Dancing Age 5-7
Small Hall
5.30 – 7.30pm
Weight Watchers
Small Hall
6.15 – 7.00pm
Anchor Boys (School Term Time Only)
Large Hall
7.00 – 10.00pm
Boys Brigade (School Term Time Only
Large Hall
Zumba with Siobhan with Ali Livingstone and Siobhan Boyne
Small Hall
Caf4e Church Service Gerry Bowyer 1ST AND 3RD Sunday of every month
Small Hall
SATURDAY 9.45 – 10.30
SUNDAY 9.30 – 1.00pm
Interested in any of the classes in our programme please email:
balgownie community centre Susan Masson Scotstown Road Bridge of Don Aberdeen AB23 8HX Tel: 01224 704823 Email: Times (opening, meeting, training, etc.) Mon – Fri opens 9am Random times at weekend. Hall, stage, kitchen and committee room. Hall can be used for most social gatherings, public and private. Dance school, WRI, OAPS, indoor bowling, Carer & Toddler group and gardening club. Dance Clubs – Monday afternoon, Tuesday afternoon, Friday evening, and occasionally Saturday evenings. 50+ Group – every other Wednesday.
What’s on in Bridge
of Don
oldmachar community Playgroup Oldmachar Community PlayGroup Oldmachar Community Hall Jesmond Drive Bridge of Don Aberdeen AB22 8UR Main Contact Sheilah Harley Tel: 01224 706690 Email: Web: Times (opening, meeting, training, etc.) Morning Sessions Afternoon Sessions
8.40 - 11.50am 12.30 - 2.45pm
daily during term time. daily during term time.
Funded places may be available for children over 3 years. Further Information Aims: Childcare and Education of children aged 2.5 - 5 years
little bods within middleton park community centre White stripes Street, Bridge Of Don, Aberdeen AB22 8WD Tel: 01224 705439 Little Bods within Middleton Park Community Centre provides a range of groups and activities to support children’s development in their early years and gives them the opportunity to build social skills through interaction with other children. Little Bods SESSION OPENING HOURS CONTACT Play Group Monday - 9.30 to 11.30 01224 705439 Tuesday - 1300 to 1500 Wednesday - 9.30 to 11.30 Thursday - 1300 to 1500 Friday - 9.30 to 11.30 Messy Play Monday - 1300 to 1500 01224 705439 Wednesday - 1300 to 1500 Thursday - 9.30 to 11.30 Baby Group Tuesday - 9.30 to 11.30 01224 705439 Cost = Play group - £7.70, Messy play - £2.20 and Baby group - £2.20 per session. All are half price for Access to leisure Holders. Alex Collie and Jesmond Sports Centres Crèches provide a range of activities to support children’s development. Children can stay, play and learn for up to 3 hours giving you the chance to visit the gym, attend classes, go shopping or go home and relax Alex Collie Crèche OPENING HOURS CONTACT Monday - 9.30am to 2.15pm 01224 826769 Friday - 9.15am to 11.30am Cost = £3.85 per hour - £1.90 for Sports users - £1.90 for Access to leisure
SETTING Alex Collie Crèche
Jesmond Crèche SETTING OPENING HOURS CONTACT Jesmond Crèche Tuesday - 9.30am to 12.30pm 01224 707090 Cost = £3.85 per hour - £1.90 for Sports users - £1.90 for Access to leisure For further information please contact Dawn Trykowski, Childcare Development Officer, Aberdeen Childcare Services on 07557191763 or
What’s on in Bridge
of Don
lifelong learning adults Do you want to improve your Number Skills or your English? Struggling with reading and/or writing? Would you like to be able to use a computer? To register your interest or for more information on the opportunities available contact: Lifelong Learning Telephone: 01224 346446
Bridge of Balgownie Rotary club The Rotary Club meets on a Thursday evening in the Mains of Scotstown, we are people of all sexes, religions (or none) and ethnicity with one aim, to help others. Be those others in our local community or the world. Our meetings are open to anyone who wishes to do as much or as little as their own time can give. We help arrange and facilitate local events and set up charity events, all the while having fun doing it. If you are interested check our website for our next meeting:
St Columba’s Roman Catholic Church Father Keith Herrera Braehead Way Tel: 01224 621581 Youth Groups – Maureen Cromar Tel: 01224 821387 Bridge of Don Baptist Church Rev Jarrod Meenan Admin: Fiona Morgan Dubford Road Under 5s – Thurs Mornings Youth Group – Friday evenings Over 50s Group Tel: 01224 826256 Church of Latter Day Saints Bishop Raymond Davies Fairview Street Tel: 01224 703518
Danestone Congregational Church Rev. Anne Robertson Tel: 01224 702309 Oasis Fellowship Neil and Fay Smith Whitestripes Road Tel: 01224 822486 Oldmachar Church of Scotland Rev David Stewart Ashwood Park Tel: 01224 709299
What’s on in Bridge
of Don
st columa’s church of scotland St. Columba’s is a friendly and welcoming church, we love Jesus and are doing our best to serve him and our community. Everyone is warmly invited to come along to our Sunday services where you’ll enjoy Bible teaching and lively music. Our services are at 10am and 6pm. The 10am service has a full youth and children’s programme, including a crèche. Please do get in touch if you would like help with ceremonies, such as weddings or funerals, or would just appreciate someone to talk to. We’d be delighted to hear from you. Our activities include: Sundays 10am: Rise and Shine Club (children age 3 to Primary 6) Sundays 10am: Bible Class (P7-S3) Sundays 7.30pm: Youth Fellowship (S3+) First Sunday of the month, 2.30-4pm: Messy Church An afternoon of messy fun, lots of activities and crafts followed by a story, singing and yummy snack. For children under five and their families. First Sunday of the month, 2.30-4pm: Adventurers If you’re in P5-7 come and join us for outdoor fun
Mondays, 6.30pm-8pm: Carpet Bowling. Beginners will be given a helping hand and there is a supply of bowls available if you don’t have your own. Wednesdays: Under Fives Play, craft and songs for children under five. Snack for the wee ones and a cuppa for their parents/carers. Every second Thursday at 2pm: Friendship Group A group for senior ladies and gentlemen. There are a variety of speakers and entertainers with something to interest everyone. Every second Thursday, 7.30pm: Thursday group Just for ladies - outings and speakers on a wide range of topics. Check our website and Facebook pages for special events and any changes to our activities. Minister: Rev. Louis Kinsey Youth Worker: Stef Fowler Children’s Worker: Sue Thomson Administrator: Hazel Drummond Braehead Way, Bridge of Don, AB22 8RR Tel: 01224 825653 Web:
aberdeen council of voluntary organisations Be a star! Volunteer! Be amazed at what you can do! Please visit: For more information about volunteering and how to get involved in Bridge of Don and across Aberdeen please search through the latest volunteering opportunities at: In addition young people, aged 12-25 years, can also gain certificates (Saltire Awards) endorsed by the Scottish Government for undertaking volunteering. For more information regarding this please visit: or contact Youth Development Worker: Tel: 01224 686053 Email: Listen to the ‘So Why Don’t You…’ Volunteer Show on SHMU-FM every Wednesday 2.00-3.00pm -99.8FM- for latest volunteering, third sector and community news. If you are an organisation interested in involving volunteers in your work/activities please contact ACVO regarding how we can help. Tel: 01224 686076 • Email:
What’s on in Bridge
of Don
bridge of don library We lend books, including large print and audio books, CDs, DVDs and language courses. We provide free computer, internet and Wi-Fi access. We also provide free access to online resources including: eBooks, eMagazines, newspapers, family history, reference and language learning. We have photocopying facilities. There are fortnightly Bookbug Sessions, Thursdays at 10.30 am, for babies, toddlers and their families. There is also a monthly Book Group meeting, first Wednesday of every month at 5.45pm Contact: Bridge of Don Library, Scotstown Road, Bridge of Don, Aberdeen AB22 8HH Tel: 01224 702800 Email: Web: Twitter: @silvercitylibs Facebook: Aberdeen City Libraries
bridge of don community council What is the Community Council? Bridge of Don Community Council serves the Bridge of Don and Danestone areas of Aberdeen. The Community Council is there to represent the interests of residents to the local authority and other appropriate bodies. It must also be consulted on planning and licensing issues. Each Community Council receives a grant from the local authority (Aberdeen City Council) – the amount given depends on the number of residents in the area represented (based on the Electoral Roll). As the most local tier of elected representation, Community Councils play an important role in local democracy. They act as a voice for their local area. They must ascertain and express the views of the community to local authorities and other public bodies, and to take action which appears to be in the interests of its community. They can complement the role of the local authority but are not part of local government. They should have a positive working partnership with the local authority – therefore they must be informed on the council’s policies, and keep the council updated on their activities.
How to get involved? Find us on Facebook at Secretary Isobyl McLeod Chair Sheila Young
01224 703230 / 07843 794745
01224 706 772
Meetings All welcome and we meet in the library at Scotstown Primary School. Just ask at reception and you will be shown through to the library. Scotstown Primary School Scotstown Road, Bridge of Don Aberdeen AB22 8HH
What’s on in Bridge
of Don
Community Council Monthly Meeting 7:30pm - 3rd Tuesday of the month (except during school holidays) 2015 - 18th August - 15th September - 27th October - 17th November - 15th December 2016 - 19th January - 16th February - 15th March - 19th April - 17th May - 21st June We also have various subgroups for planning, communication, road and community safety issues, as well as environmental issues. Meetings for these are held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month, also in the library at Scotstown Primary School.
Community Council Sub Groups 7:30pm - 2nd Wednesday of the month 7.30 (except during school holidays) 2015 - 10th June - 19th August - 9th September - 7th October - 11th November - 9th December 2016 - 13th January - 10th February - 9th March - 20th April - 11th May - 8th June
Community Council Elections 2015 Community Councils are statutory bodies, set up by an Act of Parliament. Their term of office is 3 years, with the next elections due to take place in October 2015. To become a member you must be on the Electoral Roll for the area and be 18 or over. There is also provision to have 2 Associate Members aged 16-18. In the Bridge of Don Community Council the maximum is 20 members and at present we have 16. All our members are volunteers with only out of pocket expenses paid. Notice of the next Election will be posted on 2nd September 2015, after which nomination forms will be available from: a)
The Election Unit, 1st Floor, Town House, Broad Street, Aberdeen AB10 1FY (Tel: 01224 523501)
The Main Reception desks at the Town House and Marischal College.
The Central Library, Rosemount Viaduct and all branch libraries.
d) and under Community Council – Current Elections in the A to Z index.
Closure of nomination forms will be 1st October 2015, by which date all forms must have been submitted. Notice of Poll or Uncontested Election will be 12th October, at which time any CC with more nominations than total members will be advised of the fact that an election will have to take place. Those CCs with fewer nominations than member but sufficient nominations to form a valid Council will be informed that they have been duly elected. Where the nominations fail to cover half the total number of members then a Notice of Failure to establish will be issued and no further attempt to set up that CC will be permitted for 3 months. Elections, where necessary, will take place on 29th October 2015. Further information can be requested from: Karen Rennie Community Council Liaison Officer Aberdeen City Council Corporate Governance Town House, Broad Street Aberdeen AB10 1AQ Tel: 01224 522723 Email:
What’s on in Bridge
of Don
why am i involved in the community council Stella Adam
“I joined to be able to learn more about the area and to try to be involved in community decisions.” Dorothy Pearce
“I joined the Bridge of Don Community Council to help in getting things done in the community. It is always good to be part of a team and other people trying to do the same as me.” Sue Thomson 38, Children’s Worker, St Columba’s Church of Scotland “My name is Sue Thomson and I’ve lived in Bridge of Don, with my husband and now 4 kids, for the past 15 years. It’s home and we love living here. I joined the Community Council because firstly I’m passionate about watching and encouraging communities develop. I’ve been involved in community projects with the Buckie Road Park group, the schools and the churches. It’s so great to see people getting to know their neighbours, working on a project together and having lots of fun as they’re doing it. I would love to help create more opportunities for our community here in Bridge of Don and Danestone to develop. Secondly it’s taken me years to discover all the wonderful “hidden” bits of Bridge of Don and Danestone. The pathways, nature spots and green spaces. I want to help others discover them too. And lastly, I want to have a voice in the future of Bridge of Don, the developments and proposals that will affect us all.” Fran Small
“I joined the Community Council in 2002, just after moving to the Bridge of Don. My reason being that I wanted to become involved with the local community. I would like to see more community spirit within the Bridge of Don.”
Joel Evans 29, Structural Engineer “After moving to the Bridge of Don with my wife in 2013, I joined the Community Council in early 2015 because I wanted to get involved with and contribute to the local community. I care a lot about how we are as modern society in so I joined the Community Council to see what help I could be in the Bridge of Don in getting people together to make things better.” Margaret Main
“I joined after moving to the area in order to learn more about the area and the issues faced. It was also obvious there was very little representation from the Danestone area and I felt that should be addressed.” Mark Duffy
“I finally joined after attending a couple of meetings. I started attending because of the new development in Dubford. We were able to work with the developers to alleviate some of the fears of the local community. I then thought it selfish to use the community council for my own benefit when other areas of Bridge of Don would be facing similar problems in the very near future. We always want people to defend us when we need it, but sometimes we need to be the defenders.” Chris Cromar 22, University Student “I joined the community council to represent views of young people in Bridge of Don, as well as to make Bridge of Don a better place to live, work and visit for all. As a member of the community council, I came up with the idea of getting a ‘Bridge of Don’ sign put up at the bridge at Donmouth. I hope that Bridge of Don continues to be a great place to stay and I would like to see better infrastructure, more amenities and more pride in the area.” Mandy Wilson 40, School Librarian “I joined the community council to become more involved in my local community. I have enjoyed the rewards of starting the Buckie Road Park Group and seeing the community come together. I want to be involved in community activities on a wider scale.”
What’s on in Bridge
of Don
your elected representatives Local Councillors for Bridge of Don: Muriel Jaffrey (Scottish Nationalist): Sandy Stuart (Scottish Nationalist): John Reynolds (Independent): Willie Young (Labour): Local Councillors for Dyce, Bucksburn and Danestone : Barney Crockett (Labour): Graeme Lawrence (Labour): Neil Macgregor (Scottish Nationalist): Gill Samarai (Scottish Nationalist): MSPs for North East Scotland: Mark McDonald (Aberdeen Donside): Regional: Richard Baker: Lewis Macdonald: Alison McInnis: Nanette Milne: Christian Allard: Jenny Marra: Alex Johnstone: MPs: Alex Salmond Parliamentary contact House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA Tel: 020 7219 6335 Email: Kirsty Blackman MP Parliamentary contact House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA Tel: 020 7219 8791 Email:
health contacts 1. Healthpoint
4. Local Pharmacies
NHS Grampian Healthpoint is your one stop health information point, offering free confidential information, advice and access to reputable services.
Tesco Pharmacy The Parkway, Bridge of Don, Aberdeen AB22 8HB
Call the free Healthline on 0500 20 20 30 Text the word INFO to 82727 Email:
Opening Hours Mon-Sat: 09:00-21:00 Sun: 10:00-18:00
or visit Healthpoint at: Aberdeen Community Health and Care Village 50 Frederick Street Aberdeen AB24 5HY
Asda Pharmacy Jesmond Drive, Middleton Park, Bridge of Don, Aberdeen AB22 8WQ
2. Know who to turn to This website will help you to get the right medical assistance when you’re ill, injured or have a long term condition. A handy booklet is available at your local GP Surgery, Pharmacy or hospital or you can download a booklet from this link:
3. NHS 24 – Health Information and Self Care Advice for Scotland provides comprehensive up-to-date health information and self care advice for people in Scotland. For more info visit or call the free number on 111.
Tel: 01224 809549
Tel: 01224 227110
Opening Hours Mon-Fri: 9.00am – 9.00pm Sat: 9.00am – 8.00pm Sun: 9.00am – 6.00pm Braehead Pharmacy Braehead Way Shopping Centre, Bridge of Don, Aberdeen AB22 8RR Tel: 01224 702170
Opening Hours Mon-Fri: 9.00am – 6.00pm Sat: 9.00am – 1.00pm Sun: Closed Your Local Boots Pharmacy 27 Scotstown Road, Bridge of Don, Aberdeen AB22 8HH Tel: 01224 705440
Opening Hours Mon-Thu: 8.30am – 6.15pm Fri: 8.30 – 5.30pm Sat: 8.30am – 5.00pm Sun: Closed
What’s on in Bridge
5. Dental Information and Advice Line (DIAL) Advice for patients requiring emergency dental care. Patients who are registered with a dentist should contact their own dental practice for advice. Outside normal working hours your dentist should provide an on-call service which may include advising you to contact NHS 24 for advice. Over Christmas and New Year you should contact your own dentist before calling NHS 24, to check the arrangements which have been made for you. If you are not registered with a dentist in the Grampian area, please contact the following services for advice. Dental Information and Advice Line (DIAL) 0845 45 65 990 Monday – Friday excluding public holidays 08.05am – 5.45pm
of Don
7. Emergency Contacts Police/Ambulance/Fire: 999
8. Danestone Buggy Walks Gentle 30-45 minutes group walk lead by volunteer walk leaders where mums and babies can come along to participate and enjoy tea/coffee afterwards. Fridays at 9.15am from 16th of May. To sign up please contact: Danestone Community Centre at or call 01224 828333
9. Health walks Alex Collie Sport Centre, Bridge of Don – Mondays 10.30am Jesmond Sports Centre, Bridge of Don – Thursdays 10.30am
Weekdays: 6.00pm – 8.00am Weekends: 6.00pm Friday – 8.00am Monday Public Holidays: 24 hours
6. Grampian Smoking Advice Service If you are thinking about quitting you don’t have to do it alone. NHS Grampian Smoking Advice Service (SAS) is here to help you to become smoke free. For help to stop smoking please call the NHS Grampian Smoking Advice Service on freephone 0500 600 332
helplines Childline Worried about a child? Call 0808 800 5000
The Silver Line Helpline for Older People Need help? Call us ANYTIME (24 hours) on: 0800 4 70 80 90
YoungMinds Information on child and adolescent mental health. Services for parents and professionals. Tel: Parents’ helpline 0808 802 5544 (Mon-Fri, 9.30am-4pm) Web:
Bereavement Cruse Bereavement Care Tel: 0844 477 9400 (Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm) Web:
Parenting Family Lives Tel: 0808 800 2222 (daily, 7am-midnight) Web:
Relationships Relate Tel: 0300 100 1234 (for information on their services) Web:
What’s on in Bridge
of Don
Panic and anxiety No Panic Voluntary charity offering support for sufferers of panic attacks and OCD. Offers a course to help overcome your phobia/OCD. Includes a helpline. Tel: 0844 967 4848 (daily, 10am-10pm) Web:
Learning disabilities Mencap Charity working with people with a learning disability, their families and carers. Tel: 0808 808 1111 (for information on their services) Web:
Eating disorders Beat Tel: 0845 634 1414 (Mon-Thurs, 1.30pm-4.30pm) Web:
Refuge Advice on dealing with domestic violence. Tel: 0808 2000 247 (24-hour helpline) Web:
LGBT Helpline Scotland LGBT Helpline Scotland provide information and emotional support to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people and their families, friends and supporters across Scotland. We are also here to support those questioning or wanting to discuss their sexuality or gender identity. Tel: 0300 123 2523 Web:
emergency contacts POLICE/AMBULANCE/FIRE: 999 Local Police – non emergency: 101 Deaf, deafened, hard of hearing or speech-impaired callers can access the service via Text Relay on 1 800 1 101 Your Local Police Station: Danestone Police Office Fairview Street Aberdeen AB22 8ZP Email: Follow us on Twitter @AberdeenPolice Website for the Bridge of Don Community Policing Team: GP SURGERIES Scotstown Medical Group Cairnfold Road, Bridge of Don Aberdeen AB22 8LD Tel: 01224 702149 Fax: 01224 706688 Email: Danestone Medical Practice Fairview Street,Danestone Aberdeen AB22 8ZP Tel: 01224 822866 Fax: 01224 849699 Email: Jesmond Surgery Jesmond Drive, Bridge of Don Aberdeen AB22 8UR Tel: 08453370510 Fax: 01224 846600 Email:
What’s on in Bridge
of Don
FEEDBACK The Women’s Discussion Group were asked for some feedback on the previous What’s On booklet to help evaluate the need for further editions. The following quotes came out of the discussion: “I like the current format. It is easy to find what is available but needs updated...” “Events in the Bridge of Don are predominantly supported by older people who like to have printed information.” “I have never seen a booklet e.g. in Library, in doctor’s surgeries, Asda etc. It would be good to have them delivered door to door.” “I have a copy at home as I got it at the discussion group. I still refer to it.” “I find it easier to refer to the booklet than to go online.” “I like the fact that there is no advertising in the booklet. It is easy to find ‘What’s on in the Bridge of Don’.” “An expanded edition may put people off reading it if it has too much information.” “More people go online to access information nowadays.”
01224 523542